HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 4765 1999-11-08 RESOLUTION NUMBER ~~ I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ADOPTING MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 99-1, AND DETERMINING CONSIS:rENCY WITH THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED SEAL BEACH BOULEV ARD/I-405 OVERCROSSING WIDENING PROJECT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH DOES HEREBY RESOLVE: WHEREAS, the California Government Code includes certain provisions regarding the . content of the "Circulation Element" of the General Plan; and' I WHEREAS, the City has prepared a Proposed Initial Study and Negative Declaration 99-1, Seal Beach Boulevardll-405 Overcrossing Widening Project. The proposed project will improve local transportation system capacity at the project location, and reduce the level of service (LOS) from an existing (1997) worst LOS "E" in the P.M. peak hour to LOS "B", and a projected future (2020) worst LOS "F" in the P.M. peak hour to LOS "D". These transportation improvements will result in ~verall reductions in local air quality impacts within the community be allowing traffic to flow more freely within the project area, thereby reducing local CO and other air quality impacts; and WHEREAS, staff has prepared and circulated an Initial Environmental Assessment and proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The comment period on Negative Declaration 99-1 ended on August 23, 1999. As of September 9, 1999, The City has received responses on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration from: I lJ Governor's Office of Planning .and Research, State Clearinghouse, August 23, ]999 lJ Caldwell, Leslie, Newcombe & Pettit, August 23, 1999 lJ Department of the Navy, Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, August 23, 1999 lJ Department of Transportation, District 12, Environmental Planning, August 24, 1999 lJ Southern California As~iation of Governments, August 10, 1999 lJ County of Orange, Planning and Development Services Department, . August 23, ]999 lJ Orange County Fire Authority, August 26, ]999 lJ Southern California Gas Company, August 7, 1999 lJ California Department of Transportation, District 12, September 9, 1999; lJ Other comments were received by the City Council after the close of the prescribed comment period; and WHEREAS, the City's consultant, Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates, has prepared a "Comments and Responses" document to all of the above-received Resolution Number~J'~~ comments on Negative Dec]aration 99-1. A copy of that document was provided for the information of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Quality Control Board reviewed the subject Initial Environmenta] Assessment and proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration on September 29, ]999, and determined to recommend to the Planning Commission and City Council the adequacy of the subject documents, subject to certain amendments set forth in their "Memorandum" of September 29, 1999; and I WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on October 20, 1999 to cOnsider Negative Declaration 99-1 and the consistency with the Circulation Element of the General Plan of the Seal Beach Boulevard/l-405 Overpass Widening Project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission received into evidence the Staff Report of October 20, 1999, along with all attachments thereto, including the Staff Report, Minutes and Memorandum of the Environmental Quality Control Board dated September 29, 1999, and considered all public testimony presented; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission made the following findings and recommended adoption of Negative Declaration 99-1 by the City Council: 4. ]. The proposed Negative Declaration adequately discloses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Sea] Beach Boulevard/l-405 Overpass Widening Project, and no substantial adverse environmental impacts will result upon the approval of the subject project. 2. I The proposed project is consistent with the Circulation Element of the City of Seal Beach General Plan. The adopted "Circulation Element - Streets and Highways of the General PIan" map was adopted by Planning Commission Resolution No. 886 on January ]5, 1975, and by City Council Resolution No. 2394 on January 27, 1975. This map indicates Seal Beach Boulevard from Pacific Coast Highway to the northerly City boundary at Bradbury Road to be a "Major - 120' right-of-way". This roadway designation is consistent with the proposed overpass widening project in that the overpass will be widened to a total right-of-way width of 122 feet, including 3 through traffic lanes in each direction, median, sidewalks, and bike lanes. 3. The proposed project is also consistent with the language of the Circulation Element of the City of Sea] Beach General Plan, which indicates within the "Capital Improvements Program" provision for "Seal Beach Boulevard - San Diego Freeway interchange improvement". This project will fulfill that goal within the Capital Improvement Program section of the Circulation Element. The proposed project is also included within the City of Seal Beach adopted 7-Year Capital Improvement Program and within the adopted Southern California Association of Government's (SCAG) 1998-2005 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP); and I WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on October 25, 1999 regarding. Negative Declaration 99-1, received public comments, and continued the public hearing to November 8, 1999; and Resqlution Numbe~~~ WHEREAS, the City received an additional comment letter on November 8, 1999 from Christopher G. Caldwell, arguing that a significant construction- related traffic will occur during the construction phase of the project; and I WHEREAS, the City has addressed each of these concerns within the Initial Study/Negative Declaration document. Moreover, although CEQA does not require responses to comments made concerning a 'negative declaration, the City responded in writing to comments received, in the "Final Com.ments and Responses" documents dated October I] and Nov,e!llber 4,. 1999, respectiyely, and the Environmental Quality Control "''Memorandum to the City Council dated September 29, 1999; and . I WHEREAS, sP~~ficallY~he temporary traffic-related impacts of the project were . . .....~ discussedYon pages 40 through 42 of the Initial Study/Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration document originally circulated for public review and comment on July 23, ]999, and a proposed mitigation measure regarding short-term mitigation through the preparation of a "Traffic Management Plan" was set forth on page 48. This mitigation measure is recommended for adoption by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby: 1. Finds that there is substantial evidence in the record that the project may have a significant effect on the environment, but mitigation measures imposed herein would avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effect would occur and there is no substantial evidence in the record that any significant effect would remain after mitigation. 2. There has been no evidence presented that the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been "substantially revised" so as to require recirculation under the California Environmental Quality Act. I 3. Adopts Mitigated Negative Declaration 99-]. 4. Approves and adopts as conditions of approval the Mitigation Measures set forth in "Exhibit A" of this resolution for the Seal Beach Boulevard/I-405 Overcrossing Widening Project. . 5. Finds the Seal Beach Bou]evard/I-405 Overcrossing Widening Project is consistent with the Circulation Element of the City of Seal Beach General Plan. 6. The foregoing findings are based on substantial evidence in the record, including without limitation, the draft. Mitigated Negative Declaration, staff reports and both oral and written testimony. The documents that comprise the record of the, proceedings are on file with the Department of Development Services, 2]] Eighth Street, Seal Beach. The custodian of said records is the Director of Development Services. I PASSED, APPROVED AND ADO~ by the City C~ of the ~eal Beach at a meeting thereof held on the ~ day of 1,/ "~iI , 1999, by tlie following vote: AYES: Councilmemb NOES: Councilmembers ABSENT: Councilmembers Resolution Number~~~~. ~h21( ~ C7CLERK / STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I I, Joanne M. Yea, City Clerk of Seal Beach, California, do hereb~fy that the foregoing resolution is the original copy of Reso]ution Number /171;-.. on file in the offF of the City Clerk, passed, approved, and adopted by the City cOjp] of the City of S~Ch, at ~l1lFting thereof held on the ~ day of d.~il , 1999. I I Resolution Number~~~~ "EXlDBIT A" MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 99-1 ADOPTED MITIGATION MEASURES (CONSOLIDATED AND REVISED) I Aesthetics a) All mature trees removed by the project shall either be salvaged or relocated in the project area, or shall be replaced with similar species at a ]:] ratio the in project area. The replacement of any eucalyptus trees shall occur at a 2:] ratio within the project area and the type and size of replacement eucalyptus trees to be approved by a city-selected arborist. b) Prior to approval of design plans, the City shall have a landscape design plan developed by a qualified landscape architect. The landscape plan shall establish landscape design and implementation for the center median and parkways. In addition, this plan shall identify areas where 'the roadway right-of-way allows for incorporation of walls and fences and for replacement landscaping. Air Quality a) Construction of the proposed project shall be required to be in compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, which shall reduce fugitive dust amounts by up to 50 percent. Dust reducing measures shall include regular watering of graded surfaces, restriction of all construction vehicles and equipment to travel along established and regularly watered roadways, and requiring operations that tend to create dust be suspended during windy . conditions. The City shall ensure that the project shall also comply with SCAQMD Ru]e 402, to reduce potential nuisance due to odors from construction activities. Measures include the following: I lJ The project shall comply with State, County, City, and UBC dust control regulations, so as to prevent the soil from being eroded by wind, creating dust, or blowing onto a public road or roads or other public or private property. lJ SCAQMD Rule 403.1, as amended, should be adhered to, ensuring the clean up on the construction-related dirt on approach routes to the site, and the application of water and/or chemica] dust retardants that solidify loose soils shall be implemented for construction vehicle access, as directed by the City Engineer. This shall include covering, watering or otherwise stabilizing all inactive soil piles (left more than 10 days) and inactive graded areas (left more than 10 days). lJ Grading activity should be suspended when local winds exceed 25 miles per hour and during first and second stage smog alerts. I lJ All trucks hauling dirt, soil or other loose dirt material shall be covered. lJ Where available or possible, permanent sources of power should be used from the beginning of the project. Avoid internal combustion engines for generating power. . lJ Reduce or eliminate odors due to construction activity. Resolution Number 41bs" b) The following measures shall be implemented to reduce emIssIons from construction-related traffic congestion, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: lJ Configure construction parking to minimize construction traffic interference with roadway traffic; lJ Minimize obstruction of through-traffic lanes; lJ Provide a flag person as appropriate to guide traffic properly and to ensure safety at construction sites; I lJ Develop a traffic handling plan to minimize traffic flow interference from construction activities. The plan may include advance public notice of planned construction activities; and lJ Schedule operations affecting traffic during off-peak hours, where feasible. Cultural Resources a) An archaeologist and a Native Ame~ican Monitor appointed by the City of Seal Beach City Council shall be present during earth removal or disturbance activities related to rough grading and other excavation for foundations and utilities that extend below five feet of the pre-grading natural surface elevation. If any earth removal or disturbance activities result in the discovery of cultural resources, the project proponent's contractors shall cease all earth removal or disturbance activities immediately and notify the City selected archaeologist and/or Native American Monitor, who shall immediately notify the Director of Development Services. The City selected archaeologist will have the power to temporarily halt or divert the excavation equipment in' order to evaluate any potential cultural material. The City selected archaeologist shall evaluate all potential cultural findings in accordance with standard practice, the requirements of the City of Seal Beach Archaeological and Historical Element, and other applicable regulations. Consultation with the Native American Heritage Commission and data/artifact recovery, if deemed appropriate, shall be conducted. I b) If potentially significant cultural resources are encountered during earth removal or disturbance activities, a "Test Phase", as described in the Archaeological and Historical Element of the City General Plan is required and shall be performed by the City selected archaeologist, and if potentially significant cultural resources are discovered, a "Research Design document" must be prepared by the City selected archaeologist in accordance with the provisions of the Archaeological and Historical Element of the General Plan. The results of the test phase investigation must be presented to the Archaeological Advisory Committee for review and recommendation to the City Council for review and approval prior to continuation of earth removal or disturbance activities in the impacted area of the proposed project. c) During all "test phase" investigation activities occurring on sitc, the City selected archaeologist and the Native American monitor shall be present to conduct and observe, respectively, such "test phase" investigation activities. I d) Should any human bone be encountered during any earth removal or disturbance activities, all activity shall cease immediately and the City selected archaeologist and Native American monitor shall be immediately contacted, who shall then immediately notify the Director of Development Services. The Director of the Department of Development Services shall contact the Coroner pursuant to Section 5097.98 and 5097.99 of the Public Resources Code relative to Native American remains. Should the Coroner determine the human remains to be Native ~epQlution Numbe~"~~ American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. e) If evidence of subsurface paleontological resources is found during construction, excavation and other construction activity in that area shall cease and the contractor shall contact the City Development Services Department. With direction from the City, an Orange County Certified Paleontologist shall prepare and complete a standard Paleontological Resource Mitigation Program. I Geology and Soils a) Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the City shall complete a geotechnical report for Caltrans and City approval. The report shall include the information and be in the form as required by the Orange County Grading Manual, Section 5.4 and the Orange County Excavation and Grading Code, Section 7-1-819 and Caltrans. b) The City shall incorporate measures to mitigate liquefaction soil conditions. Recommendations shall be based on surface and subsurface mapping, laboratory testing and analysis. The geotechnical consultant's site-specific reports shall be prepared by a certified enginecring geologist and a registered civil engineer, and shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Caltrans. c) Loose and soft alluvial soils, expansive clay soils and all existing uncertified fill materials will be removed and replaced with compacted fill during site grading in order to prevent seismic selllement, soil expansion, and differential compaction. d) All grading procedures, including soil excavation and compaction, tIle placement of backfill, and temporary excavation shall comply with Caltrans and City of Seal Beach standards. I e) The project shall conformance with the latest Uniform Building Code (UBC) and applicable City Ordinances related to seismic ground shaking. f) The potential on-site liquefaction hazard shall be mitigated by removal and recompaction of on-site alluvium soils, installation of subsurface drainage and placement of compacted fill as required. g) Project grading activities shall, to the extent feasible, limit disruption of natural terrain in order to minimize unnecessary landform alteration. Following grading activities (within 90 days), disturbed areas adjacent to the project components shall be replaced and reseeded (where appropriate) to reduce potential for erosion. h) An Erosion Control Plan shall be prepared to the satisfaction of Caltrans and the City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. The Erosion Control Plan shall outline methods that shall be implemented to control erosion from graded or cleared portions of the site, including but not limited to: I lJ Placing sandbags where appropriate along the perimeter of a project site prior to initial grading if grading is to be undertaken during the rainy season (July 15 to October 15). lJ Minimizing the length of time that soils lie exposed. lJ Revegetating (landscaping, hydro seeding or any other method of providing vegetative cover) graded areas and/or use of chemical soil binders, in a manner approved by Caltrans and the City Engineer if Resolution Number~j1~ determined to be required for erosion control in areas not planned for development until subsequent phases. Landscaping and hydro seeding shall be under the dircction of a licensed landscape architect and approved by the City. Hazards and Hazardous Materials a) If unknown waste/materials or an underground tank or piping is discovered during construction by the contractor, which he/she believes may involve hazardous waste/materials, the contractor shall: I lJ Immediately stop work in the vicinity of the suspected contaminant, removing workers and the public from the area; lJ Notify the Project Engineer of the implementing agency; lJ Secure the area as directed by the Project Engineer; and lJ Notify the implementing agency's Hazardous Waste/Materials Coordinator. b) The implementing agency's Hazardous Waste/Materials Coordinator shall follow procedures for site assessment, initiate coordination with local, state and regulatory agencies as required, and take remedial action as appropriate. Hydrology and Water Quality a) The project is required to meet Storm water Management regulations. The City shall file for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with the California State Water Resources Control Board and abide by the conditions of the permit as issued. A copy of the Notice of Intent (NOI), Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and Monitoring Plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to commencing grading operations. The SWPPP shall emphasize structural and non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) in compliance with NPDES Program requirements. Specific measures shall include: I lJ The project shall provide appropriate sediment traps in open channels and energy dissipators in stormwater conduits and storm drain outlets. lJ Surplus or waste material from construction shall not be placed in drainage ways or within the 100-year floodplain of surface waters. lJ All loose piles of soil, silt, clay, sand, debris, or other earthen materials shall be protected in a reasonable manner to eliminate any discharge to waters of the State. lJ During construction, temporary gravel or sandbag dikes shall be used as necessary to prevent discharge of earthen materials from the site during periods of precipitation or runoff. I lJ Stabilizing agents such as straw, wood chips and/or hydroseeding shall be used during the interim period after grading in order to strengthen exposed soil while ground cover takes hold. lJ Revegetated areas shall. be continually maintained in order to assure , adequate growth and root development. ~esolution Number~;r~~ Noise a) Construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Monday through Saturday. Construction activities shall not be permitted on Sundays or Federal Holidays. I b) Stockpiling and vehicle staging areas shall be located as far as practical from noise sensitive receptors during construction activities, to the satisfaction of the City. Transportationrrraffic a) Short-term mitigation to roadway use shall be mitigated by a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to be established by the City and approved by Caltrans prior to construction of any improvements. This Plan shall consist of prior notices, adequate sign-posting, detours, phased construction and temporary driveways where necessary. The Plan shall specify implementation timing of each plan element (prior notices, sign-posting, detours, etc.) as determined appropriate by the City Engineer. Adequate access shall be provided at all times to and from businesses. Proper detours and warning signs shall be established to ensure public safety. The Traffic Management Plan shall be devised so that construction shall not interfere with any emergency response or evacuation plans. Construction activities shall proceed in a timely manner to reduce impacts. * * * * I I Resolution NUmber~1~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) This space is for the County Clerk's Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange '1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county afore- said; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or inter- ested in the al;>ove-elJtitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH SUN, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published yveeklv in the Oity of Seal Beach, County of ",prange and which newspaper has ;been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under the date of 2/24/75. Case Number A82583; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set 'in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, la-wit: Proof of Publication of ............................................... ............................................... " . . .-'NonCE'OF' . '. . . PUBUC HEARING . . ", " . " MITIGATED NEGATIVE' < , , DECLARATION 89.1 ' . . IThhBl8 CIty of Se.1 h.rel?Y~V88 notice . putsuant 10 the autti and lia contained In the CaIIforn cnIe. . menial Quafltv Act rcE0A1 ~=ron-~. ~aA Guidefl~. or the CIfY. of s:~- 'Se echo the Director of Development . MC8I has ~natyzed the requHt lor SEAL BEACH BOULEVARDI ...., . ~ OVERCROSSlNG WIDENING:': " . '. PROJECT. " . . ;~co'.d lobe localed al SEAL' , H BOULEVARO - BETWEEN 'RABEVENCRL Y MANOR ROAD AND OLD H PARKWAY , 'Tha i>ta.....1 TO WIDEN THE ElCJST \ INGROOVERPASS TO PROVIDE 3 TH UGH lANES IN EACH DIR . ~~~t'€~N~'DEWALKS, J.'ii Aller _no the ""OBI Study-and an opphcable rnligBllng m....... for ..x ~~cI. Ihe"Oltecfcjir o!.De~m.nl w1lh;:8 = ~l8rmlned "'profecI, . """-'-'t... ___ euures. WfII nOlI1M J Ai.i!llidt~.. ..,........ on the erMronm8f1l DEC[1't;(1fo'f',,:'~ NEGAnvE AoubIIc""'"'-' p,""",",,, OUNI""",'vWIllbeholdtoYtheC/TY ' MCmUGNACfL to consider this pro~ed TED NEGATIVE DEClARA- ' nON on OCTOBER 2O"181t11 at 7"30 . PM BI 0Iv Hal CaunciI a.;;;; . is':. Srreet, Sear Beach. ~~'J." PUbJic'comments will be r.~IV8d..... =~~mISSIDn ar~bT.b. the MI11GATEO"N-rOAWOeJr..l RATION and consldBrllbon of ad....' . mlnBtronof~.. . IaIlon Elermiiii;;;..~CY WIth the Clrcu,. , the. .u.. General Plan an prllJoct,lfw:ou!jh the Plannmg COm miSSion meelmg on WEDNESDAY~ OCTOBER 20, fI98 ' . . A...,;,ofanl8!liv.... ',".' ~i1lhiJn,"", SIud"': ~7:Wl'~~ ,~:~~=CLARArION and; the offices 01 the ~S8S Is on file In ."",,,nl Servlc ~BIlIofllovel, 211 Eighth SIn:: s.:x. = Beach. . "18.90740' ".. ,calor. Dale, SEPTEMBER 22' illllit' ., JoanneVIO- ~,', :.... '. Cltyq8lk.~';~.;.. ,ilJ.'~ _.~ ':.c .f, "~~.~d .IV}he:SB!l1 ~._ac.h 'sJ~ . , .. ...o:,'..-~ ",,:. ~ --., . - -- ~. t-V" ,>,1 4~ ~ $&r~ all in the year 1999. "SO / I certify (or declare) under penally of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Seal Beach. CA. this >.0 day of r;o.,r. ,1999. ~ 4,,{.. f\.4 , Signature PUBLICATION PROCESSED I?Y: THE SUN NEWSPAPERS 216 Main Street Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 430-7555 . (949) 759-7726 ~ I I - I I I I PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Orange Resolution Number~~ This space is for the oun y Clerk's Filing Stamp 'I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county afore- said; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or inter- ested in the above-entitled malter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the SEAL BEACH SUN, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly in the Oity of Seal Beach, County of !:,.prange and which newspaper has ;>been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, under the date of 2/24/75. Case Number A82583; that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplemenlthereof on the following dates, la-wit: Oc/fo~ Git- (c..r all in the year 1999. Proof of Publication of ............................................... ............................................... I - " ~. -.rl.~' : NonCE'OF .... f.\'~' : ..,,,',, .PU~~C.HEAR/NG..':_'"'' .: .!lmllAl'ED NEGATIVE" -' _I1ECLARATION ge-f- -, , ::. n.eCllyDfSeilhOrob': . that PUnluarit 10 the ,":,?y 9_ nonce -' rfoconbllnod In tho ~ond__. "''''I,CuoIdy AcI'("CECA; ErMron' i:~, GIh"IdDoOne. '" 'he CIIy ~ndSe": . ....... e lrector of I"l...!.. I Servfces has an.......... ....ve opment.- j<, r .", '7"-7~lherequeltfoi . RAL.8EACHBOULiv" "'f~':T ''"-OVERCROSSINGWI~ , .- PIlOJECT ' ;E'lC~B~~ be located at flEAL'I" RANCBEVERLYMA~=~~B=LDN " . HPARKWAY' t!~e!~~~~'.:: BICve:iD1AN, SIDEWALKS, AND LANES.f"'r..t.... .' ,. Mer . ......- ~:" ,:".Mlf!oISIudy~iw>y- lP<<llect, the ~:r,sures forlh8 SerVlc~hai d8ternilnita=~-1 wflhmlbg_inoos'_,wiU pr~~ . . _. -...... nal,,,,",,,, aSrg",flcantllff8ctonth8'~' : ~'rfo~TEONEGA~' A' " boonp_ c=~~'::r~by";CfTY ~:'TED NEGAnvE Drc: ,'PM"ClIy~25, ',,""7:00 'Eighth SO.., Seol ~~ 211 90740" ,.' , _110m'. ~ :tIle comniems will be -rece;~ : _..COy Councd.. ep"bllc~ f! ....Y1BWandcon IU( =-TED NEGA~D't:~~T1llli' CO..~"'.~Df mtnt Of:;: :m' the C1rcul8bon ele. ~_fI1o""~onlhe...- A NDA~'=ER25,;;:.vlll'l' /ng "1I::,Dfollrolovantllllll...... ' . NeGA,n~~ g~~i~~AMTITIIO~ ~lIid--'" N.nd tlheofflcesofltte.~.lIonftlen. 'oprnent BerYl ~ of DeveI. 211El1lh1h~,~DfS...Booch" M ma. 90740 - M_ 7 I B;each. CaIIfcr- I' I'" ~ ~- :'O~. SEPTEM8ER 2:1, I,," ': '. -.JoanneVeo .,' . .... COyClIfk . '. - - ~=~~d 'i~~I~. Se.r 8..~h' Sun - - . ., ~ .... ~,:,," I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Seal Beach, CA, this-! '-\ day of O(}( ,1999. I1r ~ Signature PUBLICATION PROCESSED I?Y: THE SUN NEWSPAPERS 216 Main Street Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 430-7555 . (949) 759-7726 .