HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 4826 2000-08-14 I I I .~ RESOLUTION NUMBER $.;20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH ESTABLISHING WAGES AND BENEFITS FOR CERTAIN NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES AND REPEALING ON THE EFFECTIVE DATES SPECIFIED ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH WHEREAS, It is the City's desire tn provide reasonable compensatiun including benefits tu the confidential, supervisory, professiunal and technical non-represented employees, and WHEREAS, meetings have been held for the discussion uf wages and benefits and agreement has been reached. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Seal Beach hereby establishes wages and benefits between the City of Seal Beach and certain Non- Represented employees for a one year term beginning July J, 2000 and ending June 30, 200 I, attached as Exhibit A to this resolution. PAS~ APPROVED J. - day of AYES: (/,d- DOPTED by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach on , 2000 by the following vote' NOES: ABSENT: jJtdv-~',l .ffJ~ Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I, Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk of Seal Beach, californ4t}1i~bY certily that the foregoing resolution is the original copy of Resolution Number n file in the office of the City Clerk, passed, approved, and adoPte~he City Council oGKeCit~~each, at a regular meeting thereof held on the / _ day of Ltu'1' ,2000. C! ;Jr<u)M( II: Cil ler I Resolution NUmber~~ CONFIDENTIAL / SUPERVISORY / PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT CONFIDENTIAL/SUPERVISORY/PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Management Rights - Section I Insurance Programs - Section 2 Health and Dental Life Insurance Income Continuation (Long-term Disability) Retiree Health Plan - Section 3 Sick Leave - Section 4 Bcreavement Leave - Section 5 Vacation - Section 6 Holidays - Section 7 Retiremcnt System - Sectiun 8 Overtime and Call-Out Pay - Section 9 Provisiunal Appointments - Section 10 Seniority Bonus - Section II Automobiles and Mileage - Section 12 Administrative Leave - Section \3 Limitations - Section 14 Deferred Compensation - Scctinn 15 Oilingual Compensation - Scction 16 Work Schcdule - Section 17 Salaries - Section 18 Salary Range Adjustments - Section 19 Term - Se<:tion 20 Exhibit B - Salary Ranges by Position I I 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 I I I I I Resolu~ion Number~~ EXHIBIT A TERMS I CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT FOR CONFIDENTIAL/SUPERVISORY/PROFESSIONAL! AND TECHNICAL EMPLOYEES WITH THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH SECTION I. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS The City reserves, retains and is vested, solely and exclusively, with all rights of Management which have not been cxpressly abridged by specific provisions of this Resolution of Compensation, as such rights existed prior to the execution of this Resolution. SECTION 2. INSURANCE PROGRAMS A. Health and Dental I. The City shall provide for full-time employees and eligible retircd employees a group hospital, medical and dental insurance plan. 2(a) The City shall contribute to the cost of each medical/dental plan for each eligible employee and their dependents, up to thc following amounts: -For single employees -For employee and I dependent -Fur employee & 2 or more dependents $237/month $390/month $504/munth 2(b) Effective January 1,20091, the City shall contribute to the cost of each medical/dental plan for each eligible employee and their dependents, up to the following amounts. -For single employces -For employee and I dependent -For employee & 2 or more dependents $261/month $429/month $554/month Employees enrolled in the plan are required to pay any premium amounts in excess of the above City contribution. Such amounts will be deducted from the affected employee's payroll chcck on the first two pay periods for each month. 3 Included in thc contributions listed above, a maximum of $16 per employee pcr month is paid by the City of Seal Beach to the Public Employees Retirement System Health Program premium on behalf of the employee. 4. Part-time, seasonal, provisional and/or hourly employees shall not be eligiblc for participation in this program. 5. No person who is eligible to receive Worker's Compensation benefits is eligible to receive benelits from the City's group medical insurance. 6. Full-time employees of the City who have completed thirty (30) days of uninterrupted service shall be enrolled in this insurance program on the first day of the next succecding month. 7. Employees who change classification from lull-time to part-time provisional, hourly or seasonal shall not be eligible for this benefit. 8. City shall not pay premiums fur any employee on leave of absence without pay, who is absent from regular duties without authorization during the month Resolution Number~l9~t6 and/or fur any employcc who has terminated from City employment for any reason. City shall pay prcmiums fur employees recciving tcmporary payments from Worker's Compensation Insurance. B. Life Insurance All employees incumbent in position classifications listed in Section 18 shall receive a $50,000 life insurance policy paid by the City. Said insurancc shall become effective aller the employee has completed thirty (30) days of uninterrupted service with said employee to be enrolled in the program. on the first day of the next succeeding month I C Incume Continuation All employees incumbent in position classifications listed in Section 18 shall receive an income continuation policy to provide for income continuation of Sixty-Six and Two- Thirds Percent (66 67%) ofthc employee's monthly salary, up to a maximum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) per munth, whichever is lesser Said insurance shall become effective after the employee has completed thirty (30) days of uninterrupted service with said employee to be enroll cd in the program on the first day of the l1ext succeeding month. Said income continuation shall commcnce on the thirty-first (31st) day of sickness or other bona tide absence or upon expiration of sick leave, whichever occurs later, and continuing thercafter while the employee is absent from work for a period of up to age 65. SECTION 3. RETIREE HEALTH PLAN B. A All full-time employees incumbent in position classifications specified in Section 18.A of this Resolution shall have the option upon retiremcnt, through the Public Employees Retircmcnt System Health Program (PERS), to continue participation in the City's health insurance program at the cmployee's expense. I All full-time incumbents in Confidcntial, Supervisory, and Professional and Technical position classifications with 20 or more combined years of cmployment with the City shall, upon retirement, be provided with individual health insurance coverage through the Public Employces Retirement System Health Program (PERS). Ifsaid employee has 30 or more combined years of employment. with the City upon retircment, eligible dependcnt health insurance coverage shall also be provided through the Public Employees Retirement System Health Program. The City shall contribute to the cost of the selected coverage consistent with the appropriate level as specificd in Section 2-A 2 of this Resolution. An employee with a service retirement as ofJuly I, 1999 and with 30 or more combined years of employment with the City upon retirement may also receive an incrcase to the health insurance cap in effect at the time ofhis/her retirement (not to exceed $175 per month in additional contributions), until Medicarc begins at age 65 with lower supplemental insurance rates. This additional contribution to the cap is to accommodate increases in health insurance plans ovcr the tcrm ofthc cmploycc's retirement C In all cases, the City's contributiun for eligiblc dependent coverage for retirees shall terminate with the dcath of the retiree. D. In thc event an eligible retired employee resides in an area were the health plans provided by thc City are not in effect, that retired employee shall be entitled to rcceive in cash each monlh an amount equal to the monthly contribution the City would otherwise have contributed to that retired employee toward health and dental insurance premiums. I SECTION 4. SICK LEAVE A. Effective the first payroll period of December, 1997, all lull-time cmployees covered by this rcsolution shall accrue sick leavc at the rate of one (I) eight (8) hour day per munth of sClvice Sick leave may be accumulated up to and including 520 hours. Except as Resolution Number~~~~ othcrwise provided in this resolution, no employee shall receive further accruals once the 520 hour maximum is reached. B. Employces whu elected to retain sick leave balances prior to convcrsion to leave time provision in July I, 1987: (I) May utilize those balances for sick leave purposes. I (2) Upon termination, shall be paid for the existing sick leave balance at one-quarter (25%) of the employee's then applicable basc rate of pay. C. Exccpt as otherwise provided, employees shall not be eligible for any payment for sick lcave balanccs upon termination D. Employees who are on authorized leaves of absence, without pay, shall not accrue sick leave hours during said leaves of absence. , SECTION 5. BEREA VEMENT LEAVE Thc City agrees to provide forty hours (40) bcreavement leave with pay for death in the immediate family. Thc bereavement leave shall not be chargeable to or accumulate as sick time ur leave time. "Immediate family" is defined as spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandparcnt, grandchild, step-mother, step-father, step-childrcn, mother-in-law, father-in- law or dependent relative living with the employee. SECTION 6. VACATION A. AlIlldl-time employees covered by this resolution, who shall have at least one year's continuous service as a full-time employee immediately preceding, shall be granted a vacation with pay of approximately 80 hours per year up to a maximum of approximately 160 hours per year I U. All lull-time employees, who shall have at least five years of continuous st;rvice, shall be entitlcd to eight (8) additional hours of vacation per year uftull-time continuous service for each year of service in excess of live years up to a maximum of approximately 160 huurs per year The vacation acclUal schedule is effective the lirst payroll period of December, 1997, as follows. . Years Vacation Of Hours Servicc Earned 1 80 2 80 ~ 80 ~ 4 80 5 80 6 88 I 7 96 8 104 9 112 10 120 II 128 12 136 I3 144 14 152 15 160 Hourly Accrual Rate Per Pay PeIiod Maximum Vacation Earncd 3.0769 3.0769 3 0769 3.0769 3.0769 3.3846 3 .6923 4.0000 4.3076 4.6153 4.9230 5.2307 5.5384 5.8461 6.1538 80 80 80 80 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 Resolution Number ~.2(P C. Employecs of the City considered as hourly, part-time and/or seasonal employees shall not bc eligible fur paid vacations D. Employees who have authorized leaves of absence without pay shall not accumulate vacation credits or pay during said Icave of absence. E. All lull-time employees shall only be allowed to accrue a maximum of 160 hours of vacation. Once this maximum is reached, all further accruals will cease. Vacation accruals will recommence aller the employee has taken vacation and the employee's accrued hours drop below the maximum. The maximum can unly be exceeded with the approval of the City Manager in writing. I F Employees are encouraged to use at least the amount of vacation hours earncd each fiscal year Those employees who have been creditcd with preexisting leavc hours arc expected to usc a portion of the excess as leavc time, in addition to the new vacation hours, each year until the maximum accrual is met. The City recognizcs that a number oflong-term employees have accrued substantially more leave time than shorter-term employees, and that it will likely take them significantly longer tu achieve the this goal It is thc intcnt of this section to balance the personal intcrests of the employee with the financial cuncerns of the City; as such, signiticant progress toward reaching the maximum accrual amounts may bc deemed a success. Vacationleavc time shall not be approvcd until such time as it has been earned, unless prior, spccial arrangements have been made with the City Manager The time at which an empluyee shall take vacation leave shall be requested by the employee prior to the start of the vacation leave period. Such vacation leave to be taken shall be subject to the prior approval of the Department Head, or dcsignee, subsequent to consideratiun of the departmental workload and other staning considerations, such as but not limited to, the previously approved vacation schedule of other employees, sick leave and position vacanCIes. G. Not more than once in each fiscal year, an employee who has completed at least one (I) year of continuous service shall, upon request, receive compensation for up to fifty (50) hours of accrued vacation time or banked leave hours provided that the employee has taken an equal amount ufvacation time off within that (fiscal) year. I I-J Empluyees covered by this resolution shall cease accruing general leave effective the first payroll period in December, 1997. Previously carned time shall be used/ compensated for as follows: Upon separation of employment with the City, all leave hours will be paid to the employee at the employee's current base rate of pay. SECTION 7. HOLIDAYS All employees incumbent in position classifications listed in Section 18 shall be granted the following holidays with pay. Ncw Ycar's Day (January I) Martin Luther Klllg Day (3rd Monday III Janual)') Washington's Birthday (lllird Monday in Febmary) Mcmorial Day (Last Monday in May) Indcpendence Day (July 4) Lahor Day (First Monday in Septcmbcr) Vetcmn's Day (November II) Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in Novcmber) Calcndar Day Following ThanksgIving Day Christmas Evc (Decembcr 24) Christmas Day (Dcccmbcr 25) I Floating Holiday I A total of 12 holidays annually Note: Fluating hultdays I/IIISt he taken during the fiscal year m which they are Klwl/ed. Floatmg holidays /IIay 110t he carried beyond the Item (if the cO/llpel/satlOn resolutIOn ur illlo a I/ewfiscal year. F10atmg holidays /IIust he approved by the applicab/e department head or designate. I I I Resolution Number~;?~ SECTION 8. RETIREMENT SYSTEM A. The retirement program provided by the City shall consist of a dcpooled Public Employce's Retirement System (PERS) plan which includes the following provisions. 1. Scction 20024 2 2 Section 20862.9 3 Se<:tion 20930 0 One Year Final Compensation Credit of Unused Sick Leave Military Service Credit B. The City shall pay that portion of thc affected employee's retirement contribution that is equal to seven percent (7%) of the affected cmployees' base salary. C All employees incumbent in Lifeguard position classifications listed in Section J 8 shall participate in the 2% at 50 formula plan for Local Safety Members. D. The City shall provide PERS Section 21251.32 - 2% @ 55 for miscellaneous members. SECTION 9. OVERTIME AND CALL OUT PAY A Only employees incumbent in position classifications listed in Section 18 as Confidential, Supervisory, or Professional and Technical are eligible for ovcrtime or call-out pay. B. Call out and overtime pay shall bc paid at the rate of time and one-half the hourly rate. Minimum "call out" time (when returning to work) shall be two (2) hours. C. Overtime will be computed by dividing the employec's regular monthly salary by 173.3 to arrive at an hourly wage Paid overtime for the pay period is to be submitted and computed with the regular payroll D. Notwithstanding any provision of this Section, the employee shall be entitled to select either compensated overtime or compensatory time off subject to budget limitations and departmental rules and regulations SECTION 10 PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENTS An employee, when authorized by the City Manager, may receive a provisional appointment to a higher classification to fill a temporary vacancy. The employee, when so appointed, must perform the duties and assume the rcsponsibilities of the higher classification for 120 consecutive working hours and shall be paid according to the step in the assigned salary range of the new position which is next higher than the salary received before the provisional appointment. Whcn neceSSaIY and in the best interest of the City, the City Manager may provisionally assign an employee to a higher level of duty and responsibility than provided for in the employee's assigned classification which is not otherwise a part of an adopted classification In the case of such an assignment, the employee must perform the higher Icvel of duties for 80 consecutive working hours, therealler the cmployee shall receive additional compcnsation of 5% so long as thc assignmcnt is authorized by the City Manager. SECTION 11. SENIORITY BONUS Employees who have achieved ten years of uninterrupted empluyment with the City shall receive a live percent (5%) increase in base salary effective on the 10th anniversary of their employment. Sworn police persunnel are exempt from this section SECTION 12. AUTOMOBLLES AND MLLEAGE A. Ofiicers and employees uf the City, utilizing their privately-owned automobiles for City busincss on a non-regular basis, shall be entitled to reimbursement for costs incurred at the rate established by Intemal Revenue Service (IRS). Resolution NUmber~~ B Ifthc City does not provide a City vehicle, then the incumbcnts in the position classification of Building Inspector shall be reimbursed at the rate uf Four Hundred Dollars ($400) per month for the use of their privately-owned automobiles for the executiun of their job duties on a regular basis. Building Inspectors who utilize private vehicles for City business may utilize, to a maximum of once per wcek, the City-assigned car wash for the purposc of washing their vchicles used for City business. SECTION 13. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE I A. All incumbents in Confidential, Supelvisory, and Professional and Technical position classifications shall be entitled to 2 (two) days of administrative leave during each fiscal year. B Administrative leave days may not be carried forward tu succeeding years nur may they be turned in for cash value. SECTION 14. LIMITATIONS A. No employee who is eligible to receive workman's compcnsation is eligible to receive ovcrlapping benefits (except life insurance) stated in this resolution. B. City shall not make any monthly payments for premiums for any insurance benefit listed in lhis resolution, ur uniform allowance, supplemental pay of any type and/or type of bonus on behalf of or to any employee who has been absent without authorization during said munth or for any employee who has terminated for any reasons whatsoever or whu is onlcave of absence without pay of who is suspended Irom duties without pay. SECTION 15 DEFERRED COMPENSATION I The City shall contribute the amount of $20.00 per payroll period into a deferred compensation program for each incumbent in the Confidential, Supervisory, or Professional and Technical pusition classifications SECTION 16. BILINGUAL COMPENSATION A Upun the recunll11endatiun ufa dcpartment director, the City Manager may award a bilingual compensation bonus of$52.50 per payroll pcriud to those cmployees in positions determined to require bilingual skills. 0. The City Manager shall require the taking of competency tests to certity the employec as eligible for bilingual compcnsation based on thc employee's proficiency in speaking the language determined to be required Such ccrtitication shall bc a condition precedent to qualifying for bilingual pay. SECTION 17. WORK SCHEDULE At the discretion of the City Manager, work schedules may be altered to include shifts of four ninc-hour days each week and one additional eight-hour day on alternate weeks (9/80 plan) or four ten hour days (4/10 plan). I SECTION 18 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT The City agrces to analyze the long-term costs for a tuition reimbursement program and discuss as a priority item for the period commencing July I, 2000. Resolu~ion Number~~ SECTION 19. SALARIES Salary ranges will become ellective as specified in attachcd Exhibit B, 4% across the board increase - July 5, 2000. SECTION 20 TERM I The term ufthis Resolution shall commence on July 1, 2000 and shall continue through June 30, 2001. a one-year tenn. EXHIBIT B A 4% salary increase effective 7/5/2000 (PW Supervisor to receive additional 3% inequity increase): I POSITION: SALARY RANGE Ranee 1 2 3 4 5 Elected. City Clerk SID 4771 5010 526] 5524 5800 Confidential: Secretary to City Manager 29B 2746 2883 3027 3178 3337 Secretary to Police Chief 29B 2746 2883 3027 3178 3337 Executive Secretary 27B 2613 2744 2881 3025 3176 Accounting Technician 27B 2613 2744 2881 3025 3176 Supervisorv . Public Works Supervisor 42C 3803 3993 4193 4403 4623 Equipment Supervisur 40B 3601 3781 3970 4169 4378 Recreation Supervisor 39B 3514 3690 3874 4068 4271 Professional and Technical Assistant Planner 36C 3279 3443 3615 3796 3986 Building Inspector 39B 3514 3690 3874 4068 4271 Senior Building Inspector 43B 3878 4072 4276 4490 4714 I Lifeguard Lieutenant 41B 3691 3876 4070 4274 4487 Public Works Assistant 36D 3295 3460 3633 3815 4005 Effective 7/19/00, the following part-time position, additional step added Pool Manager 11.37 12.24 13.00