HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1984-03-21
City Council Chambers
211 Eighth Street
Seal Beach, California
\ The Seal Beach Planning Commission meets in session every first and third Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. If !IOu wish to address the COllllUss~on on any parhcular publlC hear~ng
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and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker's posltlon ln the
center of the room is unoccup~ed, step up to the microphone and when recogn~zed by the
Cha~rman, speak d~rectly into the microphone by flrst stating your name and address clearly
and d~st~nctly for the records. State your business as clearly and succlnctly as posslble
and then wa~t a moment to see if the Comnussloners have any questlons ~n regard to your
COlIIIIIents or quesbons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat
so that the next person may address the Commisslon.
If you wish to address the Comnusslon on matters other than publ~c hearings, the agenda
provides for that t.lme when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the public. Address the
Comnussion ~n the same manner as stated for public hearings, always sta~~ng your name and
address f~rst.
MARCH 21, 1984
Next Reso1utlon #1319
1. Pledge of Al1eglance
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Mlnutes of March 7, 1984
4. Pub1lc Hearlngs: (Contlnued from March 7, 1984)
A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 5-84 Reso1utlon #1315 & 1316
Tentatlve Parcel Map 83-1002
A request to convert an eXlstlng duplex lnto two condo-
mlnlum unlts located on the west slde of 2nd Street
approxlmately 80 feet south of the centerllne of Central
Way (127 2nd Street).
Sectlon: 28-700(3)B
Appllcant: Paul Calvo
Owner: Joyce Ross
B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-83 (Resubmlttal) Reso1utlon #1317
A request for approval of a Planned Slgn Program wlth a 47%
helght devlatlon from the slgn code for a center ldentlfl-
catlon slgn.
Sectlon: 28-1803
App1lcant: Coast Property Mana,ement
Owner: S. Mark Taper TR. c 0 Seal Beach Center
C. VARIANCE 3-84 Resolutlon #1318
A request for a maJor addltlon to a legal nonconformlng
duplex, wlthout provldlng the requlred parklng.
Sectlon: 28-804
App1lcant: John & Mary Loulse Szczerban
Owner: Same
Archltectural Revlew of a proposed two-story cabana located at
83 Rlversea Road. (contlnued from February 15, 1984).
App1lcant: Norman Brent
Archltectura1 Revlew of a proposed two-story cabana located at
76 Rlversea Road.
Appllcant: Mlchael Tldwell
Archltectural Review of a proposed second-story cabana over the
eXlstlng tral1er located at 22 Cottonwood Lane.
App1lcant: Dean Scheele
8. Commlsslon Requests
9. Oral Communications
10. Commission Communlcations
11. Report from Secretary
12. Adjournment