HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Res 13-13 - 2013-08-07 RESOLUTION NO. 13-13
Section 1 . On June 12, 2013, Richard and Nancy Brown ("the applicants")
submitted an application to the City of Seal Beach Department of Community
Development for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 13-3 to permit a Type 47 Alcohol
License, live entertainment (music), game arcades, restaurant remodel, outdoor dining,
and extended hours of operation at 620 Pacific Coast Highway (the "subject property"),
which is located in the GC (General Commercial) Zone.
Section 2. Staff has determined CUP 13-3 to be a Class 1 (Existing Facilities)
Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of the Guidelines for the California
Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) for the
permitting of a restaurant use within an existing single story restaurant building,
involving negligible or no expansion beyond the existing use.
Section 3. A duly noticed public hearing was held before the Planning
Commission on August 7, 2013 to consider the application for CUP 13-3. At the public
hearing, the Planning Commission received and considered all evidence presented,
both written and oral, regarding the subject application. The record of the public hearing
indicates the following:
A. The subject site is developed with an existing single story 6,730 sq.
ft. restaurant building located on the south side of Pacific Coast Highway between 5th
Street and Marina Drive, within the Bay City Plaza commercial center. The commercial
center is surrounded by residential uses to the north across Pacific Coast Highway, a
mix of commercial and residential uses to the south, commercial uses to the west
across Marina Drive and residential uses across 5th Street to the east. The subject
property is located in the GC (General Commercial) zone, which permits game arcades,
live entertainment (music), alcohol sales, outdoor dining and extended hours subject to
approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
B. The applicant proposed to remodel the north and east elevations,
relocate the entryway, add game arcades, outdoor dining, and extend the hours of
operation for a restaurant that has an existing Type 47 alcohol license and live
entertainment (music). The business previously operated from 11:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.
on Sunday, 11:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. on Monday through Thursday and 11:00 A.M. to
1:00 A.M. on Friday and Saturday. The applicant proposed to extend the hours from
eq •suo!;eJado won" awl wail s;oa};a an!;e6au Jo (;!l!q!ssod ay; ;! u!! o; Aepin;es pue
(epud uo Wy 00:1- VW 001 Pue Aepsing1 g6noJy; Aepung Job Wy 00:31 — vJv 001
;o sJnoy ay; peAoidde uo!ss!wwo3 6u!uueld ay; `JanaMoq 'NV 00:Z of Wy 00:L Jo smog
6w;eJado pasodoJd ;ueogdde aqi •a;!s ay; Jo; puewap 6uiNJed u! asewou! ue asneo
;ou II!M pue 6u!ppnq ay; o; 86e 100; aJenbs leuog!ppe u! ;InsaJ ;ou II!M IapowaJ pasodoJd
•sJeeA Ap!y; Jam) Jo; ;ueJne;sw e se pa;eJado set; ley; 6u!plinq ;ueJne;saJ ;; •bs
0£L'9 e y;!M pedolanep s! ApedoJd ;oelgns eqj pa;eool s! ;! town u! Ja;uaO le!OJawwoO
ay; y;!M alq!;edwoo we uo!;eJado ;o sJnoy papua;xe pue ;ueJne;sei 6u!;s!xe ay;
;o IapowaJ pesodad eta poogiogq6!au 6u!punajns ay; u! se!pedoid pue sasn ;Oaje
Alesianpe ;ou II!M pue y;!M alggedwoo eq p!M 'Molaq peuo!;!puoo se 'asn pasodoJd
ay; ;o so!;sua;oeiego 6u!;eJado pue 'u6!sep 'ez!s 'uo!;eool eqj .4
6up!Jed u! aseaJOU! ou pue 6u!pl!nq ;ueJne;sei ay; o; a6eloo; wenbs ;o uo!;!ppe ou
y;!M uo!;enala ;sem pue 141.10U ay; uo sMOpu!M Mau gum 6uole (ei AJ;ue Mau a u! ;InsaJ
II!n^ 6u!pl!nq 6u!;s!xe ay; ;o IapowaJ ay; pue ;seplewq Jo; uado o; ;ueJne;sw ey; Mole
II!M uo!;eJado ;o smog papua;xa eqj .40 ay; o; s;u!eldwoo ;noy;!M 'Alan!;OedsaJ '900Z
pue 686; aOU!s (o!snw) ;uewU!epa;ue enp pue esueo!I loyoole ue y;!M pe;eJado seq
pue sJeeA Au!y; Jano Jo) uo!;eool s!y; ;e pa;eJado sag 6u!pl!nq ;ueJne;SOJ 6u4s!xe eq1
•Ja;UaO ay; in 6unped uo puewap ay; eonpei Jaqun; pue sam!q;o asn a6eJnooua 01 ewe
6u!u!p Joop;no ay; o; ;ueoefpe pelle;su! eq DIM swOeJ avq 'uo!;!ppe ul puewap 6ubped
u! aseaJOU! ue asneo jou p!M ewe 6u!u!p Joop;no u bs 01.1, eq •seaeds 89 ;ueJne;saJ
ay; Jo; ;Uawannbai 6uDIJed ay; a>lew II!M yo!gM 'glees L 01 pa;!w!I eq pue 'pa; aJenbs
01 ; Adn000 !pm ewe 6U!u!p Joop;no Mau ayl seoeds 6UpjJed 89 pannbei ;ueJne;saJ
6u4s!xe eta s;u!BJ;suoO lea!sAgd ;o eauesqe ay; pue 'saO!AJas ;o uo!s!noJd 6u!pniou!
'pasodoJd 6u!aq asn ;o A;!sua;u! pue '!;!suep 'ad A1 ay; Jo; a;enbepe Alleo!sAgd s! ley;
a;!s e uo pa;eool eq !!!M 'Molaq peuog!puoo se 'asn pasodoJd a41 •O
•epoo led!O!un1N a4;;o suO!s!AOJd algeo!Idde Jay;o lie
tam AIdwoo !pm asn pasodoJd ay; pue mined asn leuo!;!puo3 a ;o Ienoidde q;!M auoz
le!OJawwoo IeJaueo (0e) ay; u! pa;;!wied s! asn pasodoJd a41 •8
'AeMg6!H ;seo03!;!0ed 6uole algel!ene
sasn Ie!OJawwo0 ay; '4!s-lan!P p!M uogeJado ;o sJnoy papua;xa pue 6u!u!p Joop;no
'sepeoje awe6 y;!M IapowaJ Mau pue esueoi; any '(o!snw) ;uewu!epa;ue an!! 6u!;s!xe
eq .a;!s ;oafgns ay; uo sasn 6u!;s!xe ay; in ;ua;s!suoo u!ewei II!M asn ;ueJne;sw
eqj •s;ueine;sei 6u!pniou! 'sasn Ie!OJewwoo pa;uauo-AeMg6!y Jo; Alpewpd s! AJo6a;eo
asn pue! le!OJawwoo IeJaueo ay; ley; sa!;!Gads ueld !amuse eta •ueld Ieieuae
;ua;s!suoo s! 'Moleq peuoy!puoo se 'asn pasodoJd eqj •y
:s6u!pug bump; ay; saNew uo!ss!wwo3 bu!uueld ay; 'yoeeg leas lo Ain ay;;o ape°
a4;;o 0 3.9•[ 1, Ja;deq o; ;uensJnd pue uo!;nloseJ s!y;;o uo!;oas 6U!peowd ay; u! pa;e;s
asoy; 6u!pniou! 'pJOOeJ ay; u! peu!e;uoo sloe; ay; uodn pages •j uo!;Oas
•pa;Oedw! ;ou s! Ja;ueo ay; u! 6uiNJed ;ey; os s;eas L;o wnw!xew a y;IM
.0 bs 0;I. ;o ewe 6u!u!p Joop;no ue 6u!puewwoow s! ;leis trig 's;eas OZ y;!M . •bs 1.89
;o ewe 6u!u!p Joop;no ue pa;senbaJ ;uea!;dde eq j • (epJn;es pue (epud uo •W.y 00:1,
01 'W•`d 00:L pue (epsJngj g6nay; Adpuns uo •lN d 00:1.l o; lAry Do L woJ; uogeJado
;!WJad 01 s! uogepuawwooeJ s j;e;s .MOON ay; ;o s(ep He JO; W V 00:Z 04 WV 00/
outdoor dining area will occupy a total of 110 square feet, which will maintain the
required parking at 68 spaces. The restaurant has operated with live entertainment
(music) without adverse impacts to surrounding uses but staff reserves the right to
rescind or modify this CUP if complaints are received.
E. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed
use at the location proposed, as conditioned below, will not be detrimental to the health,
safety, or welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity. The existing restaurant
building is located in a commercial center developed with multi-unit commercial
buildings occupied by a variety of office, service and restaurant uses. The restaurant
has operated within the commercial center for over thirty years, held an alcohol license
for over twenty years and maintained a live entertainment (music) permit for seven
years. The Conditions placed on the restaurant have ensured the restaurant did not
become detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity. The same operating
conditions have been applied to this Conditional Use Permit to ensure the restaurant
continues toP operate in conjunction with the center it is located in.
Section 5. Based upon the foregoing, the Planning Commission hereby
approves CUP 13-3 to permit a restaurant with a Type 47 ABC License and live
entertainment (music), a restaurant remodel, game arcades, and extended hours of
operation on the subject property, subject to the following conditions:
1. Conditional Use Permit 13-3 is approved to permit a restaurant with a Type 47 ABC
License and live entertainment (music), along with a remodel of the north and west
elevations, game arcades, outdoor dining, and extended hours of operation from
7:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. Sunday through Thursday and 7:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. on
Friday and Saturday.
2. The premises of the restaurant must be in substantial compliance with the project
plans submitted with the application and maintained on file with the Community
Development Department.
3. The applicant shall comply with all restrictions placed on the license issued by the
State of California's Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).
4. The hours of operation shall be 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. Sunday through Thursday
and 7:00 A.M. to 1:00A.M. on Friday and Saturday.
5. Outdoor dining is limited to 110 sq. ft. and a maximum of seven seats.
6. Landscaping and bike racks must be provided adjacent to the outdoor dining area.
The location and design shall subject to approval by the Community Development
Director prior to issuance of any Building Permits for the restaurant.
7. In the event staff determines security problems exist on the site, the Conditions of
this permit may be amended to require the provisions of additional security
8. Live entertainment (music) shall be conducted only within the enclosed restaurant
and in compliance with all requirements of the Municipal Code. Live entertainment
is prohibited in the outdoor dining area.
JO s;!nsMel 'sassol 'sw!elo Lions Aue y;!M .uogoauuoo u! Apo ay; 6uguasaadaa
u! a0!ogo si(;!a ay; ;o lasunoo lebei;Aq paamow slsoo pue saw pe 6uiAed '0;
pa;!w!l eq jou ;rig 'apnlou! pegs u!aaaq panels se (pa ay; ssalwaey ploy pue pua;ap
'i!uwepu! o; uo!;e6ilgo s,;ueo!lddy 'Agway pag!waad asn ay; ;o aouewaopad ay}
y;!M pa;oauuoo ao ;o ;no 6u!sue q;eap JO tinfu! 'a6ewep ao; Auadoid JO uogeaodaoo
wa!; 'uosied Aue 01 6uglnsaa JO 6uwn000 sassol pue sw!elo Ile pue Aue wal pue
;!wand asn leuog!puoa s!y; Aq pa;;!waad s;y6u au; Jo as!DJaxa ay; JO 40 6ui;uea6
ay; wag bu!sue suogoe JO s;!nsMel 'sw!elo Ile pue Aue pue 'want.] peiuea6 s;g6u
ay; Jo as!3Jaxa ay; JO (gaay pawl/Lied asn ay;Jo aouewaoped ay; y;!M uogoauuoo
w sapddns JO 'sleua;ew 'sao!naas ')uoM bu!Aiddns JO 6u!gs!wnl suo!;eaodlo0
JO 'vial 'suosied ile pue Aue o; 6u!;lnsaa JO 6uwn000 aanaos;egm sassoj
pue sw!el0 Ile pue Aue won; (aalleu!aaay ;,Apo eq;„ Alangoapoo) seeAoldwa pue
slua6e 'saao!44o Si! 'Apo sselwae4 ploy pue pua;ap y(;!uwepu! pegs ;ueo!ldde ail L l
•ao;oanQ luawdolanaa
Apunwwoa ay; 01 alge;daooe s! ley; ewe Jawo;sno ,sesseuwsnq ay; u!Li;!M
uo!;eool e u! lenaddy ;o suop!puoa asay; Aelds!p Agueu!woad p!M ;ueaildde ail '91.
a;ep uogendxe ions o; loud s(ep (;awu ;o wnw!u!w e ;uawpedaa ;uewdolanaa
I(;!unwwoa ay; 01 pa;;!wgns uo!suelxe ao; lsenbaa ua;luM 01 juensand uo!ss!wwoa
bu!uueld ay; (q paluea6 eq Aew se aw!; ;o uo!sua;xa Lions JO lenaddy leug Jo
a;ep ay; ;o Jew( auo u!y;!M pas!oaaxa ssalun won pue Ilnu awooaq !legs dfla s!yl 91
Jo/pue uoile;!opos 'ws!lepuen 'sseuuaNunap
o!lgnd 'aoualo!n '01 pa;!w!l ;0u ;nq 'apnlou! sJo!neyaq uogeaado JO ln;wae('
Jo seldwexj •Jn000 ao!neyaq le!oos-nue JO leu!wuo se ions swe qad leuogeaado JO
waeq ;! daa sly; Appow JO 0>I0A01 0; 1116! ay; SaNBSBJ uo!ss!wwoa 6u!uueld 0111 bl
ay; ;o suo!;eaado ;o aa;oeaego JO apow ay; u! a6ueyo leque;sgns a s! alai! •q
lenaddy l0 suo!;!puoa ;uamo s;!;o Aue A;!pow o; sesodad ;uewys!lge;sa 041 •e
:uegMao; pa!ldde eq ;snw dfla s!y;lo uogeoppow y •£l
•pesdela sey pound leadde Aep
aepueieo (01.) the; ay; !gun pue '.;uawpedea 6u!uueld ay; 01 pawn's.' 6u!eq aao;aq
lueo!ldde ay; Aq pezue;ou pue pau6!s uaaq set' wag' „suo!;!puoa ;o eoue;daooy„
(;!a e p;un/ssalun esodmd Aue ao; an!;0age awooaq ;ou pegs dfla s!yl •Zl
.SI L aaldeya;o suo!s!noad ay; y;!M (ldwoo 01 !anal aspou
ay; a;e6!;!w o; ao;eaado sseu!snq/ueo!ldde ay; a!nba Aew pue uoileaap!suooa aol
;!wand s!y; alnpayos 01 jy6u ay; samesaa uo!ss!wwoa 6u!uueld ay; ';uawys!lgelsa
ay; Aq pa;eaaue6 as!ou 6u!pae6aa pan!a0aa eq su!eldwoo wogs •epoa ied!o!un14,1
goeag leas to Apo au;Jo „as!oN„ 94•L aaldego qpM Aldwoo ;snw ;uawys!lge;sa ail •1,1,
•awg 6u!sol0 01 loud
sa;nu!w (OE) Aim nun pool ;o nuaw eloidwoo a amen ;snw ;uawys!lge;sa 0111 •01,
an!' ;o smog 6uunp saw!; Ile ;e p85010 u!ewaa ;snw sMopu!M pue sloop IIV '6
actions, expert witness fees, and any award of damages, judgments, verdicts, court
costs or attorneys' fees in any such lawsuit or action.
18. A minimum of 3 employees must be on duty at all times between the hours of 12:01
A.M. to the business closing time.
19. Game arcades are restricted to the "Game Room" area in the northeast corner of
the restaurant interior as designated on the restaurant floor plan.
20. Building permits shall be obtained for all tenant improvements conducted within the
building and on exterior elevations.
21. This Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective for any purpose unless an
"Acceptance of Conditions" form has been signed by the applicant in the presence
of the Director of Community Development, or notarized and returned to the
Planning.Department; and until the 10 day appeal period has elapsed.
22. Failure to comply with any of these conditions or a substantial change in the mode
or character of the establishment shall be grounds for revoking or modifying this
CUP approval.
23. The outdoor dining area must be closed at 10:00 P.M. daily.
24. All windows must be closed at 10:00 P.M. daily.
25. Game arcades are limited to ratings of Teen (T), Everyone 10+ (E10+), Everyone
(E), and Early Childhood (EC) as set by the Entertainment Software Rating Board
26. Deliveries to the premises are prohibited between 10:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the Seal Beach Planning
Commission at a meeting thereof held on August 7, 2013, by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioners (imp ir)(2unnni/ M f'Iav-JaOW; 3ln01/7
NOES: Commissioners arab:KQ
ABSENT: Commissioners 0
ABSTAIN: Commissioners
iy1)44,/ din Buz
Sandra Massa-Lavitt
ST: Chairperson
r Jim B sham
fanning Commission Secretary