A regular meeting of the Seal Beach Recreation & Parks Commission was called
to order at 6.00p.m. by Chair Sustarsic in the City Council Chambers, 211 8th
Street, Seal Beach.
Present: Commissioners Sustarsic, Bennett, Powell, and Sosenko
Excused Absence: Commissioner Watson
Also present: Patrick Gallegos, Administrative Manager
Tim Kelsey, Recreation Manager
Dana Engstrom, Community Services Coordinator
The agenda was approved as submitted.
Resident Bruce Bennett comment that he would like to see the pool moved up
the priority Iuist so that the current does not die leaving the City without a pool.
Commissioner Bennett moved, Commissioner Sosanko seconded, and the
motion carried unanimously, that the Commission approve the Consent
1. Meeting Minutes of January 22, 2014.
2. Benches on the Public Beach- Study Session
Recreation Manager Tim Kelsey presented the commission a draft permit
application that was created based on comments from the commission and
the public. Areas for commission discussion include the maximum number of
benches on the beach, the proposed lottery system and kind of bench used.
Commissioner Bennett asked if the City was allowed to limit the number of
benches. Staff informed her that this was within the City's right to limit the
The City of Seal Beach complies with Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. If you need assistance to attend this
meeting, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at(562)431-2527 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Thank you.
number of benches however the City would not be able to limit where a
qualified applicant lived within the City.
Chairperson Sustarsic comment that the draft permit application seemed to
capture the public input.
Commissioner Sosenko asked if the City had an opportunity to assess the
cost of the permit process. Staff reported that the administration cost would
be relatively low however staff would have to review the enforcement needs
for the program as it was being administered.
Commissioner Bennett asked if the City Attorney had an opportunity to review
the draft permit application. Staff reported that the majority of the verbiage
was taken from an already existing encroachment permit and that City
Attorney would review everything before it was taken to the City Council.
Commissioner Powell asked where the three year permit period came from.
Staff explained that the three year period would reduce the staff time
necessary to administer the program while making the application process
worthwhile for residents.
Chairperson Sustarsic opened the meeting to public comment.
Five residents spoke in favor of the draft permit application. Comments about
the permit application included questions about insurance requirements, the
lottery system and the standardized bench that would be used.
Commissioner Sosenko asked if the City can legally limit who can apply,
Staff responded that we can limit it to residents but we can limit to a certain
area of town. Staff also informed that commission that all permit benches
would be held to same maintenance standards regardless of where they live.
Chairperson Sustarsic commented that new residents may not have an
opportunity to get a permit.
Commissioner Sosenko stated that she liked the three year permit and
preferred the city allocate the permits on first come first serve bases as
opposed to a lottery system. She also stated that she would be in favor of an
auto renewal if the bench owner was in good standing with the City.
Tim Kelsey stated that City can do a pre permitting process for bench owners
that are already utilizing the beach. There would be a set permit time for
those who already have benches to comply with before the permits were
accepted by the general public.
Tim Kelsey also reported that the insurance requirements would have to
remain in the permit application and the only body that could remove them
would be the City Council.
The City of Seal Beach complies with Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. If you need assistance to attend this
meeting, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at(562)431-2527 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Thank you.
The commission recommended that the permit not require benches be affixed
and that the lottery system not be used instead they preferred to use a first
come first serve system for awarding permits.
Commissioner Powell moved and Commissioner Bennett seconded that
commission adopt the permit application as amended. The motion passed
Commissioner Sosenko asked for an update on the Edison Park Community
Garden. Staff informed the commission that a letter had been written to the
CEO of Edison from the Mayor asking the expansion to be considered. Staff
reported that the CEO had responded that Edison was not interested in
expanding community gardens and that the request has been denied. Staff
also updated the commission on a newspaper article would be appearing in
the Orange County Register about the gardens and the proposed expansion.
Commissioner Powell asked if there was any feedback from the ad in the
paper asking residents to volunteer for the centennial. Staff reported that the
City has received a lot of feedback and that a lot of residents have
volunteered who have not been involved in past events with the City. Staff
also provided an update on the centennial and the City Council's action
establishing an executive committee.
Commissioner Powell inquired about the Tennis Center Specific Plan. Staff
reported that the plan is still going to be created but after the pool site specific
plan is finished or underway.
Tim Kelsey informed the commission that the City has released an RFP for a
site specific plan for the Seal Beach Aquatics Center. The RFP is asking
consultants to provide the City with a recommendation for a location in the
City as will creating a conceptual design for the pool. As part of the report the
consultant will work with the community to gain consensus on the site and
conceptual designs that meet the community's needs.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at the
Council Chambers, 6:00 p.m.
The City of Seal Beach complies with Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. If you need assistance to attend this
meeting, please telephone the City Clerk's Office at(562)431-2527 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Thank you.