HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-09-05 "'4 i' Llons ,. Club Traffio Taxl-' cab . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Granger, Leonard, Shufelt lITone Bowers Motion oarrled. Meeting adjourned on mayor's motlon. Clerk and Ex-Off of the Clty Coun I, Approved: ..;tfn...?/' r' ~N~ llayor ATTEST: Seal Beach, Callfornia Sept. 5, 1950 The Clty Counoll of the 01ty of Seal Beaoh met ln regular sesslon at 8:00 P.M. wlth Mayor Shufelt presldlng. Meet- lng was called to order with Salute to the Flag. Present: llayor Shufelt Councilmen, Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster I Absent: None The mlnutes of the regular meetlng of August 21st were read and approved on the Mayor's motlon. Letter of the Llons Club suggestlng that an lnvestlsatlon be made lnto the feaslblllty of deslgnating cross street bus stops and the deslgnatlng of loadlng and unloadlng Eones for commerclal vehioles. Referred to Pollce Commlssioner to brlng ln report at the next meetlng. Letter of W. D. & Davls Fowler statlng they were oper~ lng a taxlcab buslness under arrangement wlth Harold A. Zlmmerman and asklng for permlt and llcense to operate. It was moved by Leonard, second by Granger that they should make appllcatlon as lndepenqant operators of the buslness. I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt None None Motlon oarried 75 It was moved by Bowers, seoond by Granger that the City Attorney be dlrecte~ to draw up a new taxioab ordlnanoe. AYES: HOES: ABSENT: Bowers, None None Granger, ,Leonard, Webster, Shufelt Motlon oarrled. Letter of Walter C. Bowman, Chalrman of Amerlcanism Commlttes reiteratlng the request of the Veterans' Councll that all 01ty Employees be requlred to take the Loyalty Oath. Consld- I erable discusslon and argument was agaln advanoed from the audlance Loyalty after whlch the Counollman Webster motioned and lt was seoond by Oa th ~ Bowers that the 01ty Attorney draw the standard form of Oath whlch could be subscrlbed to on a ~oluntary basls by Clty Employees ln the offlce of the Clty Clerk. A:YES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt None None Motlon oarrled. It was moved by Leonard seoond by Bowers that Agreement be entered lnto and Mayor authorlEed to slgn same wlth Southland Heating Heatlng, Inc. for inspeotlon servloe to our Clty Hall heating Plant. plant at an annual cost of $20.00. I AYES: WOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled. Notice by the Public Utllltles Commlsslon of hearing on applloatlon of Long Beach Motor Bus Oorp. for lncreaee ln fares. Bus, Clty Attorney to prepare a resolutlon from the Councll to be pre- Hearlng sented at the tlme of the hearlng. Letter of X. B. Nlcholas, reservolr contraotor, wlth blll for $12,809.92 oarrylng o.k. of Englneer Woolley was presented. It Reservoir Demand was moved by Leonard second by Bowers that warraDt for sald amount o.k. be drawn on the Treasury. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled ., Wat~ llLettPPiy of water supply development. Reoelved and flled. Develop. ln Reports for the month of August of the Pollce Chlef, Bu1ld- Woolley. (Engr) Ing,Water and Tax Departments were read. REPort seoond by Bowers that reports be recelved and flIed. Motlon carried. Letter of J. A. Woolley, Englneer glv1ng report on progrees It was moved by Leonard, Demands numberlng 350 to 453 lncluslve as approved by the Flnance Commlttee, amountlng to $2~,683.83 were presented. It was 73 moved by Bowers, second by Leonard that bllls be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury for same. Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled. Ordlnance No. 396 was presented, provldlng for setback llne for each lot ln Block 2, Bay Clty Tract. It was moved by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Granger, second by Bowers that the readlng of Ordlnanoe No. 396 I be walved. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled. Ord. It was moved by Leonard second by Bowers that Ordlnance No. 396 be deemed as havlng had lts second readlng and be adopted. Bowers, Granger, Leonard, Webster, 'Shufelt None Wone Motlon carrled. Resolution No. 712 was presented; Compensatlon Insurance for Disaster Workers. It was moved by Webster, second by Bowers 396 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Reso. 712 that Resolutlon No. 712 be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, "Leonard, Webster, Shufelt None None Motlon carrled. I Councllmen Granger and Leonard, appolnted by the Mayor Repo~t Penslon . to confer wlth Audltor Franks on the Employees' Penslon Plan, made a prellmlnary report on same. It was moved by Leonard, secmd by Bowers that Mayor Mayor's ' Shufelt's request Vacatlon be granted. for vacatfon, wlth permlsslon to leave the state, Motion carrled. It was moved by Granger, 'second by Bowers that meeting be adjourned to Thursday, Sept. 7th at 7:90 P.M. Motlon oarrle~., ..... . a a Ex-Offlolo Olerk 01 ty Council L-t!t I ATTEST: