HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Min 1944-04-06 J;' " ._ .; 1! 1'ransfer l1quor l1cense- GUde' er Inn. Rifle Olub. Pler Lease- Joy Pier ILease- Baker & Moudy. De- ArmOnd. Seal Beach, california, AprU 6, 1944. . The Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Seal Beach met in regular .session at S:OO P.M. and was called to order wlth salute to .the, flag. ROLL CALL - Present: Mayor Reed Councilmen Felts, Henkey, Hughes, Postal None I, Absent: The minutes of regular meetlng of March 20th, 1944 were read and approved. The following communications were read: 1. State Board of Equalizatlon - Notice of appllcation of Nina Bennis and Jas. V. Arnerlch - DBA Glid1er Inn, for transfer of On-Sale Dist. Splrits, Beer and Wine License from SE Cor. CQast Highway and Bay Boulevard to 1!.j.00 Coast Highway. Reoeived and ordered fl1ed on the Mayor's motion. 2. Seal Beach Unlt, Paoific Coast Riflemen - Expressing appre- ciation for the efforts of the Sea] Beach Defense Council in obtaining service ribbons and lnsurance for the members of their Unit. Received and filed on the Mayor's motion. ,. Hazel and Mervyn Joy, 2114 Ocean Front, Newport Beach - Proposal to lease the cafe and store building on the Pier, on the I following terms: 8 300.00 per year for flrst two years 450.00 per year for next three years for five years at not more than 30 to be determined~ar and business with optlon for further rental per cent i~crease. exact amount conditions at time of renewal. Bid for fishlng boat concession.in event War restrictions are . removed during term of lease: $ 600.00 per year for first two years 1000.00 per year for next three years wlth optlon for renewal for five years at not more than 50 per cent increase. 4. C. E. Baker. 34e8 Santa Fe Ave., Long Beach, and Merton Moudy, /.j.20 Ollve Avenue. Long Beach - Bld for Pier Lease: $ 60.00 per month for first year 75.00 per month for second year, and l~O.OO per month when boat concession is posslble. I Oity of Seal Beach to repalr and malntain all electric condults and boat landlng ramps. 5. 16th, Jay DeArmond, Seal Beach - Supplementing his letter of March namlng business and financial references. Letter was received ~ Pler Lease .' ,I - ' Norton- New Map. .1 Smith- Senno Rezone Lots in Block 217, Tract 10. . Union Oil 00. I Repeal Fran- : ohise Ord. 1:J) and ordered fl1ed, and Mr. DeArmond was asked to make his proposal in wrltlng, for leasing the pier. . It was moved by Postal, seconded by Felts that all proposals for Pier Lease be referred to the Pier Oommittee (Oouncilmen Henkey and Hughes) wlth authorization to make tentative agreement With parties offering the most desirable proposal, and to notify the City Attorne: of the terms agreed upon, to be incorporated ln the Lease Agreement. )lotion carried. 6. Norton & Bailey - Suggest~ng that a letter be written to James Driggers of the National Housing Association in Los Angeles pointing out the deslrabillty of having more houees constructed ln Seal Beach to relieve the houslng sltuation here, which has become more acute since the Navy has removed more than 200 houses from the Anaheim Say area. Mr. Nortqn's letter also informed the Oity Counoi: that he ls filing a new map for dividing Lot 20, Block 203, Tract , . 698 into lots for the construction of 32 single family units. It was moved by Felts, seconded by Henkey that the City Olerk be lnstructed to wrlte to Mr. Driggers as suggested by Mr. Norton; and that the matter of dividlng Lot 29, Block 20' be held over for in- vestigation. Motion carried. 7. Fred J. and Estella W. Smith, Lee O. and Almee E. Benno , owners of Lots 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, Block 217, Tract 10. 10 - Petition for rezoning these lots from multiple to business. , Llst of property owners within radius of 300 feet of property to be ._, rezoned was attached.to the communication. - It was moved by Felts, seconded by Postal to recelve and file the Smith-Benno communication, and that the matter be referred to the Plannlng Oommission. Motlon carried. S. Union Oil Co. of Oalif. - Referring to letter of February 23, 1944'j' requesting the Clty to repeal Ordinance No. 73 ,Granting Fran- chlse to the Union 011 00. for pipe line on Electric Avenue, which pipe line has been removed. The request of Feb. 2'rd had been held over pending the repair of damage to street after removal of plpe 11ne. Street Sup't O. A. Ml11er and Oouncllman E. J. Hughes reported that the matter has been very satisfactorl1y oorrected. It was moved by Postal, seconded by Hughes that the Oity Attorney be instructed by bring in an ordlnanoe repealing Ordinance No. 73; and 1:3 Salvage Report. Woolley- Leave, of absence. Monroe. April 6, 191.j.1.j.(Cont!d) that lt be understood that the Oity of Seal Beach ls to be at no expense in the future for"repairs to streets as result of removal of this pipe line. Motion carried., 9. A. W. Armstrong, Oh. Seal Beach Salvage Committee - Report on salvage material cbllected and' sold during two-year period, April 1, 1942 to Aprii 1, 191.j.1.j.. Total of 136 tons, 1377 lbs. of newspapers, magazines, cartons, rags and rubbef, in addition to several tons of tln cans and glass which were collected here and sent to production centers. This amount added to the 85' tons of steel ral1s and 5 tons of rubber previously reported makes a total of more than 226 tons of salvage materials collected from Seal Beach. The funds derived from thls salvage material have gone to the Beal Beach Red Cross, Clvilian Defense Council, service men stationed in this Distriot, Clty of Seal Beach and Red' Oross War Fund, and Seal Beach Boys' Olub, total amount of $1014.92. The salvage report was received and ordered filed on the Mayor1s ~otion, with comment of appreciation for the service Mr. Armstrong is rendering to the community. 10. J. A. Woolley, Consultlng Engineer - Request for leave of absence for 90 days on account of impaired health. It ~as moved by 'Henkey, second'ed by Hughes th8.t Mr. ,Woolley's I I , ' request for 90 days leave of aosence be granted. Motion carried. Mr. Woolley's letter set forth the following recommendations: (a) That the duties assigned to him in connectlon wlth the Navy, Project be placed in the hands of A. S. Monroe, Oonsulting Engineer. It was moved by Henkey, seconded by 'Felts that the appolntment of A. S. Monroe as Consulting Engineer in Mr. Wooley's absenoe, be conflrmed. AUS: NOES: ABSENT: 00uncl1men 'Felts, Henkey, Hughes, postal, Reed ' None None Motion carried; Robinson. (b) That H. F. Robinson be emPloyed temporarily as Street Maln- tenance Superintendent to take 'over the of water, sewer and street departments, routlne mechanical problems II' and to asslst the Actlng City . Eng&neer, including surveylng and lnspection of street lmprovements, at compensatlon of $1.75 per hour 'and mileage allowance of $.06 per mile. Mayor Reed appointed Councilmen Felts and Hughes as Oommittee to confer with Mr. Robindon on matter of work and wages. ~ -'ollfII . -' . Salvage water and sewer plpe. 11. J. A. Woolley, Oonsulting Engineer - Recommendation that Mr. Robinson and Mr. Thomas be authcrized'to proceed with salvaging the water and sewer pipe on the bridg~and water pipe on the peninsula; and that the City employ Mr. Fred Weber, Oontractor, to furnish men & equipment necessary to asslst the Oity force ln this salvage. I , , The estimated cost of this salvage work is $1,000.00. The estimated value of pipe and fittings to be recovered is $2,500.00 It was moved by Felts, seconded by Hughes that the communicatlons from Mr. Woolley be received and ordered fl1ed, and that the Oity follow the recommendations as outlined by Mr. Woolley, and that the' 01ty Council go on reoord to the effect that the Clty will not turn o~the utillties on the Peninsula without written authority from the Navy Department. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Oouncilmen Fe~t~ Henkey, Oouncilman Postal None Hughes, Reed Motion carried. Thomas- 12. Dr. H. E. DeSadeleer - Advislng the City Council of the physical: condition.physical condition of Roy Thomas, and recommending that he be rel~ev- , ed from his present posltion and placed on lighter work. I Thomas- Appllca- tion. . Communllf!ation received and ordered filed on the Mayor'.s motion. 1', Roy N. Thomas, Malntenance Foreman - Referring to recommenda~:~: tion in letter from Dr. DeSadeleer, and requesting that he be trans- ferred from the position of Maintenance Foreman to a position with . the Police Department. Mayor Reed called upon Chlef of Police E. E. Glenn to explain the duties to be asslgned to Mr. Thomas. Ohief Glenn stated that it was his plan to assign Mr. Thomas to Pollce patrol of the pier and beach. It was moved by HenJlilJl seconded by Felts that Roy Thomas be trans- ferred from the job of Maintenance Foreman to the Police Department. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Oouncilmen Felts, Henkey, Hughes, Postal, Reed None None Motion carried. Knlghton- 14. I Appllca- tion. man. W. S. Knighton - Application for position of Maintenance Fore- It waB moved by Felts, seconded by Po~tal to receive and file the appllcation of W. ~S. Knlghton. OOMMITTEE REPORTS Motion carried. . Att'y Oity Attorney Dana R. Wl11iams reported that he had not receivel Gen'l - Opinion. an oplnion from the Attorney General on the matter of legallty of Notice of Intention to circulate Recall Petltion, although he. had .,/' ."\ J. . IS Recall law. Reso. No. 509 - Recall Election. Mutual Fire Aid. Oil derrick. Truck prlces. Dump truck motoit'. Reports. April 6. 1944 (Oont'd) an oplnlon on the matter be written a second letter requesting that received by April 6th. The 01ty Attorney reported on the law with ~~spect to Recall ~ Electlons, and read report of 8&m11~areoases ln the Supreme Court. Mr. Duane W. Wheeler addressed the Oouncil at conslderable length on eleotlon laws pertaining to Recall prooedure. He oplnlon that tlley are sufficient. He cited Sections 11002 and 11114 II examined the Recall Petitlons on file, and stated that it is hls of Electlons Code, and called particular attention to the fact that it ls mandatory upon the part of the Oity Oouncil to call an electlon. After some discussion it was agreed that the date for holdlng the election be set for May 12th, 1944. RESOLUTION NO 509 was introduced and read. A RESOLUTION OF THE OITY OOUNOIL OF THE OITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA, CALLING' A SPEOIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID OITY ON THE 12th DAY OF-MAY, 1941.j., FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING ON THE QUESTION OF RECALL OF . COUNOILMAN MAX HENKEY AND COUNOILMAN F. W. POSTAL. .. . It was moved by Felts, seconded by Henkey that Resolutlon No. 508 be adopted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Oounoilmem Felts, None None Henkey, Hughes, Postal, Reed Motion carried. I City Attorney Dana R. Wl11iams reported t'hat the Mutual Flre Aid Agreement is not ready to report on. On the matter of oil derrick at the Westerly City Limits, the . Oity Attorney reported that he talked with Mr. Jergins, and was . . informed that there was nothing to report on the well at the present . . time, and when the progress of the drilllng operations had reached a polnt where there was informatlon to report, that he would be glad to relay such information to the City of Seal Beach. Roy N. Thomas reported on truck prices, as follows: Doty Chevrolet Co. - l! ton, Chasis only : $1436.66 Dodge Company - It ton, Chasis only 1522.31 It was moved by Felts, seconded by Henkey that ~he.truc~ matter be held over until next meeting. 140tiQn carrleq.. I On the matter of a new motor to replace the worn-out motor in the dump truck, lt was moved by Postal, seconded by Hughes to lnstruct the Oity Olerk to write the proper letter asking for motor Motlon carried. exchange, stating that it ls a necessity. CITY OFFIC~~S REPORTS Reports for the month of March of the City Judge, Chlef of pollce, Water,Tax and Bul1ding Departments were read. Bl11s. I Tax lot- Young. )(. ISuit against Poll"Ce Officers. Adjourn. .1 J (" . It was moved by Postal, seconded by Hughes that the City Officers reports be received ahd ordered filed. ACOOUNTS AND BILLS Demands numbered from 890 to 956 inclusive were read. Motion carried. It was moved by Postal, seconded by Hughes that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the treasury for same. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Oouncitmen Felts, None None HenkeYi Hughes, Postal, Reed Motion carried. Oity Tax Collector O. A. Miller,read letter from Warren D. Young, 1125 Iola Street, Los Angeles. - Request to redeem Lot 12, Block 107, Bay City Tract, which lot was deeded to the Oity on the 1st day of July, 1940. Check in amount of $176.00 enclosed. It was moved by Henkey, seconded by Hughes that the Councl1 resclnd lts action ln accepting deed to this property, and to authorize the City Tax Collector to accept the payment of tax, and to issue the usual redemption certiflcate. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Felts, Henkey, Hughes, Postal, Reed None None Motion carried. Councilman Postal suggested that a meeting of the Police Committee, ,the Oity Attorney and Chief of Police, be hsld Friday evening in the Jury Room to confer on the matter of the pending Sult against the Police Officers for removing telephones from c certain private homes. It was moved by Felts, seconded by Postal to adjourn. Motion carried. U~~~ /:ft4~~iJ- City Olerk and Ex-O icio Olerk of, the Oity Councll. APPROVED: J.J.I~ ~uA Mayor , . !JL.~~ ATTEST. . . rf" Ci ty Cler , , ,