HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1985-06-19 SEA: BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGEND" Clty Councll Chambers 211 Elghth Street Seal Beach, California . The Seal Beacll P1a=ng Comnuss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ssJon on any part~cular pub1~c hear~ng ~tem, the ChaJrman w~ll call for publ~c test~mony first for those in favor of the proJect, and seco~j, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker's pos~t~on ~n the centet of the r.>om ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the mcrophone and when recogn~zed by the Ch.ur,r.an. speak d~rectl!l into the IIIlcrophone by f~rst staung !lour name and address clearly and d~~t~nct1y for the records. State your busJness as clearly and succJnct1y as posslble anr then wa~t a moment to see Jf the ComnussJoners have an!l questJons ~n regard to your comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat so tha~ tt.e ne~t person may address the COnMUss~on. If you w~sh to address the Comauss~on on matters other than public hear~ngs, the agenda prov~des for that Ume when the ChaJrman ask.s for comments from the publ~c. Address the Comnussion ~n the same manner as stated for publ~c hear~ngs, always stat~ng your name and address f~rst. JUNE 19, 1985 NEXT RESOLUTION #1389 1. Pledge of Alleg1ance 2. Ro 11 Ca 11 3. Report from Secretary 4. Consent Calendar . At th1S t1me, members of the publ1c may present test1mony to the Comm1ss10n as to why any 1tem should be removed from the consent calendar for a full and separate publ1c hear1ng. Unless a Comm1ss10ner requests a full publ1C hear1ng, all consent agenda 1tems wlll be acted upon on one summary vote. (A) M1nutes of June 5, 198b (B) Omellette Gallery - 137 Ma1n St. 5. Pub"c Heanngs (A) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 8-85 12121 Seal Beach Blvd. (Contlnued from June 5, 1985) Resolut10n #1377 A request to adopt a planned slgn program for the Rossmoor Bus1ness Center, The subm1tted Slgn program 1ncludes the use of f1ve 32 ft. h1gh pylon slgns and one 24 ft. h1gh center 1dent1f1cat10n slgn. 12121 Seal Beach Blvd. Env1ronmental Rev1ew: The proJect 1S categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew (Callforn1a Government Code Sect10n 15311(a)). Code Sect10n: 28-1803. 28-2503 Appl1cant: Rossmoor Bus1ness Center Owner: Century Nat10nal Propert1es, Inc. (The appl1cant has requested that th1S 1tem be cont1nued and rescheduled to a later date.) . (B) VARIANCE 5-85 Resolut10n #1381 550 Ocean (Musso Res1dence) (Resubm1tted from May 15, 1985 meetlng) A request to allow a structural add1t10n to a legal non-conform1ng bU11d1ng to 1ntrude 1nto the requ1red sldeyard setback (550 Ocean). Environmental Rev1ew: ThlS prOJect lS categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew [Cal1forn1a Government Code Sectlon 15301(e)]. June 19, 1985 COMMISSION AGENDA . Page 2 . . Sectlon: 28-401(6), 28-2bOO Applicant: Zember Construction Company, Inc. Owner: Ellen Musso (301 Ocean Ave.) (C) CONDITIONAL USE PE~lIT 6-85 VARIANCE 9-85 223 Main Street - Nick's Dell Resolutlon #1379 & 1380 A request to permit on-sale beer and wine in conjunction with an existing walk-ln/take-out restaurant (Deli), and to allow the conversion of 300 sq. ft. of commerclal space to restaurant use without provldin9 the required parking. Environmental Revlew: Th1S project is categorlcally exempt from Environmental Review (Californ1a Government Code Section 15301). Code Sect10ns: 28-1300(6)(a), 28-2503, 28-2500, 28-1304(4) Appl1cant: Dom1n1c Zamp1no Owner: Charles and V1rgln1a Burroughs (D) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 10-85 Resolut10n #1382 462 Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway (West Beach L1quor) A request for off-sale beer and W1ne 1n conJunct10n w1th an eX1st1ng 11quor store. Env1ronmental Rev1ew: Th1s proJect lS categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental ReV1ew (Cal1forn1a Government Code Sect10n 15301). Code Sect10ns: 28-1300(6)(a), 28-2503 Appl1cant: West Beach L1quor Owner: Pac1f1c Coast H1ghway Plaza (E) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 12-85 VARIANCE 8-85 1510 Mar1ne Avenue Resolut10n #13B3 & 13B4 A request to perm1t a garage add1t10n to a non-conform1ng bU11d1ng w1thout prov1d1ng the requ1red park1ng and to perm1t the requested garage add1t10n to 1ntrude upon the requ1red slde yard setback. Env1ronmental Rev1ew: Th1S proJect lS categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew (Cal1forn1a Government Code Sect10n 15301). Code Sect10ns: 28-801, 28-802, 28-804, 28-2500, 28-2503 Appl1cant: Dan Sull1van Owner: Same June 19, 1985 COMMISSION AGENDA Page 3 . (F) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 13-85 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 14-85 201 Seal Beach Blvd., - Bay Motel Resolut10n #1385 & 1386 A request to perm1t structural alterat10ns, add1t10ns, and converS10n of an eX1st1ng un1t to add1t10nal un1ts 1n conJunct10n w1th an overall remodel of an eX1st1ng non-conform1ng hotel/motel Wh1Ch prov1des the requ1red parklng. ' Env1ronmental Rev1ew: Th1S proJect lS categor1cally exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew (Cal1forn1a Government Code Sect10n 15301(e)). Code Sect10ns: 28-800(3)(a), 28-804, 28-2407 App 11 cant: Seal Beach/21 (Bay Motel) Owner: Same (G) ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT 5-85 Resolut10n #1387 A request to adopt an ord1nance Wh1Ch amends spec1f1c procedures of the Code of Seal Beach (Sect10n 28-2512) perta1n1ng to appeals of var1ances and cond1t10nal use perm1ts approved by the C1ty Counc11. Env1ronmental Rev1ew: Th1S proJect 1S exempt from Environmental Rev1ew. . Appl1cant: C1ty of Seal Beach 6. Scheduled Matters The publ1C may speak at the d1scret10n of the Comm1ss10n. A. C1ty Counc11 request for report pursuant to Sect10n 28-2513 upon Counc11 approval of Appeal 1-85 & 3-85 f11ed by T1ny Naylor's. B. Resolut10n #1388 - A resolut10n of the Seal Beach Plann1ng Comm1ss10n request1ng that the C1ty Clerk send the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n members cop1es of all mater1als conta1ned 1n C1ty Counc11 packets perta1n1ng to plann1ng related matters. C. Resolut10n #1376 - C-11 Surfs1de Cond1t10nal Use Perm1t 7-85 Dorothy B. H11ton 7. Comm1ss10n Requests 8. Oral Commun1cat10n from the Aud1ence 9. Comm1ss10n Commun1cat10ns 10. AdJournment Agenda Forecast: July 3, 1985: None Scheduled .