HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1985-04-17 SEt lEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENr Clty Council Chambers 211 Eighth Street Seal Beach, California e The Seal Beach Planning Commssion meets in sess~on every first and th~rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you wish to address the Comm~ssion on any part~cular pub1~c hear~ng item, the Cha~rman will call for public testimony f~rst for those in favor of the proJect, and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker's pos~t~on ~n the center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the mcrophone and when recogn~zed by the Cha~rman, speak d~rectly into the microphone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly and distinctly for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nct1y as poss~ble and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the Comm~ss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat so that the next person may address the Comnuss~on. If you wish to address the Conmuss~on on matters other than publ~c hearings, the agenda prov~des for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the public. Address the Conmuss~on in the same manner as stated for pub1~c hearings, always stat~ng your name and address first. APRIL 17, 1985 NEXT RESOLUTION #1367 1. Pledge of Alleglance 2. Roll Call 3. Report from Secretary 4. Consent Calendar At th1S t1me, members of the publ1c may present test1mony to the Comm1sS10n as to why any 1tem should be removed from the consent calendar for a full and separate publ1c hear1ng. Unless a Comm1ss10ner requests a full publ1c hear1ng, all consent agenda 1tems w111 be acted upon 1n one summary vote. e (A) M1nutes of Apr11 3, 1985 (B) Extens10n of CUP 1-84 Lepala1s D'Or (Cafe SW1SS) 500 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway SU1te 110 5. Publ1C Hear1ngs (A) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 3-85 B47 Surfs1de Resolut10n #1365 A request for perm1SS10n to construct a catwalk connect1ng an eX1st1ng non-conform1ng build1ng and a proposed one-car garage, w1th roof deck, located 1n the S-P zone. Env1ronmental Rev1ew: The proJect lS categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew [Cal1forn1a Government Code Sect10n 153039(e)]. Sect lOn: 28-506)7) Appl1cant: Owner: M1chael J. Farrel Same (B) MINOR HEIGHT DEVIATION 1-85 119 Twelfth Street Resolut10n #1366 A request to allow a non-hab1table arch1tectural octagonal turret to dev1ate 6 feet from the 25 foot he1ght 11m1t proposed to compl1ment the V1ctor1an style of the proposed structure (See back page). Env1ronmental Rev1ew: The prOJect lS categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew [Cal1forn1a Government Code Sect10n 15303(e)]. Sect10n: 28-2317 Appl1cant: Owner: Douglass M. Sheppard Same e. 6. Scheduled Matters The publ1c may speak at the d1scret10n of the Comm1ss10n. (A) Study seSS10n on Zon1ng Text Amendment 2-84 Nonconform1ng BU1dl1ng Prov1s10ns. 7. Comm1ss10n Requests APRIL 17, 1985 COMMISSION AGENDA e Page 2 8. Oral Commun1cat10n from the Aud1ence 9. Comm1ss10n Commun1cat10ns 10. AdJournment Agenda Forecast: May 1, 1985: - Var1ance 4-85 T1ny Naylor's - 941 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway - Zon1ng Text Amendment 2-85 Satel1te D1sh Antennas Prov1sions - Zon1ng Text Amendment 4-85 Fence Prov1s10ns - Zon1ng Text Amendment 4-85 Spec1f1c Plan Regulat10n Zone & Spec1flc Plan Procedures & Prov1s10ns May 15, 1985: e - Zon1ng Text Amendment 2-84 Non-conform1ng BU11d1ng Prov1s10ns - Cond1t10nal Use Perm1t 4-85 Lucky's - 12121 Seal Beach Blvd. - Cond1t10nal Use Perm1t 5-85 Rossmoor Athlet1c Club e