HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1985-05-01
C,ty CounC11 Cha"ber~
211 E,ghth Street
Seal Beach, Cal,forn,a
~he Seal Beac~ Pla~ng CO~JSSJO~ meets ~n seSSJon ever~ f.rst and t~Jrd Wej~es=c: of ec~r
month at 7:30 p.m. If you ~Jsh to address th~ COfflr.SSJCT or aT; partJc~lar p~~~~c necr;~;
Jtem, th~ Cha~rman WJll call for p~l;JC test~mon~ f~rst for those In fa.er of ttle F!cJe=t,
and second, for those ~~o are not ~n favor. When you see that the spea}er's pC~Jt;cr J~ t~e
center of the room JS unoccup~ed, step up to the ~crophon~ and wher. recogr;zej L. t~e
Cha~rman, speah d~re=tly ~nto the nucrophone by f~rst statJng your na~e a~= a=c!e~~ c:ecrl:
and d~st~nctly for the records. StatE yo~r busJness as clearly and succJnctl: aE p~ss.l:e
and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the C~~ssJoners have aT: q~estJons J~ re;cT= t~ y~_!
co~nts or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~or~ or comments, ret~Tr. te ~c_! S~C:
so that the next person may address the Co~~ss~on.
If you w~sh to address the Co~ss;on on matters other thar p~L;JC heaTJnqs, t~e a;c-~=
pro\'~des for that t~me when the ChaJrlT.an asl-s for comments froT'o the p~L:;C Acc!=== t.,=
Cornr.~ssJon ~n the same 1T.a~~er as state: for p~t;JC hearJn;s, al~ais stat;n; y=_! ~=-: c'=
address f~rst.
fo',Ay 1, 19E5
NE)T PES~:"U~!CII .._' 1
Pled~€ of ~lleciance
Roll Call
Report from Secretary
Con~er.t Calendar
At th1S t1me. meMbers of the publ1C may present te~~lM~ry
to the CO~l~~lon a~ to why any 1terr should be re~2ve:
fror the con~er.t calendar for a full an: se~~rate p~:liC
hear1ng. Unless a CO~lssloner request~ a full p~tl1C
hear1ng. all con~ent agenda it~~ w111 be acte: u~~n 1n
one su~ary vote.
(A) Minutes of April 17, 1985
PubliC Hea"inos
(A) Vh~;A~:E 4-85 Resclut10n c13E7
941 Pacif1c Coast Hwy. (Seal Bea~h Center)
A request to penr.,t structural alterat10ns to a non-
conforming property w,thout prcv1ding t~e requireC
s,gnage and landscap1ng.
EnV1ronmentel Rev1ew. The proJe:t i~ categcr1caliy
e~empt fror Env1ro~~ental Re\len
[Cel1forn1e Governme~t Coce
Sect lOr. 1~303\~)J
Section. 28-1501, 28-15D2
A~~llcant: Tiny Naylor's. Inc.
Owner Seal Beach Cerote'
(B) ZO~:NG TEXT A~E~~~ENT 2-eS
Resolutio~ *136E
A recue~t tc e~tatl1sh speclTic standard~, crlte~ia aro:
regu12t1on~ f~" tre ,nstallatlJn of satelilte dl~r ar:e~~a~.
EnViron~ental Re\le~.
Neoetive Declarat10n 3-ES ha~ beer
preocrec in l1eJ (If a~ En\i~onr'f~tc~
Imf.':::t Re;1c~t
A::,; ~,~.;"...:
c'~~ c~ S:f1 B~~:t
May 1, 1985
Page 2
Resolut10n ;I3f9
A request to amend speclfic standards, cr1ter1a and
regulat10ns on the placement and 1nstallatlon of fences
and walls.
EnVlronmental Rev1ew: Negatlve Declarat10n 4-85 has
been prepared 1n 11eu of an
[nvlronmental Impact Report.
Appl1cant. Clty of Seal Beach
Resolut1on '1370
A request to establish a spec1fic plan regulation zone
and speclf1c plan procedures.
[nvlronmental Rev1ew: Negatlve Declarat10n 5-85 has
been prepared in 11eu of an
Environmental Impact Report.
Appllcant. C1ty of Seal Beach
6. Scheduled Matters
The publ1C may speak at the discret10n of the CO~lSS10n.
None Scheouled
7. COmM1SS10n Requests
8. Oral Commun1cat10n from the Audlence
9. CO~lSS10n Commun1cat10ns
10. AdJournment
Agenda Forecast:
May 15, 1985
-Zonlng Text Amendment 2-84
Non-confo~1ng Build1ng ProviS10ns
-Cond111onal Use Permlt 4-85
Lucly's - 12121 Seal Beach Blvd.
-Cond1t10nal Use Perm1t 5-85
RossrrJ~1 ~thletlc Club
-Varlance 5-8~
Zember Construction - 550 Ocean
-Varlance 6-8!
8111 P1dge~a~ Des'gn - 1619 Seal Way