HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1985-08-07
Clty Council Chambers
211 Elghth Street
Seal Beach, Callfornia
The Seal Beach P1ann~ng Commiss~on meets in sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any part~cular pub1~c hear~ng
item, the Chairman w~ll call for pub1~c test~mony f~rst for those ~n favor of the proJect,
and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker's pos~t~on ~n the
center of the room is unoccupied, step up to the mcrophone and when recogn~ zed by the
Cha~rman, speak d~rect1y into the nucrophone by first stat~ng your name and address clearly
and d~st~nct1y for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nct1y as poss~ble
and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the Commiss~oners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your
comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat
so that the next person may address the Commss~on.
If you w~sh to address the Commss~on on matters other than pub1~c hear~ngs, the agenda
prov~des for that time when the Chairman asks for comments from the pub1~c. Address the
Commission ~n the same manner as stated for pub1~c hear~ngs, always stat~ng your name and
address first.
AUGUST 7, 1985
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Report from Secretary
4. Consent Calendar
At thlS tlme, members of the public may present testlmony
to the Commission as to why any item should be removed
from the consent calendar for a full and separate publlC
hearing. Unless a Commissioner requests a full public
hearing, all consent agenda ltems will be acted upon on
one summary vote.
A. Minutes of July 17, 1985
5. Public Hearings
A. None Scheduled
6. Scheduled Matters
The public may speak at the discretion of the Commisslon.
A. City Council referral to Planning Commission for report
pursuant to Section 28-2613. on Zoninp Text A~endnent
4-85 - Specific Plan Procedures and Re~ulatior Zone.
E. Resolution #1377 - Approval of Conditional Use Pennit
8-85, Rossl:1oor Busi'1ess tenter (12121 Seal Beach Elvd.).
C. Resolution #1382 - Approval of Conditional Use Pe~it
#10-85, I;est Beach Liquor (462 P.C.H.).
Commlsslon Requests
Oral Communication from the Audience
COr.llilission Co,.fo'urications
Adjou rnJ:lent
Agenda Forecast:
- Variance 9-85 (Parking)
James Hagel - 323 Maln
- Zonlng Text Amendment 6-85
Provlsions for ~on-confo~lng Buildings in Surfside
- Conditional Use Permit 15-85 (Addition to ~on-conforming BUllding)
Daniel Patrick - 1660 Crestview
- Conditional Use Pe~it 8-84 (Extenslon of ~ours)
Stan Anderson (Coach's) - 1025 P.C.H.
- Zon1n~ Text Amencment 3-85
Fences and ~all Pl!cement Prov1s10ns