HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 2 Correspondence Opposing p fOF SEA( 6'< •As ..►_y`z�; Community Development Department ^,4c/FORtt''' MEMORANDUM To: Planning Commission From: Steve Fowler—Assistant Planner Date: June 6, 2016 Re: Correspondence Received in Reference to MUP 16-4 Chair and Planning Commissioners, attached please find a correspondence in objection to the Minor Use Permit application MUP16-4. This correspondence was forwarded to the Planning Commission earlier today by email. (562) 431-2527 211 8th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740 i• CANZONERI GOTTHIEM LAW LLP 310 283 4507 :a 21016 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY MALIBU CALIFORNIA 90265 June 3, 2016 Mr, Jim Basham Director of Community Development Planning Commission Secretary City of Seal Beach 211 8''' Street Seal Beach, CA 90740 RE: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING on June 6, 2016 - MINOR USE PERMIT 16-4 - 25 A SURFSIDE AVENUE Dear Mr. Basham, We are attorneys for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gallucci, who live at 24A Surtsidt.' Avenue next door to Jason Smallwood who is the applicant with respect to Minor Use Permit 16-4 for 25 A Surtside Aventie. We hereby request that this objecticm he forwarded to the Planning Commission, made a part of the evidence considered at the Comm ission's June 6 hearing and he placed into the pubic record. First, as a simple procedural matter, we strongly suggest that the City deny this application due to the applicant's inability to obtain the requisite property rights and approvals from both the State of California and the Surlside Colony, Ltd. Homeowner's association ("Association") to extend the existing ground flour deck and to build a 10 toot L'''" story balcony with 2 large 10 toot pilasters which would be located entirely on the Association's property, None of homes in the vicinity, proximate to this parcel have ever obtained approval of a second floor balcony extending beyond 5' and the applicant's request to build a 10 second floor balcony and to extend the ground floor deck along with 2 large 10' pilasters violates the property rights, restrictions and regulations of the Association and the State of California's agencies who have tidelands property arid regulatory jurisdiction. (See the attached as Exhibit A the Association's A-Row Frontage ("Association Lease"), Lease Sections 2A and B limit the balcony to 5 feet. The Gallucci's and all other Surfside Colony heachfront homeowners who have lawfully obtained the required approvals and lease rights over the adjacent beach for decks and balconies have adhered to the Association's published limitation to a 5' rather than the 10' encroachment requested by the subject application. With respect to the City's obligation to implement the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA"), the very first paragraph of the City's start report states that the project is determined to be a Section 15301 Class 1 Categorical Exemption because it "has negligible or no expansion beyond the existing use.". An addition of the protruding 10 foot 2nd floor balcony and installation of 2 large 10 foot pilasters will obviously be more than a negligible expansion of the applicant's current use as well as a dramatic negative impact on the view, light, glare, shade, shadow and use of my clients home. As provided in CEQA Section15300.2(c) "A categorical exemption shall not be used for an activity where there is a reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances". In this case the new 10 foot balcony will extend 5 feet toward the ocean beyond the adjacent homes' balconies and with its pilasters will block views and permit uses which will generate noise, glare, odors and other activities that will be intrusive and offensive to adjacent property owners. We therefor implore you to deny this application and avoid unnecessary legal expense to the City and the private parties. It is clear that this application cannot withstand a legal challenge. Although simple common sense is enough to point out the lack of legal compliance of this application, please also note the following specific objections: 1 Per the Planning Commission's own snitt report:, this application seeks to allow an extension of an existing deck and the construction of second fluor balcony on single tarnily- residence" Per the terms the Association Lease governing they second story balcony may not extend beyond five feet (5') from the residence if there Is tan existing grade elevation deck on the leased area (Section 2A and B of A- Row Frontage Lease). Per the Planning Commission Staff Report there is an existing first floor deck on the Property, which the applicant is seeking to extend. Having acknowledged the existence of the ground floor deck, it is facially improper to callow° a second floor deck or balcony that extends farther than five feet (5`) from the existing residence. L. As stated in my introduction above, a (.:bass I Categorical Exemption cannot be lawfully used tor this application due to unusual circumstances Those include without limitation the substantial. material and immediate effect on the beach and coastal views, and the potential impacts on adjacent properties associated with the balcony structure and uses which involve noise, light, glare, shadow , shade odors, smoke and other potentially noxious and toxic uses. 3. The propose action is not properly before the (..:onamission iii that no hearing has been noticed or held by the Association with respect to the proposed application. The Commission action is premature and unnecessary unless and until such proposed iniprovernent has been properly reviewed and acted upon by the Assoe ration. The tailure ot the Association to provide proper notice and hearing on this matter constitutes an unconstitutional inapairrnent of my client's property interests, is in violation of my client's statutory rights under they David Sterling Act and is in violation of the governing documents and fiduciary duties of the Association's hoard, Under these circumstances, the Commission should riot take -action on this until these legal_ _dl de'flClen("It'ti have been addressed_ Any other action would result in furthering the unconstitutional and illegal impainin 'nt of nay riient's rights and the validation of the unli tirl action of the Surfside ILA Such will lead to litigation involving multiple parties anti the City 4, Finally, for your convenience, below is a fist oh specific imparts arid issues as expressed in the letter nay cheats have. in their e_vvil wvords, separately provide for the Commission's e.e?ri"ider;atu ri a. The positioning oI the deck is going to obstruct the view from my property towards the west-setting sun; b. Use of pilasters at the western end of the deck will also interfere with the view; c. The majority ot the homes on either side of the subject property have a live-foot deck on th e second floor; (1, The home at 25 A Surtside currently has an existing stone-clad deck on the sand that is 10' x 20' which is the maximum allowed under Surtside regulations, however, the applicant is requesting an additional 15 square feet on the existing deck, which would make it one of the largest decks in the Colony; e, Your proposed Resolution 16- 10 - Section 4A states that this duck is to "...be compatible with the physical characteristics of the site and surrounding land use and will not change the characteristics of the residence urn! will he consistent with other properties,.,." This is not accurate given the tact that there are no 10' decks on either side of the property or anywhere near the property. This has a major impact on my residence and overpowering the aced with this large structure. t The placement ottwo large 10' pilasters on the proposed deck at the westerly portion of the deck is in violation of Colony regulations that no permanent structure can be built on Colony property (sand). The location of the pilasters is on Colony property and given the size of the pilasters, they are definitely permanent. Thank you tor your consideration of my client's property rights and your obligation to fairly and consistently administer the land use authority which has been entrusted to you. It will have a dramatic positive ur negative effect on the constituents that you serve. Respectfully Anthony Canzoneri Attachment Ex A - A-Row Front age Lease A-ROW FRONTAGE LEASE Hs I I \' 1 ci.ij dod oric:It,2d Imo ihis In ( cui irtOrarm..e Stale of It torma P.\ And bei%\een St I 1 A ( a it cii fi i ('orp,,f)ranor i C see ) I PRENIISFS. Sorisick does hercl): tease Ii ;',.CL (mki i L i.e' It Slohstde rh ii certan) real pri..)fr(Teri\ the 1 cm e I rip ccul 'ii ll Tk:di pH!pet. k;1,■vv,i ;:r› (the Viiacent Properk k1E1!Ch h TAds nee.) imp((o(tsed (th An e Astin,z, :1r-1.41e-harm!\ residence (the -Residence I he 1.remisos ,:onsoats (cf sr(op or'rand okrendhiu.) lit(m feet rfTT \\.e.kterk IroTr, Poe %■e•71e!i‘, U t the viHccry. 011(.11\ helv.e,:n t,c ceIik evcir.101,.„ ci Pu noi Ic r dik! Pci 0: the (\dia,:ent I opeTft\ LSE. Durirm,n he term of this lease I Cuc 111,1\ 1111p1M e [he Prennses sofek e\pressk perrro Tired In this pwa,uraph 11.::!,1■20 111,14 4),,,f in i"at,nn oni% oil.1 \Ill C strucTuies on or- o\Ci the Pr enu,k.--, 1 One urro )ted deck ekderldim2 esteri hr,)m the Residouce Liu( m no et.enr pas( the \\esterh, houndar., f.Tf the 1)rernises l'he term -TrmooTfoit Ju P nchjdcs hoth unencloked decks and decks enclosed (-1\ jej ;,:\tenulicIL rune than tfPse I teet v■esrert.). Prom the Resulence catted The tr(nciptic Deck 'n\ here mere Ts more than one deck, oni\ (he (leek so The Pr,:rnNe,, elcn anon or the iii st ele\ated deck Ina\ he a lin[lc pal Deck It One of tv,o unroofed decks estendo2 \\.estell(), f 1001 1■1,.: Resider cc nol more :Hin 11\e (7z ) ted l. hui in no err.err [no:: rhan ts 1 I L'el kh(0( be called Sccondart 1)eck(s) I lccet he C Hi floor eic■',mon Surfside m1\ in !Ts ..:rhsolute drscTehoo oe) ii The h(yroco-\\ ''C H intai on-Ltrade (o) unenclosed :crrJuti ccr h,2 Rciuer h1,1 in no ,)„,yin pasr the Y■.e.S1.,..21k. h011ndain. ;•.)1' the p!, \ 02111)11.10J htli be constdered a ..);),:coil(th\ 1)eck iC c to, ' ' ii' LHpzrrcI1cnu CO( '71,.2o■niiiin, (leeks ek()„.ent for Ifs fo.c-ael (innension \ 'l<oot0.),erhan).2, ‘,,,;:‘sterk. f in Ie R.c .),!cri,-,- nol F1101: that, CH I t12et but iii Ile ent more It tfl\C I ee( foto ,shoc r ci o, ,i)panc), or. the top of R(.\f‘f erhant....., Ts not per-lint ted irems fare sneolicalk permudcd to be HA).cc -Amur( 11-)e hemises movable e park) horniudiu2 ,k; oinbroid,„ poi taf)1(.. )2(tn, pipt.,(2(pies rh-ts,Thic and potted plums plastic kiddt. pooi, r(), din)(2A.:( cud!, K ionneter ft\ t luT(.411 all ot 0.11och shall he Or pi Opel 0.1.1H i, ir MC)1 CO] "Ile sic ci!IN el the SELIA■:!LIT e he rA,Ii c 1 1 e Hein, 111.1i Mil[Cd ,■■ ii he hem(se, an\ p,tills (.1/ ...,',11R1j1k!:, HU! 1*,(R.idtt.'d C u en„ I ail ...;\ e r Clii L iii ot Pf.00d koPern02`, n1:„.- ,110. kmd fo-2,As \\otoid cci chaleo(il) T(\ed ccl nortahle ,pas Co-ed VI Hilt( f riiridp,t) shade sfod\tmlies planwts -1(1 lie LL•10 And mai rif(oned (,..(,)ndltTor (csod f))( THe Its iW!;',11:4'01 ;1‘, \iLdi IN an acceptable Item to He placed I11 01 Londition H the Pienlues Is at the sole discretion of the Surfside Board of`()Hectors Principal Decks, Secondary Decks and Roo '( erhan,s shall not eytend norther(\ or southerk hevond Ilne, yyhICh are the westerly estensiotrs of the north and south side\\alls of the Residence Pi ncrpa! I)ecks Seeondar\ Decks, and Roof Oycrhan , shall be constructed only yyith the prior approval of the Board of Director, of Surfside, or by an (ontnuttee appointed by the Board, and in accordance with such regulations as Surf'side and the ( itv of Seal Beach may issue from time to time Below-„ rade decks and or retainire walls are not permitted A cop ofthe Surfside l mooned Deck Structural Regulations C Deck c�,ulahl�m ) esistimi at the date of this leave I• attached hereto a. I:yhihit =A and by this reference_ made a part hereof 'FERAL L The initial term of this Lease ;hail he for a portion of one year ei.rnlraleflcire upon the date of Lessee's first use or' the Premises as determined by Surfside in its sole discretion and ending, on the nest June ■1iith Rent for the initial term ;hall he prorated on the basis of a ;us day scar I mess terminated as provided hereinafter this Lease shall automatically renew from vear to vear with sucecssiye one-year terms beninninv, Jule 1 and ending June ;I) \nnual rent is due in full, in ad\ance_ on or before September I of each \ear \A ithout lirtritin Surfside's nights iat layv or at eyuit\ to terminate the (.ease for default or other cause. this (,ease m ay he terminated by either parts hereto upon ,iytng to the other thirty t 1 days written notice of termination 4 PLAN APPRO AL. No structure Ina\, he constructed or maintained upon the Premises until the complete purr(, and specifications tOr such Structure haAe been submitted to and approved in vyritlrrn by the Board, or the architectural Committee In the event that the Premises have been improy ed b. the construction of any deck or deck, evIStinn at the coralmenceinerit of this Lease Lessee need nit submit plans or specifications for such deck(si to Surfside for approval However. such decks must continue to camp(\ with the pro 'skins of this Lease arid Deck Reuulations_ and the cvecution of this (.ease by Surtside does not constitute approval of. or SAaIvem of, any noneonforimm4 decks In the event of any structural cham,es to an eyIStimg deck or decks. plans and specifications for such charier' mint he submitted to the Board or the :Ai chttectural ( omrrtittee and approved in \\Mims_ prior to the commencement of any work -Structural chance, Include withi?ut Irirlauon_ chanv.es in satety rails. chances Irt \ertical upnieht,. installation of V■Irrjsereem or chances in e\(sting S1Indscreetl,_ etc ;. PI \ :\NPRO\ At. \O 1 A %\:ARRAN E\ OR REPRESEN'LAHON. Plan appro\ by Surfsrde's Board or lrchiteetural Committee ;hall not constitute a vtarrant\ or representation as to safety erlwneerini. ,lltllcieney and setviceahlll(\- of materials suitahilik for intended use. hahilahihty ter( rhilrty or pracUCahilits cif constriction or maintenance, or conformance to huildirn,i codes or standards of c ari: RENTAL. l'he total annual rent ;hall he computed as follows Sin,,le lots lapproy feet per vear Lot and a hall wide 1 I `) - tappros feet wide. $45i r per vear I_rrt find three quarters 11141' l I '`) oipprov_ 4 ' • feet yAI de) - per year” The imtlal amount yet for the annual on tot the ,ul',le.'"t ,hrrlpeil\ the pen id July I !,il thru June Surlside ( ulonv ltd reserves the ri_}•t r., re sei annual u rental rate, fly vvrltten notice to the Lessee on iir beti,+he the ;'I s.tiiy hc•t(s C the end tit the annual term listed In Sectcin - Iced RESTORATION OF PRE:.IISI S. l pon termination of this lease tincladine int\. termination h\ reason of the default rd. Lessee 1. I essee shall remit)\e an structures. Decks (I'nnlary and Secondar\ ), Roof t)yerhanus_ on-g'3mde cement slabs, and foundations upon the Premises and restore the premises to a etc'.mu ;and beach vy[bout abrupt chanue in urade rtevanon from the surrilundirie beach tinle;s. not more than ten ir') Ja alter termination of the I.case Sumtkrde t'tie; I.essee In leritinc that one or more structures are not to he renluv ed \il reillov at and restoration shall commence not sooner than twenty (21)1 days after ternlin.ation of the Lease and must he completed vAithln siyty (last day' alter the termination or this Lease CONDEMNATION. In the e\ent the Ptcmiii e are condemned. Lessor .shall he entitled and shall receive the total amount olan avAardrsi made vkith respect to the Premises. including Lessee's leasehold interest therein the right ofoccupanc\ and use of the Prinlar‘ Deck and Secondary Decks i. Suet any so-called • bonus or •evicess value of this Lease by reason of the relationship fietv%eer, the rental payable under this lease and the fair market rent for the Premise, Aeither Lessee nor any person claiming tlrouuh or under Lessee shall reeen.e or retain all\ portion it such a".ardist and shall promptly pay to Surhlde any stints recei in respect thereof 11ovveyes, Lessee Shall he entitled to am award. r.a portion of the a'..arit. allocable to) Lessees impro\ements on the Premises, Inclmidrn`_' the Pnmar\ Deck 'eeondar\ Deck(s) and Roi'IU'.erhanc the AAord -condemnation or 'condemned- as used in this parauraph or el,e\\here in this Lease shall mean the e\erclse or or intent to eACrcrose. the pokAer of eminent domain it \'.riling_ <is wets 8; tile ChM), Of an\ action or proceeding for such purpose_ by an'. person, entery hod\ aeencv or author-lb, hay Inu the right Or pov.er of eminent domain idle condemning authority herein) and shall include a v(lluntary sale a■ Snrf side to ari'b such condemning author tv either under the threat ,_it'condenimttii,n clr y.hlle condemnation proceedings are pending, and the condemnation shall be deemed to occur upon the actual pitv sical raking! of possession pursuant io the e\excise of "31d pVyA r of eminent ent domain I hl; lease shall he terminated as of that date ( '0'DII`IO\ OF PREMISES. I essee acknovAied',es that I; has Inspected Mc Premises and accepts the Pretenses -a, is, \.Ith all tarilts paten'; and latent krio■ n and unkrli ivAn_ inspected and unsuspected l essee ac'.nr ;vledge, that no statement or 'epresentation as to the past present or future Coildlltorl fin `lllildroil.. oiel_lpane'. or other a c thereof has been !nude Ira L I htfl I'eflail I1t 'sortside I e,,c'e a ree5 to accept the Premises In the condition in '.,Biel' ihev visit. he uptt'n the commencement of the tern) lien I + I\I)F\I\I I'l .%\D IIOI.D II%RMI.E:SS. L essee melee, delend, Indemnity and hold harmless Surlside and Its i'ftmcems di;ectors cillplikv cc;_ auenis and repre,enlatl■cis it Intl and against an\ ;ind ail eli?IntS l'\penses 1;8hlllhc41. actions and causes or action Al'm lri�_ out of the else or Iicirip:tilC\ t:l Ills' 11l;,`Iinsc, or the construction or maintenance III • n\ structure upon Oh! Prvim,es vlhethei the cl<ilrliallt I)ri such claim e\poise ha1)illlv tictiorh of cans,' it achl,in I, Itle I e'•,c'C <3 nlc'i'aliet C)` Lessee's family an ire∎itee or Ileensee oi' I essee or a mere trespasser Failure of Lessee to perform its obligations under paragraph shall be a default under this Lease and good cause for immediate !,,°rininatuirl of the Lease I I IIOLIDI\C ON ER, In the ern the Lessee shall hold the Premises alter the expiration of the terns hereot'vvIth the Lonhserit of Surfside express or implied, such holding Over shall in the absence of written notice ht Lithe( parts to the other, be a tenancy from month to month at a ntonthlc rental pat able in advance equal to the monthly rental pakable duri nra the term hereof and otherwise subject to all of the terms and proc.isiors of this Lease ICI essee fails to surrender the Premises upon the termination of this Lease despite demand to do so by Surfside_ anti such holding o'er shall not constitute a renewal hereof or Bice Lessee ant ri hts with respect to the Premises, and I essee shall indentnIIt and hold Surf side harmless from loss or liahrliit resulting from such failure to surrender including. ts'thorn limitation, any claims made ht any succeedinLi tenant founded on or resulting from such failure to surrender 12 ( O\IPLIAVCE N I TH L ANNS, RILES .%\D REC.- I IONS. Lessee agrees to complt with all applicable laces, rules and regulations Leith respect to the use of the Premises and the Adjacent Proper,, including, o lthirut limitation. such rules and re�,ulation as Surtside may adapt and Issue from time to time ; NN II\ ER. The oar t er by Sur(side of ant breach of the terms, cot enant �_rr condition herein contained shall not he deemed to he a teat ci of such term, coven ant or conditions. or ant subsequent breach of the same or ant other term, cotenant or condition herein contained The subsequent acceptance of rent hereunder ht Surtside shall not be deemed to be a wake!. of ant preceding breach hi Lessee of any term, cot errant or condition of this I ease, other than the failure of Lessee to pay the particular rental so accepted regardless of Surfside • know ledoe of such preceding breach at the time of acceptance of such rent No cotenant. term or condition of this Lease shall he deemed to ha\e been warted h: Surf side. such t+alter be in writing ht Surf'side 14 \O'FI('E. :Ant notices or demands which are required to be giten hereunder or which either parts hereto mat desire to gis e to the other shall be ,GIs en in tcritin_ ht mailing the saute ht registered or certified I nixed Sate, mail. postage prepaid or addressed to the parties at the address shown heloe, or at such other addresses as the parties may from time to time designate ht notice as herein pros ided or nmv be served personally to the panic, at Surlyide 'Lessee Surf Coons, Ltd PO Hoy ' ; "iii I"idr 4 EN"IRE .1„CREENIE1 T. this 1.edc ariached lieicro and for riun part herCOC,C1 klIth the coi\erants.. primnses trUreetirerts coradworis and her.\■,t:en art de and coneernim2, the Premises and ibeic (ore no co\ eriants. prortusc acreements. conditions or tindersrandiin2, either ,1; o.rttler . berv,,een rhcm other than are herein ei Ii 1.....„cep, hone tiei prO\Ided no subsequent alteration.. amendment chancy or addition to this 1 ease shall he bindintl. upon ' irristde. or I.essee unless reduced to o,ritirts2 and sir2died H them .1.RBITRA HON AND Al-FORM:AS FEES. Ai.r. dispute her).ecn 1 essoi drid in an\ \\a\ under this 1.ease shall he rosok ed rkd h before the AnleriCan \sSoCritron under the ( orrunzl'Ci(d. Krires thereof then H1 ertect 'No con:I shall Ii o2 ruilsdn.Thor. ot rtd■ such Ltr,purc ess,..-epr ro compei arbitration upon the application of either part\ and for puToses oF cruel-mil rudiwient in accordance \\ith an a aid rendered H. the Arhillltorr sr and in the e\ecurion ditd ) 'the hadinient entered upon he \ward dhe At:Hy-worts) shall ::1\.‘ard reasonable attorne\ s Fees and Lost. in an tmount the\ deem appropriate to the part, ,,ho rrie, deem to hark e pre\ailed, in their absolute discretion - ASSIGNNIENT. I ho, Lease shall tlot he assined subleased or ri .trist'erred operation of la■\ i)r t)themi se, ■A dhow the prior to.ruten iiiei Or S111fYW: RENIEDIES ON 'DEEM L-F. In the e\ern Lessee shall del ai r ander (Nr (..)ther‘A Ise hreach an of the terms or CondltIOns or this 1. etiSe, StIrktde shrill ha\e the rr,..rilt rentlinate this I Lease CortMArth and to retake possessnin oF lite Premises 1S, „to)er of an\ default ()I breach shall not be construed a a vs a' c' n a subsequent or contantan„,...2 default I ermination or this Lease shail not affect reaoh or an), act default or breach ot occurrence prior to such termination I\ kk IIIIr.R1r.()F the pames hereto llati.e ,-.2 .r.crined this I ease the dw. rid Cast abtne i mien S11)1. N..)1.0NY 1.1 S'i1 I a orpivanon 11\ President ft), ■eciedans L:\IIII3I I \ I \ROOFFD DI ( h S IRl ( 11 R Al R1.01 1..A110V- OF 'II RI SIDE ( ()I t1\1 I II) S.1FIT I\ Il 111.=>\l) 11I\DS( RI I RI.(,1;L.1 I1O\S is itlrcif Under ( odc safaty rani (t_)rtv-iv t42) incllc: In hcinllt aS iiica:urcd from OK' lini,bcd door cif ill, dcci, arwnd th; "nor, dc,k. c'ccpt u1 [hike uulan c; vi.hcr, a d."ck anal, ;ur, 15 to h� ,:imstrucicd cit .la» p utcls c\tciidirii2 from rho Ylni hcd floor of thy' dcci, 111c rxluircd ;at,:ty rii ;hall Ines all Si:uc ( itv .;ltcIv and Buifdnii. ( h \vs ;arch rail drill cvcccd tortv-t\\ {4:1 Inc'IC, ua hcl0ht as measured from tllc tinrshcd floor of the deck \u 1v nldscrccn ;hail c XI feet In hcii ht as nica>_surcd from thc fimshcd fluor of Oh: dc,k and shall h tcmlinatcd a minimum of I': from thc struetur• atuo c c \a pumon atanv ;uch ■atcty rar as \\indscrc.rl ;hall he ca crcd or rooted av cr rn ui rna nner and ;hall not he ;ccur,d to the deck ,r structurc a‘cnck:ad Dcck; shall not he used as cncla>cd rooms d \o rtlass panel. Ic . dlan titre, I?) ttcl m width shall lx a cd rn Oh; cinistructian such kvIndscrccn vyr Sane[, 1w 1 crtical heaths u;ci1 in the call:triictian Ut such l∎Irld;crccrl ar�atety rail :hall not cv;:,:d tour I-ll h\ ;ry (to inches 1H portions of such a uuls,rc.:n :have the requiicd furl,-mo 14 2) Inch salt■ ralllne Ilcwht ;hall cam,l:t raniv atiiitint,d traul:parcnt nla,s and Ix nlaintaircd In t clean condition Ill such 42,1ass sections shall consist H ( 1 -II inch tempered plate _plats or thr thercrat nlatcrlaf attach In ail: t,lr■curc the las.cd-,n arca ;haul he attached ch i ct such vv lnd cr„cn or lc' th, r,ricncc 11 nldscrcciis alhl titreiA raL', ;li;alt Ile rr aintain,'d so as not to ahscuic the VicAA of Iiciclthi�r ;_irl '."Itber ,idc ilf th, I Av?adlhfl�.?nal rents hall tk C'lam'ed or diet] Ac irrd:crecll or ;arch rat I)a l e I ),n, clirtsldc Colon\