HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-09-07 I Reso. . 713 Ord., 397 I n.-, .' . Seal Beach, Callfornla Sept. 7. 1950 , The City Counoll of the Clty of Seal Beach met In adjourned sesslon at 7:'0 P.M. Meetlng was called order by Ma~or Shufelt wlth Salute to the Flag. Present: Mayor Shufelt Counol1men, Leonard, Webster Oouncilmen, Bowers, Granger The flrst order of buslness was conslderatlon of memo Absent: of Agreement on State Hlghway route through 01ty. Mr. Harrls of the Department was present and explalned the operation. Resolu- tlon No. 713 was preeented,-Gas Tax Agreement. It was moved by Webster, second by Leonard that ResolutloD No. 713 be adopted. AYES: WOES: ABSENT: Leonard, Webster, Shufelt None Bowers, Granger Motion oarried. Mr. Watson and Mr. George of the State Dlvlslon of Lands were presen~ and ln part stated the State's posltlon In regards to the annexatlon outllned by Resolutlon No. 711. Ordlnance No. '97 was presented and read ln full. It was moved by Leonard, second by- We~ster, that Ordlnanoe No. '97 be"'deemed as 'having had lts f1111t readlng and sent to lts second readlng and adoptlon. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Leonard, Webster, Shufelt None Bowers, Granger Motion oarrled. Letter of W. D. and Davls Fowler statlng they had aoquired all of assets and good wlll of H. A.-Zlmmerman Yellow Oab Oo~ of Seal Beach and renewlng applloatlon for Cert1flcatl.. of neceselty and llcense. Held over untll next regular meetlng. It was moved by Webster, second by Leonard to remlt to Voglesong Products Corp. thelr flfty (50~) peroent of the gross Parklng' Meters oollectlons to August '1st on parklng meters and to lnform company Taxi' Appli- cation Fowler '1 that Clty ls reservlng thelr optlon as to the six month trial perlod. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Leonard, Webster, Shufelt NOli! Bowers, Granger _ ".:.;,_.,~p_u.Qt;!.~~r:ded~', It was moved by Webster, seoond by Leonard that contraot . IV Southland Heating Contract- wlth Southland He~tlng Inc. be adjusted to read thlrty ($'0.00) dollars lnstead of orlglnal twenty ($20.00) dollars. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Leonard, Webster, Shufelt Bone Bowers, Granger Motlon carrled. Meetlng was adjourned on f~y I Approyed: ~ ~~ ~~ Mayor .PMo. . ATTEST: Seal Beaoh, Callfornia Sept. 18th, 1950 The Clty Oounoll of, the Clty of Seal Beach met ln regular sesslon at 8:00 P.M. wlth Mayor,Pro-Tem Leonard preslding. Meet- II ing was ~alled to order wlth salute to the Flag. Present: Mayor Pro-Tem Leonard Councilmen, Bowers, Granger, Webster Mayor Shufelt . Absent: The minutes of the regular meetlng of Sept. 5th and ad- , journed meetlng of Sept.. 7th were read and approved on Mayor Pro- Tem's motlon. Day . Letter of James F. Smlth, parklnglot attendant, requestlng vacatlon pay. Recelved and filed. Letters of Glenn O. Jones, Presldent of the Chamber of Com- Seal Beach Jr. meroe and Carolyn Cunnlngham, Presldent of the{Woman's Club, re- questlng Councll's permlsslon for the use of the Clty-owned lots across from the Clty Hall at the Southwest corner of Elghth Street an~ Central Avenue for ,the Youth Day Celebratlon, Ootober 7th. It was moved by Bowers, second by Granger that request be granted with the,understandlng that'the ~hamber carry the necessary In- surance protectlon to safeguard the publlc lnterests of the communlty. I, Youth .