HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1986-09-17 - , ~ ) . SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA City Council Chambers 211 Eighth Street Seal Beach, California The Seal Beach Plamung Commss~on meets in session every f~rst and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. If you wish to address the Commssion on any part~cular publ~c hearing ~t:em, the Cha~rman will call for publ~c testimony f~rst for those in favor of the proJect, and second, for those who are not: in favor. When you see that the speaker's posit~on ~n the center of the room ~s unoccupied, step up to the mcrophone and when recognized by the Cha~rman, speak directly into the microphone by first stating your name and address clearly and distinctly for the records. State your business as clearly and succinctly as poss~ble and then wa~t a moment to see ~f the Commiss~oners have any quest~ons in regard to your comments or quest:~ons. If there are no other questions or comments, return to your seat so that the next person may address the Commssion. If you wish to address the Commssion on matters other than publ~c hearings, the agenda prov~des for that t~me when the Cha~rman asks for comments from t:he public. Address the Commssion in the same manner as stated for public hear~ngs, always st:ating your name and address first. PLAN~ING COMMISSION AG~KDA Septe~be~ 17 1986 NEXT RESO:UTION #1438 1. Pledqe of Alleqiance 2. Roll Call 3. Re~ort f~o~ Sec~eta~v A. Co~mlsslon Reo~ga~lzatlon . 4. Consent Calenda~ A. Ml~utes of June 11, 1986 5. PubllC F.earinqs Resolut~o~ #1436 A. Tentative Parcel Map 86-280 Seal Beac~ Boulevard and La~~son Ave~~e A re~uest to s~bc~vlce the B~xby Old Ra~ch Business Park lnto seven parcels for leasing purposes. Envlronme~tal Review: Negative been pre~a~ed In lle~ of an Re~ort. Code Sections: 21-10; 21-11 Declarat~o~ 7-86 ~as Environmental :~~act A~~llcant. B~xby Ranch Co~~any Owner: Same B. Varlance 13-86, Plan Review 18-86 Resolutlon #1437 411 Ocea~ Aven~e A re~uest to re~odel a nonconforming sin~le fa~~ly residence without provlding the required side ya~d ab~tti~~ the p~oposed front entra~ce. Envlronmental Review This proJect is categorlcally exempt fro~ CEQA reVlew [Califo~nia Govern~e~t Coce Sectlon 15301]. Code Sections: 28-2308; 28-2407; 28-2500; 28-2501, 28-2502 . Appllcant: Phil Viljoen Owner: Same . 6. Scheduled ~atters A. Plan ReVlew 21-86 226 8th Street (Gardner) B. Plan Revlew 20-86 2600 Westlr.:nster (Rockwell) C. Resolutlon Num~er 1435 Reflects action of the Plannlng Co~~ission or. Septe~ber 3, 1986. AYES: Covington, Jessner , Sharp NOES. Suggs ABS:::~':' Per:oin 7. COlr.lr.1SSlOn Reauests 8. Oral Co~~unications fro~ the Audience 9. Co~m:ss:on Com=unications 10. Adiot:.rn:'1ent Agenda Forecast . Qct.Q.ber 1, 1986 Plann:ng Comrr.iss:on Workshop. 6.00 p.r.. 2.T.A. 2-8€ Hotel/Motel Deflnition October 15, 1986 Z.O: A. 3-86 Alcohol Sales CUP 14-86 901 Ocean (Haley) CUP 15-86, VAP~ANCE 14-86 1510 Marlne (Sulllvan) .