HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-09-18 IV Southland Heating Contract- wlth Southland He~tlng Inc. be adjusted to read thlrty ($'0.00) dollars lnstead of orlglnal twenty ($20.00) dollars. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Leonard, Webster, Shufelt Bone Bowers, Granger Motlon carrled. Meetlng was adjourned on f~y I Approyed: ~ ~~ ~~ Mayor .PMo. . ATTEST: Seal Beaoh, Callfornia Sept. 18th, 1950 The Clty Oounoll of, the Clty of Seal Beach met ln regular sesslon at 8:00 P.M. wlth Mayor,Pro-Tem Leonard preslding. Meet- II ing was ~alled to order wlth salute to the Flag. Present: Mayor Pro-Tem Leonard Councilmen, Bowers, Granger, Webster Mayor Shufelt . Absent: The minutes of the regular meetlng of Sept. 5th and ad- , journed meetlng of Sept.. 7th were read and approved on Mayor Pro- Tem's motlon. Day . Letter of James F. Smlth, parklnglot attendant, requestlng vacatlon pay. Recelved and filed. Letters of Glenn O. Jones, Presldent of the Chamber of Com- Seal Beach Jr. meroe and Carolyn Cunnlngham, Presldent of the{Woman's Club, re- questlng Councll's permlsslon for the use of the Clty-owned lots across from the Clty Hall at the Southwest corner of Elghth Street an~ Central Avenue for ,the Youth Day Celebratlon, Ootober 7th. It was moved by Bowers, second by Granger that request be granted with the,understandlng that'the ~hamber carry the necessary In- surance protectlon to safeguard the publlc lnterests of the communlty. I, Youth . 79 AYES: Bowers, Granger, Webster, Leonard NOES: None ABSENT; Mayor Shufelt Petltlon of Maln Street buslness people and cltlzens asklng the Council to place trafflo stop slgns at the Southeast and North- west oorners of Maln Street and Central Avenue. Referred to the Commlttee studylng the proposal of the Lyons C~ub on the rearranging of street parklng and bus stops. llaln Street I' Stop Slgn- Letter of the Seal Beach Sport Flshlng Pler, Lescher & Stocko~ operators, wlth a check ln the sum of Elghteen hundred ($1,800.00) dollars attaohed, announolng they were renewlng thelr flve (5) year Lease-, option, was read., 10 Oounoil actlon taken. Pler Report of the 01ty Treasurer and Clty Olerk for the month of August was read. It was moved by Bowers, second by Webster that reports be recelved and filed. Motlon oarrled. Demands numberlng 454 to 52~ inoluslve amount to $8,351.57 as approved by the Finanoe Commlttee were presented. It was moved by Bowers. second by Granger that bllls be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury for same. I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Webster, Leonard None Mayor Shufelt Motion oarrled Resolutlon No. 714 was presented; Protestlng Increase ln Reso. Bus Fare to Long Beach.' It was moved by Webster, second by Bowers 714 - . , . that Re~olutlon No. 714 be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Webster, Leonard None ~ Mayor Sftufel~ Motion carrled Resolution No. 715 was presented; Approving Proposed Or- Reso. , 715 ~anlEatlo~ of Orange County Munlolpal Water Dlstrlct and Annexa- tion to Metropolltan Water Dlstrlct. It was moved by Webster, second ~y Bowers that Resolutlon No. 715 be adopted. ,I AYES: . NOES: ... ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Webster, Leonard None Mayor Shufelt Motlon carrled Resolutlon No. 716 was presented; Placlng a Deadllne on the Flllng wlth the, Clerk of Demands and Communlcatlons to be Reso. presented to the City Councll. It was moved by Gra~ger, second 716, by Bowers that Resolutlon No. 7lh be adopt.d. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Webster, Leonard None Mayor Shufelt Motlon carrled 80 Reso. 717 . Taxlcab. Fowler Broe. Sta t e . Lands Resolutlon No. 717 was presented; Supplementlng Resolution No. 715: Approving the Proposed Orange County Municlpal Water Dlstrlct and Annexatlon to the Metropolltan Water Dlstrlot. It was moved by Bo~ers, second by Granger that Reeolutlon No. 717 be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bowers, Granger, Webster, Leonard None Mayor Shufelt Motion oarrled I The matter of permlt and llcense for Fowler Bros. Taxlcab was dlscussed; the amount of lnsurance to be carrled on each taxl- cab was agreed on as 25/50 thousand. It was moved by Bowers, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: AYES: NOES: PASS: ABSENT: . . eecond by Granger that Clty Attorney prooeed wlth draftlng of ne~ taxlcab Ordinanoe along llnes as dlscussed for presentatlon at next regular meetlng. Bowers, Granger, Webster, Leonard None Mayor Shufelt Motlon carrled J. Stuart Watson of the State Lands Commlsslon was agaln present. Conslderable dlscussion over the matter of tldelands annexatlon ensued. Ordlnance No. '97 was presented and dled Commlsslon for the want of a second. It was moved by Webster, seoond by Bowers that the'Clty AYES: NOES: ABSENT: I Attorney prepare an Ordlnance for adoptlon abandonlng the Annexa- tlon as proposed ln Resolution No. 711. Bowers, Granger, Webster, Leonard None Mayor Shufelt Motlon carrled It was moved by Webster, second by Bowers that Englneer Water. & Woo~ley oa;rJ"Yon negotlat1ons wl th the Bureau of Wa~er and Power Power along the 11nes dlscussed In the lnformal meet lng, on the matter. Bowers, Webster, Leonard None Granger l4ayor Shufelt. Motlon car,rled. Ord.. Aband. Annex. Englneer Woolley reported on the County Gas Tax. allotment County. Gas and approxlmate amount that can be expected from State allotment Tax Allot- for use ln the pavlng of Electrlo Avenue. It was moved by Bowers, ment second by Granger that Woolley. proceed wlth preparat.l,cn of pro- ject statement ~or the work. I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 81 Bowers, Granger, .Webster, Leonard None Mayor Shufelt Motion carrled Engineer Woolley reported that plpe 11ne work on the new water llne had been satlsfaotorl1y oo~leted by Alex Robertson Water. Company as of August 28th. It was moved by Bowers, eecond by Llne Granger that report be approved and job accepted. I AYES: NOES: .BSENT: Bowers, Granger. Webster, Leonard None Mayor Shufelt Meetlng was adjourned on Mayor ~ro-Tem's motlon. Clt~'lerk and %-0 flclo Cl~rC1of the 01t~ Counc APprovedfi...,,~~ <~7'~ . Mayor ATTEST: , Seal Beaoh, Callfornla Ootober 2nd, 1950 The Clty Council of the Clty,of Seal Beaoh met In regular sesslon at'7:30 P.M. wlth Mayor Shufelt presldlng. Meeting was called to ~rder wlth salute to the Flag. I Present: Absent: Mayor Shufelt Councl1men Webster, Leonard, Bowers Counollman Granger The mlnutes of the regular meetlng of September 18th were read and approved on Mayor's motion., Clerk presented the Loyalty Oath, prepared by our Clty Attorney statlng all Clty employees had slgned same. It was moved by Bowers, seco~d by Leonard that th~ City accept the Loyalty Oath formulated by the State Legislature and dlrected tqat .all persons ln the em- ploy of the Clty subscrlbe to sald Oath. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Currle Sewer Plant process of redeslgning plans for the ~ewage dlsposal plant. Loyalty Oath I Webster, None Granger Leonard, Bowers, Shufelt Motion carrled L~tter of Currle Engineerlng Company sta~lng they were ln the R & F.