HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1985-10-02 ~ BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENt City Council Chambers 211 Elghth Street Seal Beach, Callfornia . The Seal Beach Plann~ng Comnussion meets ~n session every first and th~rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you wish to address the Comnussion on any part~cu1ar pub1~c hear~ng ~tem. the Chairman w~ll call for ""b1~C" testimony f~rst for tIJose in favor of the proJect, and second, for those who are not in favor. When you see that the speaker's pos~t.lon ~n the center of the room ~s unoccup~ed, step up to the mcrophone and when recogn~zed by the Cha~rman, speak d~rect1y into the nUcrophone by first stat~ng your name and address clearly and dist~nct1y for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nct1y as poss~ble and then wait a moment to see if the Comnussioners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat so that the next person may address the Conuniss~on. If you w~sh to address the Commss~on on matters other than public hear~ngs, the agenda provides for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the pub1~c. Address the Commss~on ~n the same manner as stated for public hearings, always stat~ng your name and address first. OCTOBER 2, 1985 [JEXT RESOLUTIor: #1398 . 1. Pledge of Alleoiance 2. Roll Call 3. Report froM Secretary 4. Consent Calendar At this tiMe, members of the public may present test1Mony to the CO~isslon as to why any item should be removed from the consent calendar for a full and separate public hearlng. Unless a Commissioner requests a full publlC hearlng, all consent calendar items will be acted upon on one SUMMary vote. A. ~:i nutes of September 4, 1985 5. Public Hearings: A. VARIA~CE 11-85 Resolution '1393 12241 Seal Beach Blvd. (Parasol Restaurant) A request to allow an addition to a restaurant located in a C-2 (General Commercial) Zone wit~out providing the requlred landscaping. EnvironMental Review: The project is cateporically exempt fro~ Environmental Review [Californla Govern- nent Code Section 15303(e)]. Code Section: 28-1402(6), 28-2407 Applicant: Zember Construction Co., Inc./Parasol Restaurant Owner: Rossmoor Business Center . B. zorar-:G TEY.T N1ENDMENT 7-85 ~esolution #1394 City of Seal Beach A request to allow accessory commercial uses for tenants only located wlthin the R-3 (High Denslty Resldentlal) Zone. Environmental Review: Negatlve Declaration 8-85 ~as been prepared in lieu of an Environmental I~oact ~eport. Applicant: City of Seal Beach C. VARIAtlCE 12-85 Resol utl on #1397 12451 Seal Beach Blvd., (Lucky's) A request to allow a major structural alteration and remodel to a grocery store located in a C-2 (General Commerclal) Zone without prOVldlng the required landscaping. (The applicant requests that this item be continued to Nover.1ber 6, 1985) Code Section: 28-1402(6), 28-2407 Environmental Review: The project is cateoorically exenpt fror.1 Envlronmental Review [Callfornia Government Code Sect10n 15303(e)~. Appllcant: Lucky Stores, Inc. Owner: Rossmoor Business Center SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA . October 2, 1985 Page 2 6. Scheduled Matters The public may speak at the discretion of the Commission. A. Resolution #1389 approving Variance 10-85, Hagel-323 Main Street. B. Resolution #1395 approving Conditional Use Permit 17-85, Serge-216 Main Street. C. Resolution #1398 approving Variance 13-85, Serge-214 & 216 Maln Street. D. Resolutlon #1396 approvlng Conditional Use Permit 18-85, Coker-550 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 109. 7. Commission Requests 8. Oral Communication from the Audience 9. Commission Communications 10. Adjournment: Agenda Forecast: October 16, 1985 November 6, 1985 . - Report on Non-Conformi ng Buildlng Disaster Provo VARIANCE 12-85 Lucky Stores (12451 Seal Beach Blvd.) A report on review of General Plan by staff and City Attorney. .