HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-05-01 Letter of the Chamber of Commerce and copy of thelr letter to A.G. Noble, Rear Admiral, Navy Dept., wlthdrawlng thelr appllcation ln favor of the 01ty, for lease of the Anaheim Harbor area, recelved and filed. Letter of Mrs. George I. Woods and Mrs. Dallas Brass- Palm - Trees field, requesting removal from the parklng adjolning their Woods & property, several palm trees. It was agreed that the Woodel Bre.ssfleld palm trees be removed as requested and the ones complalned .... .') ......J Anaheim - Harbor C.ofC. Flsh Market - Pier Clty Dump - & Salvage Oontract Motor - Grader Seal Beach, Oalifornla \ May 1, 1950 The City Oouncll of the City of Seal Beach, met in regular session at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Shufelt preslding. Meetlng was called to order wlth salute to the Flag. Present: Mayor Shufelt Councilmen, Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster None I Absent: The mlnutes of the regular meetlng of Aprl1 18th were read and approved on Mayor's motlon. COMMUNICATIONS: of by Mrs. Brassfield be turned over to Roy Thomas for re- port. I Letter of Lescher & Stockton requesting permission to make certain lmprovements to the south end of the pier half- way house for the purpose of leaeing S8me to conduct a retall flsh market. It was moved by Webster, 2nd by Granger that request be granted. Mr. Keenoy, in the audlence, objected to the grantlng of the permlt. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt, Webster. None None Motion carrled. Letter of Oity Dump & Salvage, Inc., notifying of an intended lncrease of charges for debris dlsposal. Olerk to contact Mr. Middough for an appointment with Oouncil members to dlscuss a new contract. I The purchase of 8 new motor grader was dlscllssed. Roy Thomas, City For~'ni was directed to investigate various types and bring ln a report at the next meeting. Bowman - Appli- cation for JUC1ge I Water. Well I 3M Letter of Walter C. Bowman maklng appllcation for posltion of 01ty Judge. Councl1 agreed to interview all appllcants lndlvidually Monday evenlng, Maya, 1950, be- tween the hour of 7:00 to g:OO P.M. Clerk to so ,notify the applicants. Reporte for the month of April of Pollce Ohlef, Bul1dlng and Water Departments were read. It was moved by Leonard, 2nd by Bowers that reports be recelved and filed. Motion carried. Clerk presented demand of Walter O. Hlll, drlller of new water well in the eum of $5,503.6S. It was moved by Webster, 2nd by Bowers that account be allowed subject to Engineer Woolley flling wlth the Clerk, Oertificate of compliance. ..... AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt, Webster None None Motlon carrled. Demands numberlng 1616 to 1705 lncluslve amountlng to $14,078.63 as approved by the Finance Commlttee were pre- . sented. It was moved by Bowers, 2nd by Leonard that blUs be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury for same. . AYES: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt, Webster NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion carrled. Letter of Southern Oalifornia Edieon Company maklng ~ appllcatlon for lndetermina~e franchise was read. Resolu- Mdlson - Company I Beach- Slide tion No.69a setting date for hearing on apnllcation was introduced. It was moved by Leonard, 2nd by Granger that Resolutlon No.69a be adopted. AYES: }10ES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt, Webster None None Motlon carrled. It WBS moved by Bowers, 2nd by Webster that a new play- ground slide be purchased for the beach and installed by the Oity Maintenance crew. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt" Webster None None Motlon carrled. Webster-' I , i J, I l rk ~ I' -j.; - '.I:U It was moved by Leonard, 2nd by Webster that the Police Wheel - Chlef be dlrected to purchase numbered metal tags to be lssued Tax wlth the wheel tax businese llcen.ses. Metal . AYES: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt, Webster Tags NOES: None ABSENT: N.on.e Motlon carried. It was moved by Bowers, 2nd by Webster that A. R. Leonard Leonard - be appolnted Mayor Pro-Tem and a Resolution lntroduced providlng , Mayor Pro-Tern for the addition of hls name authorizing slgnatures on bank checks. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: BOWERS, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt, Webster None Kone Motlon carr led. . , It was moved by Bowers, 2nd by Granger that the Pollee Slgns - Department order the maintenanre men to place the one hour park- Parkl ng - , ing signs on the specified streets. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt, Webster None None Motlon carried. Ord. - Ordinance No. 388, providing for llcensing and control of all dogs was introduced and read in full. It was moved by Leonard, 2nd by Webster that Ordinance No. 388 be sent to ite 2nd reading and adoption. Mr. Hickox, from the audience, suggested that somethlng be done about wandering cats. 38g AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt, Webster None None Motlon carried. Mayor Shufelt assigned the following members to the various \ \ committees: Flnance, Webster~Bowers; Beach-Park, Leonard-Bowers; Council ~ Commlttee , i Llght-Street, Granger-Bowers; Water-Sewer, Granger-Webster; Polic~- Flre, Bowers-Leonard; Bullding, Leonard-Granger; Llcense, Leonard; Harbor, Leonard-Bowers-Shufelt. Meeting was adjourned on Mayor's motion. Approved ~ Mayor . lerk and Ex-Offlclo of the City Councl1_ ---- ATTEST: I I.