HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 4920 2001-09-10 1 1 I' RESOLUTION NUMBER 49 r::lt? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ESTABLISHING WAGES AND BENEFITS FOR CONFIDENTIAL, SUPERVISORY, PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES AND REPEALING ON THE EFFECTIVE DATES SPECIFIED ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH WHEREAS, it is the City's desire to provide reasonable compensation including benefits to its Confidential, Supervisory, Professional and Technical employees and has met and conferred with same; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach to approve compensation and benefits for Confidential, Supervisory, Professional and Technical employees attached as an Exhibit to the Resolution, for a one-year term beginning July 1,2001 and ending June 30, 2002 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach at a meeting thereof held on the ~ day ofll,!l1, 2001 by the fo1\owing vote: "'OM! I AYES: Councilmember NOES, Councilmembers ABSENT. Councilmembers ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I, Joan?e~. Y eo, ~~ty Clerk of Seal Be~ch, califor~ do hereby ce~ity that the foregoing resolution IS the ongmal copy of ResolutIOn Numbe 'J.:lO on file m the office of the City Clerk, passed, approved, and adopt hll the City Council of City of S I Beach, at a regular me' hereof held on the ~ day of 200 I. a- Resolution NUmber~9~L7 CONFIDENTIAL I SUPERVISORY I !)ROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT I CONFIDENTIAUSUPERVISORY/PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Management Rights - Section I I Insurance Programs - Section 2 I Health and Dental I Lifc Insurance 2 Income Continuation (Long-tClm Disability) 2 Retiree Health Plan - Section 3 2 Sick Leave - Section 4 3 . . Bereavement Leave - Section 5 3 . Vocation - Section 6 T 4 Holidays - Section 7 " 5 '. Rctircment Systcm - Section 8 6 Ovcrtime and Call-Out Pay - Section 9 6 Provisional Appointments - Scction 10 6 Scniority Bonus - Sectiun II 7 Automobilcs and Mileagc - Scction 12 7 Administrative Leave - Section 13 7 Limitations - Section 14 7 DcfClTcd Compensation - Section 15 8 Bilingual Compensation - Section 16 8 1 Work Schedule - Section J 7 8 Salaries - Section 18 8 Salary Range Adjustments - Section 19 9 Pay for Perfurmance - Section 20 Term - Seclion 21 9 Exhibit B - SaJary Ranges by Position I 1 I Resolution Number~~ EXHIBIT A TERMS / CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT FOR CONliIDENTJAUSUPERVISORY/PROFESSIONAIJ AND TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES WITH THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH SECTION I. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS The City reserves, retains and is vested, solely and exclusively, with all rights of Management which have not been expressly abridged by specilic provisions of this Resolution of Compensation, as such rights existed plioI' to the execution of this Resolution. SECTION 2. INSURANCE PROGRAMS A. Health and Denial 1. The City shall provide for fi.lll-time employees and eligible retired employees u group hospital, medical and dentul insurance plan. 2u. The City shull contribute to the cost of each medic:al/dental plan for euch cligihle employee and their dependents, up 10 the following amounts: -For single employees -For employee and I dependent -For employee & 2 or more dependents $2611month $429/monlh $554/month 2b. EfTective January I, 2002, the City shall contribute to the cost of each medical aud dental plan cumbined for each eligible employee und their dependents, up to the following amounts: For single employees For employee and I dependent For employee + 2 or more dependents $266/month $439/monlh $574/month Employees enrolled in the plan are required to pay any premium amounts in excess ol'the above City contribution. Such amounls will he deducted from lhe aflected employee's payroll check on the lirsttwo pay periods for each month. 3. Included in the contributions listed above, a maximum 01'$16 per employee per month is pllid hy the City of Seal Beach to the Public Employees Retirement System Health Program premium on hehalf ufthe employee. 4. ParI-time, seasunal, provisionallmd/or hourly employees shall not he eligible lor parlieipution in this program. 5. No person who is eligible to receive Worker's Compensation benefits is eligible to receive henefits from the City's group medical insurance. 6. Full-time employees of the City who have completed thirty (30) days of uninterl1lpted service shull he enrolled in this insurunce program on the tirst day of the next s'ucc;:eeding mouth, 7. Employees who change c1assilication (i'om full-time to pal1-lime provisional, honrly or seasonul shull nol he eligibl!'J for this benelit. Resolution Number~r~ l!. City shllllnot pay premiums for any employec on leave of absence withoul pay, who is ahsent li'om regular duties withoutauthotization during thc month and/or lilr any employee who has tenninated (I-01n City employment for any reason. City shall pay premiums for cmpJoyees receiving temporary paymcnts fi'OIn Worker's Compensation Insurance. ll. Life Jnsurance All employees incumbent in position classificalion~ listed in Section 18 shall receive a $50,000 life insurance policy paid by the City. Said insurance shall hccome efTective aileI' the employee has completed thirty (30) days of uninterrupted service with said employee to be enrolled in the program on the first day oflhe next succecding month. I C. Income Continuation All employees incumbent in position classifications listed in Seclion 18 shall receive an income continuation policy to provide lor income continualion of Sixty-Six and Two- Thirds l'ercent (66.67%) oflhe employee's monthly salary, up to a maximum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) per month, whichever is lesser. Said insurance shall become ertective aileI' lhe employee has complcted thirty (30) days ofunintemlptcd service wilh said cmployee to be enrolled in the program on Ihe first day ofthc next succeeding month. Said income continuation shall commence on the thirty-first (31st) day of sickness or other bona fide absence or upon expiration of sick leave, whichever occurs later, and continuing therealler while the employee is absenlli'om work lor a pcriod of up to age 65. SECTION 3. RETIREE HEALTH PLAN A. All full-time employees incumbent in position classiticalions specified in Seclion I !l.A of this Resolution shall have the option upon retirement, through the Public Employees Retirement System Heallh I'rogl'llm (PERS), to continue participation in Ihe City's heallh insurance program at the cmployee's expense. I B. All full-time incumbents in Contidential, Supervisory, and Professional and Technical position classifications with 20 or more combined years of employment wilh the City shall, upun retirement, be provided with indivillual health insunmce coveruge through the Public Employees Reliremcnt System Health Program (PERS). Ifsaid empJuyee hlls 30 or morc combined years or employment wilh the City upon relirement, eligible dcpellllenl heallh insurunce covernge shall also be provided through the Public EmpJoyces Retirement System Heallh Progl'llm. Thc City shall contribute to Ihe cost or the sc\ccted cov,!rage consistent with the appropriate level as spccified in Section 2-A.2. or this Resolnlion. An employee with a service retirement as of July I, 1999 and with 30 or more combined years uf employment wilh the City upon retirement may also rcceive 1111 increase to the health insurance cup in effect atthc time of his/her retirement (not to exceed $175 per month in addilional contrihutions), until Mcdicare begins at age 65 with lower supplemental insurunce rutes. This allditional contrihution to the Clip is to accommUllate increases in heallh insul'llnce plans over the tenll or the employee's retirement. C. In all cases, the City's cuntribution for eligible dependent coverage for retirees, shalllenninale with the death of the retiree. D. In the event an eligible retired employee resides in an urea were the health plans provided by the City are not in etlect, thaI retired empluyee shall be. entitled to receive in cash cach month an amount equal to the monthly contribution Ihe City would otherwise have contributed to thut retired employee toward health and denIal insurance premiums. I SECTION 4. SICK LEAVE A. Ellective the lirst payrol1 period of December, 1997, al1li.ll1-time employees covered hy this rcsolutioll shall accrue sick leave at the rute of one (I) eight (8) hour day pCI' month Resolut.ion Number"'?~ of service. Sick leave may be accumulated up to and including 520 hours. Except as otherwise provided in this resolulion, no employee shall receive further accruals once the 520 hour maximum is reached. B. Employees who elected to retain sick Jeave balances prior to conversion to leave time provision in July I, 1987: (I) May utilize those balances ti.lr sick leave purposes. I (2) Upon tennination, shall be paid for the existing sick leave balance at one-quartcr (25%) of the employee's then applicable base rate of pay. C. Except as othelwise provided, employees shall not be eligible for any payment lor sick leave balances upon tenninalion. D. Employees who are on authorized leaves of absence, without pay, shall not accrlll: sick leave hours during said leaves of absence. SECTION 5. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE The City agrees to provide forty hours (40) hel'Cavement leave with pay lor death in the immediate tlunily. The bereavcmenlleave shall not be churgeabJe to or accumulate as sick time or leave time. "Immediate family" is defined as spousc, father, l1l0thcr, son, daughler, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, step-mother, stcp-father, step-children, mother-in-law, father-in- law or dependent relative living with the employee. SECTION 6. V ACATlON I A. All full-time employees covcred by this resolution, who shall have at least one year's continuous service as a li.all-time employee immediately preceding, shall be grantcd a vacation with pay of approximately 80 hours per year up to a maximum of approximately 160 hours per year, B. All full-time employees, who shall have at least five years of continuous service, shall he enlillcd 10 eight (8) Ildditional hours of vacalion per year of full-time continuous service for each year of service in excess of live years up to a maximum of approximalely 160 hours per year. The vacation accrual schedule is effective the tirst payroll petiod of Decemher, 1997, liS follows: ' Years Vacation Hourly Accrual Maximum Of Hours Rate Per Pay Period Vacation Service Earned Earned I 80 3.0769 80 2 80 3.0769 MO 3 80 3.0769 80 4 80 3.0769 80 I 5 80 3.0769 80 6 88 3.3846 88 7 96 3.6923 96 8 104 4.0000 104 9 112 4.3076 112 10 120 4,6153 120 11 128 4.9230 128 12 136 5.2307 136 13 144 5.5384 144 14 152 5.8461 152 15 160 6.1538 160 Resolution Number tft/,J.iJ C. Employe::es of the City considered as hourly, part-time and/ur seasonal employees shull not be digible lor paid vacations. D. Employees who have anthorizcd leave::s of absence without pay shall not accumulate vacation credits or pay during said leave of ahsence. E. All full-time employees shall only be allowed to accrue a maximum of240 huurs of vacation. Once Ihis maximum is reached, all fiJl1her accruals will cease. Vacation accruals willrecunnncnce aner the employce has taken vacation and Ihe employee's accrued hours drop below the maximum. The maximum can only be exceeded with the approval of the City Manager in writing. I F. Employees are encouraged to use at least the amount of vacation hours carned each liscal year. Those employees who have bcen credited with preexisting leave hours arc expected to use a portion of the cxccss as leave time, in addition to the new vacation hours, each year untillhe maximulllaccrual is met. The City recognizes that a nmnher of long-term employees have accrued substantially more leave time than shurter-tcrlll employees, and that it will likely take them significantly longer to achieve the this goal. 1\ is the inlentuf this se::clion to halance the personal interesls of the employee with the financial concems of the City; liS such, significant progress toward reaclung the maximum accrulllllmounts may be deemed a success. Vacation leave time shall not be approved until such time as it has been earned, unless prior, special arrnngements have been made with the:: City Manager. The time at which an employee shalltakc vacation leave shall be rel]uestecl by the employee pnor to the slart of Ihe vacalion leave period. Such vacation leave to be taken shall be subje::ctto the prior approval of the Department I-lead, or designee, subscquentto considerntion of Ihe depm1menlal workload and other slafling considerations, such as but not limited to, Ihe previously approved vacation schedule of other employees, sick leave and position vacancies. I G. Not more than once in each fiscal year, an employee who has completed at least one (1) year of continuous service shall, upon request, receive compensation for up to tilly (50) hours of aCloTued vacation time or banked leave hours provided that the cmpluyee has taken af\ equal amount of vacation time offwithinthat (fiscal) year. H. Employees covered by'lhis resolution shall cease accruing generulleavc cflective the lirst payroll period in December, 1997. Previously earned time shall be used/ compensaled lor as filllows: Upon separation of employment with the City, all leave hours will be paid to the employee at the employce's cun'ent base rate of pay. SECTION 7. I-10LIDA YS All employees incumbcnt in position classifications listed in Section t 8 shall he gl"llnted Ihc li)llowing holidays with PIlY: New Year's Day (January I) Mm1iu Luther King Day (3rd Monday in January) Washiugton's RiI1hday (Third Monday in FeblUary) Memorial Day (Last Monday in Muy) Independence Day (July 4) Lubor Duy (First Monday in Scptember) Veteran's Day (November II) 1118nksgiving Day (4th l1mrsday in November) Calendar Day Folluwing Thanksgiving Duy Christmas Eve (December 24) Christmas Day (December 25) I Floating Holiday I A total of 12 holidays annually. Note: Floating holidays mllst be taken dllring the fiscal year in which they are grollted. Floating holidays may not be carried beyond the item o/the compensation resollltion or into '-' new.liscal yellr. Floating lwlidays mllst be approved by the applicable department head or designate. 1 1 I Resolution Number 'I9U SECTION 8. RE'l'IREMENT SYSTEM A. The retirement program provided by the City shall consist of a depooled Public Employee's Retirement System (PERS) plan which includes the tollowing provisions: I. Section 20024,2 2. Section 20862.9 , 3. Section 20930.0 One Year Final Compensution Credit ofUnuseu Sick Leuve Military Service Credit B. The City shall pay that portion of the affected employee's retirement contributiun IhuI is ellualtu seven percent (7%) of the affected employees' base sulary. C. All employees incumbent in Lifeguard position classifications listed in Section 18 shall participate in the 2% at 50 fOffilllla plan tor Local Safety Members. D. The City shull provide PERS Section 21251.32 - 2% @ 55 for miscellaneous melllhers. SECTION 9. OVERTIME AND CALL OUT PAY A. Only employees incumbent in position classifications listed in Section J 8 as Confidential, Supervisory, or i'rolcssionaland Technicalure eligible lor overtime or cull-unt puy. B. Call out and overtime puy shall be paid at the rate of time and one-hulfthc hourly rate. Minimum "call out" time (when reluming to ~ork) shall be two (2) hours. C. Overtime will be computed by dividing the employee's regular monthly salary by 173.3 to arrive utan hourly wage. Paid ovel1ime for the pay pCliod is to he submitted alld computed with the regular puyroll. D. Notwithstandiug any provision of this Section, Ihe employee shull be entilled 10 seleCI either compensaled overtime or compensatory time oil' suhject to budget Iimitulions and depal1mentul ruJes and regulations. SECTION 10. PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENTS An employce, when authorized hy the City Manager, may receive a provisiollal appointment to a higher classiliclltioll to Lillll temporary vacallcy. The employee, when so appointed, musl perlaI'm the duties and assume the responsibilities of the higher clussification fill' 120 consecutive working hours and shall be paid according to Ihc step in Ihe assigned sulary range of the new position which is next higher than the salary received belore the provisionul appointment. When necessary and in the best intcrest ofthe City, the City Manager may provisionally assign an employee to a higher level of duty and responsibility than provided for in the employee's assigncd classification which is not otherwise a part of an adopted c1assificatiun. In the casc of such an assignment, the employec must perfonn the higher level of duties lor 80 consecutive working hours, therealler the employee shall receive additional compensatiun uf 5% so long as the IIsslgnment is authorized by the City Manager. SECTION II. SENIORITY BONUS Employees who IlIlve achieved ten years ofunintelTUpted empJoyment with the City shall receive a live percent (5%) increase ill base salury ell'ective un the 10th anniversary of their employment. Sworn police personnel are exempt Iromlhis section. SECTION 12. AUTOMOBILES AND MILEAGE A. Officers and employees of the City, ulilizing their privately-owned automohiles fur Cily husiness on II non-regular basis, shall be entitled to reimbursement lor costs ineurrcd ut the rate established hy lnlernal Revcnuc Service (IRS). Resolution Number~~ B. If the City does not provide II City vehicle, then the incumbents in the position . classification of Building Inspcctor shllll be reimbursed at the rate of Four I-I ulUlred Dullars ($400) pCI' month IiII' the use of thcir privately-uwned uutomobiles fll!' the execulion of their joh duties on a regulllr bllsis. l3uilding Inspectors who utilize privllte vehicles tor City business may utilize, to a maximum of once per week, thc City-assigned car wash tor the purpose of washing their vehicles used for City business. A. All incumbents in Confidentilll, Supervisory, and Professional and Technical position classifications shall be entitled to 2 (two) days of administrative leave during each Iiscal year. I SECTION 13. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE B. Administrative leave days may not be carried forward to sllcceeding years nor may thcy be tUnled in for cash value. SECTION 14. LIMITATIONS A. No employee who is eligible to receivc workman's compcnsation is'eligible to rect:ivt: overlllPping benefits (except life insurance) stated in this resolution. B. City shall not make IIny monthly payments for premiums for any insurance beneIitlisted in this resolution, or uniform allowance, supplemental PIlY of any type lind/or type of honus on hehalf of or to any employee who has been absent without authorization during said month or for any employee who has tellllinated for any reasons whatsoever or who is onlellve uf ubsence without pay of who is suspended from duties without pay. SECTION 15. DEFERRED COMPENSATION I The City shall contribute the amount of $20.00 per payroll period into a deferred compt:nsation program for each incumbent in the Confidential, Supcrvisory, or Protessional and Technical position classifications. SECTION 16. DILfNGUAL COMPENSATION A. Upon the recommendation of a department director, the City Manager may award a bilingual compensatiOl! honus of$52.50 per payroll period to those employees in positions detellnined to relluire bilingual skills. 13. 'nle City Manager shall require the taking of compelency tests to certify the employet: as eligible I'll\' bilingual compensation based on tbe employee's proficiency in speaking the hmguage dett:ll11ined to be required, Such ccrtiIication shall be a cundition precedent 10 qualilying lor bilingual pay. SECTION 17. WORK SCHEDULE At the discretion of the City Manager, work schedules may be IIltered to include shifts of luur nine-hour days each week and one additional eight-hour day on alternate weeks (9/80 plan) 01: lour len hour days (4/10 plan). I SECT10N 18. TUmON REIMBURSEMENT The City agrees to analyze the long-tellll costs for a tuition reimbursement program and discuss as a priority item for the period commencing July 1,2002. Resolution Number~~ SECTION 19. PAY FOR PERFORMANCE PLAN Manugemenl will research a puy for perfonnance mcrit plan with specifically defined criteria lor eligibility nnder the plan for consideration by employees for the next fiscul year contract. SECTION 20. SALARIES SlIlm'y ranges will become effective us specified in attached Exhibit D. 1 SECTION 21. TERM The term ufthis Resolution shull commence on July I, 200! and shall continue through JUlie 30, 2002, a one-year tcnn. I I Resolution Number ~~ EXHIBIT B la) Salaries listcd below will be effective June 20, 2001. Ib) A $300 holiday bonus will be provided to all eligihle employees. POSITION: SALARY RANGE I Runl!.c t 2 3 4 5 Elected: City Clerk 52C 4867 5110 5366 5634 5916 Conlidential: Secretary to City Manager 34A 3090 3245 3407 3577 3756 Deputy City Clerk 33E 3075 3229 3390 3560 3738 Secretary to Police Chief 30A 2800 2940 3087 3241 3403 Executivc Secretary 28A 2665 2798 2938 3085 3239 Accounting Technician 27B 2613 2744 2881 3025 3176 Sunervisory: Public Works Supervisor 43B 3878 4072 4276 4490 47J4 Chief Water Operator 43B 3878 4072 4276 4490 4714 Equipment Supervisor 41A 3673 3857 4050 4252 4465 Recreatiou Supervisor 40A 3584 3763 3951 4149 4356 Professioual and Technical Assistant Planuer 378, 3345 3512 3688 3872 4065 Duilding Inspcclor 40A 3584 3763 3951 4149 4356 1 Scnior Building Inspector 44A 3955 4153 4361 4579 48011 Lifeguard Lieutenant 42A 3765 3953 4151 4359 4577 Public Works Assistant 37C 3362 3530 3706 3891 4086 2} El'fcctive the first payroll period in January, 2002, the folluwing sahlries will be ill effect: POSITION: SALARY RANGE Ranee I 2 3 4 5 Elected: City Clerk _ 538 4963 5211 5472 5746 6033 Confidential: Secretary to City Manager' 34E 3152 3310 3475 3649 3832 Deputy City Clerk 34D 3136 3293 3458 3631 3813 Secrelary to Police Chief 30E 2856 2999 3149 3306 3472 Executive Secretary 28E 2718 2854 2997 3147 3304 Accounting Technician , 278 2613 2744 2881 3025 3176 SUDcrvisory: Public WllI'ks Supervisur 44A 3955 4]53 4361 4579 4808 I Chief Water Operator 44A 3955 4153 4361 4579 4808 Equipmenl Supervisor 41E 3747 3934 4131 4338 4555 Recrealion Supervisur 40E 3655 3838 4030 4232 4444 Professional aud Technical Assistant Planner 38A 3411 3582 3761 3949 4146 Building Inspector 40E 3655 3838 4030 4232 4444 Senior Building Inspector 44E 4035 4237 4449 4671 '1905 Li feguard Lieuteilllnt 42E 3841 4033 4235 4447 4669 Public Works Assistant 3813 3428 3599 3779 3968 4167