HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Agenda 1994-05-04 . . . CITY OF SEAL BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA of MAY 4, 1994 7:30 P.M. * City Council Chambers 211 Eighth Street, Seal Beach, CA Next Resolution: #94-14 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA By Motion of the Planl1lng Commission, this IS the tune to: (1) Notify the public of any changes to the agenda; (2) Rearrange the order of the agenda; andlor (3) Provide an opportul1Ity for any memher of the Planmng COImmsslOn, staff, or publIc to request an Item be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate actIOn. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS At this tune, members of the public may address the Planl1lng Commission regardl11g any Items wltlun the suhJect matter IUTlsdlctlOn ot the Planmng commIS!.lon, provided that NO action or diSCUSSion may be undertaken hy the Planmng Comml~Mon \lnle~~ otherwl!.e authoTlzed by law. V. CONSENT CALENDAR Item!. on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routl11e and are enacted by one motion unless pTlor to enactment, a memher of the Plannl11g comml!.Slon, staff or the puhlIc requests that a specific Item be removed from Consent Calendar for !.eparate actIOn. 1. Approve Minutes of April 20, 1994 2. Approve Resolution No. 94-10; Minor Plan Review #94-2; 218 4th St. 3. Approve Resolution No. 94-11; Variance #94-2; 1603 Seal Way. 4. Approve Resolution No. 94-12; CUP 94-2; 1603 Seal Way. 5. Approve Resolution No. 94-13; Height Variation #94-2; 1603 Seal Way The City of Seal Beach complies With the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. If you reqUire special assistance to attend or participate IfI thiS meetmg, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 hours prior to the meetmg . . . Page 2 - CIty of Seal Beaeh PI,lI11ung C01111111&MOII Agcllda of May 4. 1994 6. Receive and File: Preview to the 1994 Air Quality Management Plan, South Coast Air Quality Management District. 7. Receive and File: AB 2742 - Regulation at Liquor Stores 8. Receive and File: AB 2897 - Overconcentration of Liquor Licenses 9. Receive and File: SB 1272 - SCAQMD Governing Board VII. SCHEDULED MATTERS 10. CEQA Study Session 11. Commission Meeting Format Policy Discussion a. Brown Act Amendments Regarding Public Participation at Meetings, Discussion of Non-Agenda Items and Recording of Meetings. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS 12. Variance #94-1 Address: Business: Applicant: Property Owner: Request: 345 Tenth Street Water Safe Swim School Ginny Flahive Ginny Flahive After-the-fact approval for canopy over sWImming pool which does not meet required setbacks. VIII. ST AFF CONCERNS IX. COMMISSION CONCERNS X. ADJOURNMENT 1994 AGENDA FORECAST The City of Seal Beach compltes With the Ameflcans With Disabilities Act of 1990 If you require special assistance to attend or participate IfI this meetmg, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 hours pflor to the meeting. . MAY 18 Page 3 - City of Seal Bcach Planmng Comllll~Mon Ageml.. of May 4. 1994 JUN 08 JUN 22 JUL 06 JUL 20 Aua 03 CITY DEADLINE: APR 13 Plan Review #94-1: 1303 Seal Way/Freimuth's remodel. Plan Review #94-4: 200/202 15th St./2nd floor deck. CITY DEADLINE: MAY 04 CUP #92-19: Clancy's @ 12 mos/indefinite extension ZC #94-2: 1600 PCR (Rum Runners Property) CITY DEADLINE: MAY 18 ZC/GPA #94-1: 99/101 Marina Drive (O-E to LDR) CITY DEADLINE: JUN 01 Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman CUP #92-21101 Main/SeaSide Grill/Review hours extension. CITY DEADLINE: JUN 15 CITY DEADLINE: JUN 29 CUP #92-26/review of TortIlla Beach for receipt of ABC lie. & conditions. AUG 17 CITY DEADLlNE: JUL 13 . SEP 07 CITY DEADLINE: AUO 03 SEP 21 CITY DEADLINE: AU017 OCT 05 CITY DEADLINE: AVO 31 OCT 19 CITY DEADLINE: SEP 14 NOV 09 CITY DEADLINE: OCT 05 NOV 23 CITY DEADLINE: OCT 19 DEC 07 CITY DEADLINE; NOY 02 CUP #93-13/Papillon's @ 12 mos.hndef. exten. of entertainment. DEC 21 CITY DEADLLNE: NOV 16 The City of Seal Beach complies With the Ameflcans With Disabilities Act of 1990. If you require special assistance to attend or pc1rtlclpate in this meetmg, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at lec1st 48 hours prior to the meeting. . Page 4 - City of Seal Beach Plalll1lllg COIllIllI&MOIl Agellda of May 4. 1994 . STAFF REPORTS PENDING: NOT AGENDIZED . ZTA #92-2 Entertainment Cafes ACTION: City-wide policy statement on entertainment. STATUS: Pending City Manager's input. 1995 IAN CUP #92-13/143 Main/Papillon's/12 mos entertainment CUP #92-25/1400 PCH/Glider Inn/indefinite extension FEB MAR CUP #94-11600 Marina/Radisson 12 mos. ABC . . The City of Seal Beach complies wIth the Amencans With Disabilities Act of 1990 If you reqUIre specIal asslslc'mce to attend or partIcIpate In this meeting, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at (310) 431-2527 at least 48 hours pnor to the meeting.