HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Res 02-2 2002-04-22 . ,I I RESOLUTION NUMBER 1)2 ~.z. A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TI-IE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ADOPTING AN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND THE SURFSlDE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY-OF SEAL BEACH HEREBY FINDS, DETERMINES, RESOLVES AND ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: . Section I. 11~e Redevelopmcnt Plan for the Riverfront Redevelopment Project of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Seal Beach (the "Agency") was approved'and adopted by Ordinance No. 780 of the City Council of the City of Scal Beach (the "City Council") on March 3, 1969, and has been amendcd from time to timc. The Redevelopment Plan for thc Surfside Redcvelopment Projcct of the Agcncy was approved and adopted by Ordinancc No. 1134 of the City Council on December 20, 1982, and has been amended from time to time. Section 2. Heallh and Safety Code Section 33490 requires that each redcvelopment agency that has adopted a redevelopment plan prior to December 3 I, 1993, adopt, aftcr a public hewing, an implcmentation plan every five years containing the specific goals WId objectives of the agency for the project area, the specific programs (including potential projects), amI estimated expenditures proposed to be made during the next five ycars, WId an explanation of how the goals and objectives, progrwns and cxpenditures will eliminate blight within the projcct area and implement the low and moderate income housing requiremcnts of thc Conmlunity Redevelopment Law (Hcallh and Safety Code Scction 33000, et sea.). Section 3. The Agency has prepared Wl implementation plan (the "Implementation Plan") for the Riverfront Redevelopment Project and the SurfSide - Redevclopment PIUject (collectively, the "Project Arcas") in' accordance witll the rcquirements of Health and Safety Code Section 33490. Section 4. On April 22, 2002, the Agcncy hcld a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed adoption of the Implemcntation Plan at which time all persons desiring to conunent on or ask qucstions conceming the Implementation Plan were given the opportunity to do so. Prior to the public hearing on the Implementation Plan, a draft of the Implcmentation Plan was available for public inspcction in the office of thc City Clerk. Section 5. The Agency has reviewed and considered all written and oral conunents, questions WId concerns regw'ding the Implcmentation Plan receivcd prior to WId at the public hcaring on the ImplemcntationPlwl. Section 6. The Agency hercby adopts the Implementation Plwl presented to t1Je Agency at this meeting, as revised by the staff reconuuendations on April 22, 2002, wld on file in the olIice oflhe City Clerk WId incorporated hcrein by reference as tile implementation plan for the Projcct Areas pw'Suant to the rcquirements of Health and Safety Code Section 33490. Section 7. TIle Implementation Plan may be amended t!um time to timc after a public bearing on the pl'Oposed amendment. Section 8. Adoption of the ImplcmentationPlan docs not constitute an app!'Oval of any spccific pl'Ogram, pl'Ojcct or expenditure and does not constitute a pl'Oject within the meaning ofScction2IOOO oflhe Public Resources Code. Resolution Number /J,2 -.:2.., Section 9. The Agency hereby directs that thc Implementation Plan remain on file in the office of the City Clerk and be open to public inspection. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Seal Beach at I ting thereof held on the ~~ day . . of 2002, by the foIlowmg vote: . AYES: Agency Members NOES: Agcncy Members ABSTAIN: Agency Members , ;:Xli , ABSENT: Agency Members CHAIRMA~ A STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF SEAL BEACH } ( } SS } I I, Joanne M. Yeo, City CIcrk of the City of Seal Beach, Califol1lia, and Secretary to the Seal Beach Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is the original copy of Resolution Number ~-~ on file in the office of the City Clerk, passcd, approved, and adopted by the Redevelopment Agency of the Cip- ofScal Beach, at a regular mccting I 'cqf held on the ,;;"'. IL.J day of 2002. n M. Yco, City ClcrklS etal'Y each Redevelopment Agency I Resolution Number ~-~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange I' am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county afore- said; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or inter- ested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH SUM, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the City of ~, County of Orange and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under the date of 2/24/75, Case Number A825B~; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire issue of aid newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: 3/7___1 . all in the year 2002, This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp Proof of Publication of ............................................... ............................................... IKJ11CE OFPUIIUC HEARlIOlO CONSIDER ADOP'IIOII OFlHESEAL BEACH IlEVEI.llPf,SIT NPl.EMB'ITAllllN PLAN FOR 2lJIlMllIl5 PERIOD Nl1I1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN IBIs ~etba"*:,,~c:d SaoI_"'~~~_d lha~__Yaar .,tAb!,_~,PIBn~)bl'le _rfrortR~",*",AnlIL The Ii,.,.._....... PIIIn ccnan;.118 ~""'abO~:=.~1NB- ~~.li~.~::. menlSand_2lIiouol1l"- lll8I'O;and3) ~',dI.tAJIr6..,.~.-bUl.1 oI~~~farApri2i - 200211I pm.,~..~~ IS the mattsrCBnDB heMIn Seal ~I t:dyHalBl211 ~SlJBet.SaoI _CA9a740. ....-' 'D1""'-""oI--'- I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Seal Beach, CA, this.2...Cday of ~, 2002. . I i nature PUBLICATION PROCESSED BY THE SEAL BEACH SUN 216 Main Street Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 430-7555