HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-01-16 COMIIUNICATIONS: Letter of the Seal Beach Taxpayers Assoclatlon asklng partlclpation ln any dlsousslone on the worklng of the proposed gambllng ordlnance. Reoelved and filed. Letter of D. M. Oallls call1ng attentlon to the letter he reoe~ved from the Voyagers Yacht Olub asking for spaoe for the clubs 100 power and saillng boats together wlth a oopy of Mr. Call1se's reply. Recelved and fl1ed. Letter of applioatlon from Rlchfleld 011 Co. asklng for Rlchfield _ Franchise. Referred to the Clty Attorney. Letter of Paoiflo Electrio Rallway Company statlng they 12 Taxpayers Assoc. - Voyagers Yacht Club - P.E.R.Co. cleanlng - Chlorlne supply- Police Auto - Seal Beaoh, Callfornla January 16, 1950 The Clty Oouncll of the Clty of Seal Beaoh met in regular sesslon at 7:30 P.M. wlth Mayor Shufelt preslding. Meetlng was oalled to order wlth the salute to the Flag. Present: Mayor Shufelt Counoilmen: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen Absent: Hone The mlnutes of the regular meetlng of January 3, 1950 were read and approved on Mayors motlon. I I were now preparlng for cleanlng and eradlcation of weeds along Eleotrlo Avenue rlght of way. Recelved and flled. Proposal for ohlorlne supply for Water Department durlng the'next 12 months were recelved from Stevenson Chemical Co.; Los Angeles Chemloal Co. and Lulppold Englneering Sales Co. It was moved by Jaoobsen, second by Brostrom that agreement to be entered lnto wlth Lulppold Engineerlng Co. and Mayor directed to slgn sald 'oontraot. AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt NOES: None Absent: None Motion oarrled. Bids for the furnlshlng of an automoblle for the Polioe 'II: Department were reoelved from Mandlo Motors Inc., Huntlngton Beaoh and Maln'Street Garage, Huntlngton Beaoh. It was moved by Jacobsen second by Leonard that a 1950 Chrysler Royal Sedan be purchased from Mandlo Motors Inc., for the prlce of $2,616.00 plus sales tax wlth a trade ln allowance for the Mercur.y of $1,050.00. The Chrysler to be purchased on deferred payments wlth Gut lnterest, no payment to be ln excess of 8500.00 monthly Cralg-J~y Invoices - '.1 Heating approved _ I Olalms Olinton- Jones vaoation _ I Dec. report Demands 1051 - 1118 ': 13 , AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None Motlon oarrled. Letter of Engineer Morgan approving of work so far completed by Cralg and Joy Oonstruotors on the West End draln and recommen~ ded that thelr lnvolces No.'s 6) '- 64 and 65 be pald in aocordance with their oontract wlth the Oity. It was moved by Brostrom, second by Jacobsen that bllls be allowed and warrant drawn on ths Treasurer for same. AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion carrled Letter of Bulldlng Inspeotor oertifylng that the Oity Hall heatlng job was satlsfaotorlly completed by the Long Beach Heating Oompany. It was moved by Brostrom seoond by Jaoobsen, that unpald balance of 9~ of oontract, as per bllling, be paid and warrant drawn on the Treasury for same. AYES: Bo~ers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt NOES: Hone ABSENT: None Motion oarrled It was moved by Jaoobsen senond by Brostrom that the Clerk write the Anohor Oasualty Company that two clalms had been filed wlth the Treasurer against W. L. Clinton for the Clty Hall palnt job and demand for payment to the contractor be wl thheld. AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt NOES: Bone ABSENT: Hone Motlon carrled Letter of Thomas R. Jones requestlng two weeks vaoatlon absence at thie time. It was moved by Leonard seoond by Brostrom that request be granted. AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None, Motion carrled Report of the City Treasurer and Clty Olerk,for the month of Decsmber, were read. It was moved by Jacobsen second by Brostrom that reports be reoelved and filed. Motion Carried Demands nUlllbering 1051 to 11121 lnoluslve amounting to *11,a55.l~ as approved by the Finance Oommittee were presented. It was moved by Brostrom seoond by Bowers that bllls be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury fo~ same. 14 Reso. 670 Purchase concrete draln - Clty crew Morgan - formulate gambling N.Orange Water Dlstrlct . Pleasure boat Harbor . .... Vogelsand Meter Co. - AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None 1I0tlon oarrled. Resolutlon '670 was presented. Water tank repair and new fllter lnstallatlon. It was moved by Jacobsen second by Brostrom that Resolutlon 1690 be adopted. AYES: Bowers. Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None I, /" Motion carried It was moved by Bowers second by Jacobsen that Roy Thomas be authorlEed to purchase 2~11 relnforced concrete draln plpe for west end draln job for not ln excess of $1,000. AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None Mot10n oarrled It was moved by Leonard second by Jacobsen that Roy Thomas proceed wlth his own City crew under the supervlslon of Englneer Morgan to lay above descrlbed plpe. AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, LeoDl. rd, Ja,cobsen, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None 'I Motlon carrled Mayor appolnted Mrs. Jessle Reed, Richerd Steyllng and formulate the Councl1men Jacobsen & Leonard as a oommlttee to ord._ structure of the proposed gambllng ordlnance. It was moved by Bowers second by Leonard that the Clty joln wlth other Orange County Communltles ln the North Orange County Munlclpal Water Dlstrlct a,nd the Olerk to so notify the Seoretary of the Counclls approval. AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jacobsen. Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion oarrled Mayor Shufelt presented letter by D. M. Call1s, Ohairman Harbor Commlttee, Taxpayers Assoolatlon call1ng attentlon to resolution passed by the Assoclat10n ln cooperatlon and support I of the 01ty Councll ln obtalnlng a lease from the Navy to develop a recreatlonal area pleasure boat harbor south of Hlghway 101 ln Seal Beach. It was moved by Leonard second by Bowers that the Oity Attorney be dlrected to prepare agreement between the 01ty and Vogelsang Meter Co. for the lnstalllng of their equlpment on the Beach Parklng Lots. lto I parltlng meters '_ emergenoy water wells _ Water ,. 15 AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, JacobseD, Shufelt NOES: Bone ABSENT: None Motion carrled .It was moved by Bowers seoond ,by Jacobsen that the Clty Counol1 go OD reoord by statlng that no parklng meters are at present to be lnstalled on any street In the Clty of Seal Beach. AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion oarrled It was moved by Brostrom seoond by Jaoobsen that the 01ty ,Attorney be dlrected to prepare a resolution deolarlng an emergency In the drilling of water _ells. AYES: Bowers, Brostrom, Leonard, Jaoobsen, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: None Attest: , . - .. , , Kotlon oarried The Mayor appolnted the Water OOMmittee and Councllman Commlttee_ Bowers to arrange for a meetlng between their oommlttee and Englneers Morgs,n and Woolley. Meetlng was adjounned on Mayor's motion. . lerk and Ex-Offlc~- of the 01ty Oouncll Approved ~;Z{-<i:..~.,r f':' ~ .L,....../ Mayor '-- 1,/ I I ,