HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1986-04-16 ,/ / SEP' BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENr" City Council Chambers 211 Eighth Street Seal Beach, California .- The Seal Beach Plann~ng Commission meets in sess~on every f~rst and th~rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ssion on any part~cular publ~c hearing item, the Cha~rman will call for publ~c testimony f~rst for those ~n favor of the project, and second, for those who are not in favor. When you see that the speaker' s pos~ tion ~n the center of tlle room ~s unoccupied, step up to the microphone and when recognized by the Cha~rman, speak directly ~nto the microphone by f~rst stating your name and address clearly and d~st~nctly for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble alld then wa~t a moment to see if the Commiss~oners have any quest~ons in regard to your c~~nts or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or comments, return to your seat so that the next person may address the Commss~on. If you w~sh to address the C01lll1lJ ssion on matters other than publ~c hearings, the agenda prov~des for that time when the Chairman asks for comments from the public. Address .the Commss~on in the same manner as stated for publ~c hearings, always statilUl your name and address f~rst. AprIl 16. 1986 ~EXT RESOL~TIOX *1422 1. f!~gg!_2f_~11~gl!Uf~ 2 . 8.21L~!!l 3. ~~~~r!_fr~m_~!~~~i!r~ 4 ~2n~~u!_~!1!n~!~ e A. ~inutes of February 19 1986 B Minutes of March 5. 1986 C ~l1nutes of April 2. 1986 D. ~l!n_~!Yl~~_l~=~!! IStockton) 316 15th Street A request for a portico additlon to a non- conforming slngle-family resldence located at 316 15th Street E. ~l!n_~!~l~~_l~~~!! IBeckerl 217 Central Avenue A request for a carport addltion to a non- conformlng SIngle-family residence 5 fY~l!f_~!!~!Ug! A Y!~!!n~L!~!!.!!. (Contlnued from Aprll 2. ResolutIon =1410 19861 A request to' 1) ~ake structural improvements and addJtions to a non-conformlng bUllding 21 Provlde less than the requlred park1ng 31 Kot provlde a loading zone 4) Allow the constructlon of a new addltlon to be located witin a requIred sideyard setback Code Sectlons' 28-1402. 28-2311 28-1403 28-2500 e Environmental Revlew This project lS categorically exempt from Environmental Review (CalIfornla Government Code Sectlon 15301(el] Tom Schuvelller/Brian Kyle Appl1cant. / -- - e \ Planning Commission Agenda April 16. 1986 Page 2 B Y![!!~f!_!=~~ IMarshl 209 14th Street Resolution #1418 A request car garage setback to of the lot more than 2 to consider a variance fo~ a tandem' 2 with less than the required sideyard a mlnlmum of 3 feet on the north sioe and an entry stalrway whieh projects feet into a required sideyard setback. Code Sections' 28-2500. 28-801 Envlronmental Review Thls project lS categorically exempt from Envlronemntal Review (California Government Code Section 15303]. Applicant: Louis H. Marsh Owner: Same C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 8-86. 9-86 YARlMi~L~=~~ 909 Ocean Ave ISenor Corky'sl Resolution 1419 1420 & 1421 A request to permit a restaurant ~Ith a take-out counter less than the requlred parklng. and an entertaInment cafe lIcense for live Jazz music Code Sections. 28-1300161Ib). 28-1304 1300(61(il. 28-2500. 28-2503 28- Environmental Review. ThlS project JS categorically exempt from CEQA Review (CalifornIa Government Code Section 15061ldl] Applicant Corky GlIl (Corky Corpsl Owner' Same 6 ~fh!~y!~g_M!!l![! A Review of CUP 18-84 IHennessey's) 7 ~~~m!~~!2rr_R~~~~~!~ 8 Qr~!_fQmmgnlQ~liQn~_frQm_!h~_Aggl~n~~ 9. fQmml!!!Qn_fQmmgnl~~liQn! 10 AgjQYrnm~nl Agenda Forecast Al!r!Lg~~_H~!!..:. -Variance 6-86. CUP 11-86 Donnelson - 148 7th Street -Study seSSlon on CondJtlonal Use Permit Requirements for on-site and off-slte llquor sales