HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-06-19 7' '51 Seal Beach, Callfornla June 19, 1950 The Clty Councll of the Clty of Seal Beach met ln regular sesslon at 8:00 P.M. wlth Mayor Shufelt presldlng. Meetlng was , called to order with salute to the Flag. Present: I Absent: Mayor Shufelt Councl1men, Bowers. Granger.. Leonard, Webster None The mlnutes of the regular meetlng of June 5th were read and approved on Mayor's motlon. COMY.UNICATIONS: Letter of the Fire Department expresslng appreclatlon for Eckbe!.'g - the plaque presented retirlng member of the Department. Mr. H. V. Plaque' Eckberg. Recelved and fl1ed. Letter of Noel Chadwlck call1ng attentlon to the overslght ln deslgnating ln the setback line on Ocean Avenue ln Block 2. Chadwlck- when the dlstrlct west of Elghth Street was reEoned from single Setback ' to multlple dlstrlct by the adoptlon of Ordlnance No. 378. Letter held ln abeyance ~ith understanding that this error wl11 be cor- I rected. . Letter of Rap Stapp asking for permlt and 11cense to conduct pony rldes on the beach. It was moved by Webster, second by Granger Beach- , that request be denled. Pony AYES: Rldes NOES: ABSENT: Bowers. Granger, Leonard, Webeter, Shufelt. None None Motlon carrled. Report of the Clty Treasurer and Clerk for the month of May was read. It was moved by Leonard, second by Bowers that reports be received and filed. Motlon carr led. Demands numbering 1596 to 19'62 lncluslve, amountlng to $10,327.45 ae approved by the Flnance Commlttee were presented. It was moved by Leonard, second by Bowers that bl11s be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury for same. I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt. None None Motion carrled. Resolutlon No. 705 was presented. State Gas Tax budgetlng. It ~ae moved by Webeter, seconded by Bowers that Resolutlon No. 705 be adopted. Reso. 705 - AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger,_Leonard, Webeter, Shufelt. None None Motion carried. 52 Ord. - Ordinance No. 391 was presented. It was moved by Leonard second by Bowers to walve the readlng of Ordinance No. 391. 391 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt. None None Motlon carrled. It was moved by Leonard, second by Bowers that Ordlnance No. 391 be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, None None Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt. Motion carrled. I Resolutlon No. 706 was presented accepting the Franchlse Bond lssued by the Paclfic Indemnlty Company in conjunctlon with the grantlng of franchlse to Southern California Edison Company. Reso. 706 It was moved by Leonard, second by Webster the,t Resolution No. 706 be adopted. AYES: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt. NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion carried. Innumera~ protests were registered from the floor protesting Airport _ the lssuance of a buslness llcense to the Airport Club. Councllman Llcense Protest Granger motioned that the license lssued to the Airport Club be rescinded. Falled for the want of a motion. I Ordlnances No. 225 and No. 230 were reviewed by Attorney George E. Bradley substltutlng for Roland Thompson. It was moved bY State' . Webster, second by Granger that a letter be addressed to the State Corp. Corporatlon Commlsslon to determlne the statua of the Alrport Club Commlsslon as a non-profit corporatlon. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt. None None Motlon carrled. It was moved by Webster, second by Leonard that the meeting be adjourned to Thursday, June 22d at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of openlng of bids for the development of the new water supply. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, None None Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt. ~ 'ot1on ,nrr1.d. , ~~~, !Jlfty 01 or' ~ "'-Off)<1' . Clark of the Cl tL,Oouncll .r; ~~~~ ' I Approved ~~ ~ Mayor Um.. ~;f.~ II Cl ty Clerk