HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Ord 1420 1997-10-27 ORDINANCE NO. /~O I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF SEAL BEACH ADOPTING THE HELLMAN RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN (HELLMAN RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 97-1) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. In October, 1996, Hellman Properties LLC ("Applicant"), submitted to the City of Seal Beach an application for adoption of l! revised Specific Plan for the Hellman Ranch property and adjoining properties and related General Plan Amendments, and app~val of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 15381 and 15402 (collectively "application"). To achieve consistency between zoning restrictions set forth in the revised Hellman Ranch Specific Plan and the General Plan, as amended, the Hellman Ranch Specific PIan is proposed to be amended. I Section 2. Pursuant to 14 Calif. Code of Regs. fi 15025(a) and fifi n.c and ill of the City's Local CEQA Guidelines, staff prepared an Initial Study and a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), to study the environmental impacts arising from the revised Hellman Ranch Specific Plan and related General Plan amendments, including this amendment. The DEIR was circulated for public review and comment f~m April 8, 1997 to May 27, 1997, in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's Local CEQA Guidelines. A Revised DEIR was circulated for public review and comments from June 5, 1997 to July 23, 1997. Upon completion of the public review period, a Final Environmental Impact Report was reviewed by the Planning Commission at a public hearing held on September 3, 1997. After the public hearing, the Planning Commission found, through the adoption of Planning Commission Resolution No. 97-22 that the Hellman Ranch Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is adequate under CEQA. After considering the Final EIR and public testimony thereto at a public hearing on September 22, 1991, the City Council adopted 'City Council Resolution No. 4562, certifying the Final EIR and adopting a statement of overriding considerations. City Council Resolution No. 4562 is hereby incorporated by this reference. Section 3. After a duly noticed public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Hellman Ranch Specific Plan Amendment 97-1. Section 4. On September 22, 1997, the City Council conducted a public hearing to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation. Section 5. Based upon the foregoing, the City Council hereby finds, inter alia: I (a) The proposed Specific Plan Amendments will provide a less intensive use than is presently allowed under current General Plan and Specific Plan regulations. (b) The proposed Hellman Ranch Specific Plan, is beneficial to the short term and long term land use goals of the City of Seal Beach; promotes the public health, safety and welfare; and is in the public interest. Ordinance Number /1:1/) (c) The proposed Hellman Ranch Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan, as amended. Section.6. The Hellman Ranch Specific Plan Amendment 97-1, is hereby adopted, including the full text and exhibits of that document entitled "Hellman Ranch Specific Plan - Seal Beach, Californiaft, dated October 1996, a copy of which is on file in the oftice of the City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, revised as set forth below: 1. Section, Buildinl! Height, be revised to read as folIows: "4. Building Height: ~ 16 feet, one story. ft I 2. Section, Building Height, be revised to read as folIows: "5. Buildinl! Height: The maximum building height'shalI be 35 39 feet and shalI not exceed three stories. Architectural landmark features shalI not exceed 50 feet. ft 3. Section, Building Heil!ht, be revised to read as follows: "BuilCling Heil!ht:' The maximum building height shall be 36 35 feet and shall not exceed tItfee two stories. Exceptions: (a) Lots 11 and 12 of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 15402 shall be limited to a maximum height ,of 30 feet; (b) Lots 13-21, inclusive, of Vesting Tentative 'Tract Map 15402 shall not exceed three storiesft 4. Section, Front yiml Setback, be revised to read as folIows: "Front Yard'Setback: Minimum front setback for dwelling shall 'be -l3 20 feet. One story building elements may encroach into front setback 8 10 feet. Front on garages shalI have a minimum setback of -l3 20 feet fram I;IU'tlg6 8eer Ie haek af sitle,r;&Ik. Side entry garages shall have a setback of 10 feet. AU setback distances shall be measured from the property line. . I 5. Section, Side Yard Setback:, be revised by revising the second sentence to read as follows: "Minimum side yard setb~k shall be zero feet for garages located at within the rear fteIf third of the lot, without windows, doors, or openings along the interior side lot. line. ft 6. Section, Rear Yard Setbacks:, be reyised by revising the second sentence to read as folIows: "Minimum rear setback shall be zero feet for garages locnted within the renr third' of the lot, without windows, doors, or openings at interior lot lines. " I 7. Section, Side Yard Setback:; and Section, Rear Yard Setbacks:, be revised by adding the folIowing concluding sentence: "AU garages locnted closer than 5 feet to a side or renr propel1y line shaU be sepamted from the residential living unit by a 3 foot sepal'lltion. No exterior openings are pennitted in walls locnted within 3 feet of the side or renr property lines. ft Ordinance Number /~ 8. Section, Coverage:, be revised to read as follows: "Coverage: Maximum Hot area coverage by buildings or structures shall not exceed 69 45 50 percent of the total lot area. Open patio covers are pennitted which do not exceed 5 percent of the total lot area. " I Section 7. The "Hellman Specific Plan", adopted by City Council Ordinance 1258 on December 7, 1987, is hereby rescinded. Staff is hereby directed to revise the Hellman Ranch Specifi~ Plan in accordance with this Ordinance. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City C~i1 of the City of Seal Beach at(!'fiJ6l::Jf held on the, 19?7. ~ - day of .~~ ~r--- Mayor p~oTempore' I STATE OF CAUFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE } SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH } I, Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, California, do ~ certify that the foregoing ordinance is an original copy of Ordinance Number ~ on file in the office ~~ the City Clerk, int~ed ~ meeting held on the - day of '.&; , 1997, and passed, approved an~ by the City Council of rzjity of Seal Beach at a meeting held on the . day of ~ ~ IlA/ ,1997 by the following vote: and do hereby further certify that Ordinance Number /~t' has been published pursu t to the Seal Beach City Charter and Resolution Number 2836. AYES: &;; NOES: Council member I ABSENT: Councilmember ABSTAIN: Councilmember Ordinance Number /I~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015,5 C,C,P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County afore- said; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or inter- ested in the above-entilled mailer. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH SUN, a newspaper of general circulation, printed ~nd published weekly in the City of Seal Beach, County of Orange and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under the date of 2/24n5, Case Number A82583: that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been Published in each regular ;;i'nQ,entire .1"#..1' 't ' issue of said newspaper an.'{~~ In any s~pplement ther~of 9):!,1 ;tjbeA~ following dates, to-WIt: .oj \Q) (1 '';1 Cot - <-;.f? .~.- ,:' -l ,/. ". .'~\ {~" all in the year 19_:7. ., ffV . 'I certify (or decla~e) ~nder penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Seal Beach, California, this '-\. day of S L?, ' ,19JlL. l\ ,.--Q ",,' _f." ,& a .,yu(iO. j 4 Signature C_ PUBLICATION PROCESSED BY: THE SUN NEWSPAPERS 216 Main Street Seal Beach, CA 90740 (31 O)430~7555 (714) 759-7726 This space for for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp I Proof of Publication of ........ . ................. . . ....... ....... NOTICE OF 4 _.......AeoeMtGollCcusa PUBLIC HEARING - 100 8 acre gait course ptDVIdlng HELLMAN RANCH leereallOn and open space opponu- SPECIFIC PLAN ndles Out-of-pJay iIISas 10 serve as AMENDMENT ....... .011O. Aevla. 01 Fme' EIR: aenera' Plan 5 Los A1amllos Relardlng 8asm - Amendments: (LAnd U.. Elament 34 7 acres of eXISllng floOd conlral Amendment 17.1; "'''In S""-wAee. l8\ilftbng basin thai prOVides open ...... ~ space Mlgralory and shorebirds can re.tlonICon..rvatlon Elem.nt also uselfle BaSIn U1 WJn1e, months Amendment 87~1: Bicycle Rout. erement Amendment 87.1; Hau&lng Deveropmenl Planning Areas EJIment Am..d.....I1I17.2: Cl'CUlltlon 6 RecrelllCln/ConYnerclBI Area - 1 8 Element Am-IO....... 87.1~ end Nai.. acres at the nonh-eBsI.axner of PIak Elemem Amendment.7.1): Hellman Coast Highway and Flrsl Street 10 Ranch S:r.lcitlc Plan Amendment 1f1c1ud816.100squareteelofVlSltor. 17.1; Re e.,.lopment Plan Amend. servmg eammerclill uses A 3.900 menI17.1; Ae~.1 of Sl,le Land, square 1001 InlerprellVS center would Spe"flc PI,n: Ve.tlng Tentative also b, constructed Tract Map. No. 15381 and 15402. 7 GoI1 Course Club\'louse Faclllly- and Development Agrnrnent. 6 7 acres WIIhrn Ihe p,oposed golf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the c:cuse 1o......1h8 prqld god course OtyCouncdotlheQtyotSeal6each 8 Single-family Resldenllal- 14 7 Win hold a publiC hearing on Monday. acres along Seal Beach BO\Jlevard. September 2200 1997 at 7 00 P m In berwe.n Ihe Police Oepanmenllo the CIty ~ Chambers. 21 \ EIQ!IIh Ihe no"h and the Ma...na Hili subdl. Street. Seal Beach. to consider the fol- viSIOn 10 Ihe south. 10 Include a m&Jt;- Iowmg Item Imum 01 70 hOmes Wllh a denslly 01 REQUEST' A requlslto emend Ihe 4 8 homes per acre General Plan and adopl tne Hellman 9 EXisting Mln8l'aI Productlon/FulUre Ranch SpecdJc Plan which Nil replace OeveJopmeru Are. _ 28 2 acres ot Ihe e)llstlng Glneral Pkln land Lise ~atproclJC:llootaohes CCI1SISII'lO deslgnallOftl and SpecifIC Plan zon. of the .XISllng well productIOn areas ong_-.............-... along ___Wand..... of the proposed specdic plan The pIO- In the ttl18nor 0' the property posed Specllle Plan would regulale 10 PuDllc Land Use _ 1 4 acres 01 "land use development on Ihe pro- land INY may be used tor 01l1e, pub. JKI SIte The Helman Ranch Spec:Ihc llc land uses, located al Ihe end of Plan area encompauellhB HeUman Ranch. SIaIe Lands prgpeny. the Los Adollo Lopez Ollve_ A1amaos ReIning Baszn. ana Gum In summary. Ihe proposed Hellman Grove Nelur. Park The PfOIed area ' SpeaIic PIM 8IIcCiItes 178 5 80es m 2 IS generally boundld by Sui 8e8m percent) 10 conservallon uses whlcl1 Baul8'II8I'd on the east. the Manna HI) mClude Ihe ,estored wellands. Gum &lbdMllon on the south. P8CIfic CoasI Grove NaI&n Part!.. !he gall' course and Highway and Ihe Havnes Cooling the eXlslln9 Los Alamllos Relafdlng CharIneI on lhe W8&1. 8hd Ihe I_ne} ~ lne ntmaIRlng 52 8 acr,s 122 8 Village aubdMSlOh Illhe City of Long percentl will be developed Wllh Bingle Beacn. Boeing Facl~ty. and !he CIty t&mlly resldenl'" VlSllor-servtng reae. at SRI Beach"Pohce 0epanm8I'lI and ~. emong mneraI pro. City Yard on the NPnh . ductlOn.1he golf course clubhouse and The Development RegulatIOnS sec. anaIafy faclfdles and publIC land uses lion ot the proposed SpeCIfic Plan The Pfoposed prqect would ,edeflne wuulu prOVIde giadaRce on Ihllmple- IUlure land UIIS fa, Ihe peoleCl a,ea menlallon at each Planhlng Are. to Ihe lend uses diSCussed above The tndudng Ihe permcned u..a. Condl- ptOpcsed land use deSlgnallOnS ,esun IIOfIIII useS. and protnbded uses Also In substanllal dec,eases In lulure reI. prcMded are overaH d85lgn concepti idenur development on Ihe Hellman end general deSlOr1 gUIdelines tal &II Ranch. 1ft companIon as 10 Ihe Cur. the land UI8S Ihld could be devMopec:I flnl proVISions of the General Plan ot MtW'l1he SpeaIIc Plan... M IIhown the cu"enl Hellman Ranch SpeCifiC anF9H3-3cftheOndlEIR.lh8pro- Plan The ptov.alon!ii of the ,xISllng paeed HItnIn AntI Spedc Plan *" Hellman Ranch Specific Plan ana SlaIe cates IBnd ...... ewer rhe 231 3.acr. Uinds SpeclllC Plan allow for Ihe 101- JlRII*tY ROlen (10) CUMcI PIIrnng lOWing land uses ' AI... ThePlMmngAreescompnse HELLMAN RANCH PROPERTY ...(5)_......(5)- CURRENT GENERAL AND opment planf'llng.,... ulalowll SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE ConservatIOn Plannang Areas DESIGNATIONS ,. SaItwa.... WeIland - 23 1 actUot CUlfent. Genera' Curreni' SpecIfIC. WIIIands ecosvsrem wdh laal con. ~ Land Uses Plan Land Uses nectIOn 10 lhe Pacific Ocean. sever- '. Low DenSIty . Low DenSIty at Ildal zones of tMDdlverlily ReSlderltlal- ReSldllntlal- 2 Freshwal8' Wellandl- 9 7 acres 75 ac,es. 329 18 acres 113 andudes hebll.lt values and dr81N1ge SIngle Ia.mlly SIngle family -.oncorpor.......goII_....... ...... 3 Glm GrDII8 Naue Plitt. - 102 a::r8I . Muhlple FlmllV cl8XIIIIhg -.ct pa<IcIand Indudes an ReSIdential - 24 tnstonc eucalyptus grove 10 be dedl- acres. 660 multl- cad Ie Ihe CAy aI SsEiae.:nb a ~ pJe tilmlly .untlS he nature park and open space use I I I -Jndustnal (ill .011 ProduCtIOn - Draa Acree: 14 7 Extracoon)- 25 acres MaxImum O.U.'..: 70 36 4 acres DeMhy D.U.-/AC: 4 8 Pubhc Land UNI PublIC LInd Uses Commercl.1 Sq. FoatagI: - . Community . COmmundy DevelctplMnt PI..nlng Arn:- 9 Park - 26 seres Park - 17 1 acres LInd U.. Dellgnlllon: Minerai . flood Control . Flood Con1rol Produc1&onJFutur. DeveJopmenl BasIn - 38 acres Basm - 35 3 8CltS Gro,' Acree: 28 2 . WetJands - 41 4 . Golf CDI.V'H - lIufmum O.U. '~- ICres "IOS Beles Denlhy D.U../AC:- PROPOSED HEU,MAN RANCH c-m.....1 Sq. F_' - SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USES Development PlamtlnQ Ar..~ 10 Conaerv.t1on PIIMlng A....: 1 lMId U.. Delllilnltlon: PublIC Land Land UM o.f1gnaUon: Saltwater Usa Wetlands Groll Acdl. 1 4 Gra.. Acrl.. 23 1 llaxlmum C.U ...: - F~,JoIl..:_od IlMoIIyD.U.'/AC:- wetlands ecosystem with bdaI con. Commercial Sq. fOCllagtl: - n&CIlOn 10 Pacific Ocean, eeveral TOTAL DEVELOPMENT AREA Udal lOI'lllS lor bKxIl'II'8f'Slty Grou Acrw: 52 B ConAN.lon Pllnnlng Am: 2 IIPImunl D.U.'''~ 70 LInd U.. DeIl8"lon: Freshwater DenalIy D.U.-/AC: 4 8 Wellands Cammilrc:l-' Sq. Focnql: 2D,ooo GrOla Acres: 9 7 TOTAL SPECIAC PlAN AREA FunctlonlCh.rKlM'tItic.: New habl' Gr.ou AcI'N: 231 3 tal values complem8QI and aug. Maximum D.U.'.-: 70 mentatIOn to saIIwaIer ecosylhtm DeMlty D.U"/AC: 4 8 Con..rvation PI.Mlng Are.: 3 CommitrGlll Sq. Footage: 20.000 Land U.. De.lgrwtiog: Gum GtOWI Note 0 U .. Dwellrng UrwI Nature Park . GrOll Acrel: 10 2 Amenck'rMlnts to the General Plan are FunctIOfl/Ch.tecterlltlcl: I-kstonc ~ IDmnIanYllhI VWIOUS Gener8I eucalyptus grove 10 be dedlcaled to PIIr1 eIerT81IS wth i1e prqmed HetnI1 ft1e Oly of Seal8each for publIC park Ranch Spec,flc Plan The proposed Con.. .. PI n I A 4 -Hallman Ranch Specific Plan" Will rv'uon . nng....: r&pIiI:ebolhlh8cunn"Helmir'I~ Land Ue Dellgn.-Ion: Hillman Plao'" IIlld the .State Lands Speclftc R",ch Reserve Golt Courw Plan. Amendments 10 the Fllverfront ~=::~~.r=:'.tIC" ~1...PIIf1w11CXl1'1brnthBpro. . VISIOI'IIoI1hIRMwfronl~n1: EnVlronmenhllly senSlbVe goft Plan and the proposed "H811m8n ~ course recreahon al'ld preservabon Specific Plan . of open space, out-ol-pJaylUflilS to tundlM as habrtat zones Vesting Temabve Tract Map (VTTM) Co PI 15381 Will aealenllB large parcels for nury.tlon .nnlng AI..: 5 Ihe ~If COWlS the residential area Land Uu o...gnl1lon: Los Gum Grove NlII:ure P8I1I: the aallWBler Alamltos Relring SUIn wedance area rel'Nllnll'V'l 'Ol~""""n GrouAc..... 34 7 . R" Functlon/ChlflCt.n.b. . R--..I areas. and lhe remaining IIy parceJ I. ..,......_ Below 110 a summary of the proposed ftoocf control. prel8MlllOf1 of open lots tor VTTM 15381 space mgt8lDry and Ihorebll'd use In Winter months Poamle 100nt use . Lol1 011 Production 1 44 acres lor recreallon . . Lol2 Single Farmly 14 Q:4 acres Totll Coneerv.-Ion __: 1186 . Detached R8SfdantIBl Dn'eIopmant P4annIng Aru: 6 . Lot 3 PuDllC Park 11 07 acres Land ua. o.,lgnIIUon: Visdor. (Gum Grove ParK) SlIMna RecrllibonaVConwnerc.-l . Lot 4 Golf Coursel 11374 aCl'8S Gro.. .(cre.: 1 8 Freshwater Wetlanda MllCIIIIllm D.U. '.,,; - . Lot 5 PublIc fallB5 1 41 acres o.nlity D.U.-'AC: - Cammerclll Sq. foaUge: 20,000 "LoI6 Od ProduCllon 1928 acres Develapmant Planning Ar..: 7 . LoI 7 OIl Production 7 SO acres Llind U.. o..lg"'on: Golf eouru " Lot 8 Saltwater 24 59 acres Clubhouse & racilb8s Wetlaoos. Gras Ac:rH: 67 " lei 9 Vlsdor Com- 2 S2 acres Mlxlmum D.U. '1-: - I msrClallPublrc: Seneflt Den.IV D U.-JAC: - ,. CamlMrcie' Sq. Foae.ge: _ OTAL 18&.49 .cr.. DeveloprMnt PI.nnlng Are.' 8 Loncl U.. D..IgnolIori: SongIo' Fanwy R8&ldenllal I. I Ordinance Number /ftltJ II should be noted thatlhe area of the prcpcl5Bd VTTM 196 49 aaes.1S not 00fl- $lSf8n1W1ththenaofthe~PIan The Los A1aml1os Retarding BaSin IS Induded within the boUndatles at Ihe propoaecl Specific Plan. bUllS nOC sub. JOd 10"" pIqx>sed suDdM""" request as illS already . sepllfide parcel of land The second map. vtTM 15402, weft create the Interior ro;adways and the proposed reSIdentIal subctMSlon ThiS map subdMdes the 1494 acre parcel Clealed by VTiM 15381 Into 70 single tanWy resldenballoIs, pnvale l'Qaclways and prMIIe ~beII and access 8I'US A summary atme p-oposed reSldenllal subdiVISIon IS pl'O\llded below " 70 sn::alQ tamty resdentlal.las wt\ eM- mum lot SIZes of 5500 square feet .7 open space landscape lots. com- pnsmg 2 OB acres. . Pnvale roadway system. only prOVld. Ing ac:c1SS 10 lhe reSldenll81 SUbdIVI- 8K)fl wllh a IInQ\e -.el" P?iM at t'rl8 1IlI8l5lJCl1On oI5eaI Seach SouIs~81d and farrastal DrlV8 EH\II"ONIIENTAL "EVlEW: A Final Envaronmantallmpect Report (FEIR) has been {)flPated and 1$ on fill at the Department at Development SBMC8S, 211 Eighth Street COQE~CI1alMr211.- 26. 27, 275, and 29 5 of the Cgge. of th. CItv nt Seal Beach APPlJCANT: Hellman PropertIeS u.C OWNER: Hellman Properties lLC A1lhe above time and place all Inter. IIlI8d parsons may be heard If so desrBd If you d\allenge the proposed actions In court. you may be limned 10 rBlslOQ ofiy thOSe ISSUIS you C'JI someone else rBl&ecl BlIhe publIC neanng Oescnbed '" thiS notICe, or In wnnen ~rrespCln- donc8 _10"'" cay" Seal Beach at. or P'IOf to, the pubJlc heanog DATED THIS 29th 0.,,'" August, '997 Joanne M Yea, City Clerk City of Seal Baach ~1\t1lJ~eeamSooJcunal, 09J04/97 Ordinance Number I~~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (20~ 5.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County afore- said; I am over the age of eighteen yeaes, and not a party to or inter- ested In the above-entitled mailer. I' am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH SUN, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Seal Beach, County of Orange and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of ; Orange, State of California, under the date of 2/24/75, Case Number AB2583; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire. issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: 'CA:o, , all In the year 19 97 . I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Seal Beach, California. this ~ 0 day of ~-, , 19~L i\;~~ ,,,-\ ~~a Signat' :b ~ . . PUBLICATION PROCESSED BY: THE SUN NEWSPAPERS 216 Main Street Seal .Beach, CA 90740 (310)430-7555 (714) 759-7726 This space foe ~or the County CIElrW:s Filing Stamp I Proof of Publication of ..................................................... .. ............................ ........................... ,~.",.O:l. ~.' . I.-~~ . ~-: ......_ " SUMMARV '~"/"~ ~ _ . ,OIlDINA[NCE NUMBER 1~" ~ _ . " ,. ..,HE LMAN RANCH: '.' l, .! SPECIFIC PLAN'" '- -: .Ordlnance Number 1420 OJ the City ~ ... of.SearBsllch adOpts an amended . { Hellman Ranch Specific Plan. the amendmenls 10 said Plan ,elaea 10. I ,building hlNQhts, t,onl yard setbacks. 'I I -r.....881.acks,rearyard_. 1'and at coverage. Ordinance Number , "420was~edforIheSeplsmber . , 22nd. 1997 meeting, continued to and II Introducfd at the meeting of 0ct0bBr . , "20th at Which tlm' fltst reading was h ~approved by.the follOWillg VOla: ~'. AYES: Brown. Campbell, F.orsythQ. . i-.... -. FultOn. Hasllngs.....i . ..'. . ~ NOES: None .' \: ~ ea,ned .. I ~ Ordinance Number 1420 Will receive sBcond heanng and be. - col\8ldered lor adoPOOn at the regular . City CounCIl meellng 0' October 27th,: [' 1997. Caples of Ordinance Numbet . 1420 are available from the oftlC8"ol: l'IheCllyClelk.QtyHal,211-1llh_' I" Seal Beach, tetephOne (662l431r2527" ~D1-ry:0"f!1!S271!1day:of,~'-1~l: . Joanne M Yeo, Cdy Clerk ::.-:." " '1 I'''CI..,otS6s'D9at.h .-. " '.\'~"=".\ I P~blished In th~ Seal BeaCh.Sun' . 10130197 ~~~; . ' , , , I I 1 1 I PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County afore- said; I am over the 'age of eighteen years, and not a party to or inter- ested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH SUN~ a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of ~ Beach, County of Orange and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under the date of 2/24175. Case Number AB2~; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to.wit: \ \ fl- . all in the year 1'9 97 . I certify (or declare) under penally of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Seal Beach, California. this I", day of ~. , 19 9L n ~Ol''':n.~...d'~ '"'"'\ Signal' "Ii PUBLICATION PROCESSED BY: T!'fE SUN NEWSPAPERS : 216 Main Stl'eet _ Seal Beach; CA 90740 (31 O)4~0 .7f:;:"~ (714) ':;i9-772tJ Ordinance Number I~() This space for for the County Clerk's. Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of ............................ . ............................ . .' '.. --;. '''Sl;MM~RV _ .... I , ORDINANCE NUMBER 1420 . ~", HELLMAN RANCH _ ' , SPECIFIC PLAN I Ordinance Number 1420 of the city . i of Seal Beach adopts an amended Hellman Ranch Specific Plan. Ihe rBmendmenls to said Plan relate 10 I bUilding he~ont yard setbacks SIde yard set , rear yaod setbacks: ~and rot COV8~e OrdInance Number 1420 rec8tV8d second readlrlQ 81 the ,regular Qly CaunaI meibng aI Od_ . 27U}. 199)' and was'adopled by the following vote - , AYES. Stown, Campbell Forsyth. . . Fulton' I _ ..' NOES: None '. :A!1SENT Hastings Motion earned Copies 'Of Ordinance Number 1420 are avadabJe from the office 0' the 9rtY Clerk. City Hall. 211 - 8th Street. Seal I Beach; t!l~p~one (562) 431-2527. . ,OATEDllI.2IIIhdayaloe.- 1997 ,-:Joanne M. Yea. cily CJerk '. .' 91ty of Seal Beach " , l Published ',!:the Seal Beach Sun EH/06J97 u:.... ., :.' ~. . . l~ .. ... '4.. I . ~