HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 13-12 - 2013-06-19 RESOLUTION NO. 13-12
Section 1. On May 9, 2013, Joanne S. Barton ("the applicant") submitted an
application to the City of Seal Beach Department of Community Development for
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 13-2 to permit a Certified Massage Establishment in an
existing multi-tenant commercial building at 201 8th Street, Unit 190 (the "subject
property"), which is located in the Main Street Specific;Plan Area.
Section;2. Staff has determined that CUP 13-2 is categorically exempt from
review under California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15303
of the State CEQA Guidelines because it would result only in a negligible expansion of
an existing use.
Section 3. A duly noticed public hearing was held before the Planning
Commission on June 19, 2013 to consider the application for CUP 13-2. At the public
hearing, the Planning Commission received and considered all evidence presented,
both written and oral, regarding the subject application. The record of the public hearing
indicates the following:
A. The subject property is located on the northeast corner of the
intersection of 8th Street and Central and developed with a 7,174-square foot,
two-story, 12-unit commercial building that previously served as the Seal Beach City
Hall and is now occupied by a beauty salon and office uses. The subject property is
surrounded by City Hall to the north, a fire station across Central Avenue to the south, a
one story medical office building across 8th Street to the east, and multi-family
residential units across an alley to the west. The subject property is located in the Main
Street Specific Plan area, which permits massage establishments subject to approval of
a CUP.
B. . The proposed massage establishment would be a sole
proprietorship operated by a massage professional certified to practice massage by the
California Massage Therapy Council. The space in which it would operate contains a
reception -area, and. two treatment rooms. The business would operate only by
appointment and only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through
Saturday. The applicant has stated that a licensed skincare professional will likely
occupy one of the rooms in the unit as an independent contractor on a part time basis.
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Section 5. Based upon the foregoing, the Planning Commission hereby
approves CUP 13-2 for a Certified Massage Establishment on the subject property,
subject to the following conditions:
A. The premises of the massage establishment shall be in substantial
compliance with the project plans submitted with the application and maintained on file
with the.Community Development Department.
B. The business must operate only by appointment and only between
the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Saturday.
C. The California Massage Therapy Council Certificate and
photograph of each person providing massage services at the massage establishment
must be displayed prominently on the premises in a location that can be readily viewed
by customers or City representatives.
D. A list of all persons providing massage services at the
establishment, including each person's full true name and other names used,
photograph, and certificate from the California Massage Therapy Council must be
provided to the Director. Any changes to the persons providing massage services must
be reported to the Director within 10 working days of such change.
E. A list of the services provided to the public and the prices and
minimum lengths for each must be available to the public in a conspicuous location on
the premises.
F. The massage establishment must keep a written record of the date
and hour of each massage, the name and address of each customer, the name of the
state certified massage professional administering the massage and the type of
massage administered. The records must be maintained for a period of 2 years. Only
those official who are charged with enforcement of this Chapter shall inspect these
records and no information shall be used for any purpose other than enforcement of this
Chapter. No massage establishment owner or employee shall utilize the records in any
manner unrelated to enforcement of this Chapter.
G. The massage establishment must be equipped at all times with an
adequate supply of clean, sanitary towels, coverings, and linens. Clean towels,
coverings, and linens must be stored in cabinets. Towels and linens must not be used
on more than one customer or client, unless they have first been laundered and
disinfected. Disposable towels and coverings must not be used on more than one
customer or client. Soiled linens and paper towels must be deposited in separate,
approved receptacles.
H. Adequate ventilation and lighting must be provided throughout the
premises. Ventilation must be in accordance with Uniform Building Code Section 1105.
Lighting must be in accordance with National Electric Code Article 220; and at least one
artificial light of not less than 40 watts must be operative in each room or enclosure
designated.for massage. .
At least one separate wash basin, providing soap or detergent and
hot and cold running water, must be provided at all times for the use of employees.
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Jo sabeaanaq ogoyoole 6uisn JO 6wwnsuoo. 'Jo uo!ssassod ay; w ally\ luawyslige;se •
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juawysllgeisa abessew ay;}o ses!waad
ay; uo saamool lenp!A!pu! pap!Awd aq lsnw aaAoldwe pea
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Aly6nwoy; aq ;snw sgn;ylee -uado am ses!waJd ayl Aep pea aouo ueyl ssei iou lnq
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pue peueep AH6nwoyl aq lsnw stood pue 'swow lawgeo 'swooJyjeq 'sJaMoys
'swoo1 Loden 'swow weals 'swow leay tip 'swow leay ;aM UV .>1
•Jaoy}p ylleaH ayl o; algeldaooe leuelew }owdJa}ell Jaylo Jo ollsed
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spaq Jo sassawew oN sasn a6essew JO leolpew Jo} pampa}nuew pue pau6lsap ape;
e anal ;snw peolloeJd sl a6essew yalyM w eaae JO WOOJ pea
-ulseq yaea ;e papinwd aq Heys slaMOl tiellues •saovuas a6essew }o 6ulwaopad
o} palonap earn ay; o; algeolpeJd se asop se JO ulyliM pa;eool aq !legs ulseq Lions
controlled substances, except pursuant to a prescription for medication. The owner,
operator, responsible managing employee, or manager must not allow any person in
violation of this subsection to enter or remain upon the premises.
U. The massage establishment shall not operate as a school of
massage or use the premises as a school of massage.
V. The massage establishment shall not place, publish or distribute, or
so direct or permit, any advertising matter that depicts any specified anatomical areas.
W. All exterior doors shall remain unlocked during business hours from
the interior side except when no staff is available to ensure the security of clients and
massage staff who are behind closed doors.
X. Prior to first operating the massage establishment, the operator
must: (1) notify and cause the Health Officer to inspect the premises to ensure
compliance with all applicable health laws and issue a report; and (2) submit a copy of
the report to the Director.
Y. The Health Officer and every person authorized to enforce the Seal
Beach Municipal Code, as it relates to massage uses, shall have the right to periodically
enter and inspect the massage establishment for the purpose of ensuring compliance
with these conditions of approval and all applicable laws and regulations.
Z. Building permits shall be obtained for all tenant improvements
conducted within the unit.
AA. Any subsequent expansion or modification of the business shall
require a modification of this Conditional Use Permit.
BB. This Conditional Use Permit shall become null and void unless
exercised within 1 year of the date of final approval, or such extension of time as may
be granted by the Planning Commission pursuant to a written request for extension
submitted to the Community Development Department a minimum of 90 days prior to
such expiration date.
CC. This Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective for any
purpose unless an "Acceptance of Conditions"form has been signed by the applicant in
the presence of the Director of Community Development, or notarized and returned to
the Planning Department; and until the 10 day appeal period has elapsed.
DD. The applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its
officers, agents and employees (collectively the City" hereinafter) from any and all
claims and losses whatsoever occurring or resulting to any and all persons, firms, or
corporations furnishing or supplying work, services, materials, or supplies in connection
with the performance of the use permitted hereby or the exercise of the rights granted
herein, and any and all claims, lawsuits or actions arising from the granting of or the
exercise of the rights permitted by this Conditional Use Permit, and from any and all
claims and losses occurring or resulting to any person, firm, corporation or property for
damage, injury or death arising out of or connected with the performance of the use
permitted. hereby. Applicant's obligation to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
City as stated herein shall include, but not be limited to, paying all fees and costs
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incurred by legal counsel of the City's choice in representing the City in connection with
any such claims, losses, lawsuits or actions, expert witness fees, and any award of
damages, judgments, verdicts, court costs or attorneys' fees in any such lawsuit or
EE. Failure to comply with any of these conditions or a substantial
change in the mode or character of the establishment shall be grounds for revoking or
modifying this"CUP approval.
FF. A Business License shall not be issued unless (1) a "Covenant for
the Payment of In-Lieu Parking Fees" form has been signed and notarized by the
applicant and returned to the Planning Department; and (2) the first installment or full
payment of the In-Lieu Parking Fee has been received by the City. The total In-Lieu
Parking Fee amount to be paid by the applicant is $3,500.00.
GG. Appointments shall be scheduled in a manner that ensures the
massage technician and skin care professional do not operate in the unit at the same
time. Only one professional shall operate within the unit at any time, appointments shall
not overlap or be scheduled within 30 minutes of the alternating professional.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the Seal Beach Planning
Commission at a meeting thereof held on June 19, 2013, by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioners Goldberg, Campbell, Cummings, Massa-Lavitt, Sloan
NOES: Commissioners
ABSENT: Commissioners
ABSTAIN: Commissioners
# ✓ 747, -�
Sandra Massa-Lavitt
A EST: Chairperson
Jim Basham
P I nning.Commission Secretary
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