HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1985-05-15 SE" BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGE~r' City Counc1l Chambers 211 E1ghth Street Seal Beach, Cal1fornla e The Seal Beach P1ann~ng Commss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any part~cular pub1~c hear~ng ~tem, the Cha~rman w~ll call for pub1~c test~mony f~rst for those ~n favor of the project, and second, for those who are not in favor. when you see that the speaker's pos~t~on 2n the center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the mcrophone and when recognized by the Cha~rman, speak d~rect1y ~nto the nucrophone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly and d~st~nct1y for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the Comnuss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat so that the next person may address the Commss~on. If you w~sh to address the Comnuss~on on matters other than publ~c hear~~gs, the agenda prov~des for that t~me when the Chairman asks for comments from the pub1~c. Address the Comnuss~on ~n the same manner as stated for publ~c hear~ngs, always stat~ng your name and address f~rst. MAY 15, 1985 NEXT RESOLUTION #1376 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Report from Secretary 4. Consent Calendar At this time, members of the public may present testlmony to the Commlssion as to why any 1tem should be removed from the consent calendar for a full and separate public hear1ng. Unless a Commlss1oner requests a full public hearing, all consent agenda ltems w1ll be acted upon in one summary vote. e (A) M1nutes of May 1, 1985 5. PubllC Hearings (A) ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT - ZTA 2-84 Resolut1on #1371 A request to: Establ1sh speclflc limitat10ns and publlC reVlew procedures for add1tlons and modiflcations to non-conforming resldent1al propertles. Environmental Review: Negative Declarat10n 6-84 has been prepared ln lieu of an Env1ronmental Impact Report. Appl1cant: City of Seal Beach (B) ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT 2-85 Resolut1on #1368 A request to: Establish speciflc standards, cr1teria and regulatlons for the 1nstallat10n of satelllte dlSh antennae. Environmental Revlew: Negatlve Declarat10n 3-85 has been prepared in lleu of an EnvironMental Impact Report. C1ty of Seal Beach Appllcant: . May 15, 1985 COMMISSION AGENDA e Page 2 (C) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 4-85 Resolut10n #1372 Lucky Stores, Inc. (12121 Seal Beach Blvd.) A request to: Permlt a walk up/take out restaurant (Dell) in a General Commerclal Zone (Rossmoor Center). Env1ronmental Re1vew: The proJect lS categor1cally exempt from Environmental Review. Sections: Applicant: Owner: 28-1300, 28-2503 Lucky Stores, Inc. Rossmoor Bus1ness Center (Century National Propert1es, Inc.) (D) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 5-85 Resolut1on #1373 Rossmoor Athletic Club (12235 Seal Beach Blvd.) A request for: A permlt to provide on-sale beer and W1ne in conjunct1on with an exist1ng health club located 1n the C-2 (General Commerclal) Zone (Rossmoor Center). Environmental Review: The prOJect lS categor1cally exempt from Environmental Review. SectlOn: e Appllcant: Owner' (E) VARIANCE 5-85 550 Ocean A request to: 2B-1300(a), 2B-2503 Steven Holbrook ElllS (Rossmoor Athlet1c Club) Same as above. ResolutlOn #1374 Allow structural additions to a legal non- conforming build1ng to 1ntrude lnto the requ1red sideyard setbacks (550 Ocean). Environmental Rev1ew: The proJect lS categorlcally exempt from Env1ronmental Revlew [Cal1forn1a Govern- ment Code Sect10n 15301(e)]. Sect1on: Appl1cant: Owner: (F) VARIANCE 6-85 1619 Seal Way A request for: 1) 2) 28-401(6), 28-2500 Zember Construct10n Company, Inc. Ellen Musso (301 Ocean Ave.) Resolut10n #1375 The use of tandem parklng Structural intruslons 1nto the requ1red sldeyards The project lS categorlcally exempt from Envlronmental Rev1ew [Cal1forn1a Government Code Section 15301(e)]. Envlronmental Revlew: Sect10n: e Appl1cant: Owner: 28-801, 28-802, 28-2500 B,ll Rldgeway Design Gary & Grace Canady (1619 Seal Way) May 15, 1985 COMMISSION AGENDA Page 3 e 6. Scheduled Matters The public may speak at the dlscret10n of the Commiss10n. (A) Report from City Attorney on survey and subd1vlsion accuracy. (B) Resolution 1367 - Denlal without prejudice - Variance 4-85 Tiny Naylor's (941 Pac1fic Coast Hwy.) 7. Comm1ssion Requests 8. Oral Communicat1on from the Aud1ence 9. Commiss1on Communicat10ns 10. AdJournment Agenda Forecast: June 5, 1985 -Zoning Text Amendment 3-85 Fences and Wall Placement Provls1ons -Administratlve Appeal 2-85 Char-o-Chlcken - 333 Maln St. -Conditlonal Use Permlt 6-85 Nick's Deli - 223 Main St. -Conditlonal Use Permit 7-85 e Dorothy Hilton - C 11 Surfside -Variance 7-85 Phll Allen - 1217 Seal Way e