HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1985-02-06 SEf ~BEACH PLANNING COM~lISSION AGENr I Clty Council Chambers 211 Eighth Street Seal Beach, California . The Seal Beach P1a=ng conuniss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any part~cu1ar pub1~c hear~ng ~tem, the Cha~rman will call for pub1~c test~mony f~rst for those ~n favor of the proJect, and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker' s pos~ t~on ~n the center of the room is unoccup~ed, step up to the nUcrophone and when recogn~zed by the Cha~rman, speak d~rect1y into the microphone by first stat~ng your name and address clearly and d~st~nct1y for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nct1y as poss~b1e and then wait a moment to see ~f the Comnuss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat so that the next person may address the Comnussion. If you wish to address the Comnuss~on on matters other than pub1~c hear~ngs, the agenda prov~des for that t~me when the Chairman asks for comments from the pub1~c. Address the Comnuss~on ~n the same manner as stated for pub1~c hearings, always stat~ng your name and address first. FEBRUARY 6. 1985 Next Resolut1on #1363 1. Pledge of Alleg1ance 2. Roll Call 3. Approva 1 of M1 nutes of January 2 & 16. 1985 4. Publ1c Heanngs: A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 21-84. TINY NAYLOR'S. INC. Resolut10n #1358 941 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY (SEAL BEACH CENTER) A request to perm1t on-sale beer. W1ne and d1st111ed sp1r1ts 1n conJunct10n w1th a proposed expanS10n (add1t1onal d1n1ng space. bar area and restrooms) to the eX1st1ng T1ny Naylor's restaurant. Env1ronmental Rev1ew: Th1S proJect lS categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew [Cal1forn1a Government Code 15301(e)(1)] . Sect10n: 28-1300(6)(A) Appl1cant: T1ny Naylor's. Inc. Property Owner: Seal Beach Center B. VARIANCE 1-85 PHILLIP & KATHLEEN FIFE 4301 IRONIIOOD AVEr~UE A request to dev1ate from the requ1red pool setback (4 feet) 1n the rear yard by two (2) feet. Env1ronmental Rev1ew: Th1S proJect 1S categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew [Cal1forn1a Government Code 15303(E)] Resolut10n #1359 Sect10n: 28-400(9)(a) Appl1cant: Ph1111p K & Kathleen M. F1fe Property Owner: Same C. VARIANCE 2-85 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1-85 1205, 1205t Seal Way A request for: 1) MaJor add1t10ns to a legal nonconfor~lng duplex w1th the requ1red number of park1ng spaces. 2) The use of tandem park1ng. 3) The 1ntrus10n of arch1tectural feature 1nto the requ1red slde yard 6 1nches greater than that allowed by the mun1c1pal code. Env1ronmental Re1vew: The proJect lS categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew (Callforn1a Government Code 15301 Class 1(e). Resolut10n #1360&1361 . Sect1ons: 28-2407. 28-804. 28-2313. 28-802 Appl1cant/A8ent: M1tchell Sheltraw Owner: Seymore P1zer AGENDA FEBRUARY 6. 1985 '. -- Page 2 D. ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT - ZTA 1-85 Resolut1on #1362 A request to amend spec1f1c 11m1tat1ons on the placement of th1rd stor1es on Lots 37t feet or greater 1n w1dth 1n the R-3 (H1gh Den1sty Res1dent1al) zone on Seal Way [Sect10n 28-801(6)]. Env1ronmental Rev1ew: Negat1ve Declarat10n 1-85 has been prepared 1n 11eu of an Env1ronmental Impact Report. Appl1cant: Clty of Seal Beach 5. Comm1ss10n Requests 6. Oral Commun1cat1ons 7. Comm1ss10n Commun1cat10ns 8. Report from Secretary 9. AdJournment . .