HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1984-05-16
Clty Councll Chambers
211 Elghth Street
Seal Beach, California
The Seal Beach Plann~ng Commiss~on meets in sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ssion on any part~cular public hear~ng
~ tem, the Chairman wi' - ca1.::' ':0_ L'" ~l~ ~est...non!/ f~rst for those ~n favor of the proJect,
and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker's pos~t~on ~n the
center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the mJ.crophone and when recogn~zed by the
Cha~rman, speak d~rectly into the microphone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly
and dist~nctly for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succinctly as poss~ble
and then wa~t a moment to see if the Co~ss~oners have any quest~ons in regard to your
comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat
so that the next person may address the Comnussion.
If you w~sh to address the Comnuss~on on matters other than public hearings, the agenda
provides for that time when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the public. Address the
Comnussion in the same manner as stated for publ~c hearings, always stating your name and
address first.
MAY 16, 1984
Next Resolut1on #1330
Pledge of Alleglance
Roll Call
Approval of Mlnutes of Aprll 4 & May 2, 1984
Publ1c Hear1ngs:
A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 7-84, (Cont. from May 2, 1984) Resolut1on #1322
941 Pac1flc Coast H1ghway
A request to upgrade a beer & W1ne Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t
to an On-Sale General (beer, W1ne and d1st1lled sp1r1ts)
Cond1t1onal Use Perm1t 1n conJunct1on w1th an eX1st1ng
Sectlon: 28-1300(6)(A)
Appl1cant: Tlny Naylor's, Inc.
Owner: Seal Beach Center
B. VARIANCE 3-84 (Resubmltted from March 21, 1984 meetlng) Resolutlon #1318
11 07 Sea 1 Way
A request for a maJor addlt10n to a le8al nonconformlng
duplex, wlthout provld1ng the requlred parklng.
Sectlon: 28-804
Appllcant: John & Mary Loulse Szczerban
Owner: Same
C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 9-84 Resolutlon 31327
Omelette Gallery
137 Maln Street
A request for an On-Sale Beer & Wlne L1cesne 1n conJunctlon
wlth an eXlstlng restaurant.
Sect1on: 28-1300(6)(A)
Appllcant: Charles Antos/Gary Dean Myrlck
BUSlness Owner: Barbara Nelson
Landowner: Robert O'Rear
205 10th Street
Resolutlon #1328 &_J329
A request to convert an eX1st1ng trlplex lnto three
condomln1um unlts.
Sectlon: 28-700(3)B
Appllcant: Charles Antos
Owners: Rlchard McCollom and Neal Ward
5. Zonlng Text Amendment 1-84 Approval, Resolut1on #1321.
6. VARIANCE 4-84 Approval, Matthew M. Mlkkelsen, 324 8th St., Resolutlon #1323
7. VARIANCE 5-84 Denlal, Larry H. Parker, 4501 Elder Avenue, Resolutlon #1324.
8. VARIANCE 6-84 Denlal, Gregory M. Shaffer, 328 12th St., Resolutlon #1325.
9. Comm1ss1on Requests
10. Oral Communlcatlons
11. Commlsslon Communlcat1ons
12. Report Report from Secretary
13. AdJournment