HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 5258 2004-07-12 I I I RESOLUTION NUMBER ~ ~ '5g A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING FISCAL YEARS 2004/05 AND 2005/06 BUDGETS, SETTING APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004/05 AND AMENDING APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003/04 AND AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATIONS BY FUND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1 To adopt Fiscal Years 2004/2005 and 200512006 budgets for the operation and capital improvements for the City of Seai Beach for the fiscal years commencing July 1, 2004 and ending June 30, 2005, and commencing July 1, 2005 and ending June 30, 2006. Said budgets to control expenditures in the following amounts, which reflect interfund transfers and charges. . .. ..~. '" 'PROPOSED EXPENDITURES " ,,'i\, . ,.' 1 i' c, j, , :' ';'". 7) .) . j Gen~{~J.fund "::;J. '~,;/ Street~g~ 'n~:{~:: '~, ~t1 Supple~' J~~Ej?ement Communities letl'ihes Dist. No. 2002-02 Asset Forfeiture Air Quality Improvement Park Improvement Tidelands Beach Gas Tax Measure M Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Urban Open Space Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Cleep Grant Capital Project Fund Water Operations Water Capital Sewer Operations Sewer Capital Riverfront Low/Mod Housing - RDA . Surfside Low/Mod Housing - RDA Riverfront Project - RDA Debt Service - RDA Tax Increment - RDA FY 2004/05 FY 2005106 $ 20,414,246 148,750 101,450 120,050 .' 29,000 24,500 $ 19,261,097 150,250 101,450 120,050 24,500 146,000 1,119,888 576,781 315,000 53,347 11,150 1,154,639 557,816 315,000 13,337 12,265 57,000 10,613,522 3,056,451 1,495,000 617,270 862,651 414,500 194,836 901,793 738,199 1,564,030 9,095,271 3,214,400 1,395,000 727,755 421,402 414,500 1,402,429 738,199 1,595,420 Estimated Expenditures $ 40,883,889 $ 43,406,305 Section 2 That for fiscal year ending June 30, 2005 the City of Seal Beach establishes an appropriations limit of $17,488,390, and amends the June 30, 2004 appropriations limit to $16,875,636, thereby demonstrating compliance with Article XIIIB of the State Constitution. Resolution Number 5J.'5% NOES: PASSED, APPROVEf\~ ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach on a lfM day of ~/fl-! ' 2004 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers ~.c10Aa1}n ~ , 1~ ~ ~/F Councilmembers 1 ABSENT: Councilmembers Mayo1t' " STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I, Linda Devine, City Clerk of Seal Beach, California, do hereby certify that the following resolution is the original copy of Resolution Number ~~? [( on file in the office ofthe City Clerk, passed, approved, and adopted by the City counci~thC City of Seal Beach, at a regular meeting thereof held on the g..Jr~ day of I/YI--f ,2004. ~.n.k.~ . Ity erk 1 I 1 I I Resolution Number :5 .~ PROOF OF PUBliCATION (2015,,5 C.C.P) This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp ~3TAJE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange ~ am a citizen of the United States ~:md a resident of tile county HJore.. ~i,ajd; ! am over the age of eighteen years, and not .a party to or inter~ I:!.lsted in ttl(~ above-entitled matter. I am tho principal clerk of the printer li)f the .SE.ALJ;}JSACI-LSUN, a ':lewspapor of general circulation, " printecl and published .vyeEl.bJy in the City of ;3j;:)J1L6~,~f,;b" 'County of Orange and which newspaper has be(~n adjuciged a newspaper O'f !;Jeneral circulation by tile Superior Court of' th~3 County of Oran[4e, State of California, unde,}.!, the date of }~/2Ail.fJ." Case Number i\~Z_5fKt that 1:l1e notico of which tile annexed is a printed copy (s~,t in type not smaller 'than nonpareil), has bf;)Eln published in each regular and entire issue of said n(=)wspaper and n,ot in I::lny supplement thereof on the following dates, tcH/lfit: {JIll i, c<:~rUfy (or declarE~) under penalty of tu.erjurv 'IJRal the::) foregoing is true B.nd correct, pr<<?'Qf otPubIL~~!.Q:[\_gJ__,__.__-__ 1"NOTlCE OF -"W.";' ;;:';}j'..;; 'c. r;', I . ,',,.. ,. . r~~i~J~H: -;r~~~h:_i .,0" seal Beach",'califomiil"IWi~Y ".. aii'\tenance. Dlsmct..;,,:,\;( ,/ "'iJ~ lhoida public hearing to cOi1sid~~:' . ,~~ '1~2;~(jOl.: .B~J~ \!-,.~,j~~{~ l,Beach.Summaries of the pro" ( :;.~i ;150 8.15Q;{' {posed 200412005 and 2605J2006:; .,t;fi' ,"f.,; P'" ~~udgets are,alifollows: '. "r,~., 'rt:.:ime.~t,i f.e,~:'.:.j'. i.r~.~'~:~~i;~~ ,\~;!0.374,394,,$ 192 ",."",.).154.6;39.119.888.", < .', "~.', .-, '".,j5463'::"", . ... ...' '. "\",2,856IQ3,~,-,, 2.911~11S ", ..' i + c!;::,~O~i~~ ,.,.,., ;402,~29 . /eVlew In .the publ.lchbranE;ls,on ::',' I' ,."',I1\',')"!ht '''\ . !;i>..::.'.the website, and.n the off.ce of:_" :~~t liighting:'i;;!: . . the City Clerk. CitY,Hall.,2'.l."8th;'i \1> ,..r:14l!;750... ;250'';'',Street; Seal,Beach; telepl1ol)e,';, ''; '''" . "'.' ,., ,v- " ,', ,. '. i (562) 4312527 .",...".,. -"',.,.,,., t~;'~~~'~'_!I~r~~i~~~}~ ~;.. ','738,199 iA"~.:738 199 ).',.,~PubliShedi' ElaIBEilicl:1'Sunb'~ ;"1 :( ';-' ."" '" ';, T.", .6117/2004. ,.,...;_. .' >',,' , je,SupPleffiemaJ 8lw'Enftin:ement ,.'" 'v'l ' '. ,,' ii" p~1~~i,~.::t~;l,~~450." i r G~s (L6ta1 L8wEnfon:ement 'I ~~~~~~r;tf:~~:X~,11.]~~,i!') ,\. 315000""""31500'~'j ~;'7.i~~~ji!" h~ewer'.Gapilai'i;;;prbv~rTi~~ ;,', i:' ~ffJe;~ts;,~:':f2J~ :f>~ : ~a~~rCiljJ~llmiirOl(emeht ::~l~~~i~~~;ili:r:~c,,},!,; i~$4~.1~i~.,;$39.190.858 ;" g,i,' .~! ~1ji.::;'1'1i:~~tr;"'.' r"~';l tiEstimlJted'Revenues: ' -,' k~:t. ~l~;!~~~~'{iJ! nil in the Yf~ar 2004. Dated at Qe~L",Em_flgh, CA, tlhis_.JJ..,___day of,_'JLJlJ_______.__._, ~2004. , . ..,~~--_.._.._-_.._---_. Signature W'UBUCA ,)1\1 PROCESSED BY: THE SEAL BEACH SUN 2'16 Main Street Seal Beach, CA 90140 (5(2) 430M 155S Resolution Number?;A 1)8 PROOF Of PUBLICATION (20155 C.C.E) ~3TArE OF CALIFORNIA, C::ounty of Orange ~. am a citilf:~n of the United States and a resident. of tile county a.fore', said; ! am over the a,g(~ of eighteen years, anc~ not a party to or inter~ f?Jsted in thl;) above-enti1:I(:)d matter. I am I:hf, principal clerk of the printer of the .SEAl"JJ.EAGltSUH, a ':,e\MSpaper of [tenera.l circulation, printed and published vy.ee.kly in th'o City of 3~~t~lL6,~,~__cll, County of Orange and which newspaper has been ad.jud~Jed a newspaper o'f !'Jeneral circulation by the Superior t':;ourt O't tfle County of OrangH, State " '. o'f California, undHr the date of 2~allLIR" Case Number A8Z.2a~; that the notico of which the annexed is a. t:)rinted copy (s(:~l in type not smaller Ulan nonparei.l), has be<-3o published ~n each regular and entire Issue of ,.. ~::iaid newspaper and not in ,my ~:3upplernent thereof on the following dates, tCHMH: ._,..,'_......._~..,.7(l~,... ..,..,.-__,.,.__....,.._.__..'.....---_'.._'..__ {'lll in the VHar 2004.. a certify (or declan::~) under pena.ltv of perjury that the 'foregoing is true and Unreel, ji)ated at S~~.,Jl~J,;l.Q117 CA, ' tihisJ5,___dav of.,_Jyl&(__,_____._...., 2004. ~,J~;:-6---:-------- J;:"UBULATION PROCESSED BY: THE SEAL BEACH SUN 216 Main Street Sea~ Beach, CA 90740 (562) 430~ 7555 This space is for U'18 County Clerk's Filing Sta.mp 1 Proof 011 Publica1tion of' ,-_....._---_...----._-----_...,-._-_._---~_.._-_.- ~.."'......"'...Il'......".....olII'~..\...Ill.lII...lIll.llilllll..lIlill.II'.... "'''' 1ll1ll..........'!lll""a..Ill."''''..".,.'''..I1l.''...IIll''''Il..'''''''.....'''M.... :., .' ., ~~:.:';.~~'T_;:-:~-;'Z,',:i:"'~'t'.;:j~.<"'l.~".....ic ' .~p, ~c~~~.,.";-c-T:- ~~~~go~~:dDfto;~~~t';~:" p$"1eJ~U3~~~~'~~~'-~9~: · I ,FIS,C~L;YI:,~ws;l\l.lI,[)GETS" '~,i;1dscape/tigh.tir;l.g';,,"',,;;,,~ii."" :'. . ...,. ....",..,,'..... ", .', ,;", .lllntenanc:~ Drstnct;".;.:",;,,,.;;:...,... . NOTICE. IS :I:fEREBY' GIll t~,145.'700,,/,.,:f42200;~~':.':::' .: . thattlie City Co.lIncil ohhe City "Ii::t:~set: f;ci~eii~re;": ;',~.,'\i\):f't:\j,~~~ : ()!$eal Beach,Califorriia, CCli1,.',!t'.2.. 7QO,." ;,';.2..500.;';',; J;:. :,:S1deredthe propol1ed 2004/2005 i'f-\fQuahtylmprovement":. ';'. "and 2005/2006 fiscal year bud; '.. J' ;!8..150 ;~.." .2~;1!.iO /".' ,....:'&, "g,ets. uflder P~b. .lic. l1eari!1g0n'~Upple.mem~IL..a....W.E. nforce. 1)1.. "".nt... ..1 ',Jiine 28TH. 2004 and adopted.the , :;,} ,1.o5,000".:t'~. 05;1'00 ",/ ':V' . 2004/20q5 and ?005/2006 bUd.'.i (.rark Impro~~~enl :? t::(~i;;';ti ,..gets at said meeting, A summary ::" :12,700, ,.:;~,'-t?.!00 ;f;~'{Y':i,1 ,of the adopted 2004/2g05 arid::Trd,elandBE!~S~'j(i'::' ~1;~ii~<:1 ,200512006 budgets are as follOWs:" t:, 1', 1~~.639.::,,'it'i1:;~.19,888:; '.', ,.} Proposed Expenditures: '.,:, :~asoJme TaJt~'V1.;' ,..~. . ~, ,;., ,..: .. 2004/2005. 20051200~'("'.!'! :1 534,600.';>::,;:~g~po '::'~'~!;';'. (~eneral Fund '. '.' 'b;;.::j~'p'.!.1easure.M,\ '~W"';..:; h:(i.';:; ~. ':$ 20 414 246$ 19 261 091'" ') .' .2871.00."295700 '."i"".' ~A~~~~~grf~itur~o_'. . :~';:r J}< i)'~{f~bi~~f.~!~ct!l9,o;l i;1"}\':7;Ji , Air Quality Improvement' ,:',. ,. ,Enterprise.FLinds :;. ,'. ! 24500""",,""24 "~"- - < !")5166500' '5772000'- .~,,~ '..' , ;',' >>:--.' ". ..5.00 '.';"..' ;". '.' '.'. ".'" " .... .... ., ,~. . Park Improvement"" ,.~".", . . Redevelopment Agenay::.. .- ~'o0': "":~-;:."- .146061jK'':''' :"....K(~856;51;V=2;911-;f 15,": :~ (Water:Mainte~.and,:,'?'i/ :,:'..,,' tn.ocal Law Enfohiemeni Block,:), ";i~e~;~d15~~r~~'3~tAQO;fii::;: i~.~~a2~~~;r::'it' "~l~5b:' :'" . . ", ;.,L1,5~~6:39:."1,.,1;'fi9,8 t'Estlmatea Reii~nues'.. i \Sewer Mairi!enancef~1 i;$~0;11 0,882 '$39,396i120 ,,>',j -,617.27.0",-:1.,;727755 ".,NOTIGE IS. FURTHEfl'GIVEN "j . Capital. F?rbjec,t~...:.;L" :- 1 that (or fiscal year ending June 30:A : .;.10,6J3;5~;2~,:.9iOfJ5i27.'2'005; Ihe City 01': Seal., Beach'i,j . RIVElrfront Low/Moderate' '.establishes an apPI'OlJrianons limit' ., "414.50.0. \;}i414,500'~"" ".,i;;, (.of $17,.488,390, and amendS the) , :SurfsidEl'Lciw/,M,odimiteS::,~!,,;;'0 i"Jui:1e 30,2004 appropriations Iir'nn,~ ",/(194,836 ":"\''.::;'0,::, '/:'\'1/11 ;Jo $16,875,636..thereby demon' '\'. !HlverfroritPrOjeCI,"i'<:;.,~:,,;M:>J~~' ~lstraiin'g c6mpliani:e with ~rtiCl(l~j; .. 901 ,7~3 .. . 1,;402,,42!:1.r.r,:',,c,' ~),(11113 qf 1he. State Constitution,."." Street tlghll':lg:"" <'.,' ..J j.'f,CQples cif,the.2004/2005and . "G~:~T.':;?,."".,.,.~...,..<1~,~.,.,0.,.:.\.,2 :O...::Li..~.,.II.:.:..:.~...:.~..~~'." ~.:,'~~.'Elo~~.~~~g i.J.'.I~~.a.i~.:~..;. .r.~i.e.b~...d.f....r. h.e.e.t.::.:; ',; 557,8.16~:" '\576,7131 'Ci;J:i<.;,::;' ~;bil" Clerk/Ciiy' Hall;' 211:, 8th'0' ;i~fs~i~gq{;'~,~~i1fi;1~;{~}I~:~i'",~~ ;:r~r 431~~2~~a,c,~;:~~!~~~~2~ i~ !;SuPlJ.I~i1)entaiLaWEnforc~m~htl L Di\.,; I). THIS ,81n daYofJ~ly..:~1 ..' 1 01,45Q,;,;:,.;:'v 101 ,'i50:. ,;,;' ':{"t] .~ 2004,Li~da Devine.. Qity Cler~' Grants (l!:ocal.,L.~w E,nforc~rfiElnt ;:CltY'.ef,SerLBeachJ"<: :;"";'I'~';f, 'j~'f~i~!i:~~~~:.~\t~j:l:;S !'!/~~I,~~~~.~~t~;~,~~:~:aah.~~~:;:,~ ,RDA;Tax'lncreme.nt.;.:,."., :'.<.;,1 fl, 1'..564,030., 1,595420 :pewer CajJitallmpro~emen't .,' :!:'2&'?;;151,',,;,,,; 271 ;402 ' ;........, . Water,Capitallmproveni.enF';': ,: , 5?;000. '; ".::-55,000 i' " ..Estimated Expenditures.::' :" " ;$4,1,178,418$;39,220,'492'11) ',Es.lImated Reliijriues: .i"";'1 '200~/2005 :.:200512006" 1 I