HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-02-06 16 Seal Beach, Callf~rnla February 6, 1950 The 01ty Councl1 of the Clty of Seal Beach met In regular sesslon at 7:30 P.M. wlth Mayor Shufelt presldlng. Meetlng was called to order wlth salute to the Flag. PRESENT: Mayor Shufelt Councl1men, Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers. I ABSENT: None Mayor ~hufelt explained to the members of the 01ty Councll the area lncluded for incluslon, as recommended by the commlttee N. Orange County of the North Orange Oounty Munlclpal Water Dlstrlct. On motlon by JaQobsen, 2nd by Leonard, that the dlstrlct proposed Munlclpal by the North Orange County Munlclpal Water Dlstrlct.coverlng Dls.... the area for lncluslon ln the Metropolltan Water Dlstrlct be accepted s,nd approved by the 01 ty of Seal Beach and that the North Orange County Municipal Water Dlstrlot commlttee be requested to present~to the Metropolltan Water Dlstrlct for approval. "'n~ Water Bu1ldlng Commlttee Ooean Avenue- Chamber of Commerce Meet! Q!; - March of Dlmes _ . AYES: Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt NOES: None ABsENT: None I Motion Carr led COMMUNICATIONS: Letter of the Bu1ldlrig Comml ttee composed'l of property ownere on the south slde of Ocean Avenue, west of the pler, statlng that 37 out of 39 property owners had placed a deed restrlctlon on thelr propertles, lim1tlng for 25 years build- lng of only slngle faml1y residence. Recelved and flled. Letter of the Ohamber of Oommerce requestlng the presence of the 00uncl1 at thelr next regular meetlng to be held at the Glider Inn February 14, 1950 at which tlme the Orange County Ooast Assoclatlon wl11 present the trophles awarded for the "Forty JUles of Christmas Sm1les". I AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers"Shufelt None None Motion Carr led Letter of the Seal Beach Womsns Clubs announclng March of Dlmee Luncheon and asklng for donation to the pollo cause. It was moved by Leonard, 2nd by Bowers that the Clty donate the sum of $25.00 AYES: NOES: ABS: /'" 17 .. Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon Carrled It was moved by Jacobsen, 2nd by Bowers that the City restorlng pay the expense of restorlng the etchlng owned by the Womans etchlng - Club and Amerlcan Legion Auxlarly, damaged during the Clty , Hall palntlng job. I AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motion Carr led Letter of S. D. Trapp, Seal Beaoh Realty, stating that consent of all property owners whose lots face Main St. Maln St. ln Block 209 had been recelved, allowlng a barricade to be barrloade- erected along the alley slde to prevent automoblles parklng. It was moved by Leonard, 2nd by Jaoobson that Roy Thomas be dlrected to see that the neoessarybarrlcades were erected. as satlsfactorily completed. Cralg & Bowers that reoommendatlon be aocepted Joy- Cralg & Joy ln 90% of cost of job. . AYES: NOES: ABS: AYES: NOES: ABS: I, Jaoobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon Carried Letter of Englneer Morgan approvlng West End Draln job It was moved by Leonard, 2nd by and payment made to Jacobsen, None None Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt Motion Oarrled Petition for harbor & park facllltles on Navy property at Pe:tltion_ Anahelm Bay. Reoelved and flled. Proposal of J. A. Wooley Engineer outllnlng hls prooeedure Wooley for the necessary englneerlng work ln conjunotlon wlth the deve- Englneer_ lopment of the proposed new water supply on Navy property and I statlng hls fee and method of payment. It was moved by Leenard 2nd by Jacobsen that the 01ty Attorney be dlrected to prepare contr,ct between the 01ty and Wooley for the proposed job. AYES: Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Shufelt PASSED: Bowers NOES: None ABa. NONE Motion Carrled Report of Polloe Chief, Bul1dlng, Water and Tax Departments were rea,d. It was moved by Jacobsen, ?nd by Bowers that reports be rec'd and flled. Motion Carrled 18 Demands numberlng 1119 to 1219 lncluslve amountlng to $18,7'0.06 as approved by the Flnance Committee were presented. It was moved by Brostrom, 2nd by Bowers that bllls be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury for same. Demands 1119 - 1219 AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt None None I, Motion, Carried It was moved by Leonard 2nd by Jacobsen that contra,ct Voglesong as presented be entered lnto wlth the Voglesong Products Corp. Products- and the Mayor and Clty Clerk be dlrected to sign sald agreement. AYES: Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt NOES: None ABS: None Motion Carrled Agreement wl th the Standard Oil Co. for the purchase Standud Oil - 'of 1950 supply of gas and lubrlcants was presented. It was moved by Jacobsen 2nd by Leonard that the Mayor slgn sald agreement. Motion Carrled Resolution 691 was presented. Declarlng Weeds a nulsance. It was moved by Jacobsen, 2nd by Leonard that Resolutlon 691 be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABS: 01ty Clerk be Clerk _ 1950. AYES: NOES: ABS: Reso. 691 - AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon Carried It was moved by Bowers, 2nd by Jacobsen that the Clty I allowed clerk - hlre not to exceed $450 to Aprll 15, Jacobsen, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt Leonard None Jscobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motion Carrled Police It was moved by Jacobsen, 2nd by Bowers that the Purchaslng Agent be dlrected to purchase the necessary I Dept. coverlng as dlscussed floors - . and mlca coverlng for for the floors of the Pollce Department tables ln Audltorlum Kltchen. AYES: NOES: ABS: Lower Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, None None Bowers, Shufelt . MotloD carrl'ed It was moved by Brostrom 2nd by Jacobsen to lower the plpes across Old Coast Hlghway to the power plant at a cost plpes _ not to exceed $200.00 as recommended by Englneer Morgan. ~;, 19 AYES: NOES.:, ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motion Carried Commlttee appolnte~by the Mayor at the meetlng of Jan. 16, 1950 to formulate a gambllng Ordinance to be placed on the gamb- . Aprll 11, 1950 ballot reported that no agreement could be ling' reached so the matter was abandoned, at least, for the present. I Mayor appolnted the Beaoh and Park commlttee to locker lnvestlgate and report on what would be necessary steps and rooms - expense of 1nstalllng a locker rooms below the pler. ,AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon Carrled Oity Clerk was dlrected to wrlte the Department of warnlng Highway asklng lf lt were not posslble to have addltlonal slgns , warnlng signs palnted on the pavement at both Maln Street and Hhay _ Bay Blvd. on Hlghway 101. Meetlng was adjounred on Mayor's motion. I' Approved Cl; Clerk and Ex-Officlo ~qr;rk of the alt, aouncll v1~~ Mayor ftO-T' &.... Attest: I , '