HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC AG PKT 2002-09-23 #W •
DATE: September 23, 2002
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
THRU: John B. Bahorski, City Manager
FROM: Doug Dancs, P.E., Director, Department of Public Works
Authorize the Mayor to sign the certification of the submittal of the Sewer System
Management Plan Schedule to the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
In March 2002, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), Santa Ana
Region, issued Tentative Order No. R8- 2002 -0014, General Waste Discharge
Requirements (WDR) for all Sewage Collection Agencies in Orange County within the
Santa Ana Region. This order places requirements on all wastewater agencies in an
attempt to stem the rising trend of beach closures and impacts of ocean water quality that
sewage spills and leaks can cause. These are called Sanitary Sewer System Overflows
(SSO). If these discharges of sewage from any sewage spill or SSO are not fully
contained and cleaned up, and there is a discharge of sewage to surface waters of the
State, or the SSO causes a nuisance, it is a violation of this order, Sections 13260 and
13376 of the California Water Code, and Section 301 of the Clean Water Act. RWQCB
can impose penalties for failure to follow the requirements of this order.
A requirement of this order is that all agencies develop and submit a Sewer System
Management Plan (SSMP) schedule to the RWQCB by September 30, 2002 that
addresses all the requirements of the order. Attached is the schedule prepared in a
cooperative effort with our engineering consultant, AKM, and Public Works staff. The
City has three years from the submittal of this schedule to complete the final SSMP.
This plan affects every operational aspect of the City's sewer system including the City's
legal authority to regulate and enforce, all maintenance and engineering activities related
to sewer and wastewater including monitoring and measurement, overflow emergency
response, system evaluation, capacity evaluation, fat and grease control for private
businesses, and regular program audits. q ��
Agenda Item IV
Z \PWD Common\DPW 042 Council Reports and Rezo\2002 -09 -23 Council Meeting \CM 013 Sewer SSMP 9 23 02 DOC\LW\07 -18 -02
City Council Staff Report
September 23, 2002
This plan will require Council action and funding to implement and the WDR's require
that any submittal to the RWQB be accompanied by a certification statement of a ranking
elected official or principal executive officer. It is recommended that the Council
authorize the Mayor to execute the certification.
Since any SSO will violate the term of this order, failure to properly manage and operate
the system can result in severe civil monetary fines based upon the severity of the
violation. The Council adopted FY02/03- FY06/07 Capital Improvement Program
identified over $8.6 million dollars in recommend improvements needed in the Sewer
System and these are being programmed over a seven -year period. These were originally
identified in the Council adopted 1999 Sewer System Master Plan. Operational costs and
resources are being determined as the WDR's are interpreted and labor is being assigned
to address immediate needs.
Staff recommends that authorize the Mayor to sign the certification of the submittal of the
Sewer System Management Plan to the California Regional Quality Water Board.
A II t
Douglas A. V, cs, P.E., Dir Jo . Bahorski
Department of Public Works q anager
2 Agenda Item
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September 23, 2002
- Mr. Gerard Thibeault, Executive Director
California Regional Water Quality Control Board
Santa Ana Region
3737 Main Street, Suite 500
Riverside, California 92501 -3339
RE: Submittal of Sewer System Management Plan - Schedule
Dear Mr. Thibeault,
Attached is the Sewer System Management Plan Schedule for the City of Seal Beach.
"! certify under penalty oflaw that this document and all attachments were prepared under
my direct supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for
gathering the information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that'there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment."
Our agency shares your concern regarding the beach closures that have occurred along the
Orange County coastline. Our agency will work to ensure that the City's sewer system is properly
funded and managed to prevent the occurrence of sewer system overflows. It is important that our
beaches be protected.
...liriA) \I
John Larson
Mayor, City of Seal Beach
Cc: City Council
Ken Thiesen, CRWQB
John Bahorski, City Manager
Douglas Dancs, P.E., Director of Public Works
Jeff Watson, Maintenance Services Manager
ORDER NO. R8- 2002 -0014
SSMP Element Description Completion Anticipated Status
Date Completion Date
(i) Goals The main goal of the SSMP is to Sept. 30, 2004 Sept. 30, 2002 City of Seal Beach acknowledges the
prevent SSOs and to provide a plan goal established by the Order. As an
and schedule for measures to be agency that experiences the health,
implemented to prevent SSOs. environmental, and economic damages
resulting from the SSOs, Seal Beach will
utilize the plan to prevent SSO's and
properly maintain its collection system
(ii) Organization SSMP must identify
(A) Adminisrative and maintenance Sept. 30, 2005 Jan. 1, 2003 Initial organizational chart will be
positions responsible for submitted with the Overflow Emergency
implementing measures in the Response Plan. It will be finalized with
SSMP program, including lines of the final submittal of the SSMP.
authority by organizational chart or
similar document
(B) Chain of communication for Jan 1, 2003 Jan 1, 2003 This task will be completed as part of the
reporting SSOs from receipt of a Overflow Emergency Response Plan
complaint or other information,
including the person responsible for
reporting the SSOs to the:
Regional Water Quality Control Board
Orange County Health Care Agency
State Office of Emergency Services
(Req'd for spills greater than 1,000
(iii) Legal Authority SSMP shall include legal authority, July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The City is revising all its City Codes
through sewer use ordinances, including its utility ordinances and will
service agreements or other legally have a revised sewer use ordinance in
binding procedures, to: place that addresses the five items
(A) Control infiltration and connections July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The Ordinance will include control of
from inflow sources, including inflow sources such as yard /roof drains,
satellite systems and discharge of pool water into the
sewer system during peak sewage flow
(B) Require that sewers and July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The Ordinance will refer to the City's
connections be properly designed standards for design and construction of
and constructed new sewers and pump stations, as well
as repair and rehabilitation of existing
(C) Ensure proper installation, testing July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The City will update its sewer system
and inspection of new and construction, inspection and testing
rehabilitated sewers (sewers and standards by July 30, 2004.
(D) Limit fats and greases and other July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The Ordinance will include prohibitions
debris that may cause blockages in _ on discharge of fats, oils and greases
the sewage collection system into the collection system
Page 1 of 9
(E) Implement the general and specific July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The ordinance will include the
prohibitions of the national prohibitions of the national pretreatment
pretreatment program under 10 program under 40 CFR 403 5
CFR 403.5.
(iv) Measures and September 30, 2005
Activities In order to provide an adequate and
appropriate SSO reduction plan, the
SSMP must address the elements
listed below that are appropriate
and applicable to the discharger's
system and identify the person or
position in the organization
responsible for each element
(A) Provide adequate operation and Jane 7 20J3 June `o, 2003 City of Seal Beach will initially identify
maintenance of facilities and the staff, contract workforce, equipment,
equipment and tools needs as part of its Overflow
Emergency Response Plan. It will be
updated based upon the annual reviews
of the plan, and completed as part of the
final SSMP. The City has recently
• signed agreements for On-
Call /Emergency Service Contracts to
augment City forces for maintenance of
its pump stations.
(B) Maintain an up -to -date map of the This task is 90% complete and is
collection system showing all expected to be finished by the deadline.
gravity line segments and The City utilizes a online interactive
manholes, pumping facilities Geographic Information System to
pressure pipes and valves, and identify its assets via web access. The
stormwater conveyance facilities City will provide access to the RQWB for
monitoring. It also can be accessed in
case of emergency off site via web
ascess by police, fire, and engineering
personnel. The data is stored off-site
and valuable information will not be lost
in case of catostrophic emergency. It
will be updated as facilities are added or
replaced /rehabilitated
Page 2 of 9
(C) Maintain relevant information to The City of Seal Beach has had one spill
establish and prioritize appropriate from its system during the past 12
SSMP activities (such as the months. Relevant information will be
immediate elimination of dry maintained in the GIS, and in an
weather overflows or overflows into appropriate database /maintenance
sensitive waters, such as public program.
drinking water supplies and their
source waters, swimming beaches
and waters where swimming
occurs, shellfish beds, designated
Outstanding National Resource
Waters or Areas of Special
Biological Significance , National
Marine sanctuaries, waters within
Federal, State, or local parks, and
water containing threatened or
endangered species or their
habitat), and identify and illustrate
trends in overflows , such as
frequency and volume
(D) Routine preventive operation and June 15, 2003 June 15, 2003 Seal Beach will update its hot spot
maintenance activities by staff and cleaning and regular system cleaning
contractors; including a system for program with information from capacity
scheduling regular maintenance evaluation and CCTV inspection of the
and cleaning of the collection system. Pump station maintenance will
system with more frequent cleaning be contracted out to a qualified
and maintenance targeted at known contractor with certified staff to
problem areas. The Preventative supplement in -house maintenance. The
Maintenance (PM) program should preventative maintenence information
have a system of tracking work will be maintained in an asset
orders and assessing the success management program, which will be
of the PM program used in tracking the success of the PM
program. Procedures and maintenance
activities will be updated based upon this
(E) Establish a program to assess the The system capacity was assessed
current capacity of the collection during the preparation of the City's 1999
system owned by the discharger or Master Plan. The capacity will be re-
where the discharger has assessed for changed conditions,
operational control;includmg including the introduction of urban runoff
diversions of urban runoff to the during dry weather periods.
sewer system during dry weather
periods and control of infiltration
and intrusion during both wet
weather events and dry weather
Page 3 of 9
(F) Identify and prioritize structural The City of Seal Beach has CCTV
deficiencies and implement short- inspected approximately 60 percent of its
term and long -term rehabilitation system in 2002. This data is currently
actions to address each deficiency . being revied and entered into the
This shall include a rehabilitation database and the sewer GIS. The
plan including schedules for the replacement/rehabilitation program,
entire system . As with the PM which was primarily based upon facility
program, sewer rehabilitation and age in the Master Plan, will be updated
replacement is crucial for the based upon the CCTV inspection results.
prevention of spills. Among the The funding needs will be updated.
provisions that should be specified CCTV inspection will be completed by
in this section is the need to direct 2004. The City of Seal Beach will then
rehabilitation and replacement at establish a regular CCTV program which
sewer pipes which are at risk of will first focus on the hot spots, and
collapse or prone to more frequent complete system inspection on a 5 year
blockages due to pipe defects. The cycle. City's financial plan for the sewer
program should also include regular system will be updated based upon the
visual and TV inspection of sewer updated needs of the system.
pipes and a system for assessing
and ranking the condition of sewer
pipes. Finally, the rehabilitation and
replacement plan should include a
financial plan that properly
manages and protects the
infrastructure assets
(G) Provide training on a regular basis The City of Seal Beach will initiate
for staff in collection system training of its sewer system maintenance
operations, maintenance, and crew through the WEF's certification
monitoring, and determine if program. Staff will participate in
contractors' staffs are appropriately continuing education and professional
trained development through local training
• programs /seminars.
Proper training and certification at
appropriate levels will be required of the
contractors' staff.
(H) Provide equipment and This item will initially be addressed with
replacement parts inventones, the OERP, and updated annually to
including identification of critical reflect the current and anticipated
replacement parts. system needs.
(I) Establish an implementation plan The City of Seal Beach has initiated this
and schedule for a public education plan with the inclusion of information on
outreach program that promotes its web site.
proper disposal of grease and fats. The plan will be developed for
dissemination of the information to as
much of the public as possible,
concentrating on restaurants and
This task will be coordinated with the
efforts of the Orange County Grand Jury
and OCSD. The plan will be updated
based upon its measured effectiveness
determined through subsequent CCTV
inspections and hot spot cleaning effort.
Page 4 of 9
(J) In accordance with the County of This work is in progress, and will be
Orange's Drainage Area addressed in the EORP on January
Management Plan, establish a plan 2003.
for responding to SSOs from private
property that discharge to public
right of ways and storm drains, to
prevent discharges from SSOs to
surface waters and storm drains.
(K) Develop a plan and a schedule for This work is in progress, and will be
providing an analysis of alternative coordinated with the efforts of the
methods of disposal for grease and Orange County Grand Jury and OCSD
fats, and an implementation plan
and a schedule for providing
adequate disposal capacity for
grease and fats generated within
the sewer system service area.
This plan shall include an
evaluation of
the feasibility of using sludge
digesters at the OCSD treatment
plant for grease disposal and
treatment, recycling, rendering, and
other disposal alternatives.
(v) Design and
Performance Provisions
(A) Develop design and construction The City of Seal Beach has adopted
standards and specifications for the design and construction standards and
installation of new sewer systems, specifications for the installation of new
pump stations and other sewers, and rehabilitation of existing
appurtenances; and for sewer systems.
rehabilitation and repair of existing The City has adopted standards for the
sewer systems design and construction of pump
stations. The design and inspection
work are outsourced to consultants with
expertise in this field.
(B) Develop procedures and standards The City of Seal Beach has adopted
for inspecting and testing the procedures and standards for inspecting
installation of new sewers, pumps, and testing the installation of new
and other appurtenances and for sewers, pump stations, and rehabilitation
rehabilitation and repair projects. of existing sewer systems. These
procedures and standards will be
included in the final SSMP.
(vi) Monitoring,
Measurement, and
Program Modifications
(A) Monitor the implementation and, This will be undertaken as part of the
where appropriate, measure the annual updates of the SSMP.
effectiveness of each element of
the SSMP
(B) Update program elements, as Program elements will be updated as
appropriate, based on monitonng or new information or requirements are
performance evaluations developed.
Page 5 of 9
(C) Modify the SSMP program, as Updated elements will be incorporated to
appropriate, to keep it updated and an updated SSMP annually
accurate and available for audit at
all times
(Vii) Overflow The dischargers shall develop and Jan. 1, 2003 Jan. 1, 2003
Emergency Response implement an overflow emergency
Plan response plan that identifies
measures to protect public health
and the environment At a
minimum, this plan should
include the following:
(A) Ensure proper notification This will be covered by the OERP, which
procedures so that the pnmary will be submitted by January 1, 2003. It
responders are informed of all will consist of step by step procedures
SSOs in a timely manner (to the for receipt of an overflow report from the
greatest extent possible) public or the City staff, notification of
appropriate City staff, contractors, and
reporting of the overflow to the OCHCA,
(B) Ensure that all overflows (including See (vii) (A), and (iii) (C)
those that do not discharge to
waters of the State) are
appropriately responded to,
including ensuring that reports of
overflows are immediately
dispatched to appropriate personnel
for investigation and appropriate
(C) Ensure immediate notification of City staff will be trained in the reporting
health agencies and other impacted requirements, and the public will be
entities (e.g., water suppliers) of all notified through the City's web site,
overflows. Report all SSOs to the sewer bill, cable TV, and press releases
Regional Water Quality Control of the requirement to report SSOs. City
Board and the Orange County staff and the dispacher will be provided
Health Care Agency, and report to with the appropriate telephone numbers
the State OES, if the overflow is for such notification. The procedures for
1,000 gallons or larger. The SSMP notification will be included in the OERP,
should identify the public health and the final SSMP.
agency and other officials who will
receive immediate notification
(D) Ensure that appropriate staff and This item will initially be addressed with
contractor personnel are aware of the OERP, and updated annually to
and follow the plan and are reflect the current and anticipated
appropriately trained system needs.
(E) Provide emergency operations, This item will initially be addressed with
such as traffic and crowd control the OERP, and updated annually to
and other necessary emergency reflect the current and anticipated
response system needs.
Page 6 of 9
(F) Take all reasonable steps to This item will initially be addressed with
contain sewage and prevent the OERP, and updated annually to
sewage discharges to surface reflect the current and anticipated
waters and minimize or correct any system needs.
adverse impact on the environment
resulting from the SSOs, including
such accelerated or additional
monitoring as may be necessary to
determine the nature and impact of
the discharge
(G) Develop and implement a plan for This item will initially be addressed with
the use of portable aerators where the OERP, and updated annually to
complete recovery of the sanitary reflect the current and anticipated
sewer overflows is not practicable system needs.
and where severe oxygen depletion
in existing surface waters is
(H) Develop and implement a plan to This item will initially be addressed with
respond in a timely manner to spills the OERP, and updated annually to
and other emergencies. Collection reflect the current and anticipated
system staff should be able to system needs.
respond to a sewage spill in Tess
than an hour from the first call. The
system should be capable of
meeting this response time day or
night, every day of the week. The
system must own or have ready
access to spill and emergency
response equipment such as
vacuum trucks, hydroflushers,
pumps, temporary bypass hoses,
and portable generators
Page 7 of 9
(viii) Fats, Oils, and Prepare and implement a grease, Dec. 30, 2004 Dec. 30, 2004 The legal authority for Fats, Oils, and
Grease Control Program fat, and oil source control program Grease (FOG) source control program
to reduce the amount of these will be included as part of Item (111).
substances discharged to the sewer The program will include a database of
collection system This plan shall hot spot areas determined from CCTV
include the legal authority to inspections, along with the contributing
prohibit discharges to the system sources; require FOG removal devices;
and identify measures to prevent an educational program regarding the
SSOs caused by fats, oils, and proper disposal of FOG and
grease blockages of sewers. The consequences of overflows caused by
elements of an effective grease their improper disposal. This work will be
control program may include coordinated with the efforts of the
requirements to install grease Orange County Grand Jury, and OCSD's
removal devices (such as traps or, FOG Study.
preferably, interceptors), design
standards for the removal devices,
maintenance requirements, BMP
requirements, record keeping and
reporting requirements. An effective
grease control program must also
include authority to inspect grease
producing facilities, enforcement
authorities, and sufficient staff to
inspect and enforce the grease
(A) The grease control program shall This task will commence in 2002 with the
identify sections of the sewer rview of the newly completed CCTV
system subject to grease blockages inspection results, and be completed
and establish a cleaning following the CCTV inspection of the
maintenance schedule for each entire system in 2004.
(B) The program shall develop and
implement source control
measures, for all sources of grease
and fats discharged to the sewer
system, for each section identified
in (A) above
(ix) System Evaluation Prepare and implement a capital
and Capacity Assurance improvement plan that will provide
Plan hydraulic capacity of key sewer
system elements under peak flow
conditions. At a minimum, the plan
must include:
Page 8 of 9
(A) Evaluation Steps to evaluate those portions of July 30, 2005 Task Completed in This task was completed as part of the
the collection system which are 1999 City's 1999 Sewer Master Plan. System
experiencing or contributing to an hydraulic deficiencies have been
SSO discharge caused by hydraulic identified, included in the Capital
deficiency. The evaluation must Improvement Plan, and a funding
provide estimates of peak flows mechanism has been put in place.
(including flows from SSOs that
escape from the system)
associated with conditions similar to
those causing overflow events,
estimates of the capacity of key
components, hydraulic deficiencies
(including components of the
system with limiting capacity) and
the major sources that contribute to
the peak flows associated with
overflow events
(B) Capacity Establish a short- and long -term July 30, 2005 Task Completed in The system's hydraulic deficiencies had
Enhancement Measures capital improvement program to 1999 been identified and prioritized by the
address identified hydraulic City's Master Plan in 1999. A Capital
deficiencies including pnontization, Improvement plan and a funding
altematives analysis, and mechanism are in place to address
schedules these deficiencies.
(C) Plan Updates The plan must be updated, at a As required, Annually, every Plan will be updated as changes are
minimum annually, to describe any every July 30 September 30, implemented, additional information is
significant change in proposed starting with starting with 2006 developed.
actions and /or implementation 2006
schedules. The updates should
include available information on the
performance of measures that have
been implemented.
(x) SSMP Program As part of the SSMP, the permittee Annually, every
Audits shall conduct an intemal audit, September 30,
appropriate to the size of the starting with 2006
system and the number of
overflows, and submit a report of
such audit, evaluating the SSMP
and its compliance with this
subsection, including its
deficiencies and steps to correct
(xi) Communications The discharger should As needed,
communicate on a regular basis through City's web
with interested parties on the site, sewer bill,
implementation and performance of cable TV, and City
its SSMP. The communication Council meetings,
system should allow interested and press releases
parties to provide input to the
discharger as the program is
developed and implemented
Final SSMP Sept. 30, 2005 Sept. 30, 2005
Page 9 of 9
• . .
( 6 .
( „J.
. ,4 , Y \ Z, ,
/-: . ,.,
September 23, 2002
\ ■4 \
Gerard Thibeault, Executive Director ,
- ''1` - '\
California Regional Water Quality Control Board . --• ''''0
Santa Ana Region . /
3737 Main Street, Suite 500
Riverside, CA 92501-3339
c .-• ,.. ,,,,,, i - \
RE: Submittal.of Sewer System Management Plan - Sdhedule ir N
Dear Mr. Thibeault,
.rt.7• I:
Attached is the Sewer System Management Plan Schedule for the of Seal'Beach.
"I certify under penalty &Vain, that this document and all attachments were prepared under
my direct supervision iri a. system designed. t� assure that qualified
personnel properly'gether and evaluate the infOrmation Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the Sistem, oilose persons directly responsible for
gathering the information, the information is, to thrbeEt of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am awar there a4significant penalties for submitting false
informationiyhckding the possibility of fine and imprisonment"
Our agency:shares your co regarding the each closures that have occurred along the
Orange County coastline.OUr agency will woi!kfo"'ensure that the City's sewer system is properly
funded and managed to prevent the occurrence sewer system overflows. It is important that our
beaches iielirotected ,,,,-.4.444z - -
Respecffully, ' , *V
,,,,,, ‘41,:i• '\,. ,, A5;)
Mayor Larson;:
City of Seal Beach
•, 's Cc: City cilUncil
.-„, Ke9Thiesen, CRQWB
'4 Jol*Bahorski, City Manager
Doug Dancs, P.E., Director of Public Works
. ,. Jeff Watson, Maintenance Services Manager
ORDER NO. R8- 2002 -0014
SSMP Element Description Completion Anticipated Status
Date Completion Date
(i) Goals The main goal of the SSMP is to Sept. 30, 2004 Sept. 30, 2002 City of Seal Beach acknowledges the goal
prevent SSOs and to provide a plan established by the Order. As an agency that
and schedule for measures to be experiences the health, environmental, and
implemented to prevent SSOs. economic damages resulting from the SSOs,
Seal Beach will utilize the plan to achieve this
(ii) Organization SSMP must identify
(A) Adminisrative and maintenance Sept. 30, 2005 Sept. 30, 2005 Initial organizational chart will be submitted with
positions responsible for the Overflow Emergency Response Plan. It will
implementing measures in the be finalized with the final submittal of the SSMP.
SSMP program, including lines of
authority by organizational chart or
similar document
(B) Chain of communication for Jan 1, 2003 Jan 1, 2003 This task will be completed as part of the
reporting SSOs from receipt of a Overflow Emergency Response Plan
complaint or other information,
including the person responsible for
reporting the SSOs to the:
Regional Water Quality Control Board
Orange County Health Care Agency
State Office of Emergency
Services(Req'd for spills greater
than 1,000 gallons
(iii) Legal Authorit SSMP shall include legal authority, July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The City will have a sewer use ordinance in
through sewer use ordinances, place that addresses the five items below
service agreements or other legally '
binding procedures, to:
(A) Control infiltration and connections July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The Ordinance will include control of inflow
from inflow sources, including sources such as yard /roof drains, and discharge
satellite systems of pool water into the sewer system during peak
sewage flow periods.
(B) Require that sewers and July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The Ordinance will refer to the City's standards
connections be properly designed for design and construction of new sewers and
and constructed pump stations, as well as repair and
rehabilitation of existing facilities
(C) Ensure proper installation, testing July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The City will update its sewer system
and inspection of new and construction, inspection and testing standards
rehabilitated sewers (sewers and by July 30, 2004.
(D) Limit fats and greases and other July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The Ordinance will include prohibitions on
debris that may cause blockages in discharge of fats, oils and greases into the
the sewage collection system collection system
(E) Implement the general and specific July 30, 2004 July 30, 2004 The ordinance will include the prohibitions of the
prohibitions of the national national pretreatment program under 40 CFR
pretreatment program under 10 403.5
CFR 403.5.
Page 1 of 8
(iv) Measures and September 30, 2005
Activities In order to provide an adequate and
appropriate SSO reduction plan, the
SSMP must address the elements
listed below that are appropnate
and applicable to the discharger's
system and identify the person or
position in the organization
responsible for each element
(A) Provide adequate operation and June 15, 2003 Jane 15. 2003 City of Seal Beach will initially identify the staff,
maintenance of facilities and contract workforce, equipment, and tools needs
equipment as part of its Overflow Emergency Response
Plan. It will be updated based upon the annual
reviews of the plan, and completed as part of
the final SSMP
(B) Maintain an up -to -date map of the This Task is complete. The City of Seal Beach
collection system showing all has Sewer and Drainage GIS in place, available
gravity line segments and online. It will be updated as facilities are added
manholes, pumping facilities or replaced /rehabilitated
pressure pipes and valves, and
stormwater conveyance facilities
(C) Maintain relevant information to The City of Seal Beach has had one spill from
establish and prioritize appropriate its system during the past 12 months. Relevant
SSMP activities (such as the information will be maintained in the GIS, and in
immediate elimination of dry an appropriate database /maintenance program
weather overflows or overflows into
sensitive waters, such as public
drinking water supplies and their
source waters, swimming beaches
and waters where swimming
occurs, shellfish beds, designated
Outstanding National Resource
Waters or Areas of Special
Biological Significance , National
Marine sanctuaries, waters within
Federal, State, or local parks, and
water containing threatened or
endangered species or their
habitat), and identify and illustrate
trends in overflows , such as
frequency and volume
Page 2 of 8
(D) Routine preventive operation and June 15, 2003 June 15, 2003 Seal Beach will update its hot spot cleaning and
maintenance activities by staff and regular system cleaning program with
contractors; including a system for information from capacity evaluation and CCTV
scheduling regular maintenance inspection of the system. Pump station
and cleaning of the collection maintenance will be contracted out to a qualified
system with more frequent cleaning contractor with certified staff. The preventative
and maintenance targeted at known maintenence information will be maintained in
problem areas. The Preventative an asset management program, which will be
Maintenance (PM) program should used in tracking the success of the PM program.
have a system of tracking work Procedures and maintenance activities will be
orders and assessing the success updated based upon this information.
of the PM program
(E) Establish a program to assess the The system capacity was assessed during the
current capacity of the collection preparation of the City's 1999 Master Plan. The
system owned by the discharger or capacity will be re- assessed for changed
where the discharger has conditions, including the introduction of urban
operational control;including runoff during dry weather periods.
diversions of urban runoff to the
sewer system during dry weather
periods and control of infiltration
and intrusion during both wet
weather events and dry weather
(F) Identify and priontize structural The City of Seal Beach has CCTV inspected
deficiencies and implement short- approximately 60 percent of its system in 2002.
term and long -term rehabilitation This data is currently being revied and entered
actions to address each deficiency . into the database and the sewer GIS. The
This shall include a rehabilitation replacement/rehabilitation program, which was
plan including schedules for the primarily based upon facility age in the Master
entire system . As with the PM Plan, will be updated based upon the CCTV
program, sewer rehabilitation and inspection results. The funding needs will be
replacement is crucial for the updated.
prevention of spills. Among the CCTV inspection will be completed by 2004.
provisions that should be specified The City of Seal Beach will then establish a
in this section is the need to direct regular CCTV program which will first focus on
rehabilitation and replacement at the hot spots, and complete system inspection
sewer pipes which are at risk of on a 5 year cycle. City's
collapse or prone to more frequent financial plan for the sewer system will be
blockages due to pipe defects. The updated based upon the updated needs of the
program should also include regular system.
visual and TV inspection of sewer
pipes and a system for assessing
and ranking the condition of sewer
pipes. Finally, the rehabilitation and
replacement plan should include a
financial plan that properly
manages and protects the
infrastructure assets.
Page 3 of 8
(G) Provide training on a regular basis The City of Seal Beach will initiate training of its
for staff in collection system sewer system maintenance crew through the
operations, maintenance, and WEF's certification program. Staff will
monitoring, and determine if participate in continuing education and
contractors' staffs are appropriately professional development through local training
trained programs /seminars.
Proper training and certification at appropriate
levels will be required of the contractors' staff.
(H) Provide equipment and This item will initially be addressed with the
replacement parts inventories, OERP, and updated annually to reflect the
including identification of critical current and anticipated system needs.
replacement parts.
(I) Establish an implementation plan The City of Seal Beach has initiated this plan
and schedule for a public education with the inclusion of information on its web site.
outreach program that promotes The plan will be developed for dissemination of
proper disposal of grease and fats. the information to as much of the public as
possible, concentrating on restaurants and
This task will be coordinated with the efforts of
the Orange County Grand Jury and OCSD. The
plan will be updated based upon its measured
effectiveness determined through subsequent
CCTV inspections and hot spot cleaning effort.
(J) In accordance with the County of This work is in progress, and will be addressed
Orange's Drainage Area in the EORP on January 2003.
Management Plan, establish a plan
for responding to SSOs from private
property that discharge to public
right of ways and storm drains, to
prevent discharges from SSOs to
surface waters and storm drains.
(K) Develop a plan and a schedule for This work is in progress, and will be
providing an analysis of altemative coordinated with the efforts of the Orange
methods of disposal for grease and County Grand Jury and OCSD
fats, and an implementation plan
and a schedule for providing
adequate disposal capacity for
grease and fats generated within
the sewer system service area.
This plan shall include an
evaluation of
the feasibility of using sludge
digesters at the OCSD treatment
plant for grease disposal and
treatment, recycling, rendering, and
other disposal alternatives.
(v) Design and
Page 4 of 8
(A) Develop design and construction The City of Seal Beach has adopted design and
standards and specifications for the construction standards and specifications for the
installation of new sewer systems, installation of new sewers, and rehabilitation of
pump stations and other existing sewer systems.
appurtenances; and for The City has adopted standards for the design
rehabilitation and repair of existing and construction of pump stations. The design
sewer systems and inspection work are outsourced to
consultants with expertise in this field.
(B) Develop procedures and standards The City of Seal Beach has adopted procedures
for inspecting and testing the and standards for inspecting and testing the
installation of new sewers, pumps, installation of new sewers, pump stations, and
and other appurtenances and for rehabilitation of existing sewer systems. These
rehabilitation and repair projects. procedures and standards will be included in the
final SSMP.
(vi) Monitoring,
Measurement, and
(A) Monitor the implementation and, This will be undertaken as part of the annual
where appropriate, measure the updates of the SSMP.
effectiveness of each element of
the SSMP
(B) Update program elements, as Program elements will be updated as new
appropriate, based on monitoring or information or requirements are developed.
performance evaluations
(C) Modify the SSMP program, as Updated elements will be incorporated to an
appropriate, to keep it updated and updated SSMP annually.
accurate and available for audit at
all times
(Vii) Overflow The dischargers shall develop and Jan. 1, 2003 Jan. 1, 2003
Emergency implement an overflow emergency
Response Plan response plan that identifies
measures to protect public health
and the environment. At a
minimum, this plan should
include the following:
(A) Ensure proper notification This will be covered by the OERP, which will be
procedures so that the primary submitted by January 1, 2003. It will consist of
responders are informed of all step by step procedures for receipt of an
SSOs in a timely manner (to the overflow report from the public or the City staff,
greatest extent possible) notification of appropriate City staff, contractors,
and reporting of the overflow to the OCHCA,
(B) Ensure that all overflows (including See (vii) (A), and (iii) (C)
those that do not discharge to
waters of the State) are
appropriately responded to,
including ensuring that reports of
overflows are immediately
dispatched to appropriate personnel
for investigation and appropriate
Page 5 of 8
(C) Ensure immediate notification of City staff will be trained in the reporting
health agencies and other impacted requirements, and the public will be notified
entities (e.g., water suppliers) of all through the City's web site, sewer bill, cable TV,
overflows. Report all SSOs to the and press releases of the requirement to report
Regional Water Quality Control SSOs. City staff and the dispacher will be
Board and the Orange County provided with the appropriate telephone
Health Care Agency, and report to numbers for such notification. The procedures
the State OES, if the overflow is for notification will be included in the OERP, and
1,000 gallons or larger. The SSMP the final SSMP.
should identify the public health
agency and other officials who will
receive immediate notification
(D) Ensure that appropriate staff and This item will initially be addressed with the
contractor personnel are aware of OERP, and updated annually to reflect the
and follow the plan and are current and anticipated system needs.
appropriately trained
(E) Provide emergency operations, This item will initially be addressed with the
such as traffic and crowd control OERP, and updated annually to reflect the
and other necessary emergency current and anticipated system needs.
(F) Take all reasonable steps to This item will initially be addressed with the
contain sewage and prevent OERP, and updated annually to reflect the
sewage discharges to surface current and anticipated system needs.
waters and minimize or correct any
adverse impact on the environment
resulting from the SSOs, including
such accelerated or additional
monitoring as may be necessary to
determine the nature and impact of
the discharge
(G) Develop and implement a plan for This item will initially be addressed with the
the use of portable aerators where OERP, and updated annually to reflect the
complete recovery of the sanitary current and anticipated system needs.
sewer overflows is not practicable
and where severe oxygen depletion
in existing surface waters is
(H) Develop and implement a plan to This item will initially be addressed with the
respond in a timely manner to spills OERP, and updated annually to reflect the
and other emergencies. Collection current and anticipated system needs.
system staff should be able to
respond to a sewage spill in less
than an hour from the first call The
system should be capable of
meeting this response time day or
night, every day of the week. The
system must own or have ready
access to spill and emergency
response equipment such as
vacuum trucks, hydroflushers,
pumps, temporary bypass hoses,
and portable generators
Page 6 of 8
(viii) Fats, Oils, and Prepare and implement a grease, Dec. 30, 2004 Dec. 30, 2004 The legal authority for Fats, Oils, and Grease
Grease Control fat, and oil source control program (FOG) source control program will be included
Program to reduce the amount of these as part of Item (iii). The
substances discharged to the sewer program will include a database of hot spot
collection system. This plan shall areas determined from CCTV inspections, along
include the legal authority to with the contributing sources; require FOG
prohibit discharges to the system removal devices; an educational program
and identify measures to prevent regarding the proper disposal of FOG and
SSOs caused by fats, oils, and consequences of overflows caused by their
grease blockages of sewers. The improper disposal. This work will be coordinated
elements of an effective grease with the efforts of the Orange County Grand
control program may include Jury. and OCSD's FOG Study.
requirements to install grease
removal devices (such as traps or,
preferably, interceptors), design
standards for the removal devices,
maintenance requirements, BMP
requirements, record keeping and
reporting requirements. An effective
grease control program must also
include authority to inspect grease
producing facilities, enforcement
authorities, and sufficient staff to
inspect and enforce the grease
(A) The grease control program shall This task will commence in 2002 with the rview
identify sections of the sewer of the newly completed CCTV inspection
system subject to grease blockages results, and be completed following the CCTV
and establish a cleaning inspection of the entire system in 2004.
maintenance schedule for each .
(B) The program shall develop and
implement source control
measures, for all sources of grease
and fats discharged to the sewer
system, for each section identified
in (A) above
(ix) System Prepare and implement a capital
Evaluation and improvement plan that will provide
Capacity Assurance hydraulic capacity of key sewer
Plan system elements under peak flow
conditions. At a minimum, the plan
must include:
Page 7 of 8
(A) Evaluation Steps to evaluate those portions of July 30, 2005 Task Completed in This task was completed as part of the City's
the collection system which are 1999 1999 Sewer Master Plan. System hydraulic
experiencing or contributing to an deficiencies have been identified, included in
SSO discharge caused by hydraulic the Capital Improvement Plan, and a funding
deficiency. The evaluation must mechanism has been put in place.
provide estimates of peak flows
(including flows from SSOs that
escape from the system)
associated with conditions similar to
those causing overflow events,
estimates of the capacity of key
components, hydraulic deficiencies
(including components of the
system with limiting capacity) and
the major sources that contribute to
the peak flows associated with
overflow events
(B) Capacity Establish a short- and long -term July 30, 2005 Task Completed in The system's hydraulic deficiencies had been
Enhancement capital improvement program to 1999 identified and prioritized by the City's Master
Measures address identified hydraulic Plan in 1999. A Capital Improvement plan and
deficiencies including prioritization, a funding mechanism are in place to address
altematives analysis, and these deficiencies.
(C) Plan Updates The plan must be updated, at a As required, Annually, every Plan will be updated as changes are
minimum annually, to describe any every July 30 September 30, implemented, additional information is
significant change in proposed starting with starting with 2006 developed.
actions and /or implementation 2006
schedules. The updates should
include available information on the
performance of measures that have
been implemented.
(x) SSMP Program As part of the SSMP, the permittee Annually, every
Audits shall conduct an intemal audit, September 30,
appropriate to the size of the starting with 2006
system and the number of
overflows, and submit a report of
such audit, evaluating the SSMP
and its compliance with this
subsection, including its
deficiencies and steps to correct
(xi) Communication: The discharger should As needed,
communicate on a regular basis through City's web
with interested parties on the site, sewer bill,
implementation and performance of cable TV, and City
its SSMP. The communication Council meetings,
system should allow interested and press releases
parties to provide input to the
discharger as the program is
developed and implemented
Final SSMP Sept. 30, 2005 Sept. 30, 2005
Page 8 of 8
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