HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1985-07-17
City Council Chambers
211 Elghth Street
Seal Beach, Cal1forn1a
The Seal Beach P1ann~ng Commiss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any part~cu1ar pub1~c hear~ng
~tem, the Cha~rman will call for public test~mony f~rst for those in favor of the proJect,
and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker' s pos~ Uon ~n the
center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the mcrophone and when recognized by the
Cha~rman, speak d~rectly ~nto the mcrophone by f~rst stating your name and address clearly
and d~st~nct1y for the records. State your business as clearly and succ~nct1y as poss~ble
and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the Comnuss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your
comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat
so that the next person may address the Commss~on.
If you w~sh to address the Conmuss~on on matters other than publ~c hear~ngs, the agenda
prov~des for that time when the Chairman asks for comments from the public. Address the
Commission in the same manner as stated for pub1~c hear~ngs, always stat~ng your name and
address first.
JULY 17, 1985
1. PledRe of Alleg1ance
2. Roll Call
3. Report from Secretary
4. Consent Calendar
At th1S t1me, members of the publ1c may present test1mony
to the Comm1ss10n as to why any 1tem should be removed
from the consent calendar for a full and separate publ1c
hear1ng. Unless a Comm1ss10ner requests a full publ1c
hear1ng, all consent agenda 1tems w111 be acted upon on
one summary vote.
A. M1nutes of June 19, 1985
B. Extens10n of CUP 8-84 - Coach's, 1025 Pac1f1c Coast Hwy.
5. PubllC Hear1ngs
Cond1t10nal Use Perm1t 8-85
12121 Seal Beach Blvd.
1Cont1nued from June 19, 1985)
Resolut10n #1377
A request to adopt a planned slgn program for the
Rossmoor Bus1ness Center. The subm1tted slgn program
proposes the use of SlX 32 ft. h1gh pylon slgns,
one 24 ft. h1gh 1dent1f1cat10n slgn, and one 32 ft.
h1gh pr1vately owned (Brunsw1ck Corp) slgn.
EnV1ronmental Rev1ew: The proJect lS categor1cally
exempt from Env1ronmental ReV1ew (Cal1forn1a Government
Code Sect10n 15311(a)).
Code Sect10n: 28-1803, 28-2503
Appl1cant: Rossmoor Bus1ness Center
Century Nat10nal Propert1es, Inc.
Cond1t10nal Use perm1t 10-85 Resolut10n #1382
462 Pac1f1c Coast Hwy. (West Beach Llquor)
(Cont1nued from June 19, 1985)
A request for off-sale beer and W1ne 1n conJunct10n
w1th an eX1st1ng 11quor store.
Env1ronmental Rev1ew: Th1s proJect lS categor1cally
exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew (Cal1forn1a Government
Code Sect10n 15301).
Code Sect10ns: 28-1300(6)(a), 28-2503
Appl1cant: West Beach L1quor
Owner: Pac1flc Coast H1ghway
July 17, 1985
Page 2
6. Scheduled Matters
The publ1c may speak at the d1scret10n of the
A. City Counc11 referral to Plann1ng Comm1sS10n
for a report pursuant to Sect10n 28-2613 on
Zoning Text Amendment 2-84 - Non-conform1ng
Res1dent1al BU11dlng Prov1s10ns.
B. C1ty Counc11 referral to Plann1ng Comm1ss10n
for report pursuant to Sect10n 28-2613 on
Zon1ng Text Amendment 4-85 - Spec1f1c Plan Pro-
cedures and Regulat10n Zone.
C. Resolut10n #1388 - A resolut10n of the Seal
Beach Plann1ng Comm1ss10n request1ng that the
C1ty Clerk send the Plann1ng Comm1ss10n members
cop1es of all mater1als contalned 1n C1ty Councll
packets perta1n1ng to plann1ng related matters.
Comm1sS10n Requests
Oral Commun1cat10n from the Aud1ence
Comm1SS10n Commun1cat10ns
Agenda Forecast:
August 7, 1985 - None Scheduled