HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1986-05-07 SEf' ~EACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA C1ty Council Chambers 211 E1ghth Street Seal Beach, California . The Seal Beach Plann~ng Commiss~on meets ~n sess~on every f~rst and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you w~sh to address the Comm~ss~on on any particular publ~c hearing ~tem, the Cha~rman w~ll call for public test~mony first for those in favor of the proJect, and second, for those who are not ~n favor. When you see that the speaker's pos~t~on ~n the center of the room is unoccup~ed, step up to the mcrophone and when recognized by the Chairman, speak d~rectly ~nto the microphone by f~rst stat~ng your name and address clearly and d~stinctly for the records. State your bus~ness as clearly and succ~nctly as poss~ble and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the CommussJoners have any quest~ons ~n regard to your comments or quest~ons. If there are no other quest~ons or con~ents, return to your seat so that the next person may address the Comnuss~on. If you wish to address the Commss~on on matters other than publ~c hearings, the agenda prov~des for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks for comments from the public. Address the Commiss~on in the same manner as stated for publ~c hearings, always stating your name and address first. '1ar 7 1986 XEXT RESOLrTIOX =1422 el~~g~_Qf_~ll!g!~rrf~ 2 RQ!.LC2~H 3 R~QQ[!_f[Q~_~~f[~!~[[ 4 C2Qll~~rr!_C2~!.~ll~~[ A f!~n_B~!!~~_12=~~ 1617 Seal Way (Parqup) . ~ request for the addltJon of a patJo deck an~ replacement of an eXIstIng Klndo~ WJth slIdIng glass door to a non-confor~lng d~plex 5 f!!!!.llL!!~.!!nng~ A. Contlnued Items Y!rHnQL1=~~ (Contlnued from AprIl 16 ResolutIon =1410 1986) A request to 1 ~ake structural lmprovements an~ addJtlons to a non-conformIng bUIldIng 2 ProvJde less than the requJred parkJng 3 Xot provJde a loadIng zone 4 AlloK the constructJon of a neK addlJton to be located ~JthIn a requJred slderard setback Code SectJons 28-1402 28-2311 28-1403 28-2500 EnVIrOnmE'ntal ReVIew This proJect IS categorlcally exempt from EnVIronmental ReVle~ (Callfornia Government Code SectIon 153011e)] ApplJcant Tom SchuveJller'BrJan Kyle --. . PlannIng Comm1ssion Agenda ~ay 7 1986 Page 2 2 ~~~~lrIQ~~~_~~~_f~RMlr_~=~~~_~=~~ Resolut1on 1412 Y~R!A~~L~=~~ 909 Ocean 4ve ISenor Corky'sl (ContJnued from April 16 1986) A request to permJt a restaurant WJth a take-out counter with less than the requIred park1ng and an entertaJnment cafe llcense for live Jazz mUSJc Code SectIons' 28-1300(6)11J 28-1300(6)lbl 28-1304. 28-2500 28-2503 En,lronmental RevIek ThIS proJect IS categor1cally exempt from CEQA RevJew [Cal1fornla Government Code Sect10n 15061ldl] Applicant Corky Gill lCorky Corps) Owner Same 3 ~2n~!!i2n~!_~!~_f!r!!1_1!=~~ Y~r!~~fL~=~~ 148 7th Street (Donnelsonl (ContInued from AprIl 23, 1986) ResolutJon =1421 . A request for mJnor structural alterat10ns and enlargement to a non-conformIng four-plex kJthout prov1d1ng the requJred parkJng and WJth less than the requ1red InterIor streets Ide and ~ear setbacks Code Section 28-2407{AI131 28-801(2) 28-802(21 EnV1ronmental Rev1ew ThIS proJect IS categorically exempt from Env1ronmental Rev1ew (CalIfornIa Government Code Sect10n 15301Ie)12)] Appl1cant Dennis Donnelson/Zember Construct Jon B Xew Items lXone) 6 ~fh~~~!~~_M~!!~r! A Resolut1on *1414 Approv1ng VarIance 3-86 (Watson) 209 Ocean B ResolutJon #1418 ApprovIng VarIance 4-86 (~arsh) 209 14th Street C RevIew of CUP 18-84 (Hennessey's) 7 fQmml!!lQn_R~g~~!!! 8. QI~l_~Qmm~nl~~!lQn!_frQm_!h~_~~Ql!g~~ 9 fQmml!!lQg_fQmmyglf~llQg! 10 ~Q1QYrgm~g! Agenda Forecast ~~LH~_l!!.~L' -Plan ReVIew 16-86 Rockwell InternatJonal ~~Ln~_l!!.~~ -Plan ReVIew 14-86 Huotari/225 10th . -Study SessIon on Alcohol PrOVJSIOnS -VarIance 7-86 Co:'Cl211 15th St -~aster Improvement Plan Seal Beach Blvd