HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 4879 2001-02-26 RESOLUTION NUMBER /f82f I A RESOLUTION OF TI-IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrTY OF SEAL BEACH AFFIRMrNG THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL, WlTHOUT PREJUDlCE, OF A REQUEST TO MODIFY THE CONDITIONS OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMlT 98- 18 TO EXPAND OPERATrNG I-lOURS AND TO ALLOW LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ON A NIGHTLY BASIS AT AN EXISTING RESTAURANT AT 143 MAIN STREET WITHOUT A SPECrAL ACTrVITIES PERMIT (HENNESSEY'S TAVERN) THE CITY COUNCrL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND FIND: Section I. On September 18, 2000, Hennessey's Tavern Inc. (the "Applicant") filed an application with the Depmiment of Development Services tor an indefinite extensiun of CUP 98-18, which pemlitled the conversion of 12 feet of existing restaurant to an outduor dining area and related modilications at 143 Main Street. The Applicant also requested modification of the conditions of CUP 98-18 to allow (i) the restaurant to upen at 7:00 AM daily; and (ii) live entertainment on a nightly basis. I Section 2. A duly noticed public hearing was held before the Planning Commission on November 8, 2000, to consider the application for extending CUP 98-18 and modifying the conditions regarding operating hours and nighUy live enteliainmenl. The Planning Commission approved the extension to Conditional Use Permit 98-18, but declined to expand operating hours as requested or allow unregulated enteliainment on a nightly basis without a Special Activities Pennit. Section 3. TIle applicant appealed the Planning Commissiun's decision not to expand the operating hours or allow nightly live entertainment. On January February 7, 2001 the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the appeal. The Council considered all oral and wriUen testimony and evidence presented at the time ot"the public hearing, including the staff reports. Section 4. indicates the following: The record of the public hearing before the City Council I (a) The City approved a Conditional Use Pennit to conditionally pennit a restaurant on the subject propeliy in 1989. At that time, the City imposed the following operating hours: "11:00 A.M.-I:OO A.M., MaN-SAT; 9:00 A.M.-II:OO SUNDAY." In 1998, the Applicant leased the subject property, and applied for a Conditiunal Use Pennit to convert a p0l1ion of the dining area of the restaurant to an outdoor dining area fur his new restaurant. On January II, 1999, the City Cuuncil conditionally gmnted CUP 98-18 to alluw the outdoor dining area, subject to certain conditions. On September 18, 2000 the Applicant filed an application with the Depllliment of Development Services for an indefinite extension and amendment of CUI' 98-18. The Applicant proposed to (i) continue use of the outdoor dining area; (ii) change the hours of opemtion to allow opening at 7 a.m. on a daily basis; ami (iii) offer live entcrtainment starting at 9 p.m. on a nightly basis. TIle existing use is a full service restaurant offering an assortment of food, non-alcoholic beverages, beer, wine and distilled spirits. (h) The subject propelty contains approximately 8,8 \3 square feet and is located at the southwesterly comer of Main Street and Central Avenue. The subject property is described as Orange County Assessor's parcel number 199-034-02. Resolution Number~ (c) The City has granted the following approvals for the property: o Variance 15-84 authorizing less than the required number of on-site parking spaces. CUI' 19-84 authorizing on-sale beer ami wine sales in conjunction with a delicatessen restaurant. CUP 22-84 authorizing the establishment uf a take-out delicatessen restaurant. Variance 2-89 authorizing less than tilt: required number of on-site parking spaces in conjunction with a new restalll'anl. CUP 2-89 authorizing an on-salc general liquor license in conjunction with a restaurant. Among other conditions, the hours of operation were established as "II :00 A.M.-l :00 A.M., MaN-SAT; 9:00 A.M.-It :00 SUNDAY" CUP 92-13 authorizing a single, unamplilied entertainer between 7:00 P.M. and II :00 P.M. daily. CUP 98-18 authorizing an intenor remodel and a new outdoor dining area. CUP 98-18 contains conditions maintaining the same operating hours and requiring a Special Activities Pennit tor live entertainment and supercedes CUP 92-13 (January 2000). Extension of CUP 98-18 (November, 2000). 1 o o o o o o o Those approvals, and any conditions imposed therewith, are linal and, with the exception of the two aforementioned conditions imposed in connection with CUI' 98-18, are not the suhjects oflhis appeal. (d) follows: NORTH SOUTH & EAST WEST The land uses and zoning sUlTOunding the subject property arc as I' Existing restaurant in the Main Street Specific Plan Zone. Commercial retail businesses and restaurants in the Main Street Specitic Plan Zone. Residential High Density (RHO) Zone, including the immediate neighbor Grace Brethren Church, and dwellings (e) The Applicant's rcpresentatives testified in favor of the appeal. They stated that they were withdrawing their request for live entertainment but wanted to expand the operating hours to serve breakfast. They conceded that the Applicant has not abidcd by the following conditions of City Council Resolution No. 4677 at the Planning Commission meeting: Condition 119 (prohibiting opening before 11:00 AM Monday- Saturday and 9:00 AM Sunday); Condition #11 (prohibiting extclior advCl1ising of alcoholic beverages); and condition #25 (requiring closure of outdoor dining area at 9:00 PM nightly). (t) One member of the public spoke in favor of the Applicant's request fur enteltaimnent, while numerous members of the public spoke in oppusition to live entertainment and expanded hours. A petition opposing the request was introduced into evidence. In general, those opposing the request indicated that the subject property is not an appropriate location for on-going live entertairnnent or expanded hours, and that the Applicant's uperations have resulted in trash, noise, parking and trallie problems lilr' the adjacent residential community. The Applicant submilled a petition in lavor of expanded hours. 1 Section 5. Based upon the facts contained in the record, including those stated in ~4 of this resolution and pursuant to ** 28-1400, 28-2503 and 28-2504 of the City's Code, the City Council hereby finds: I I I Resolution Number~ , (a) In adopting Resolution No. 4677 in January 1999, the City Coundl determined that operution of an outdoor dining area at the subject property, properly and reasonably conditioned, is consistent with the Main Street Specillc Plan. Among those conditiuns were maintaining the same operating hours enjoyed by the property since 1989 and the voluntary relinquishment of the property's privilege tu offer a single, unumplifi.:d enteliaincr between 7:00 P.M. Ilnd J J :00 P.M. Condition No.9 provides: "The hours of operation shall be as established by CUP No. 2-89: 11 :00 A.M.-I :00 A.M., Monday through Saturday; 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 Sunduy." Condition No. 18 provides: "There shall be no live entertainment, amplified music, or dancing pelmiUcd on the premises at any time unless a Special Activities pennit is issued to the applicant by the City Manager.n , (b) By grunting a six (6) month extension of ConditionallJse Permit 98-18, to enable the continued use of the outdoor dining area, the Planning Commission found that un outduor dining area is consistent with the intent and purpose and vision established fur the Main Street Speeilic Plan. However, the Commission declined to extend the operuting hours, or to remove the condition that mandates there shall be no live entertainment, amplified music, or dancing pennitted on the premises at any time without a Special Activities permit. As to the expanded hours, the Commission did not want to confer the additionul operating hours, primarily because the Applicant hud been violuling cCliam conditions of CUl' 98-18, and had been operating prior to the required opening time. Nightly live entertainment without a Special Activiti.:s Permit is an inappropriate use for the Main Street Specilie Plan area, and is inconsistent with the goals and objectives of the Specilic Plan and General Plan. Live entertainment on a regular basis could create adverse environmental impacts such as nuise, iucreased traffic, increased demand on parking and increased crime. All such potentiul impacts could adversely impact the adjacefit~tesidential ncighborhood and the church. RelJuiring a Special Activities I'er-ti!it provid€g7t~City the opportunity to mitigate such impacts by imposing conditiollP.'Zcin a case-by-ct?e"&sis. Accordingly, the Commission granted the six-month exteIlSjtl!~'but denieP,f~it@~t prejudice, modification of the conditions in question. The COItlrtjission urged'the' ApJlicant to re-apply lor expanded operuting hours lifter six months ill~~jl event APpIicant:~~~ld demonstrate compliance with the conditiuns of CUP 98-18 over tliat six-month period. " ,/ , . (c) At the heUling before the City Council, the Applicant withdrew its request lor live enteJtainment, requesting that the Council remand the issue to the Planning Commission so that the Applicant could discuss with the Commission and stan. a numher of measures that might mitigate the adverse impacts associated with unregulated, live entertainment. By aflirming the Cummission's decision without prejudice, the Council hereby provides to Applicant that opportunity, and he may re- apply at the same time that he seeks an cxtension on or belore May 6,2001, or at any time thereafler. In any event, the Council hereby adopts the lindings set forth in sub paragraph (b). (d) As to the expanded hours, the Council is unable to make the necessary findings as to the merits of modifying the condition, first imposed in t989, to expand operating huurs. Applicant's predecessor operated a restaurant at the sile for ten years with the identical hours of operation. In January 1999, the Council asked the Applicant about whether the restaurant would be serving breakfast. He replied, "if there are a number of requests Irom the pub lie for breakfasts, that could prompt II requcst for an earlier opening hour." However, instead of applying for an earlier opening hour, the Applicant began opening earlier, in violation of Condition No. 9 of CUP 98-18. By atlinlling the COlllmission's decision without prejudice, the Council has allowed Applicant the opportunity to demonstrate that he will comply with the conditions, and he may re-apply for modification to his operating hours at any time. Section 6. Based upon the foregoing, the City COllncil hereby aflinns the deciMion of the Planning Commission and denies, without prejudice, 1lI0clifiealioIJ uf Conditions 9 and l8 of CUP 98-18. The Applicant is li'ce to re-apply for mOllIfication to sllch conditions at any time. Resolution Number~ Section 7. The lime within which judicial review, if available, of this dceision must be sought is govemed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code uf Civil Procedure and Section 1-13 of the Code of the Citv of Seal Beach, unlcss a shorter tune is provided by applicable law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach t a meeting thereof held on the .J!?L.!!J. duy of 2001, by the following vote: I AYES: Couneilmemb ~ NOES: Councilmembers ABSENT: COllncilmembcrs ABSTAIN: COllneilmembers Patricia E. Campbell MAYOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I I, Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk of Seal Beach, Califomia, d hereby celtity that the foregoing resolution is the original copy of Resolution Number on file in the ollice of the City Clerk, passed, approved, and adopted by the City Counc ofthe~Wf Seal Beach, at r liar ,meeting thereof held on the ~ _ day of , 001. I I I I Resolution Number~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county afore- said; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or inter- ested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH SUN, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of Seal Beach, County of Orange and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under the date of 2/24/75. Case Number A82583; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: /)/ all in the year 2001. Proof of Publication of '''t'''', 'NOTICEOF. ': ,. :' :'PUBLIC HEARINI1: ~, NemeE IS HEREBY GIVE" thai. the .... ...... City of 5,.1 Beach will hold Ii 'public ,......... h..rlng on Monday;Jenuery 22.: 2001, a. 7.00 p.m. In the City CoUncIl Chamber.: 211 Eighth Str..t, Seal .......... Beich.Celllornll, to furtheraonald- .......... ,~rth.~II,~~~I.t.~:...~ :..~ ~I:. ,'- APPEAl:: OF'CONDITIONAl'USE - PERMIT 98-18 (6 MONTH EXTEN-, ' SION) INTeRIOR REMODEL AND .~ OUTDOOR DINING AREA 143 MAIN , .'.' ,; STREET.'- ' . ' Appllcenta R.qu....: To continue to - operate In a remo~eled struclUnl With an ouldoor pallO The Cuy Council ooglnally approv"'! !<Up g8-1811 Jan. uary. 1999. Nlhs end 01 the review -peno~ Ihe appllcanl applied tor an indefinite axlenSlon. The Planning Commission granled 8 six month.' extensIOn That approval.. Its condl- liOns. and the appllcanl's requeslto add live mllSlc (which WBS denied by the Planning Commission) ara (he sublact of this appeal ,~ I . . Envtronmtlntal RevIew: ThIs prcId- Is categorically exemptl(Om CeQA ' r8VIew lor the Inlenor remodel propos- ' a18 and NegalMl Dadarahpn 96-' ade- quately discusses lhe enVironmental ' ,Impacts 01 partially enclosed and cov- ered oUldqor, dining areas on Main 'Slreet ._...... .t. . . * . COde Sections: 28-1250 28-2503 28:2504 . - . :. Appllc8nt: Hennesaay's Tavem Ine : . Owner: Dorothy Nesd181 -.. ' At Ihe abovel1me and pia a111f1ter- - :ast~d persons may be heard II so. deSIred rr Y9U challenge Ihe proposed_ actlOl181f1 cOu,l, you inay be Ilndlttd 10 - raiSIng oply thDSB19SU81i ~ ~r lOIne-. lone else raised alUle publiC heenng .,.descnb9d In ttu 11DIJC8, or 11 wnIIen cor. -. ,respondence delivered 10 Ihe City 01' 'Seal Beach ill, or pRor la, the public ".h~-'.":=:'-'."- .,' : ~ilThiS411;'..,y;"Joiilu"'Y' 2001 ". ' . J4~1 -:".J \ '-, Joame Yeo, ,. 'Qty'Clatk "',,~ '. ' ' , O;f~~~tt~ ;~i~;. t:.~~~~, s.u~.1 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correcl. Dated at Seal Beach, CA, this /1 day of r ,2001. .4~~ Sig ture PUBLICATION PROCESSED BY: THE SUN NEWSPAPERS 216 Main Street Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 430-7555 d.. ~ ~ 1If'~~- - ' ,~~ ,~ ~~ -- l.p~ .... "'J= ;"/'- ;;> . ^::~ . . \~:'~. ~ -