HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 1510 2004-01-12
The City Council ofthc City of Seal Beach does ordain as follows:
Section!. Code Amendment. Chapter lIB ("Newsracks") of the Code of
the City ofSeall3each is hereby amended to read as follows:
"Chaptcr 1113
~ lIB-I
~ IIB-2
~ IIB-3
~ IIB-4
~ IIB-5
~ IIB-6
~ IIB-?
* IIB-8
* 118-9
~ 118-10
* lIB-II
Newsraek Pennit.
Placement Standards
Additional Placement Standards - Main Street Specific Plan Area.
Oper~tion Standards.
Summary Impoundment.
Non-Summary Impoundment.
Administrative Heating,
Retul11 of Impounded Newsracks,
Disposal ofhnpounded Newsracks,
Section lIB-I
P ureose.
The purposes of this chapter are to: protect pedestrian safety; preselve the
aesthetics of the city's sidewalk areas; facilitate distribution of publications through
newsracks on public property; and to mitigate the traffic hazards and visual blight that
can result from the unregulated placement of news racks on public rights-of-way,
Section II B-2
For the purposes of this chapter, the words and phrases set forth in this section
shall mean:
(a) Abandoned: Newsrack wherein no publication or the same publication has
been displayed for a period of at least 30 consecutive days.
(b) Block: Public right-of-way abutting on one side of a street and lying
between the two nearest intersecting strcets or between the nearest intersecting street and
the tcnllination of such public tight-of-way.
(c) City-approved newsrack model and pedestal: Model series MIOO, M50,
or a model that the director deems equivalent in size and appearance to the M I 00 or M50,
painted II color cquivalent to wood gruin brown, mounted on a 16 1/2" standanl pedestal
placed on a 10" X 10" pad, The director has the discretion to allow different colors
outside the Main Street Specific Plan area.
Curb: Raised edge adjacent to a roadway between the sidewalk and the
Deoartment: Department of Public Works
Director: Director of Public Works or the designee thereof.
Ordinance Number "~t7
(g) Drivewav approach: Portion of a public right-of-way, including curb
returns or depressed curbs, providing vehicular access to a private roadway, building or
other facility. '
(h) Exolicit sexual acts: Depictions of sexual intercoursc, oral copulation, anal
intercourse, oral-anal copulation, bcstiality, sadism, masochism or excretory functions in
conjunction with sexual activity, masturbation, or lewd exhibition of genitals, whether
any of the above conduct is dcpicted or describcd as being perfonncd alone or betwcen
members of the same or opposite sex or between humans and animals, or any other act of
sexual arousal involving any physical contact with a person's genitals, pubic region,
pubic hair, perineum, anus or anal region,
(i) Main Street Specific Plan Area: Area described in the Main Street Specific
U) Newsrack: Self-service or coin-operated box, container, storage unit or
other dispenser installed, used or maintained for the display, sale or distribution of a
(k) Ncwsrack Area: An arca designated by the City for the placement of
newsracks within the Main Street Specific Plan Area.
(I) Owner: Person to whom a newsrack permit is issued, For purposes of this
chapter, "owner" is synonymous with permittee.
(m) Parkwav: Area between the sidewalk and the ciJrb ofa street. Where there
is no sidewalk, area between the edge of the roadway and the property line adjacent
thereto. "Parkway" includes any roadway area that is not open to vehicular travel.
(n) Pre-existinl! Publications: Publications that on December I, 2003: were
located in newsracks that complied with the newsrack location and placement standards
set forth in the Code of the City of Seal Beach as such standards existed immediately
prior to the effective date of this Ordinance; and which were placed in such location
pursuant to a validly issued newsrack pennit and City business license.
(0) Public rieht-of-wav: Place of any nature that is dedicated to use by the
public for pedestrian or vehicular travel, including without limitation: a street, sidewalk,
curb, gutter, intersection, parkway, highway, alley, lane, mall, court, way, avenue,
boulevard, road, roadway, viaduct, subway, tunnel, bridge, thoroughfare, park, square or
any similar public way.
(p) Roadwav: Portion of a street improved, dcsigned or ordinarily used for
vehicular travel.
(q) Sidewalk: Surface improved, designed or ordinarily used for pedestrian
(r) Street: As defined in California Vehiclc Codc Section 590.
Section II B-3 Newsrack Penllil.
(a) Rcquirement. No person shall plaee a newsrack on any public right-of-
way without first obtaining a newsrack permit for such newsrack.
(b) Application. Applications for newsrack permits shall be filcd with the
director upon a city-provided form, The application shall be signed by the applicant and
shall contain the following infonnation:
(I) Name, address and telephone number of the applicant.
Ordinance Number ~~
(2) A precise diagram showing the location proposed for the newsrack
and the location and number of all other newsracks existing on the samc block.
(3) Brand namc of the ncwsrack and a description of how it will be
(4) The name of the publication to be contained in the newsrack.
(5) A city attorney-approved written statement obligating the applicant
to indemnify, defend, ami hold hannless the city and its officers, employees and agents
against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses, obligations, liabilities,
damages, recoveries, and deficiencies that the city shall incur or suITer as' a result of the
applicant's newsracks. Such obligation shall include payment of interest, penalties and
reasonable attorneys fees.
(6) A certificate of endorsement evidencing that a comprehensive
liability insurance policy has been issued for the period of the requested newsrack pennit
by an insurance company that both (i) is admitted and licensed to do business in the State
of California; and (ii) is rated A or better according to the most recent A,M, Best Co.
Rating Guide. The policy limits of such insurance shall not be less than $1,000,000.00
combined single limit or equivalent. Such policy sh~ll name the city as an additional
insured; shall specify that it acts as primary insurance and that no insurance held or
owned by the designated additional insureds shall be called upon to cover a loss; and
shall contain a provision that no tennination, cancellation or change of coverage of
insured or additional insureds shall be effective until after 30 days notice thereof has been
given in writing to the director.
(7) Business License. Every applicant for a newsrack pennit shall
present proof of receipt of a business license or proof of application for such license,
(c) Fee, Each newsrack pennit application shall be accompanied by a
nonrefundable application fee. This fee shall be established by city council resolution
and shall not exceed the actual cost of processing a newsrack pennit application.
(d) Approval or Denial. The director shall, within 10 city business days of the
fiiing of an application, approve and issue a newsrack pennit if there are no grounds for
denial; otherwise the pennit shall be denied, Notice of the .approval or denial of the
pennit shall be given to the applicant in writing. If the application is denied, the director
shall attach to the notice a statement of the' reasons for the denial. The times set forth in
this section shall not be extended except upon written consent of the applicant.
(e) Grounds for Denial. The director may deny an application for a newsrack
pennit for any of the following causes:
(I) The following grounds for denial shall apply to all applications:
(A) Failure to complete the application,
(B) Knowing'submission of a fraudulent statement of material
(C) Failure to comply with the provisions ofthis chapter,
(2) In addition to the grounds specified in sub-paragraph (I) above, the
director may deny.an application for placement of a newsrack within the Main Street
Specific Plan Area if the proposed location of the newsrack is a location at which no
newsrack space is available due to the issuance of newsraek pennits to other persons
pursuant to Section IIB-5,
Ordinance Number ~~~
(t) Term, Each newsraek permit shall be valid for three years from the date
of issuance unless revoked. A newsraek owner shall submit an application for renewal at
least IS days prior to the expiration of the owner's newsrack pennit.
(g) Appeals, Any interested person may request an administrative hearing
regarding the issuance, denial of issuance, renewal or denial of renewal of a newsrack
permit. Notwithstanding the preceding, no administrative hearing shall be held regarding
the denial of a newsrack permit for a newsrack space within the Main Street Specific Plan
Area if the denial was based on the lottery, A request for an administrative hearing must
be filed in writing with the city clerk within 10 days after the decision of the director.
Section II B-4
Placement Standards
Newsraeks located on public right-of-way shall comply with the following
placement standards:
(a) Newsracks shall not be placed:
(I) Within 20 feet of any marked crosswalk,
(2) Within 20 feet of the curb return of any unmarked crosswalk.
(3) Wi!hin IS feet of any driveway approach,
(4) Within 10 feet of any fire hydrant, fire call box, police call box or
other emergency facility.
(5) Within 5 feet ahead of and 25 feet to the rear of any sign marking a
designated bus stop,
(6) Within 10 feet of any bus bench or bus shelter.
(7) Within 10 feet of any mailbox, utility pole, telephone pedestal or
any other permanent fixture located in the public right-of-way,
(8) Within three leet of any area improved with lawn, flowers, shrubs
or trees.
(9) Within three feet of any display window of any building abutting
the sidewalk or parkway or in such a manner as to impede or interfere with the reasonable
use of such window for display purposes.
(10) At any location whereby the clear space for the passageway of
pedestrians is reduced to less than four feet.
(II) At any location whereby the clear space tor the passageway of
pedestrians is reduced to less than five feet for a length of more than thirty feet.
(12) Adjacent to or on the curb abutting any fire access lane,
(13) Within the limits ofany portion of curb painted yellow or white.
(b) Newsraeks shall be placed between 6 inches and 24 inches from the curb
at the sole discretion of the Director,
(c) No newsrack shall unreasonably interfere with or impede the flow of
pedestrian or vehicular trallic.
(d) No newsrack shall unreasonably interfere with the cleaning of any
sidewalk by the use of mechanical sidewalk cleaning machinery,
Ordinance Number ~"
(e) No newsrack shall project into a roadway.
(f) No newsrack shall unreasonably interfere with or impede ingress into or
egress from any residence or place of business.
Section 118-5
Additional Placement Standards - Main Street Soecific Plan Area.
(a) Concentration. The director shall detennine the locations within the Main
Street Specific Plan Area of ncwsracks on the public right-of-way and shall mark such
locations on a map that is available to the public on request. In determining such
locations, the director shaH adhere to the following concentration standards:
(I) No more than 24 newsracks shall be located on anyone block of
Main Street between Pacific Coast Highway and Ocean Avenue. The maximum
grouping of news racks at each location shall be eight. There shall be a minimum IOO-foot
separation between each grouping,
(2) No more than four newsracks shall be located on anyone block of
the northerly side of Ocean; each side of Central Avenue; each side of Electric Avenue;
and the southerly side of Pacific Coast Highway, between Main Street and the adjoining
(b) No person shall place or maintain a newsrack in the Main Street Specific
Plan area except in one of the City designated areas.
(c) Pennit Process,
(I) Except as provided in sub-paragraph (2) below, the director shall
approve applications on a first-come, first-served basis.
(2) Where two or more publications seek the same' location for a
newsrack and there is insutlicient space at the location to accommodate all such
publications, the Director shaH aHocate newsrack pennits in accordance with the
following process, No publication shall be eligible for more than one newsrack pennit
per newsrack grouping where demand exceeds supply.
(a) Prioritv shaU be given to Pre-Existing Publications, In the
event demand by Pre-Existing Publications exceeds supply at any particular location, the
Director shaU adhere to the foUowing criteria: '
I. Pre-Existing Publications oreviously located at that location
have priority. Where demand by publications seeking to stay in the same location
exceeds 'supply at that location, the Director shaU assib'll the desired location:
a. First to daily publications published at least five
days a week ("daily publications"), ,
b, Second to weekly publications published between
one and four days per calendar week ("weekly publications"),
c. Third to monthly publications published between
one and three days per calendar month ("monthly publications").
2. Pre-Existing Publications not oreviously located at the
desired location will be given prioritv based uoon the criteria in I a-c. In the event two or
more Pre-Existing Publications seeking to relocate to the same location have the same
level of priority, the Director shall assign the desired location to the publication that was
located in closest proximity to the desired location.
(b) AU Other Publications, As between publications that are
not Pre-Existing Publications, the Director shall adhere to the foUowing criteria:
I, First priority shaU be given to daily publications,
2, Second priority shall be given to weekly publications,
3. Third priority shaU be given to monthly publications,
Ordinance Number ~~
(c), Location and space assignment by lottery. The Director
shall approve newsracks by lottery in the event that both (i) two or more publications
having the same level of priority seek the same location or space for a newsrack; and (ii)
either there is insufficient space at the location to accommodate all such publications, or
two publications are seeking the same space in a particular designated area. The lottery
shall be conducted by placing into a container the names of all of the applicants having
the same level of priority and drawing names from the container one at a time until the
number of available newsrack spaces at the location reaches zero, The Director shall
give advance written notice to the applicants of the time and place of the lottery, and shall
allow members of the public to witness the lottery. The"initiallottery shall be held on a
date 30 days after the effective date of this Ordinance,
3, Space Request. The applicant shall indicate on the application its
preference for a particular space in the designated area,
(d) Permit Renewal. If a newsrack in the Main Street Specific Plan Area is
abandoned during the pennit tenn, or if the newsrack pennit for that space is not renewed
at the expiration of the term, then the newsrack permit for that newsrack space shall be
re-allocated pursuant to paragraph (c) above. The pennittee who abandoned the
newsrack or failed to renew the newsrack permit shall not be eligible to participate in the
re-allocation process:
(e) Authoritv of Director. The director may promulgate policies necessary or
convenient for the administration of this Section.
Section lIB-6
Ooeration Standards.
Newsracks located on public right-of-way shall comply with the following
operation standards:
Each newsrack shall be the City-approved newsrack model and pedestal.
(b) Each newsrack shall have conspicuously affixed thereto the name, address
and telephone number of the owner thereof.
.<c) Each newsrack shall have conspicuously affixed thereto the annual permit
tag issued by the department.
No newsrack shall be abandoned,
The liability insurance required by this chapter shall not be reduced or
(t) No newsrack shall be used for an advertising or publicity purpose, other
than that dealing with the display, sale or purchase of the newspaper or other publication
distributed therein. In addition, the name and logo of the publication" distributed in a
newsrack may be stenciled upon the front and back of such newsrack.
(g) No newsrack shall be chained, bolted or otherwise attached to any
property without the express written pennission of the owner of such property.
Notwithstanding the preceding, each newsrack shall be bolted to the sidewalk upon
which it is maintained unless it is vertically stacked upon another newsrack pursuant to
this chapter.
(h) Eaeh newsrack shall be maintained in a clean and neat condition and in
good repair at all times. The owners of vertically stacked newsracks shall be jointly
responsible for maintenance of the shared components of such newsracks. Occurrence of
any of the following conditions on a newsrack shall constitute evidence that the newsrack
is not being maintained in a clean and neat condition or in good repair:
(I) Gratliti.
(2) Broken or unreasonably misshapen structural components.
Ordinance Number /51"
(3) Cracks, dents or discoloration of the display window.
(4) Substantial accumulation of dirt, b'fease rust or corrosion.
(5) Substantial amount of chipped, faded, peeling, or cmcked paint.
(6) Substantial amount of tearing, peeling or fading of any paper or
cardboard parts or inserts of the newsrack.
(i) Publications offered for sale or distribution in the newsrack shall not be
displayed or exhibited in a manner that exposes to public view from any public right-of-
way any of the following:
(I) Any statements or words describing explicit sexual acts, sexual
organs or excrement where such statements or words have as their pUIpose or effect
sexual arousal, gratification or affront.
(2) Any picture or illustration of genitals, pubic hair, perineum, anus
or anal region of any person where such picture or illustration has as its purpose or effect
sexual arousal, gratification or affront.
(3) Any picture or illustration depicting explicit sexual acts where
such picture or illustration has as its purpose or effect sexual arousal, gratification or
Section 11 8-7
Summary Impoundment.
The director may summarily impound any newsrack that poses an imminent
danger to pedestrians or vehicles, On the day of such impoundment, the department shall
send the owner identified on the newsrack written notice of the seizure and the
opportunity for an administrative hearing. If the owner files a written hearing request
with the city clerk within 10 days of such notice, then the city manager shall conduct an
administrative hearing regarding the propriety of the summary impoundment.
Section 11 8-8
Non-Summary Imooundment.
Whenever any newsrack is found to be in violation of this chapter, but the
violation does not present an imminent danger to pedestrians or vehicles, the department
shall affix a notice of violation tag upon such newsrack and shall send a written notice of
violation to the owner identified on the newsrack. The notice shall state the nature of the
violation and shall indicate that failure to correct the violation or to file a written hearing
request with the city clerk within 10 days may result in impoundment of the newsrack.
The director may impound such newsrack if the owner has not corrected the violation or
filed a written hearing request within the allotted period, If the owner files a timely
written hearing request with the city clerk, then the city manager shall conduct an
administrative hearing regarding the existence of the violation, The director may
impound such newsrack two days after the city manager's administrative hearing
decision if the decision confirms the existence of the violation and the owner has not
corrected the violation.
Section IIB-9
Administrative Hearin!!.
(a) The city manager shall be responsible for conducting administrative
hearings related to the implementation of this chapter. This responsibility may not be
(b) The city manager shall conduct an administrative hearing and take the
matter under submission for decision no later than IS city business days following the
timely filing of the request for hearing, unless the requestor and owner (if different than
the requestor) consent in writing to an extension. At least 10 days prior to such hearing,
written notice thereof shall be mailed to the requestor and owner (if different than the
(c) Administrative hearings shall be conducted in accordance with procedures
established by the city manager. All parties involved shall have a right to: (1) offer
testimonial, documentary and tangible evidence bearing on the issues; (2) be represented
by counsel; and (3) confront and cross-examine witnesses. Any relevant evidence may
Ordinance Number ~~t'
be admitted that is the sort of evidence upon which reasonable persons are accustomed to
rely in the conduct of serious affairs. Any hearing under this paragraph may be continued
for a reasonable time for the convenience of a party or a witness.
(d) The city manager shall, within 10 city business days from the conclusion
of the administrative hearing, render a written decision supported by findings, The time
period set forth in this section shall not be extended except upon written consent of the
requestor and the owner (if differeni than the requestor), The decision of the city
manager shall be final. Notice of the decision and a copy thereof shall be mailed to the
requestor and the owner (if different than the requestor). Such notice shall contain the
substance of the following statement: "Vou are hereby notified that the time within
which judicial review of this decision may be sought is governed by California Code of
Civil Procedure Section 1094.8."
Section IIB-l 0
Return ofImpounded Newsracks.
(a) Newsracks that have been summarily impounded shall be returned to the
owner without charge if a timely hearing request was filed and the city manager
detennined that the seizure was improper. Otherwise such newsracks shall be returned
upon payment of the impound fee and filing of a written request therefore within 30 days
of the date of the seizure or, if applicable, the date of the city manager's administrative
hearing decision upholding the seizure.
(b) Newsracks that have Deen non-summarily impounded shall be returned to
the owner upon payment of the impound fee and filing of a written request therefore
within 30 days of the date of the seizure.
(c) The amount of the impound fee shall be set by city council resolution,
Section 118-11
Disoosal ofImoounded Newsracks.
The department may sell or otherwise dispose of any newsrack provided that both
(i) 30 days have elapsed since the impoundment or city manager decision affinning the
impoundment; and (ii) the owner of the newsrack has failed to pay the impound fee. The
proceeds of such disposal shall be deposited in the city's general fund. "
Section 2.
Transition Prol!ram.
Owners of newsracks lawfully placed on public right-of-way as of the effective
date of this section shall have 60 days from the date of the lottery to rc-apply for a
newsrack pennit for each such newsrack and to bring each approved newsrack into
compliance with this chapter,
Section 3. Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence,
1;l1ause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance, is for any reason held to be invalid or
unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions ofthis Ordinance. The City Council
hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subsection,
subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any
one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions
thereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
Section 4. The City Clerk shall certifY to the adoption of this Ordinance and
shall cause the same to be published in the manner prescribed by law.
, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Cou~Wfthe City of Seal
a meeting thereof held on the h - day of
Ordinance Number /~&>
I, Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, California, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Ordinance is an original copy of Ordinance Number /.5/~ on file in
the o~the Ci~ Clerk, introduced at a meeting thereof held e eo day
of .11""'- t,V , 2003 and was passe~ approved nd pted by the City
Council at a meeting thereof held on the ~ - day of
2004 by the following vote:
ABSTAIN: Councilmembe
And do hereby further certify that Ordinance Number l.!i" has been published
pursuant to the Seal Beach City Charter and Resolution Number 2836.
Ordinance Number ~~t'
(2015,5 C.C.P.)
County of Orange.. ...,. ... ~ {:'~\
-- : : ...,.) ( i '-~:i
I am a citi.zen qf the tJr.li~.3.'~ta~~
and a resident 0f,~he ~QUf.\ty' af~r.
said; I am over tl;Et~.Q.er?{;fil!9~ . en
years, and not a pa~tooAfi er- _J
ested in the above-entitled matter.
I am the principal clerk of the printer
of the SEAL BEACH SUN, a
newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published weekly in the
City of Seal Beach, County of
Orange and which newspaper has
been adjudged a newspaper of
general circulation by the Superior
Court of the County of Orange, State
of California, under the date of
2/24/75. Case Number A82583; that
the notice of which the annexed is a
printed copy (set in type not ~maller
than nonpareil), has been published
in each regular and entire issue of
said newspaper and not. in any
supplement thereof on the following
dates, to-wit:
This space is for the County
Clerk's Filing Stamp
Proof of Publication of
Dated at Seal Beach, CA,
this " I day of ~, 2003.
Ordinance Number 1510 of
the City of Seal Beach amends
Chapter 11 B of the Municipal
Code pertaining to newsracks,
the purpose of the Chapter IS to
protect pedestrian aalety. pre-
Barye the aesthetics 01 the City
sidewalk areas. facilitate dlItri-
buUon of publications through
neWSfBcks on public property,
and to mitigate trafflc hazards
and vlaual blight that can result
from the unregulated plEICSfJIBnt
~rdlnance Number 1510
es.1n part, nBWBrBCk per-
mits, placement standard, tor
the Main Street Spealne Plan
orea end nori,MoIn Slreot Spe-
cifiC Plan area, operation stan-
dards, Impoundment. elc. The
Ordinance does not controJ Ihe~
IocaIJon. mmber, or size 01 nBW&-
racks placed on prfvete proper-
ly whleh Is en Issue bolwoon tho
private property owner and the
sJJ8Clflc publlcaffons. Ordlnsnce
Numbsr 1510 was Introduced 81
tho regulor City Council mooting
of Novombor llJ1h, 2OlXIond IInri
lowing vole:.
",YES: Antos, Campbell.
Doana.larson, Yo&t
NOES: None Motion carried
. Ordinance Number 1510 wfll
be COnsld818d for second ",ad-
Ing end ado!lUon at the regular
meeting of Oecember S, 2003.
Copies of Ordinance Number
1510 are aY8l1able from the office
of the City Clerk. City HaU, 211
- 8th Street, Seal Beach; tele.
phOI18 (562) 431-2527
- - -
DATED THIS 161h doy 01
Novernber, 2003.
(.Ignod) _
JoaMe M Yso, City Clerk .
City of Seal Beach .
, Pub. Seal Beach Sun Journal
II ,- 27 - O'?:>
all in the year 2003.
I certify (or declare) under penalty of
perjury that the foregoing is true and
216 Main Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
(562) 430-7555
Ordinance Number ;I~~
(2015,5 C,C,P.)
This space is for the County
Clerk's Filing Stamp
County of Orange
I am a citizen of the United States
and a resident of the cQunty afore-
said; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or inter-
ested in the above-entitled matter.
I am the principal clerk of the printer
of the SEAL BEACH SUN, a
newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published weekly in the
City of Seal Beach, County of
Orange and which newspaper has
been adjudged a newspaper of
general circulation by the Superior
Court of the County of Orange, State
of California, under the date of
2/24/75. Case Number A82583; that
the notice of which the annexed is a
printed copy (set in type not smaller
than nonpareil), has been published
in each regular and entire issue of
said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on tne following
dates, to-wit:
Proof of Publication of
I certify (or declare) under penalty of
perjury that the foregoing is true and
co rrect.
o.r""""'Nlmler 1510 01 the
City 01 Seal Beach amends
Chapter 11 B of the Municipal
CodB perlalnlng 10 118W8racks, the
purpose of the Cheptar Is to pro-.
teet pedestnan safety I preserve
the oeoIh_ 01 Ihe City e_
areas, facllllate dlslrfbubon 01
pubfrcations through n8WllIracks
on pubic: property, end 10 m_
trafflc hazards and visual blIght
thai can result from the unregu-
lated placement of new8racks
on JllbIicrighls-of-way. 0_
Number 1510 addresses,ln part,
newsrBck permIts, placement
standards for the Mam Street
Spec/trc PIon.,.. end non-M...
Street SpeCIfIC Plan areB, oper~
allan standards, Impoundment
elc. The Ordinance does noi
controJ the locatron, number. or
SIZe of newsracks placed on prl-
vale property which Is an Issue
between the private property
owner and the specJflC publlca-
Uons, Ordinance Number 1510
was l'e-Introduced at the ragular
8U\ 2003 and first reading was
approved by the following vote, -
AYES' Antos, Campbell.
Doal1e. larson. Yost,
. NOES None -MoIlon' c8rried
Otdlnance Number 1510 Will
be considered for second read- ,
Ing end adoption at the regular:
- meeling' of J~~-ua;Y 12, 2004~' ,
Copielf ~ Ordmanee Number
01 the City Cle~ Hen, 211
- Blh SIleeI, SeeI leIephone
(562) 431-2527, -
DATED THIS 10th day 01
,.. December, 2003" " . ~_
, Joanne M. Yea, City Clerk :.::
., Clty_QISeeJijeach __ ' .:
/": Pub. S'eal BeaM Sun Journal ',"
',I21!&I2C<,l3. :-"~, - -
~Z-7"'~ -()~
all in the year 2003.
Dat~d ~t Seal Beach, CA,
this I day of ,OeCQ.I'l1bev ,2003,
~- mmtOtA/l)
tf/" Signature
216 Main Street
Seal Beach. CA 90740
(562) 430-7555
Ordinance Number 1.57~
(2015.5 C.C.P.)
County of Orange
This space is for the County
Clerk's Filing Stamp
I am a citizen of the United States
and a resident of the county afore-
said; I am over the age of eighteen
years, and not a party to or inter-
ested in the above-entitled matter.
I am the principal clerk of the printer
of the SEAL BEACH SUN, a
newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published ~ in the
City of Seal Beach, County of
Orange and which newspaper has
been adjudged a newspaper of
general circulation by the Superior
Court of the County of Oraj1ge, State
of California, under the date of
2124n5. Case Number A82583; that
the notice of which the annexed is a
printed copy (set in type not smaller
than nonpareil), has been published
in each regular and entire issue of
said newspaper and not in any
supplement thereof on the following
dates, to-wit:
) - 2Z -O~
Proof of publication of
........-...'.r-T..........- ..................
Dated at Seal Beach, CA,
this n day of . J(.lhu::m/, 2004.
Ordinance Number 1510 of
r the City of Seal Beach 'amends'
, Chapter' 11 B of the MuniCipal
Code pertaining to newsracks
the purpose 0I1he Chaplef I. to
, protect pedestnan safety I pre-
, ...... the _cs 0I11le CIIy
r.sldewalk Breas, facilitate distrf.
Il:!:ution of publications through
, newsracks on public property
I and to m/IkJate tramc hazards ar.i
VISual blight that can rasutt from
, the unregulated placement at,
nBwsracks on publlc,lights-of.'
. way Ordinance Number 1510
I addressed, In part. newsrack
I permits, placement standards
forthe Mall'! Street Speaflc Plan
....&ndIlDlHo.1u1S1roetSpecillc 1
Plan ares, operation standards
,-impoundment, . alc: . Th~
Ordinance does not cOntrollhe
loe8tlon, number, or size of
newsracks placed on private
property which is an Issue
between the pnvate property
owner and the specific publica-
tions. Ordinance Number 1510
received sscond reading and
was adopted at the regular City
Counal .-ng 01 Jaooaty 12th
2004 by th,e follOWing vote: '
AYES Antos, Campbell',
,Doane, Larson, Yost
. NOES: None, Motion earned
Copies of Ordnance Number
1510 are available from the
off"", 0I1h. Clly Clerk, CiIy Hili,
phon. (562) 431'2527
DATED THIS 13th cloy at
January, 2004. ~
Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk
City 01 Seal Beach
Pub Seal Beach' Sun
Journal 112212004.
all in the year 2004.
I certify (or declare) under pena.lty of
perjury that the foregoing is true andycorrect.
216 Main Street
Seal Beach, CA 90740
(562) 430-7555