HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-06-05 ':d Seal Beach, California June 5, 1950 The Clty Council of the 01ty of Seal Beach met ln regular session at 8:00 P.M. wlth Mayor Shufelt preslding. Meeting was called to order wlth salute to the Flag. I Present: Absent: Mayor Shufel t CouncU men, Webster, Leonard, Granger Bowers None The minutes of the regular meeting of May 15th and adjourned meeting of May 15th were read and approved on Mayor's motlon. H. V. Eckberg, a retiring volunteer member of the Flre Depart- H.V.~ ment for twenty years, now retirlng, was presented wlth a certlfled Eckberg copy of Resolutlon No. 704 and a plaque by Mayor Shufelt, who spoke a few words commending Mr. Eckberg for hls long and falthful servlce to the Clty. . Written appllcations for the sale of flreworks were presented from the Amerlcan Leglon, Llons Club, Seal Drug, Westmoreland Market, Seal Beach Varlety Store, Open Alr Market, Rollle Vinzant and Brockls Fire- Works, Drug Center. It was moved by Leonard, second by Webster that re- II quests for permlts be granted for sale of' safe and sane flreworks from July 1st to July 5th, both dates included. AYES: NOES: A I3SENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motion carrled. Letter of Mlss IneE Ghlgo requ~sting permlt for the moving-in Garage, of a garage bul1ding. It was moved by Leonard, second by Bowers Bldg. - that request be denled. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon carried Letter of Engineer Woolley announcing that Well No. 1 had been Well - satlsfactorlly completed by Walter O. Hill, drlller. No.1 It was moved . by Webster, second by Bowers that recommendatlon be accepted and M~. Hlll's blll for balance of nlnety (9~) peroent of contract prlce be approved. I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard Granger, Bowers, Shufel t None None Motlon carrled ~ul1an .. Fence to ."-~ ~ . "I,. '.: Letter of W1Illam R. Jullan thanking Councl1 for permlssion extend the height of present fence. Received and filed. ~g ~ Reports of the Pollce Chlef, Bul1dlng, Water and Tax Depart- mente were read. It was moved by Bowers, second by Granger that reports be received and filed. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webst~r, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motion carrled I Demands numbering 1792 ~o 1895 lnclusive, amounting to 811,257.84 as approved by the Flnance Commlttee we~e presented. It was moved by Bowers, second by Webster that bills be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury for same. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled Letter of the newly organlzed Orange Coast Yaoht Club assur- Orange . ing the Councl1 of thelr oooperation ln the matter of the Anahelm Coast Yacht Bay aoqulsltlon. Reoelved and fl1ed. AYES: ,Club NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowere, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled Ord. - It was moved by Webster, second by Leonard to dispense wlth the reading of Ordlnanoe 390,'Rlchfield Oil Company Franohlse. I 390 AYES : NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bo.ers, Shufelt None None Motlon carr led Ord. _ Ordlnance 359, an Amendment to the Tr~fflc Ordlnance was read. It was moved by Leonard, second by Bowers that Ordlnanoe 389 389 be deemed as having had lts flnal readlng and be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motion carried Clty Attorney presented new Agreement for the lease of water 1ravy - well slte from the Navy Department. It was mov ed by Bowers, eecond Well . by Webster that the ~yor and Cl:ty Olerk be dlrected to slgn eald Slte Agreement on behalf of the 01ty. AYES: NCE: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon carried I Connor - City Attorney oalled attentlon to the Charles Connor hearlng before the Industrial Accldent Commlssion. Hearlng 01ty Attorney made hls recommendation regardlng ~ statement from Cralg & Joy Contraotors regarding bill for breakage of Southern Counties Gas maln. It was moved by Webster, seoond by Leonard that bl11 for repalr of gas llne be denled. Gas_ Main Breakage iUS: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon Carr led I 49 Englneer Woolley Submltted prepared plans and speciflcations SPECS - together with estlmated cost of plpe for lines and new pumplng equlpment for the Clty's new water supply. It was moved by Bowers, second Plpe by Leonard that Engineer's report and estimated costs be approved. Equlp. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: I Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon oarrled It was moved by Granger, second by Leonard to approve the Wage - per dlem uniform wage scale as set forth in the legal advertising Scale for blds for the constructlon of the new ~ater supply equlpment. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motion carrled It was moved by Granger, 2nd by Leonard to dlrect the Clerk Sealed to advertlse for sealed blds to be opened Thursday, June ?2d at Blds r 8:00 P.M. for construction of sald plpe llne. AYES: 'NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled No objectlone oral or wrltten were received on the granting of a new Franchlse to the Southern Callfornla Edlson Company. It was moved by Webster, second by Granger that franchlse be awarded as requested ln Edison Company's formal applicatlon. ICdlson - FranchlseA YES: NOES: ABSENT: I Webster, None None Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt Motion carried Ordinance No. 391, Grantlng Edlson Company Franchlse was presented and revlewed by Clty Attorney. It was maed by Webster, second by Leonard that Ordinance No. 391 be deemed as havlng had its first readlng. Ord. - '91 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, None None Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt Motlon carrled. ' that the Bullding Life - It ~as moved by Leonard, second by Webster I Guard Inspector be dlrected to arrange for the constructlon of a new llfe guard statlon on the ~est beach at a cost not to exceed $780.00. Stn. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled It was moved by Webster, eecond ~y Leonard to dlrect the Maintenance Department to remove the three palm trees parallellng 50 Palm - the Brassfleld property at Elghth Street and Electric Avenue. AYES: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bowers, Shufelt Trees NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion carr led It was moved by Bowers, second by Granger that the Clty Canoe1 . Assessor and Tax Collector be authorlzed to cancel the,Clty Taxes Tax Ocean Ave. . on the newly aoqulred property of the City at the So~thwest corner of Elghth Street and Ocean Avenue. I: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Bswers, Shufelt None None Motlon carr led .. Meeting was adjourned on Mayor's motlon. , Clerk and Ex-Offici! Clerk of the City Qgun~il ATTEST: I Approved: . Clty Clerk -- .....- I