HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1949-12-05 ,4 \ \ Church Taxes - Xmas Seal Beaoh, Oallfornla December 5, 1949 The City Council of the City of Seal Beach met ln regular, sesslon at 7:'0 P.M. with Mayor Shufelt presldlng. Meetlng was called to order wlth salute to the Flag. Pre.ent, Absent, Mayor Shufelt Councllmen, Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen Oounoilmen, None I,' The mlnutes of regular meetlng of November 21st were read and approved on Mayors motion. It was moved by Jacobsen, seoond by Bowers that the Clty Taxes- on the Oommunlty Methodlst and 8alnt Ann's Ohuroh parsonage property be canoelled. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt Wone None Motion Carrled It was moved by Bowers, second by Jacobsen that the Chamber of Oommeroe request for assistance of olty equlpment and employees Lights - 1n settlng up Christmas deooratlons be granted and limited to two men not exoeeding two days time. Clint- on Palnt Pay _ Rlch- field 011- AYES: . NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Br08trom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt None Wone Motlon carried I Letter of t. L. Ollnton asking for 81,000.00 advance on City Hall palnt job oontract. It was moved by Bowers, seoond by Brostrom that request be granted and warrant issued for same. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt lone None Motlon carr1ed Request of Richfleld 011 Co. for permlt to excavate hole in Old Coast Blghway for the Purpose of repalrlng gasoline llne. Referred to Oity Attorney. Report for the month of November of City Judge, Polioe Chlef, Bulldlng Inspector, Water & Tax Departments were read. It was moved by Jaoobsen, second by Bowers that reports be reoelved and filed. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: -I, Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt None None Motlon oarrled Demands numberlng 809 to 89' lncluslve amountlng to $9,4)2.43 as approved by the Finance Committee were presented. It was moved by Bowers, second by Brostrom that bllls be allowed and warrants drawD on the freasury for the respective amounts. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt None None Motlon oarried ... \) Ordlnance No. 386 was read ln full on Parklng Meters. It was Ord moved by Jacolisen. second by Bowers that Ordlnance 386 be deemed as 386 havlng had lte final readlng and be adopted. Parking J!.eterB - Reeo '1 689. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt None None Motion oarrled Resolutlon 689 was presented, requesting lease from the Navy for Anahlem Bay Yaoht Harbor. AYES: NOES: ABSEltT: Bowers, Brostrom. Leonard. None Wone Jaoobsen, Shufelt Motion carrlec1 It was moved by Leonard, second by Jacobsen tbat the Mayor and Clty Clerk be direoted to sign the Deed of Trust for purchase Deed of Ooean Avenue property from Benjamln Perlman and wife, in Tru8t- Block 7, Tract Woo 2. Water Men Dixie I Tank- Court Room Bent _ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, ~rostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt None None Motion carrled 01ty Attorney to prepare Resolution lncreaslng two employees of the Water Department salarles $5.00 per month. It was moved by Brostrom, second by Jaoobsen that the Mayor and Clty Olerk be directed to enter lnto a oontract, at a prlce not exceeding $','00.00, wlth the Dlxle Tank and Bridge Company when the amount of repairs necessary to be made has b~en definately determined. AYES: WOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt None None Yotlon oarried It was moved by Bowers, second by Brostrom that the County be oharged a monthly rental of $50.00 for use of the Courtroom for Justlce Oourt. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Brostrom. Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt None None Motion oarrled It wae moved by Jaoobsen, seoond by Leonard that a rental charge Audl- ' torium of $2.00 for afternoon or evenlng meetlngs be made for the use of I. Rent- the Civlo Auditorlum, and when the kltchen was used ./Y 06 be $~.bo, payable in advance. That eaoh Tuesday be the charge would . held open and no reservatlon be made more than three days iD advance of each TueSday. A like charge wlll be made when the Councll Chambers are so used. Proper slgns to be posted presoriblng rules and regulations. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt None None Motlon oarrled G It was moved by Jacobsen, seoond by Leonard that meetlng be adjou~ned to Monday, December 12th at 7:30 P.M. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt None None Motion oarrled. I, APprovedA.-,...( -<' ~~ Mayor 'r t Seal Beach, Californla, Deoember 12, 1949,. The 01ty Council of the Oity of Seal Beach met ln regular ad- Meetlng journed sesslon at 7:'0 P. M. wlth Mayor Shufelt presldlng. was oalled to order wlth salute to the Flag. Present, Absent, Mayor Shufelt Counollmen, Brostrom, Jacobsen Counollmen, Bowers, Leonard ,I , . , J The flrst order of buslness was the conslderation of demands on . to 910 incluslve, amounting to the Treasury. Demands numberlng 894 $5,528.06 as approved by the Finance . Commlttee were presented. It was moved by Brostrdm, second by Jacobsen that bllls be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury for same. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brostrom, Jacobsen, Shufelt None Bowers, Leonard Motion carrled Blds were opened for the West End pza~~geproject and read as West follows: Oralg and Joy 89,997.10. Atkins and Wlgglns $10,620.49. End Ansco Construction Company $10,766.00. Hongola and Elliott $13,316.11 Drain M. Mltarkevlch $15,4'5.40. Counoll recessed,to oonslder the blds. I' , , Upon re-oonvenlng lt was moved by Brostrom, second by Jaoobsen that i bid of Oralg and Joy be accepted and they be so notlfled. Bids- AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brostrom, JaoobseD, Shufelt None :!Bo.nrs, Leonard Motlon carried . I It was moved by Brostrom, seoond by Jacobsen that the Mayor and City Olerk be dlreoted to sign contract wlth Oralg and Joy AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Brostrom, Jaoobsen, Shufelt None Bowers, Lsonard Motion oarrled