HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-03-06 I Bank seal Beach, oalifornla March 6, 19)0 The City Councl1 of the Dlty of Seal Beach met ln regular sesslon at 7:,0 P.M. with Mayor Shufelt. presiding. Meetlng was called to order with ealute to the Flag. PRESENT: Mayor Shufelt Councilman Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt 11 '~ r ,. ABSENT,: None The minutes of the regular meet lng of February 20 were read and approved. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from the Bank of America asklng for evidence of insurance coverage on Chevrolet truck recently purchased from America. the Culbert~on Chevrolet Company. Referred this to C.A. Mll1er. A card of appreclatlon from Mrs. Fred J. smlth for Floral wreath. Recelved and Filed. Woman's Olub letter thanklng Councll for contribution to March March of Dlmes and appreciatlon for having etchlng restored. Dlmes Recelved and flIed. Red Cross Commlttee sent a letter aeklng for a contributlon Red for thelr fund drlve. It was moved by Jacobsen, 2nd by Leonard Cross-- that the'sum of $25.00 be glven. I Boy AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motlon oarried It was moved by Bowers, 2nd by Brostrom that the sum of ' $25.00 be allowed the Boy Scouts of Amerlca ln answer to thelr C\. 'J' Scouts-letter Bsklng for a contrlbution. Taxicab AYES: ,NQES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled Harold A. Zlmmerman letter fillng request for taxlcab franchlse FranchlsB- referred to BU81ness Llcense Committee. Rose ia:rade - M1lk Prlces Reeo. Letter and bl11 for $1~7.00 from Tuttle Photo Service for Rose Parade plctures referred to Chamber of Commerce to render bill. A letter from A. T. Cole of Cole's Market call1ng attentlon to the dlfference ln price charged for ml1k between Long Beach and Seal Beach. Resolutlon 692 was presented protestlng to the State Mllk 692- Board the discrlmlnatlon In milk prices. It was moved 2(;, by Brostrom, 2nd by Ja,cobaen that Resolutlon 692 be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motion Carrled By a letter W. S. Knighton approvlng operation of Olson Water filter and recommended same be pald for ln full. It was Olson Water moved by Brostrom, 2nd by Leonard that the filter be accepted and Fllter_ authorized payment for same with blll for related supplles be pald. AYES: IJOES: ABS: Pur chase Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom. Shufelt None None Motion Carrled I: It "as moved by Jacobsen 2nd by Bowers that the Purchasing Pipe- Agent be directed to purchase on car load approximately 1400 feet of 6" transit pipe a,t a price of $1. 31 a foot plus sales tax. AYES: NOES~ ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, 9owers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motion Carried Report of the Police Chlef, Building, Water and Tax Police departments for the month of February were read. It was moved Report by Leonard 2nd by Jacobsen that reports be received and filed. AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motlon Carried Demands numbering 1270 to 1366 amounting to $9,156.21 as I Demands approved by the Finance Oommittee, were presented. It was moved 1270 - by Brostrom 2nd by Jacobsen that bllla be approved and warrants 1366 drawn on the Treasury for same. AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motlon Carrled An application for plpe line franchise from the Rlchfield 011 Company was consldered and Resolutlon No. 693 authorlzlng the Reso. 693 Rlchfield publication of Notlce of Sale of franchise was presented. It was Franchlse-moved by Brostrom 2nd by Jacobsen that Resolutlon No. 693 be adopted. AYES: ~~OES : ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard. Bowere, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motlon Carried Agreement between the Oity of Seal Beach and the Unlted States Government for easement and lease of water lands was I Lease Water preeented. It was moved by Brostrom, 2nd by Jacobsen that the Lands _ Mayor and Clty Olerk be directed to sign sald lea.se. AYES: NOES: ABS: r ....- ;: (:.0 Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motion carrled Resolution No. 694 was presented call1ng the munlcipal Munlclpal electlon Aprl1 11, 1950. It was moved by Jacobsen 2nd by Electlon - Bowers that Rp'solutlon No. 694 be adopted. Reso. (I 694 . :e;ng. Servlce AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt ,None None Motlon carr led Clty Attorney presented contraot between the Clty and J. A. Woolley for englneerlng servlce ln connectlon wlth the development of the new water supply. AYES: PASS: ABS: . Jacobsen, Leonard, BDost~om, Shufelt Bowers None Motlon carrled It was moved by Leonard 2nd by Jacobsen ~hat engineer drilling Wooley be dlrected to proceed wlth plans and speclflcatlons one for the drll1lng of one well only and plans and speolfloatlons well- I water well _ wage scale water well _ I blds water well- weeds - for water reservoir and an estlmate of cost. AYES: PASS: ABS: Jacobss~, Leonard, Brostrom, Shufelt Bowers . None Motion oarrled It was moved by Jacobsen 2nd by Leonard to approve plans and speolficatlon as prepared by Englneer Wooley for ~he drllllng of water well. A YES : PoASS: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Brostrom, Shufelt Bowers None Motlon carrled It was moved by Jacobsen, 2nd by Leonard to approve the per dlem wage ecale as set forth ln the legal advertislng for blds for the construction of one or two water wells on site of the Naval ammunltlon and net depot. AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None t4otlon carr led It was moved by Jacobsen 2nd by Leonard to dlrect the Olerk to advertlse for blds for the drllling of the water wells. AYES: NOES: ABS: notice. Jacobsen, Leonard, ~owers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motion carrled O. A. Mll1er read hls affldavlt of a weed postlng Rp,solutlon No. 695 was presented authorlzlng the 26 Reso. 695... Street Superlntendent to proceed with the destructlon of weeds. AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobsen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motlon carr led Commlttees reported on Pler Museel and street bench seats. Retirement Clerk be dlrected to request the State Employees Retlra- It was moved by Jacobeen 2nd by Leonard that the System - ment ..Syetem for estlmate of cost of settlng up the system. AYES: NOES: ABS: Jacobeen, Leonard, Bowers, Brostrom, Shufelt None None Motion carr led Meetlng was adjourned on Mayor's motlon. ' c~~A~ )9ierk of the City Coun 11 Approved ~~.~ ?~~../ Mayor, ' Attest: I Clty Clerk L,...--"' I; I I