HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1950-10-16 85 Burnt Street Superlntendent reported that the expense of de- mollshlng and removal of'flre damaged bulldlng ~t 2~3'Seventeenth Str~et to be $175.00. It was moved by Leonard second by Bowers that the Clty Attorney be dlrected to prepare the neceesary llen papers for fl1lng clalm for coets agalnst sald property. Bldg I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webeter, Leonard, Bowers, Shufelt None Granger Motlon carrled Tele- Clty Attorney Buck was dlrected to oontact the Board of whlch the'Aseoolated Phone Supervlsors regardlng County Franchlse under Franchise Telephone Company ls operatlng under ln Seal . Beach. Meeting was adjourned on Mayor's motion. Approved: 01t. Clerk a d Ex-Offlclo o rk of the City Cou ~ .( Il&~~ yor ~ ATTEST: I Seal Beach, Oallfornla October 16, 1950 The Clty Counol1 of the 01ty of Seal Beach met ln regular sesslon at 7:30 P.M. wlth Mayor Shufelt presldlng. Meetlng was called to order with salute to the Flag. Present: Mayor Shufelt Councl1men, Webster, Leonard, Granger Councl1man Bowers Absent: Hallo- ween Party The mlnutes of the regular meetlng of October 2nd was read and approved on Mayor's ~otlon. Letter of Mrs. Jay DeArmond, l2~ Seventh Street, asklng for use of City lots across from the Clty Hall for the purpose of ~~ldlng their annual Halloween party. It was moved by Webster, I second by Leonard that request be granted. Motlon carried. Letter of Mrs. Kate Gillingham asking for removal of Chlnese elm trees adjacent to her property at Eleventh Street and Central Trees -Gl1ltg-Avenue as sald trees are now damaging the sldewalk. It was moved ham bY Webster, second by Granger that request be granted and Malnte- 86 Tree Damage to Streets vn Meetlng Roy Thomas' Leave of Absence Ord. 398 Presented Ord.~98 Adopted nance Foreman dlrected to have trees complalned of removed. AYES: NOES: ABS: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carrled. It was moved by Leonard, second by Webater ~hat the Clty Ma~ntenance Foreman be dlrected to make a survey of damage belng done to streets and s~dewalks by varlous trees and report same I back to the Councll. AYES: NOES: ABS: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carrled. Letter of George E. McClure, Post Commander of the Veterans of Fqreign Wars, extendlng lnvi~atlon to the Mayor and Clty Council to attend a publlc meetlng in theAudltorium, Wed- nesday, October 18th. Recelved and filed. Letter of Roy N. Thomas asklng Councl1 for slxty (60) days leave of absence for the purpose of undergolng necessary surgery. It was moved by Leonard, second by Granger that re- Quest be granted and salary contlnued for the period. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carr led. I Report for the month of ,September of City Treasurer and Clty Clerk was read. It was moved by Leonard, second by Webster that reports be .~eceived and flled. Motlon oarrled. Demands numberlng 617 to 684 lnclusive amountlng to $18,119.09 as approved by the Flnance Commlttee were presented. It was moved by Leonard seoond by Webster that bl11s be allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasury for same. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carrled. Ordlnance No. 398 was presented and read by title, Taxicab Ordlnance. It was moved by'Granger, second by Leonard that the readlng of Ordlna~ce No. 398 be waived. ' I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carr led. It was moved by Leonard, second by Granger that Ordlnance No.398 be deemed as having had lts second and flnal reading and be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carr led. Clty Atty to Prepare Amend. to Ord.398 I Ord. 399 87 It was moved by Grang~r, second by Leonard that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an amendment to Ordlnance 398 after the Pollee Chlef has approved of a oolor comblnatlon for Fowler Bros. Taxlcabs. Motlon carried. Ordlnance No. 399 was presented and read ln full abandonlng annexatlon as provlded for in Resolutlon No. 711. It was moved " . by Granger, second by Webster that Ordlnance No. 399 be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carrled. A Mr. Beyers appeared before the Councll proposlng a beach Beach Cleaner sand cleaning job at a prlce of t; a cublc yard. Mr. Beyers was asked to ,return after maklng a stUdy and an estlmate of the approx- County Street Pavlng \ I lmate cost .of the jOb. "./0", " '., It was moved by Leonard second by Webster that the Mayor and , , Clty Clerk be dlrected and authorlzed to slgn the street construe- ,wlth the County of Orange tlon agreement/after same has been approved by the Clty Attorney. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, None Bowers ,Granger, Shufel t Motlon carrled. Water Reservolr Reservolr job by X. B. Nlcholas & Pumps Engln~er Woolley presented letters approving of, the Water and the pumplng equlp ment lnstalla- tlon by ByroD Jackson Company and recommendlng same be pal~ as per contract plus extras. It was moved by Granger, second by Webster to acc~pt the recommendatlon of the englneer and both jobs be aocepted on behalf of the Clty. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motion carrled It was moved by Leonard second by Granger that the Clty Bolsa Avenue Attorney be dlrected to wrlte the Orange Oounty Board of Supervlsors - 1st St. protestlng the clOSing of Bolsa Avenue, Flrst Street wlthln the Clty of Seal Beach. I Alamltos Bay Dredglng AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carried It was moved by Leonard, second by Webster that Engineer Woolley be dlrected to wrlte the Army Engineers asking that they ~evlew the Alamitos Bay dredglng and development to bring us up t&,date on the, program. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carrled 88 Alley Easement Lawn Mower Reservolr Road Topplng Street Signs It was moved by Leonard, second by Granger that the Clty Clerk be dlrected to prepare and send a letter to all property owners on the South side of Ocean Avenue between Eighth Street 'and Flrst Street, statlng that the City Council would meet ln roundtable discusslon wlth the property'owners of thls sectlon on Thursday, November 2nd at 7:00 P.M. to work out a falr and equltable'adjustment on the Clty's alley easement rights ln this section, and the'lnitiatlon of an Ordlnance protectlng the lnterests of all partles. AYES: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt NOES: None ABSENT: Bowers Motlon carrled ,I 'It waS moved by Leonard, second by Granger that a new lawn grass mower be purchased at a price of $255.00 plus tax, lncludlng the turn-ln of the present old mower. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carried ,. . It was moved by Webeter, second by Granger that ~twenty (20) loads of s-C-4 black tops be purchased for the surfaclng of the road to the water reservolr. 1 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard, Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carrled It was moved by Webster, second by Granger that two (2) sete of forme, together with accessories be purchased for the purpose of moulding our own concrete street markers. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Webster, Leonard,' Granger, Shufelt None Bowers Motlon carrled Meetlng was adjourned on Mayor's lerk a d Ex-Offlclo o the Clty Councll Approved: ~k ,., C ~<# Mayor 1- ATTEST: '