HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Res 78-09 1978-05-08 - I I I I ,~ , . RESOLUTION NO. 78 - 'If RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, CALIFORNIA AUTHORI ZING SALE OF THE REAL PROPERTY BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH TO RIVERBEACH ASSOCIATES WHEREAS, the City of Seal Beach ("City") and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Seal Beach ("Agency") are carrying out a Redevelopment Project known as the Riverfront Redevelopment Project~ and WHEREAS, the Agency has entered into a Participation and Disposition Agreement with Seal Beach Associates dated July 25, 1977, for the development of certain property within the Redevelopment Project area, which Agreement has been aproved by the Agency and the City Council of the City~ and WHEREAS, the Agency has approved the Assignment of such Agreement by Seal Beach Associates to Riverbeach Associates~ NOW, THEREFORE, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH hereby resolves as follows: Section 1: The Agency hereby authorizes the Executive Director to execute the Grant Deed in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 2: The Executive Director is hereby authorized to take all action necessary to carry out such sale and take all other actions the Executive Director deems necessary to carry out this sale and conveyance, including but not limited to execution of escrow instructons. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the RedeVelOP~ Agency of Vi:. ~f Seal Beach, at a meeting held on the _ day of s..zuq-.197B. by the fOE'ng~ . '1<.1 . AYES: 8pL,#NI___~ ~" ~, ~ NOES: the ABSENT: . --.-....... , 0 ,.:' of': n~' i'I':"":-:::. 'i?" --" " .... o<J'" _")p4 i".. J l'/ -' "':l:~'.~"'. / (, ,,',' .'t:t ,,\ .. :) . .- ~ . " t/<..... .~ ." ~\, /It:~' . h ... :'1 I . C'lfn~ \lii'\ ....., ...... a", ,~ ~~ ~ ' ~<<i ._y I.'~' 'JoE \\ t;".: ;';3'1 ,,.Ii,;.,'/, ... '(... '-.'! 00"''$'1; .....~.t'_ ? ,.-'\ /. .. ','f ~eocc"c-O .'1;1 .... ....v ..... /.. ...:....... t: 4-.-';' ......",;;-~~.. . 1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Seal Beach AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Seal Beach 211 Eighth Street Seal Beach, California 90740 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Redevelopment Agency of the City of Seal Beach 211 Eighth Street Seal Beach, California 90740 GRANT DEED II The undersigned grantor declares: Documentary transfer tax is $ None FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the CITY OF SEAL BEACH, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the state of California, hereby GRANTS to the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH the real property in the City of Seal Beach, Orange County, State of California, described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. In witness Whereof, said municipal seal to be affixed hereto and this Mayor thereunto duly authorized. Dated: ~SI 8, /979 corporation has caused its name and instrument to be executed by its CITY OF SEAL BEACH I B~ (0 ~I~.J Mayor I STAT>>,OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss ORANGE COUNTY ) On <<~8 /97fJ , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and fo said State, personally appeared ~~~ ~~~~, known to me to be the Mayor of the City of Seal Beach, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said municipal corporation, acknowledged to me that such municipal corporation executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. . OFFICIAL SIAL DENIS J. THOMAS . NOTARY PUBLIC: . CALWO.1II1A ORANGE CXlUNIt __.....7," ~#.Oi-~ Not Public - 1 - . I I I This is to Certify, that the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH, grantee herein, hereby accepts for public purposes the real property conveyed by the within deed and consents to the recordation thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunder set my hand this ~ day of N.<J.'I ' 1978. ~( tdULauk Dennis Courtemarche Executive Director Redevelopment Agency of the City of Seal Beach STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss ORANGE COUNTY ) On ~,Ij 1'71l , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in an fo saId State, personally appeared DENNIS COURTEMARCHE, known to me to be the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Seal Beach, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said public agency, acknowledged to me that such public agency executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ^,:....~.~<, Notar Public (;,)-0 . OFFICIAL SEAL DENIS J. THOMAS . II_ PU8l.IG . CALlP'OIlNIA 0IAIIGIi COlIIllY ..,-.__.7,.. - 2 - . I I I .... _..:....... EXHIBIT "A" TO GRANT DEED. DES~RI;.>TIOil All th~t .certain l~nd,situated in the St~te of California, ::o<lnty oi )r..nle, :ity of seal ,i>each, aescribed ~s faUolls; -. :?ARCilL A: Xhe Northwesterly 10 feet of p..rcel 1 of that land.conveyed to the City of SeaL 3each recordea August 15; 1973 in book lOdSl, p..ges.246, l47 ani ~4d, of the )fficial Records of . )r~nle.cau~ty, ,C~lLfarni~. PARCEL ji: ~he Northwesterly 10 feet af:p..rcel ~ of that land conveyed to the ,City of Seal ileach recorded.o~ Au~ust 15,1973 in bao~ 10351, p~ges 246, 247 and 248, of the )ffi€ial Records of Jr~nle County, C~lifor~i~. "ARC&L C: Xhat p~rcel of lana ~r~ntei to the 'city of.Seal aeach by that cert~in F~nal )rder of Conjemn~tLon Superior'Caurt of Los AnJe1es :ounty'C~se ~o. :: 78004, Parcel 4, a certified copy: of which {i'as ,recorie:l ~arch 23" 1977 in book ::12115; pa:Je 195. af.Ofiicial Record3 of Oran~e :ounty; :alifornia. &xceptin:J cherefro~ th~t portion lying Sautheasterly:of the fol~owin:J ie3crioei line: 5eJianin; ..t station 49 of the Bound~y Survey of the Rancho L03 Al..mitos, ~s,per.map recoraed in hoo~ 1, pages 460,461 _ ~nj 462 of p..tents oi L05 An~ele5 :ounty, california; thence .~o['th 54" ~tl', (JO" Laat along s~iJ. aaacho Boundary to the, ~o,tneas'terJ.t line of the land described in deed to the State of C~liforni~ for hi}h~ay purposes recorled in book 462, page 373 of Deeis, re=o.ds of ora~~= :o~nty, :alifornia; thence cont~nui;).<;; along s~ij Rdr.cno BounU1rt ~ortit 54" 4a' 00" i:aat 10~.9B feet co tite Tiue ~oint ~t,Da9Lnniag, bein~ also a point, .:m a n~n-t:lnleat curve canCdlfe southeasterly:having a radius ~f 610.00 feet, a radial line of said curve ,passin} through . "aLd point bears North 700 oa' 53" West; '.thence ~lon:1 said; curve throug;l .. ceatral .inqle ;)f 340 56' .53" an ~rc dist:lllce. of 372.07 feilt to the floint :>f,t3.n~ellcy with a line parallel ;ri~h dad distaac<l 110.00 feet :.iortl1we.:;terly from said Rancho: iio,mlarj; til~nce aion~ s3.i:i parallel line .iorth 540 48' 00" ~d5t t~ the ~a5terly line ~f s3.ii Fiaal ~rder of Condemnation. PARC.r:L D: 'rh~t ,portion of the land fir3t described in deed to ::ity of 5edl lieach rec:>rdei August 15, 1~73 in book 10B51, page 239 " , ~::.~ .~. ,.:. :;.., .......... ~ }:~~::..i- . .~~.... . , '", <:!..: ~;:~ . . . .'~.~~'" ?' t :,,,:-Q; . 1 I r- I U I . ....~. .-~ " of Oixicia1 Re~ords of oranga :ounty, Cali~ornia, describea .1.s.f011.o;l$: .... '. ae1innin~ at,tae,Wasterly cornar of said land, said corner oe~fi~ ~t,the interse~tion of _the Northwesterly'boundary of tha Ra~cho.Los Alamltos, as ~er ~ap recorded in book'l, pa1es 46), 4j1 and 45~ of Patents of L~s_A~gelas Couatl, ,California, .ith tne,~Jrtheastarly bound~ry of tae ,BO.OO-foot ~arina Drive; as described.ia lead to the St~ta of California recorded in ~ojk 452, paJe 378 of Dead3, racorls,of said Orange :ounty; thence SJuth 8)0 57' 57" :t:ast 2a.53 feat; thence NJrth 700, 43' 29B ea5t 2.12 feet to the ~egianin~ of'a tan3ent curve' concave Northwasterlt having a r~dius of 80.00 feet; ,thence ~ortae~sterly ~l~n~ said curve throu~h a centr~l angle 'of 520 )9' 27" an arc distance of 71..::13 ,feet to the .beginning of a reversa curve conc~va Southe;j.'sterly having a radius"of 610.00 feat; ~hence Northeastarly along sail reverse curve through ~ central .in~la :If .0lD 18' OS" aol' arc distance of 13.86 feet' to a point on said Northwesterly-bouadary, sail ~oint being _ :iist1nt thereon. Horth 540 4U' JO" r:ast 102.98 feet fro;ll 'the ~oint of beginning; thence ,along saii liorthw2sterly boundary SOllt!l 54" 'Hi' 00" Je,;t 102.9:; feet to the .?oint of-be9inning. . ~' I . '. " " Exce~t~ng yas, aspaaltum'and othar hydrocarbons 3nd other ninerals,in ani unier and that may ba produced fro~ the above ie3cribel land, togethar with the sole.and exclusive'rignt to iri!l sl1nted wells from adJacent lands into and through the_ sUusurfa~e of said land Ior tha purposa of exploring for, ievelopiny, extracting, removing and transportin~ said minerals or any of chant ,froJl said land or from other pr:>party. or both, prov~dad, bowever"that neitner of,tne grantors shall have, inl right to enter upon or use 'tl1e .suI"face -of said land or, that porti:ln of tha subsurface OL 3aid land lying above a jepth oI'lJO faet below the presant surface,-f:>r:anl.purpose .~atsoevar, ax~e?t ingress dad eJrass of_persons ,and vehicles oV3r,s~ch part ,or ~arts of tae surfa:::e as shall be a public street, :>r snall be jesignate~ by agreemant ~etween grantors' ::.r tlleir r3si'C=tive su:::ces,;;ors or assiJlls, anli grantae, .1S orivaway or ri3hts of way, as re~erved ia a deed rec:lrded ~u9ust 15, 1973 in b:lo~ 10351, p1ge 239 :If Official ~e~ords. The City of Seal Beach as grantor, accepts and reserves to itself only that easement providing the right to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate an open drainage ditch and pumping station site, upon the same terms, conditions, covenants, and burdening the same area as contained in that easement originally' conveyed to the City of Seal Beach, a municipal corporation, an instrument recorded December 7, 1959 in Book 5003, Page 282 of Original Records. , , . h. ~. .., ..'\' ........n..-rT'l.....n 11.1.11 'n___ "'I