HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 4706 1999-05-10
NUMBER. #1t> ~
WHEREAS, local agencies arc authorized by Section 53850 to 53858, both
inclusive, of the Govenunent Code of the State of California (the "Act") (being Article 7.6,
Chapter 4, Part I, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code) to borrow money by the issuance
of temporary notes;
WHEREAS, the legislative body (the "Legislative Body") of the local agency
specificd in Section 25 hereof (the "Local Agency") has determined that a sum (the "Principal
Amount"), not to cxceed the Maximum Amount of Borrowing specified in Section 25 hereof,
which Principal Amount is to be confirnled and set in the Pricing Confirnlation (as defined in
Section 4 hereof), is needed for the requirements of the Local Agency, to satisfy obligations of
the Local Agency, and that it is nccessary that said Principal Amount be borrowed for such
purpose at this time by the issuancc of a note thcrefor in anticipation of the receipt of taxes,
II1come, revenue, cash rcceipts and other moneys to be received by the Local Agency for the
general fund of the Local Agency attributable to its fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 ("Fiscal
Ycar 1999-2000");
WHEREAS, the Local Agency hereby deternlines to borrow, for the purposes set
forth above, the Principal Amount by the issuance of the Notc (as hereinafter defined);
WHEREAS, it appears, and this Legislative Body hereby finds and detennines,
thatthc Principal Amount, when added to the interest payable thereon, does not excecd eighty-
five pcrcent (85%) ofthc cstimated amount of the uncollected taxes, income, revenue (including,
but not limited to, revcnue from the state and federal governments), cash receipts and other
moneys of the Local Agency attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and available for the payment
of the principal of the Note and the interest thereon;
WHEREAS, no money has heretofore been borrowed by or on behalf of the
Local Agency through the issuance of tax anticipation notes or temporary notes in anticipation of
the receipt of, or payable from or secured by, taxes, income, revenue, cash receipts or other
moneys for Fiscal Year 1999-2000;
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 53856 of the Act, certain moneys which will be
received by the Local Agency during and attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000 can be pledged
for the payment of the principal oflhe Note and the interest thereon (as hereinafter provided);
WHEREAS, the Local Agency has determined that it is in the best interests of
the Local Agency to participate in the California Communities Cash Flow Financing Program
(the "Program"), whereby participating local agencies (collectively, the "Issuers") will
simultaneously issue tax and revenue anticipation notes;
WHEREAS, the Program requires the participating Issuers to sell their tax and
revenue anticipation notes to the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (the
"Authority") pursuant to note purchase agreements (collectively, "Purchase Agrcements"), each
bctween such individual Issuer and the Authority, and dated as of the date of the Pricing
Confinnation, a fonn of which has been submitted to the Legislative Body;
WHEREAS, the Authority, in consultation with Sutro & Co. Incorporated, as
financial advisor for the Program (the "Financial Advisor"), will form one or more pools of notes
(the "Pooled Notes") and assign each note to a particular pool (the "Pool") and sell a series (the
"Series") of bonds (the "Bonds") secured by each Pool pursuant to an indenture (the "Indenture")
between the Authority and U.S. Trust Company of California, N.A., as trustee (the "Trustee"),
each Series distinguished by whether or what type(s) of Credit Instrument(s) (as hereinafter
dcfined) secure(s) such Series, by the principal amounts of the notcs assigned to the Pool or by
othcr factors, and the Local Agency hereby acknowledges and approves the discretion of the
Authority to assign the Note to such Pool and such Indenture as the Authority may detennine;
Resolution Number 47tJ/P
WHEREAS, as additional security for the owners of each Series of Bonds, all.or
a p0l1ion of the payments by all of the Issuers of the notes assigned to such Series mayor may
not be secured (by virtue or in form of the Bonds, as indicated in the Pricing Confirnlation, being
securcd in whole or in part) by an irrcvocable letter (or lettcrs) of credit or policy (or policies) of
insurance or proceeds of a separate bond issue issued for sllch purpose (the "Reserve Fund") or
other crcdit instrument (or instruments) (collectively, the "Crcdit Instrument") issued by the
credit provider or credit providers designated in the Indenture, as finally executed (collcctively,
the "Credit Provider"), pursuant to a crcdit agreement or agreements or commitment leller or
lellers or, in the case of thc Rescrve Fund, an indenture (the "Reserve Indenture") (collectively,
thc "Crcdit Agreement") between (i) in the case of an irrevocable leller (or lellers) of credit or
policy (or policics) of insurance, the Authority and the respective Credit Providcr and (ii) in the
case of the Reserve Fund, the Authority and U.S. Trust Company of California, N.A., as trustee
of the Reserve Indenlure (the "Reserve Trustee");
WHEREAS, if, as designated in the Pricing Confirmation, the Crcdit Instrument
is the Reserve Fund, bonds issued pursuant to the Reserve Indenture (the "Reserve Bonds") may,
as indicated in the Pricing Confinnation, be secured by an irrevocable leller of credit or policy of
insurance or other crcdit instrument (the "Reserve Credit Instmment") issued by the credit
provider identified in the Reserve Indenture as finally executed (the "Reserve Credit Providcr"),
pursuant to a credit agreement or commitmentleller (the "Reserve Credit Agreement") identified
in the Rcserve Indenture as finally executed, such Reserve Credit Agreement being betwecn the
Authority and the Reserve Credit Provider;
WHEREAS, the net proceeds ofthe.Note may be invested by the Local Agency
in Permitted Investments (as defined in the Indenture) or in any other investment permilled by
the laws of the State of California, as now in effect and as hereafter amended, modified or
supplemented from time to time;
WHEREAS, as part of the Program each participating Issuer approves the
Indcnture, the alternative fornlS of Credit Agreements, if any, and the alternative forms of
Reserve Credit Agreements, if any, in substantially the fonns presented to the Legislative Body,
with the final fonn of Indenture, type of Creditlnstmment and corresponding Credit Agreement
and type of Rescrve Credit Instrument and corresponding Reserve Credit Agreement, if any, to
be detcn11ined and approved by delivery of the Pricing Confirnlation;
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Program each participating Issuer will be
responsible for its share of (a) the fees of the Trustee and the costs of issuing the applicable
Series of Bonds, and (b), if applicable, the fees of the Crcdit Provider, the fees of the Reserve
Credit Provider (which shall be payable from, among other sources, investment earnings on the
Reserve Fund and moneys in the Costs of Issuance Fund established and held under the
Indenture), the Issuer's allocable share of all Predefault Obligations and the Issuer's
Reimbursement Obligations, jfany (each as defined in the Indenture);
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Program cach participating Issucr will be
rcsponsible for its share of the feCS of the Reserve Trustee and the costs of issuing the apphcable
Scries of Reserve Bonds, all such costs and fees being payable from the proceeds of the
applicable Series of Bonds (or, with respect to costs and fees of the Reserve Credit Provider, as
may otherwise be provided in the Reserve Indenture);
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Program, the underwriter will submit an offer to the
Authority to purchasc, in the case of each Pool of Notcs, the Scries of Bonds which will be
sccurcd by thc Indenture to which such Pool will be assigned;
WHEREAS, it is necessary to engage the services of certain professionals to
assist the Local Agency in its participation in the Program;
NO\\', THEREFORE, the Legislative Body hereby finds, detemlines, declares
and resolves as follows:
Section I. Recitals. This Legislativc Body hcreby finds and deternlines thaI
all the above recitals are true and correct.
Resolution Number4"7*'" t~
Section 2. Authorization of Issuance. This Legislative Body hereby
determines to borrow solcly for the purpose of anticipating taxes, income, revenue, cash receipts
and other moneys to be received by the Local Agency for the general fund of the Local Agency
attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000, by the issuance of a note in the Principal Amount under
Sections 53850 et seq. of the Act, designated the Local Agency's "1999-2000 Tax and Revenue
AnlicilJation Note" (the "Note"), to be issued in the fonn of one fully registered note at the
Principal Amount thereof, to be dated the date of its delivery to the initial purchaser thereof, to
mature (without option of prior redemption) not more than fifteen months thereaftcr on a date
indicated on the face thereof and detennined in the Pricing Confirnlation (the "Maturity Date"),
and to bcar interest, payable at maturity (and if the maturity is more than twelve months from the
date of issuance, payable on the interim payment date set forth in the Pricing Confinnation) and
computed upon the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months, at a rate not to
exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum as detennined in the Pricing Confinnation and indicated
on the face of the Note (the "Note Rate"). If the Series of Bonds issued in connection with the
Note is secured in whole or in part by a Credit Instrument or such Credit Instrument (other than
the Reserve Fund) secures the Note in whole or in part and all principal of and interest on the
Note is not paid in full at maturity or if payment of principal of and/or interest on the Note is
paid (in whole or in part) by a draw under, payment by or claim upon a Credit Instrument which
draw, payment or claim is not fully reimbursed on such date, such Note shall become a Defaulted
Note (as defincd in the Indenture), and the unpaid portion (including the interest component, if
applicable) thereof (or the portion (including the interest component, if applicable) thereof with
respect to which a Credit Instrument applies for which reimbursement on a draw, payment or
claim has not been fully made) shall be deemed outstanding and shall continue to bear interest
thereafter until paid at the Default Rate (as defined in the Indenture). If the Credit Instrument is
the Reserve Fund and the Reserve Bonds issued to fund the Reserve Fund are sccured by the
Reserve Credit Instrument and a Drawing (as defined in the Indenture) pertaining to the Note is
not fully reimbursed by the Reserve Principal Payment Date (as defined in the Indenture), such
Note shall become a Defaulted Reserve Note (as defined in the Indenture), and the unpaid
portion (including the interest component, if applicable) thereof (or portion (including lhe
interest component, if applicable) with respect to which the Reserve Fund apphes for which
reimbursemcnt on a Drawing has not been fully made) shall be decmed outstanding and shall
continue to bear interest thereafter until paid at the Default Rate. If the Note or the Series of
Bonds issued in connection with the Note is unsecured in whole or in part and the Note is not
fully paid at maturity, the unpaid portion thereof (or the portion thereof to which no Credit
Instrument applies which is unpaid) shall be deemed outstanding and shall continue to bear
interest thereafter until paid at lhe Defaull Rale. In each case sct forth in the preceding three
sentences, the obligation of the Local Agency with respect to such Defaulted Note or unpaid
Note shall not be a debt or liability of the Local Agency prohibited by Article XVI, Section 18 of
the California Constitution and the Local Agency shall not be liable thereon except to the extent
of any available revenues attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000, as provided in Section 8 hereof.
The percentage of the Note to which a Credit Instrument, if any, applics (the "Secured
Pcrcentage") shall be equal to the amount of the Credit Instrument divided by the aggregate
amount of unpaid principal of and interest on the unpaid notes (or portions thereoO of all Issuers,
exprcssed as a percentage (but not greater than 100%) as of the maturity date. The percentagc of
the Note to which the Reserve Credit Instrument, if any, applies (the "Secured Reservc
Percentage") shall be equal to the amount of the Reserve Credit Instrument divided by the
aggregate amount of unpaid principal of and interest on such unpaid notes (or portions thereof,
including the interest component, if applicable), expressed as a percentage (but not greater than
100%) as of the Reserve Principal Payment Date.
Both the principal of and interest on the Note shall be payable in lawful money of
the United States of America. The principal df and interest on the Note at maturity shall be paid
upon sUlTender of the Note at the corporate trust office of U.S. Trust Company of California,
N.A. in Los Angeles, California.
The Note shall be issued in conjunction with the note or notes of one or more
other Issuers as part of the Program and within the meaning of Section 53853'ofthe Act.
Section 3. Form of Note. The Nole shall be issucd ill fully registered fonn
without coupons and shall be substantially in the fonn and substance set forth in Exhibit A as
attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, the blanks in said fonns to be filled in with
appropriate words and figures.
Resolution Number L/7ot:,
Section 4. Sale of Note; Delegation. The Note shall be sold to the Authority
pursuant to the Purchase Agreement. The fornl of the Purchase Agreement, including the fonn
of the pricing confirnlation supplement (the "Pricing Confinnation") set forth as Exhibit A
thereto, presentcd to this meeting are hereby approved. The authorized representatives set forth
in Section 25 hercof (the "Authorized Representatives") are each hcreby authorized and directed
to execute and deliver the Purchase Agreement in substantially said fonn, with such changcs
thereto as such Authorized Reprcsentative shall approve, such approval to be conclusively
evidenced by his or her execution and delivery thereof; provided, however, that the Purchase
Agrcement shall not be effective and binding on the Local Agency until the execution and
dclivery of the Pricing Confirmation. The Authorized Representatives are each hereby further
authorized and directed to exccute and deliver the Pricing Confinnation in substantially said
fonn, with such changes thereto as such Authorized Representative shall approve, such approval
to be conclusively evidenced by his or her execution and delivery thercof; provided, howevcr,
thatthc interest rate on the Note shall not excecd twelve percent (12%) per annum, the discount
on the Note, when added to the Local Agency's share of the costs of issuance of the Bonds, shall
not excced one percent (1.0%), and the Principal Amount shall not exceed the Maximum
Amount of Borrowing. Delivery of an executed copy of the Pricing Confinnation by fax or
telecopy shall bc deemed effective execution and delivery for all purposes.
Section S. Program Approval. The Pricing Confirnlation shall indicate
whcther and what type of Credit Instrument and, if applicable, Reserve Credit Instrument will
The fornls of Indenture, alternative general types and fonns of Credit
Agreements, if any, and alternative gencral types and fornls of Reserve Credit Agreements, if
any, presented to this meeting are hereby acknowledged, and it is acknowledged that the
Authority will execute and dcliver the Indenture, one or more Credit Agrecments, if applicable,
and one or more Reserve Credit Agreemcnts, if applicable, which shall be identified in the
Pricing Confirmation, in substantially one or morc of said fonns with such changes therein as the
Authorized Rcpresentative who executes the Priclllg Confirnmtion shall require or approvc
(substantially final fonns of the Indcnture, the Credit Agreement and, if applicable, thc Rcserve
Crcdit Agreement are to be delivered to the Authorized Representative concurrent with the
Pricing Confirmation), such approval of the Authorized Representative and this Legislative Body
to be conclusively evidcnced by the execution of the Pricing Confirnlation. If the Credit
Agreement identified in the Pricing Confirnlation is the Reserve Indenture, it is acknowledged
that the Authority will issue the Reserve Bonds pursuant to and as provided in the Reserve
Indcnture as finally executed.
Anyone of the Authorized Representatives of the Local Agency is hereby
authorizcd and directed to provide the Financial Advisor or the underwriter with such
infonnation rclating to the Local Agency as the Financial Advisor or the underwriter shall
reasonably rcquest for inclusion in the Preliminary Official Statement and Official Statement of
the Authority. Upon inclusion of the infonnation relating to the Local Agency therein, the
Preliminary Official Statement and Official Statement or such other offering document is, except
for certain omissions pennitted by Rule 15c2-12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the "Rule"), hereby deemed final within the meaning of the Rule with respect to the
Local Agency and any Authorized Representative of the Local Agency is authorized to execute a
certificate to such effect. If, at any time prior to the end of the underwriting period, as defined in
the Rule, any event occurs as a result of which the infonnation contained in the Preliminary
Official Statement or other offering document relating to the Local Agency might include an
untrue statement of a matcrial fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the
statcments therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading,
the Local Agency shall promptly notify the Financial Advisor and the underwriter.
Subject to Section 8 hereof, the Local Agency hereby agrees that if the Note shall I
become a Defaulted Note, the unpaid portion (including the interest component, if applicable)
thereof or the portion (including the interest component, if applicable) to which a Credit
Instrument applies for which full reimbursement on a draw, payment or claim has not been made
by the Maturity Date shall be deemed outstanding and shall not be deemed to be paid until (i)
any Credit Provider providing a Credit Instrument with respect to the Note or the Series of Bonds
issued in connection with the Notc, has been reimbursed for any drawings, payments or claims
made under or from the Credit Instrument with respect to the Note, including interest accrued
thereon, as provided therein and in the applicable Credit Agreemcnt, and, (ii) the holders of the
Resolution Number~j1~~
Note, or Series of the Bonds issued in connectIOn with the Note, are paid the full principal
amount represented by the unsecured portion of the Note plus interest accrued thereon
(calculated at the Default Ratc) to the date of deposit of such aggregate required amount with the
Trustee. For purposes of clause (ii) of the preceding sentence, holders of the Series of Bonds
will be decmed to have received such principal amount upon deposit of such moneys with the
Subject to Section 8 hereof, the Local Agency hereby agrees that if the Note shall
become a Defaulted Reserve Note, the unpaid portion (including the interest component, if
applicable) thereof or the pOltion (including the interest component, if applicable) to which a
Reservc Crcdit Instrument, if any, applies for which full reimbursement on a Drawing has not
been made by the Reserve Principal Payment Date shall be deemed outstanding and shall not be
deemed paid until (i) any Reserve Credit Provider providing a Reserve Credit Instrument with
respect to the Reserve Bonds (against the Reserve Fund of which such Drawing was made) has
been reimbursed for any Drawing or payment made undcr the Reserve Credit Instrumenl wilh
respect to the Note, including interest accmed thereon, as provided therein and in the Reserve
Credit Agreement, and (ii) the holders of the Note, or Series of Bonds issued in connection with
the Note, are paid the full principal amount represented by the unsecured portion of the Note plus
interest accmed thereon (calculated at the Default Rate) (0 the date of deposit of such aggregate
rcquired amount with the Trustee. For the purposes of clause (ii) of the preceding sentence,
holders of the Series of Bonds will be deemed to have received such principal amount upon
deposit of such moneys with the Tmstee.
The Local Agcncy agrees to payor cause to be paid, in addition to the amounts
payable under the Note, any fees or expenses of the Trustee and, to the extent pennitted by law,
if the Local Agency's Note is secured in whole or in part by a Credit Instrument and, if
applicable, a Reserve Credit Instrument (by virtue of the fact that the Series of Bonds is secured
by a Credit Instrument and, if applicable, Reserve Bonds are secured by a Reserve Credit
Instrument), any Predefault Obligations and Reimbursement Obligations (to the extent not
payable under the Note), (i) arising out of an "Event of Default" hereunder (or pursuant to
Section 7 hercoO or (ii) arising out of any other event (other than an event arising solely as a
rcsult of or otherwise attributable to a default by any other Issuer). In the case described in (ii)
above with respect to Predefault Obligations, the Local Al!encv shall owe only the percentage of
such fees, cxpenses and Predefault Obligations equal to the ratio of the principal amount of its
Note over the aggregate principal amounts of all notes, including the Note, of the Series of which
the Note is a part, at the time of original issuance of such Series. Such additional amounts will
be paid by the Local Agency within twenty-five (25) days of receipt by the Local Agency of a
bill therefor from the Trustee.
Section 6. No Joint Obligation. The Note will be issued in conjunction with
a note or notes of one or more other Issuers, assigned to secure a Series of Bonds. In all cases,
the obligation of the Local Agency to make payments on or in respect to its Note is a several and
not a j9int obligation and is strictly limited to the Local Agency's repayment obligation under
this Resolution and the Note.
Section 7. Disposition of Proceeds of Note. A portion of the moneys
received from the sale of the Note in an amount equal to the Local Agency's share of the costs of
issuance (which shall include any fees and expenses in connection with any Credit Instrument
(and the Reserve Credit Instrument, if any) applicable to the Note or Series of Bonds and the
corresponding Reserve Bonds, if any) shall be deposited in the Costs of Issuance Fund held and
invested by the Trustee under the Indenture and expended as directed by the Authority on costs
of issuance as provided in the Indenture. The balance of the moneys received from the sale of
the Note to the Authority shall be deposited in the Local Agency's Proceeds Subaccount hereby
authorized to be creat~d pursuant to, and held and invested by the Trustce under, the Indenture
for the Local Agency and said moneys may be used and expend cd by the Local Agency for any
purpose for which it is authorized to use and expend moneys, upon requisition from the Proceeds
Subaccount as specified in the Indenture. Amounts in the Proceeds Subaccount are hereby
pledged to the payment of the Nole. The Tmstee willnol create subaecoullls within the Proceeds
Fund, but will keep records to account separately for proceeds of the Bonds allocable to thc
Local Agency's Note on deposit in the Proceeds Fund which shall constitute the Local Agency's
Procecds Subaccount.
Resolution Number 470ft::,
Section S.
SOUTce of Pa)'m~nt.
(A) The principal amount of the Note, together with thc interest thcreon, shall
be payable from taxes, income, revenue (including, but not limited to, revenue from the state and
fcdcral govell1ments), cash receipts and other moneys which are received by the Local Agcncy
for the gencral fund of the Local Agency and are attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and
which are available for payment thereof. As security for the payment of the principal of and
interest on the Note, the Local Agency hereby pledges certain unrestricted revenues (as
hereinafter provided, the "Pledged Revenues") which are received by the Local Agency for the
gcneral fund of the Local Agency and are attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000, and the
principal of the Note and the interest thereon shall constitute a first lien and charge thereon and
shall be payable from the first moneys received by the Local Agency from such Pledged
Revenues, and, to the extent not so paid, shall be paid from any other taxes, income, revcnue,
cash rcceipts and other moneys of the Local Agency lawfully available therefor (all as provided
for in Sections 53856 and 53857 of the Act). The tenn "unrestricted revenues" shall mean all
taxes, income, revenue (including, but not limited to, revenue from the state and federal
governments), cash receipts, and other moneys, intended as receipts for the general fund of the
Local Agency attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and which are generally available for the
paymenl of current expenses and other obligations of the Local Agency. The Noteholders,
Bondholders, Credit Provider and, if applicable, the Reserve Credit Provider shall have a first
lien and charge on such certain unrestricted revenues as hereinafter provided which are received
by the Local Agency and are attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000.
In order to effect thc pledge refercnced in the preceding paragraph, the Local
Agcncy hercby agrees and covenants to establish and maintain a special account within the Local
Agency's gcneral fund to be designated the "1999-2000 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note
Paymcnt Account" (the "Payment Account") and further agrees and covenants to maintain the
Payment Account until the payment of the principal of the Note and the interest thereon.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Local Agency elects to have Note proceeds invested in
Pennitlcd Investments to be held by the Trustce pursuant to the Pricing Conlinnation, a
subaccount of the Payment Account (thc "Payment Subaccount") shall be established for the
Local Agcncy under the Indenture and proceeds credited to such account shall be pledged to the
payment of the Note. The Trustee need not create a subaccount, but may keep a record to
account separatcly for proceeds of the Note so held and investcd by the Trustce which record
shall constitute the Local Agency's Proceeds Subaccount. Transfers from the Paymcnt
Subaccount shall bc made in accordance with the Indenture. The Local Agency agrees to
transfer to and deposit in the Payment Account the first amounts received in the months specified
in the Pricing Confirnlation as Repayment Months (each individual month a "Repayment
Month" and collectively "Repayment Months") (and any amounts received thereafter attributable
to Fiscal Year 1999-2000) until the amount on deposit in the Payment Account, togethcr with the
amount, if any, on deposit in the Payment Subaccount, is equal in the respective Repayment
Months identified in the Pricing Confinnation to the percentage of the principal and interest due
on the Note specified in thc Pricing Confinnation. In making such transfer and deposit, the
Local Agency shall not be required to physically segregate the amounts to be transferred to and
deposited in the Payment Account from the Local Agency's other general fund moneys, but,
notwithstanding any commingling of funds for investment or other purposes, the amounts
rcquired to be transferred to and deposited in the Payment Account shallneverthcless be subject
to the lien and charge created herein. Anyone of thc Authorized Representatives of the Local
Agency is hereby authorized to approve the deternlination of the Repayment Months and
percentages of the principal and interest due on the Note rcquired to be 011 deposit in the
Payment Account and/or the Payment Subaccount in each Repayment Month, all as specified in
the Pricing Confirmation, by executing and delivering the Pricing Confinnation, such execution
and delivcry 10 be conclusive evidence of approval by this Legislative Body and such Authorized
Representative; provided, however, that the maximum number of Repayment Months shall be six
and the mnimum amount of Pledged Revenues required to be deposited in each Repayment
Month shalloot exceed fifty percent (50%) of the aggregate principal and interest due on the
Note. In the event on the day in each such Repayment Month that a deposit to the Payment
Account is required to be made, the Local Agency has not received sufficient unrestricted
revenues to pamit the deposit into the Payment Account ofthc full amount of Pledged Revenues
to be dcposi'led in the Payment Account from said unrestricted revenues in said month, thcn the
amount of:my deficiency shall be satisfied and made up from any other moneys of the Local
Agency lawfully available for the payment of the principal of the Note and the interest thereon,
as and whem:sach other moneys are received or are otherwise legally available.
Resolution Numbe~;r~~
((B) Any moneys placed in the Payment Account or the Payment Subaccount
shall be fork benefit of (i) the holder of the Note and the holders of Bonds issued in connection
with the NlItIl:i;., (ii) (10 thc extent provided in the Indenture) the Credit Provider, if any, and (iii)
(to the extent provided in the Indenture and, if applicable, the Credit Agreement) the Reserve
Credit Provider, ifany. The moneys in the Payment Account and the Payment Subaccount shall
be applied only for the purposes for which such Accounts are created until the principal of the
Note and all interest thereon are paid or until provision has been made for the payment of the
pnncipal of the Note at maturity with interest to maturity (in accordance with thc requirements I
for defeasance of the Bonds as set forth in the Indenture) and, if applicable, (to the extent
provided in the Indenture and, if applicable, the Credit Agreement) the payment of all Predefault
Obligations and Reimbursement Obligations owing to the Credit Provider and, if applicable, the
Reserve Credit Provider.
(C) The Local Agency hereby directs the Trustee to transfer on the Note
Payment Deposit Date (as defined in the Indenture), any moneys in the Payment Subaccount to
the Bond Payment Fund (as defined in the Indenture). In addition, on the Note Payment Deposit
Date, the moneys in the Payment Account shall be transferred by the Local Agency to the
Trustee, to the extent necessary (after crediting any transfer pursuant to the preceding sentence),
to pay thc principal of and/or interest on the Note or to reimburse the Credit Providcr for
payments made under or pursuant to lhe Credit Instrument. In the event that moneys in the
Payment Account and/or the Payment Subaccount are insufficient to pay the principal of and
interest on the Note in full when due, such moneys shall be applied in the following priority:
first to pay interest on the Note; second to pay principal of the Note; third to reimburse the Credit
Provider for payment, if any, of interest with respcct to,the Note; fourth to reimburse the Credit
Provider for payment, ifany, of principal with respect to the Note; fifth to reimburse the Reserve
Credit Provider, if any, for payment, if any, of interest with respect to the Note; sixth to
reimburse the Reserve Credit Provider, if any, for paymcnt, if any, of principal with respect to
the Note; and seventh to pay any Reimbursement Obligations of the Local Agency and any of the
Local Agency's pro rata share of Predefault Obligations owing to the Credit Provider and
Reserve Credit Provider (i f any) as applicable. Any moneys remaining in or accming to the
Payment Account and/or the Payment Subaccount after the principal of the Note and the interest
thereon and any Predefault Obligations and Reimbursement Obligations, ifapplieable, have becn
paid, or proVision for such payment has been made, shall be transferred to the general fund of the
Local Agency, subject to any other disposition required by the Indenture, or, if applicable, the
Credit Agreement. Nothing herein shall be deemed to relieve the Local Agency from its
obligation to pay its Note in full on the Maturity Date.
(D) Moneys in the Proceeds Subaccount and in the Paymcnt Subaccount shall
be invested by the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture as directed by the Local Agency in
Pel1nitted Investments as described in and under the ternlS of the Indenture. Any such
investment by the Tmstee shall be for the account and risk of the Local Agency, and the Local
Agency shall not be deemed to be relieved of any of its obligations with respect to the Note, the
Predefault Obligations or Reimbursement Obligations, if any, by reason of such investment of
the moneys in its Proceeds Subaccount or the Payment Subaccount.
(E) At the written request of the Credit Provider, if any, or the Reserve Credit
Provider, if any, the Local Agency shall, within ten (10) Business Days following the receipt of
such written request, file such report or reports to evidence the transfer to and deposit in the
Payment Account required by this Section 8 and provide such additional financial infol11latiol1 as
may be required by the Credit Provider, if any, or the Reserve Credit Provider, if any.
Section 9. Execution of Note. Anyone of the Authorized Representatives of
the Local Agency or any other officer designated by the Legislative Body shall be authorized to
execute the Note by manual or facsimile signature and the Secretary or Clerk of the Legislative
Body o~ the Local Agency, or any duly appointed assistant thereto, shall be authorized to
countersign the Note by manual or facsimile signature. Said Authorized Representative of the
Local Agel~cy, is hereby authorized to cause the blank spaces of the Note to be filled in as may
be app.ropnate p~rsuant to the Pricing Confinnation. The Authorized Representative is hereby
authonzed and ~~rected to cause the Authority to assign the Note to the Trustee, pursuant to the
tenllS a.nd conditions of the Purchase Agreement, this Resolution and the Indenture. In case any
Authonzed Representativc whose signature shall appear on any Note shall cease to be an
Authorized Represcntative before the delivery of such Note, such signature shall nevertheless be
valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if such officer had remained in office until
dclivery. The Note need not bear the seal of the Local Agency, if any.
Resolution Number~7~~
Section 10. Intentionally Left Blank. This section has been included to
preserve the sequencc of scction numbers for cross-referencing purposes.
Section 11. Representations and Covenants of the Local Agency.
The Local Agency makcs the following representations for the benefit of the
holder of the Note, the owners of the Bonds, the Credit Provider, if any, and the Reserve Credit
Provider, ifany:
(A) The Local Agency is duly organized and existing under and by virtue of I
the laws of the State of Califomia and has all necessary power and authority to (i) adopt this
Resolution and perfornl its obligations thereunder, (ii) enter into and perfonn its obligations
under the Purchase Agreement, and (iii) issue the Note and perfoml its obligations thereunder.
(B) (i) Upon the issuance of the Note, the Local Agency shall have taken all
action required to be taken by it to authorize the issuance and delivery of the Note and the
perfomlance of its obligations thereunder, and (ii) the Local Agency has full legal right, power
and authority to issue and deliver the Note.
(C) The issuance of the Note, the adoption of the Resolution and the execution
and delivery of the Purchase Agreement, and compliance with the provisions hereof and thereof
do not conflict with, breach or violate any law, administrative regulation, court decree,
resolullon. charter, by-laws or other agreement to which the Local Agency is subject or by which
it IS bound.
(D) Except as may be required under blue sky or other securities laws of any
state or Section 3(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, there is no consent, approval, authorization
or other order of, or filing with, or certification by, any regulatory authority having jurisdiction
over the Local Agency required for the issuance and sale of the Note or the consummation by the
Local Agcncy of the other transactions contemplated by this Resolution, except those the Local
Agency shall obtain or perfonn prior to or upon the issuance of the Note.
(E) The Local Agency has (or will have prior to the issuance of the Note)
duly, regularly and properly adopted a preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 sctling
forth expected revenues and expenditures and has complied with all statutory and regulatory
requirements with respect to the adoption of such budget. The Local Agency hereby covenants
that it shall (i) duly, regularly and properly prepare and adopt its final budget for Fiscal Year
1999-2000, (ii) provide to the Trustee, the Credit Provider, if any, the Reserve Credit Provider, if
any, and the Financial Advisor and the underwriter, promptly upon adoption, copies of such final
budget and of any subscquent revisions, modifications or amendments thereto and (iii) comply
with all applicable laws pertaining to its budget.
(F) The sum of the principal amount of the Local Agency's Note plus the
interest payable thereon, on the date of its issuance, shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the
estimated amounts of the Local Agency's uncollected taxes, income, revenue (including, but not
limited to, revenue from the state and federal governments), cash receipts, and other moneys to
be received by the Local Agency for the general fund of the Local Agency attributable to Fiscal
Year 1999-2000, all of which will be legally available to pay principal of and interest on the
(G) The Local Agency (i) has not defaulted within the past twenty (20) years,
and is not cUlTently in default, on any debt obligation and (ii), to the best knowledge of the Local
Agency, has never defaulted on any debt obligation.
(1-1) The Local Agency's most recent audited financial statements present
fairly the financial condition of the Local Agency as of the date thereof and the results of
operation for the period covered thereby. Exccpt as has been disclosed to the Financial Advisor
and the underwriter, the Credit Provider, if any, and the Reserve Credit Provider, if any, there
has been no change in the financial condition of the Local Agency since the date of such audited
financial statements that will in the reasonable opinion of the Local Agency materially impair its
ability to perfonn its obligations under this Resolution and the Note. The Local Agency agrees
to furnish to the Authority, the Financial Advisor, the underwriter, the Trustce, the Credit
Provider, if any, and the Reserve Credit Providcr, if any, promptly, from time to time, such
information regarding the operations, financial condition and property of the Local Agency as
such party may reasonably request.
Resolution Numbe~~t'~
(I) There is no action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation, at law or in
equity, before or by any court, arbitrator, governmental or other board, body or official, pending
or, to the best knowledge of the Local Agency, threatened against or affecting the Local Agency
qucstioning the validity of any proceeding taken or to be taken by the Local Agency in
connection with the Note, the Purchase Agreement, the Indenture, the Credit Agreement, ifany,
the Reserve Credit Agreement, if any, or this Resolution, or seeking to prohibit, restrain or enjoin
the execution, delivery or performance by the Local Agency of any of the foregoing, or wherein
an unfavorable decision, ruling or finding would have a materially adverse effect on the Local
Agency's financial condition or results of operations or on the ability of the Local Agency to
conduct its activities as presently conducted or as proposed or contemplated to be conducted, or
would materially adversely affect the validity or enforceability of, or the authority or ability of
the Local Agency to perfornl its obligations under, the Note, the Purchase Agreement, the
Indcnture, the Credit Agrcemcnt, if any, the Reserve Credit Agreement, if any, or this
Resolution. .
(J) Upon issuance of the Note and execution of the Purchase Contract, this
Resolution, the Purchase Contract and the Note will constitute legal, valid and binding
agreements of the Local Agency, enforceable in accordance with their respective tenns, except
as such enforceability may be limited by bankruptcy or other laws affecting creditors' rights
gcnerally, the application of equitable principles if equitable remedies are sought, the exercise of
judicial dlscrction in appropriate cases and the limitations on legal remedies against local
agencies, as applicable, in the State ofCalifomia.
(K) The Local Agency and its appropriate officials have duly taken, or will
takc, all proceedings necessary to be taken by them, if any, for the levy, receipt, collection and
enforcement of thc Pledged Revenues in accordance with law for canying out the provisions of
this Resolution and the Note.
(L) The Local Agency shall not incur any indebtedness secured by a pledge of
its Pledged Revenues unless such pledge is subordinate in all rcspects to the pledge of Plcdged
Revenues hcreunder.
(M) So long as the Credit Provider, if any, is not in payment defaultundcr the
Credit Instrument or the Reserve Credit Provider, if any, is not in default under the
corresp'onding Reserve Credit Agreement, the Local Agency hcreby agrees to pay its pro rata
sharc of all Predefault Obligations and all Reimbursement Obligations attributable to the Local
Agency in accordance with provisions of the Credit Agreement, if any, the Reserve Credit
Agreement, if any, and/or the Indenture, as applicable. Prior to the Maturity Date, moneys in the
Local Agency's Payment Account and/or Payment Subaccount shall not be used to make such
payments. The Local Agency shall pay such amounts promptly upon receipt of notice from the
Credit Provider or from the Reserve Credit Provider, if applicable, that such amounts arc due to
(N) So long as any Bonds issued in connection with the Notes are
Outstanding, or any Predefault Obligation or Reimbursement Obligation is outstanding, the
Local Agency will not create or suffer to be created any pledge of or lien on the Note other than
the l>ledge and lien of the Indenture.
Section 12. Tax Covenants. (A) The Local Agency shall not take any action
or fail to take any action if such action or failure to take such action would adversely affect the
exclusion from gross income of the interest payable on the Note or Bonds under Section 103 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code''). Without limiting the gcnerality of the
foregoing, the Local Agency shall not make any use of the proceeds of the Note or Bonds or any
other funds of the Local Agency which would cause the Note or Bonds to be an "arbitrage bond"
within thc meaning of Section 148 of the Code, a "private activity bond" within the meaning of
Section 141 (a) of the Code, or an obligation the interest on which is subject to federal income
laxation because it is "fedcrally guaranteed" as provided in Section 149(b) of the Code. The
Local Agency, with respect to the proceeds of the Note, will comply with all requirements of
such sections of the Code and all regulations of the United States Department of the Treasury
issued or applicable thereunder to the extent that such requirements are, at the time, applicable
and in effect.
Resolution Number J./1o /p
(B) The Local Agency hereby (i) represents that the aggregate face amount of
all tax-cxempt obligations (including any tax-exempt leases, but excluding private activity
bonds), issued and to be issued by the Local Agency during calendar year 1999, including the
Note. is not reasonably expected to exceed $5,000,000; or. in the alternative. (ii) covenants that
the Local Agency will take all legally pennissible steps necessary to ensure that all of the gross
procecds of the Note will be expended no latcr than the day that is six months after the date of
issuance of the Note so as to satisfy the requirements ofSecllon 148(O(4)(B) of the Code.
(C) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Resolution to the contrary,
upon the Local Agency's failure to observe, or refusal to comply with, the covenants contained
in this Section 12, no one other than the holders or fonner holders of the Note, the owners of the I
Bond, the Credit Provider, if any, the Reserve Credit Provider, if any, or the Trustee on their
bchalf shall be entitled to exercise any right or remedy under this Resolution 011 the basis of the
Local Agency's failure to observe, or refusal to comply with, such covenants.
(D) The covenants contained in this Section 12 shall survive the payment of
Section 13. Events of Default and Remedies.
If any of the following events occurs, it is hereby defined as and declared to be
and to constitute an "Event of Default":
(A) Failure by the Local Agency to make or cause to be made the transfers and
deposits to the Payment Account, or any other payment required to be paid hereunder, including
payment of principal and interest on the Note, on or before the date on which such transfer,
deposit or other payment is due and payable;
(B) Failure by the Local Agency to observe and pcrfonn any covenant,
condition or agreement on its part to be observed or perfomled under this Resolution, for a
period of fifteen (15) days after written notice, specifying such failure and requesting that it be
remedicd, IS given to the Local Agency by the Trustee, the Credit Provider, if applicable, or the
Reserve Credit Provider, if applicable, unless the Trustee and the Credit Provider or the Reserve I
Credit Provider, if applicable, shall all agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its
(C) Any warranty, representation or other statcment by or on behalf of the
Local Agency contained in this Resolution or the Purchase Agreement (including the Pricing
Confinnation) or in any requisition or any financial report delivered by the Local Agency or in
any instrument furnished in compliance with or in reference to this Resolution or the Purchase
Agreement or in connection with the Note, is false or misleading in any material respect;
(D) A petition is filed against the Local Agency under any bankruptcy,
rcorganization, arrangcment, insolvency, readjustment of debt, dissolution or liquidation law of
any jurisdiction, whether now or hereafter in effect and is not dismissed within 30 days after
such filing, but the Trustee shall have the right to intervene in the proceedings prior to the
expiration of such thirty (30) days to protect its and the Bond Owners' (or Noteholders')
(E) The Local Agency files a petition in voluntary bankruptcy or seeking
relief under any provision of any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, insolvency,
readjustment of debt, dissolution or liquidation law of any jurisdiction, whether now or hereafter
in cffect, or consents to the filing of any petition against it under such law; or
(F) The Local Agency admits insolvency or bankruptcy or is generally not
paying its debts as such debts become due, or becomes insolvent or bankrupt or makes an I
assignment for the belie fit of crcditors, or a custodian (including without limitation a receiver,
liquidator or trustee) of the Local Agency or any of its property is appointed by court order or
takes possession thereof and such order remains in effect or such possession continues for more
than 30 days, but the Trustee shall have the right to intervene in the proceedings prior to the
expiration of such thirty (30) days to protect its and the Bond Owners' or Noteholders' interests.
Whenever any Event of Default refcrred to in this Section 13 shall have happened
and be continuing, the Trustee, as holder of the Note, shall, in addition to any other remedies
providcd herein or by law or under the Indenture, if applicable, have the right, at its option
without any further demand or notice, to takc one or any combination of the following remcdial
Resolution Number~~~
(I) Without declaring the Nole to be immediately due and payable, require the
Local Agency tp pay to the Trustee, as holder of the Note, an amount equal to the principal of the
Note and interest thereon to maturity, plus all other amounts due hereunder, and upon notice to
the Local Agency the same shall become immediately due and payable by the Local Agency
withoul further notice or demand; and
(2) Take whatever other action at law or in equity (except for acceleration of
payment on the Note) which may appear necessary or desirable to collect the amounts then due
and thereafter to become due hereunder and under the Note or to enforce any other of its rights
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Local Agency's No.te is secured in whole or
in part by a Credit Instrument (other than the Reserve Fund) or if the Credit Provider is
subrogated to rights under the Local Agency.'s Notc, as long as the Credit Provider has not failed
to comply with its payment obligations under the Credit Instrument, the Credit Provider shall
have the right to direct the remedies upon any Event of Default hereunder, and, not withstanding
the foregoing, if a Reserve Credit Instrument is applicable, as long as the Reserve Credit
Pl"Ovider has not failed to comply with its payment obligations under the Reserve Credit
Agreement, the Reserve Credit Provider shall have the right (prior to the Credit Provider) to
direct the remedies upon any Event of Default hereunder, in each case so long as such action will
not materially adversely affect the rights of any Bond Owner, and the Credit Provider's and
Reserve Credit Provider's (if any) prior consent shall be requircd to any remedial action
proposed to be taken by the Trustee hereunder.
If the Credit Provider is not reimbursed for any drawing, payment or claim, as
. applicable, uscd to pay principal of and interest on the Note due to a default in payment on the
Note by the Local Agency, or if any principal of or interest on the Note remains unpaid after the
Maturity Date, the Note shall be a Defaulted Note, the unpaid portion (including the interest
component, if applicable) thcrcof or the portion (including the interest component, if applicable)
to which a Credit Instrument applies for which reimbursement on a draw, payment or claim has
not been made shall be deemed outstanding and shall bear interest at the Default Rate until the
Local Agency's obligation on the Defaulted Note is paid in full or payment is duly provided for,
all subjcct to Section 8 hereof.
If the Credit Instrumcnt is the Reserve Fund and the Reserve Bonds are secured
by the Reserve Credit Instrument and all principal of and interest on the Note is not paid in full
by the Reserve Principal Payment Date, lhe Defaulted Note shall become a Defaulted Reserve
Note and the unpaid portion (including the interest component, if applicable) thereof (or the
portion thereof with respect to which the Reserve Fund applies for which reimbursement on a
DrawlIlg has not been fully made) shall be deemed outstanding and shall bear interest at the
Dcfaull Rate until the Local Agency's obligation on the Defaulted Reserve Note is paid in full or
payment is duly provided for, all subject to Section 8 hereof.
Section 14. Trustee. The Local Agency hereby directs and authorizes the
payment by the Trustee of the interest on and principal of the Note when such become due and
payable, from amounts rcceived by the Trustee from the Local Agency in the manner set forth
herein. The Local Agency hereby covenants to deposit funds in such account or fund, as
applicable, at the time and in the amount spccified herein to provide sufficient moneys to pay the
principal of and interest on the Note on the Note Payment Deposit Date. Payment of the Note
shall be in accordance with the tcnns of the Note and this Resolution.
Section IS. Sale of Note. The Note shall be sold to the Authority, in
accordance with the terms of the Purchase Agreement, hereinbeforc approved, and issued
payable to the Trustee, as assignee of the Authority.
Section 16. Intentionally Left Blank. This section has been included to
preserve the sequence of section numbers for cross-referencing purposes.
Section 17. Approval of Actions. The aforementioned Authorized
Rcprescntatives of the Local Agency are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Note and
calise the Trustee to accept delivery of the Note, pursuant to the ternlS and conditions of the
Purchasc Agrcement and the Indenture. All actions heretofore takcn by the officers and agents
of the Local Agency or this Legislative Body with respect to the sale and issuance of the Note
and participation in the Program are hereby approved, confirnled and ratified and the Authorized
Representatives and agents of the Local Agency are hereby authorized and directed, for and in
Resolution Number~t1~
the name and on behalf of the Local Agency, to do any and all things and take any and all actions
and execute any and all certificates, agreemcnts and other documents which they, or any of them,
may deem necessary or advisable in order to consummate the lawful issuance and delivcry of the
Note in accordancc with, and related transactions contemplated by, this Resolution. The
Authorized Representatives of the Local Agency referred to above in Section 4 hereof are hereby
designated as "Authorized Local Agency Representatives" under the Indcnture.
In the event that the Note or a portion thereof is secured by a Credit Instrument,
anyone of the Authorized Representatives of the Local Agency is hereby authorized and directed I
to provide the Credit Provider and, if applicable, the Reserve Credit Provider, with any and all
infonnation rclating to the Local Agency as such Credit Provider or Reserve Credit Provider may
reasonably request.
Section 18. Proceedings Constitute Contract. The provisions of the Note
and of this Resolution shall constitute a contract between the Local Agency and the registered
owner of the Note, and such provisions shall be enforceable by mandamus or any other
appropriate suit, action or proceeding at law or in equity in any court of competent jurisdiction,
and shall be irrcpealable. The Credit Provider, if any, and the Reserve Credit Providcr, if any,
are third party beneficiaries of the provisions of this Resolution and the Note.
Section 19. Limited Liability. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
containcd hcrein or in the Note or in any other documcnt mentioned herein or relatcd to the Note
or to any Series of Bonds to which the Note may be assigned, the Local Agency shall not have
any liability hereunder or by reason hereof or in connection with thc transactions contemplated
hcreby except to the extent payable from moneys available therefor as set forth in Section 8
Section 20. Amendments. At any time or from time to time, the Local
Agcncy may adopt one or more Supplemental Resolutions with the written consents of the
Authority, the Credit Providcr, if any, and the Reservc Crcdit Provider, if any, but without the
necessity for consent of the owner of the Note or of the Bonds issued in connection with the Note
for anyone or more of the following purposes:
(A) to add to the covenants and agreements of the Local Agency in this
Resolution, other covenants and agreements to be observed by the Local Agency which are not
contrary to or inconsistent with this Resolution as theretofore in effect;
(B) to add to the limitations and restrictions in this Resolution, other
limitations and restrictions to be observed by the Local Agcncy which are not contrary to or
inconsistent with this Rcsolution as theretofore in effect;
(C) to confinn, as further assurance, any pledge under, and the subjection to
any lien or pledge created or to be created by, this Resolution, of any monies, securities or funds,
or to establish any additional funds or accounts to be held under this Resolution;
(D) to cure any ambiguity, supply any omission, or cure or correct any defect
or inconsistent provision in this Resolution; or
(El to amend or supplement this Resolution in any other respect;
provided, however, that any such Supplemental Resolution does not adversely affect the interests
of the owners of the Note or of the Bonds issu~d in connection with the Notes.
Any modifications or amendment of this Resolution and of the rights and I
obligations of the Local Agency and of the owner of the Note or of the Bonds issued in
connection witllthe Note may be made by a Supplemental Resolution, with the written consents
of the Authority, the Credit Provider, ifany, and the Reserve Credit Provider, ifany, and with the
writtcn consent of the owners of at least a majority in principal amount of the Note and of the
Bonds issued in connection with the Note outstanding at the time such consent is given;
provided, IllOWever, that if such modification or amendment will, by its tenns, not take effect so
long as the Note or any Bonds issued in connection with the Note remain outstanding, the
consent of the owners of such Note or of such Bonds shall not be required. No such
REsolution Number ~~t,
modification or amendment shall permit a change in the maturity of the Note or a reduction of
the principal amount thereof or an extension of the time of any payment thereon or a reduction of
the rate of interest thereon, or a change in the date or amounts of the pledge set forth in this
Rcsolution, without the consent of the owners of such Note or the owners of all the Bonds issued
in connection with the Note, or shall reduce the percentage of the Note or Bonds the consent of
the owners of which is required to effect any such modification or amendment, or shall change or
modify any of the rights or obligations of the Trustee without its written assent thereto.
Section 21. Severability. In the event any provision of this Resolution shall be
held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not
invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof.
Section 22. Appointment of Bond Counsel. The law firnl of Orrick,
HelTington & Sutcliffe LLP, Los Angeles, California is hereby appointed as Bond Counsel for
the Program. The Local Agency acknowledges that Bond Counsel regularly perfonns legal
services for many private and public entities in connection with a wide variety of matters, and
thai Bond Counsel has represented, is representing or may in the future represent other public
entities, underwriters, trustees, rating agencies, insurers, credit enhancement providers, lenders,
financial and other consultants who may have a role or interest in the proposed financing or that
may be iflYolved with or adverse to Local Agency in this or some other matter. Given the
special, limited role of Bond Counsel described above the Local Agency acknowledges that no
conflict of interest exists or would exist, waives any conflict of interest that might appear to
exist, and consents to any and all such relationships.
Section 23. Appointment of Financial Advisor and Underwriter. Sutro &
Co. Incorporated, Los Angeles, California is hereby appointed as financial advisor for the
Program. Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc., together with such co-undcrwriters, if any, identified in
the Purchase Contract, is hereby appointcd as underwriter for the Program.
Section 24. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its
date of adoption.
Section 25. Resolution Parameters.
Name of Local Agency: CITY OF SEAL BEACH
(B) Maximum Amount of BOlTowing: TWO MILLION DOLLARS
(C) Authorized Representatives:
1. City Manager
2. Director of Administrative ServieeslTreasurer
3. City Clerk
Resolution Number 410ft:,
of Seal Beach at
/A'#.. day of
NIIOWing vote:
and ADOPTED by the city Council of the
a re r meeting thereof held on the
, 1999 by the
I, Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach,
California, do hereby certify that the for~oi~ Resolution
is the original copy of Resolution Number "" on file in
the office of the City Clerk, passed, approved and adopted
by the city Council of the city of Seal Beach~ regular
meeting thereof held on the 7~~ day of 1"
Resolution Number #O~
Interest Rate
Maturity Date
Date of
Original Issue
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the Local Agency designated above (the "Local
Agency"), acknowledgcs itself indebted to and promises to pay to the registered owner identified
above, or registered assigns, on the maturity datc set forth abovc, the principal sum specified
above in lawful money of the United States of America, and to pay interest thereon [on
, 1999 and] at maturity at the rate of interest specified above (the "Note Rate").
Principal of and interest on this Note are payable in such coin or currency of the United States as
at the time of payment is Icgal tender for payment of private and public debts. Principal and
interest at maturity shall be paid upon surrender hereof at the principal corporate trust office of
U.S. TllIst Company of California, N.A. in Los Angcles, California, or its successor in trust (the
"Trustee"). Inte'rest shall be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year, consisting of twelve 30-
day months. Both the principal of and interest on this Note shall be payable only to the
registered owner hereof as the same shall fall due; provided, however, no intercst shall bc
payable for any period after maturity during which the holder hereof fails 'to properly prcscnt this
Notc for payment. If the Local Agency fails to pay this Note when due or the Credit Provider (as
defined in the Resolution hereinafter described and in that certain Indenture of Trust, dated as of
1,1999 (the "Indenture"), by and betwcen the California Statewide Communities
Dcvelopment Authority and U.S. Trust Company of California, N.A., as trustee), if any, is not
reimburscd in full for the amount drawn on or paid pursuant to the Credit Instrument (as defined
in the Resolution and thc Indenture) to pay all or a portion (including the interest component, If
applicable) of this Notc on the date of such payment, this Note shall become a Defaulted Note
(as defincd in the Resolution and the Indenture and with the consequences set forth in the
Resolution and the Indenture, including, without limitation, that this Note as a Defaulted Note
(and any related reimbursement obligation with respect to a credit instrument) shall bear interest
at the Default Rate, as defined in the Indenture). .
It is hereby certified, recited and declared that this Note represents the authorized
issuc of the Note in the aggregate principal amount authorized, executed and delivered pursuant
to and by authority of certain resolutions of the Local Agency duly passed and adopted
heretofore, under and by authority of Article 7.6 (commencing with Section 53850) of Chapter 4,
Part 1, Division 2, Tille 5 of the Califomia Government Code (collectively, the ~'Resolution"), to
all of the provisions and limitations of which the owner of this Note, by acceptance hereof,
assents and agrees.
:'Ifmorc than one Series of Bonds is issued under the Program 111 Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and iflhe Note
IS pooled with notes issued by other Issuers (as defined 111 the ResolutIOn).
The principal of the Note, together with the interest thereon, shall be payable from
taxes, income, revenue, cash receipts and other moneys which are received by the Local Agency
for the gcneral fund of the Local Agency and are attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000 and
which arc available for payment thercof. As security for the payment of the principal of and
interest on the Note, thc Local Agency has pledged the first amounts of unrestri9ted revenues of
the Local Agency received on the last day of and (and any amounts
received thereafter attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000) until the amount on deposit in the
Paymenl Account (as defined in the Resolution), together with available amounts, if any, on
deposit in the Payment Subaccount (as defined in the Resolution) in each such month, is equal to
the corresponding percentages of principal of and interest due on the Note as set forth in the
Pricing Confinnation (as defined in the Resolution) (such pledged amounts being hereinafter:...
Resolution Number l/1~
called the "Pledged Revenues"), and thc principal of the Note and the interest thereon shall
constitute a first lien and charge thereon and shall be payable from the Pledged Revenues, and to
thc - extent not so paid shall be paid from any other moneys of the Local Agency lawfully
available therefor as set forth in the Resolution. The full faith and credit of the Local Agency is
not pledged to the payment of the principal of or interest on this Note.
The Local Agency and the Trustee may deem and treat the registered owner
hereof as the absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving payment of or on account of
principal hereof and interest due hercon and for all other purposes, and the Local Agency and the I
Trustee shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary.
It is hereby certified that all of the conditions, things and acts required to exist, to
have happened and to have been perfornled precedent to and in the issuance of this Note do exist,
have happened and have been perfonned in due time, fornl and manner as required by the
Constitution and statutcs of the State of California and that the amount of this Note, together
with all other indebtedness of the Local Agency, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the
Constitution or statutes of the State of California.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Legislative Body of the Local Agency has caused
this Note to be executed by the manual or facsimile signature of a duly Authorized
Representative of the Local Agency and countersigned by the manual or facsimile signature of
the Secretary or Clerk of the Legislative Body as of the date of authentication set forth below.
THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "Purchase Agreement"), dated as of the
purchase date (the "Purchase Date") specified in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof,
entcred IIlto by and between the signatory local agency designated in Exhibit A (the "Local
Agency") and the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (the "Authority"), for
the sale and dclivery of the principal amount specified in Exhibit A of the Local Agency's 1999-
2000 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note (the "Note") to be issued in conjunction with the notes of
other Issuers (as hercinafter defined) participating in the Program (as hereinafter defined), as
detcnnined in the Pricing Confinnation (as hereinafter defined), pooled with notes of other Issuers
and assigncd to secure a series (the "Series") of bonds (the "Bonds") designated in Exhibit A;
WHEREAS, local agencies are authorized by Sections 53850 to 53858, both
inclusive, of the Govenunent Code of the State of California (the "Act") (being Article 7.6, Chapter I
4, Part I, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Codc) to borrow money by the issuance of
temporary notes;
WHEREAS, the legislative body of the Local Agency (the "Legislative Body") has
heretofore adopted its resolution finding that the Local Agency needs to bOITOW funds in its fiscal
year ending June 30, 2000 ("Fiscal Year 1999-2000") in the principal amount set forth in Exhibit A
and that it is necessary that said sum be bOlTowed at this time by the issuance of a note therefor in
anticipation of the receipt of taxes, income, revenue, cash receipts and other moneys to be received
by thc Local Agency during or attributable to Fiscal Year 1999-2000;
Resolution Numbe~O~
WHEREAS, on the resolution date set forth in Exhibil A, lhc Local Agency
adopted (as specified in Exhibit A> a resolution or resolutions (collectively or singularly, as
applicable, the "Resolution") authorizing the issuance and sale of the Note in the name and on
behalfofthc Local Agency;
WHEREAS, the Local Agency has detemlined that it is in the best interests of the
Local Agency to participate in the Califomia Communities Cash Flow Financing Program (the
"Program"), whereby participating local agencies (the "Issuers") will simultaneously issue tax and
revenue anticipation promissory notes for purchase by the Authority;
WHEREAS, under the Program, the Authority will fonn one or more pools of
notes (the "Pooled Notes") and assign cach note to a particular pool (the "Pool") and sell a Series of
Bonds secured by each Pool pursuant to an indenture, dated as of July I, 1999 (the "Indenture"), by
and between the Authority and U.S. Trust Company, N.A. (the 'Trustee"), and sell each such Series
to Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, as representative of the underwriters of the Program
(collectively, the "Underwriter");
WHEREAS, if so indicated in Exhibit A, the payment by the Local Agency of its
Note will be secured in whole or in part (jointly, but not severally, with notes of the other
participating Issuers assigned to the same Series of Bonds) by a letter of credit, policy of insurance,
proceeds received from a separate bond issue issued by the Authority for such purpose (the
"Reserve Fund") or other credit instrument (collectively, the "Crcdit Instmment") to be Issued by
thc entity or entities designated in Exhibit A as the credit provider (the "Credit Provider");
WHEREAS, such Credit Instrument may be issued pursuant to a reimbursement
agrcement, commitment lettcr, indenture or olher agreement (lhe "Credit Agreement") as identified
in Exhibit A;
WHEREAS, in ordcr to participate in the Program, the Local Agency has agreed to
be responsible for its share of the fees and expenses of the Trustce, and, if applicable, the Credit
Provider and the costs of issuing the Bonds, and the costs, if applicable, of issuing the Credit
Instrumcnt, which anticipated fees, expenses and costs of issuance will be deducted from the
purchase price set forth in Exhibit A and which unanticipated fees, expenses and costs of issuance
will be billed to the Local Agency as the same may arise;
WHEREAS, the costs of issuance which will be deducted from the purchase price
set forth in Exhibit A for the Local Agency shall not exceed one percent (I %) of the principal
amount of each Note; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Program, the Authority is submitting this offer to
purchase the Note pursuant to this Purchase Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:
Scction I. Obligation to Pu rchase. Upon the tenns and conditions and in
reliancc upon the rcpresentations, warranties and agreements set forth herein, the Authority shall
purchase from the Local Agency, and the Local Agency shall sell to the Authority, the Note, as
dcscribcd hcrcin and in the Rcsolution.
Scction 2. Purchase Price. The purchase price of the Note shall be thc
pllrchasc pricc set forth in the pricing eonfinnation attachcd hcreto as Exhibit A (the "Pricing
Confinnation"). The Note shall bear interest fit an interest rate per annum set forth in the Pricing
Confinnation, which is hereby agreed to by and between the Authority and the Local Agency by
its duly authorized representative executing this Purchase Agreement on behalf of the Local
Section 3. Adjustments to Principal Amount of Note and Purcbase Price.
The Authority and the Local Agency hereby agree that the principal amount of the Note
purchased by the Authority and sold to the Authority by the Local Agency pursuant to this
Purchase Agreement may be reduced, as detennined by the Authority and each Local Agency,
based upon the advice of OlTick, HelTington & Sutcliffe LLP ("Bond Counsel"), in order that the
Resolution Number41IJ /P
proceeds produced from such sale of such Note will be an amount which will not be subject to
cither (i) yield restriction (in order for interest to be excluded from gross income under Section
103 of the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code")) or (ii) a rebate requirement
(under Scction 148 of the Code), The Authority and the Local Agency hereby further agree that
the purchase price of the Note shall be reduced as a result of any reduction of the principal
amount of the Note required by this section.
Section 4. Delivery of and Payment for the Note. The dclivery of the Note
(the "Closing") shall take place at 8:00 a.m., Califomia time, on the closing date set forth in the
Pricing Confinnation or at such other time or date as may be mutually agreeable to the Local
Agency, the Authority and the Underwriter, at the Los Angeles office of Orrick, Herrington &
Sutcliffe LLP or such other place as the Local Agency, the Authority and the Underwriter shall
mutually agree. At the Closing, the Local Agency shall cause the Note to be delivered to the
Authonty, duly executed and authenticated, together with the other documents hereinafter
mcntioncd, and the proceeds of the purchase price of the Note set forth in thc Pricing
Confinnation shall be deposited in an amount indicated in the Pricing Confinnation as the
Deposit to Proceeds Fund which shall be hcld by the Trustee for the Local Agency and the
remainder in the Costs of Issuance Fund held thereunder.
If at any time prior to 90 days after the Closing Date, any event occurs as a result of
which infonnation relating to the Local Agency included in the official statement of the Authority
relating to the Series of Bonds to which the Note is assigned (the "Omcial S,tatement") contains an
untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state any material fact necessary to make the
statements therein in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, the
Local Agcncy shall promptly notify the Authority and the Underwriter thereof, and if, in the
opinion of the Authority or the Underwriter, such event requires thc preparation and publication of
a supplement or amendment to the Official Statement, the Local Agency shall cooperate with the
Authority and the Underwriter in the preparation of an amendment or supplement to the Official
Statement in a fonn and in a manner approved by the Authority and the Underwriter, and all
reasonablc cxpcnses incurred thereby shall be paid by the Local Agency.
Section 5. - The Note. The Note shall be issued in substantially the form set
forth in thc Resolution, without coupons in the full principal amount set forth in Exhibit A.
Section 6. Representations and Warranties of the Local Agencv. The
Local Agency represents and warrants to the Authority and the Underwriter that:
(a) All representations and warranties set forth in the Resolution are true and
correct on the date hereof and are made for the benefit of the Authority and the Underwriter as if
set forth herein.
(b) The infornlation relating to the Local Agency included in the Official
Statement does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material
fact necessary to make the statements therein in light of the circumstance under which thcy were
n;ade not misleading.
(c) A copy of the Resolution has been delivered to the Authority and the
Underwriter, and the Resolution will not be amended or repealed without the consent of the
Authority and the Underwriter, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
(d) The Local Agency acknowledges that the Authority is authorizcd to
exccute the Indenture, to assign the Note to the Trustee under the Indenture and to issue the I
Series of Bonds pursuant to the Indenture.
(e) The Local Agency shall provide the required Payment Account Deposit
Certification (upon a request therefor) in accordance with Section 5.06 of the Indenture.
(0 The Local Agency has not issued and will not issue any obligation or
obligations, other than the Note, to finance the working capital deficit for which the Note is being
Resolution Number~t' ~
Section 7.
Closing are as follows:
Conditions Precedent to the Closing. Conditions prccedent to the
(a) The execution and delivery of the Note consistent with the Resolution.
(b) Delivery of a legal opinion addressed to the Local Agency (with a reliance
lettcr addrcssed to the Authority and the Underwriter), dated the date of closing of B.ond Counsel
with respect to the validity of the Note in fornl and substancc acceptable to the Authority and the
(c) Delivcry of a legal opinion, dated the date of Closing, of counsel to the
Local Agcncy, with respect to the due authorization, execution and delivery of the Note, in fornl
and substance acceptable to Bond Counsel.
(d) Approval by the Credit Provider of the credit of the Local Agency and
inclusion of thc Local Agency's Note in the assignment, togcther with notes of other Issuers, to a
Scries of Bonds. to sccure the Series of Bonds, which approval in the evcnt the Credit Instrument
is the Rcscrve Fund shall be evidenced by the issuance of an "SP-l+" rating with respect to the
applicable Series of Bonds by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services..
(c) Delivery of each certificatc, document, insirumcnt and opinion required by
thc agrecment betwecn the Authority and the Underwritcr for the sale by the Authority and
purchase by the Underwriter of the Series of Bonds to which the Pooled Note is assigned.
<0 Delivery of such other certificates, instruments or opinions as Bond
Counsel may deem necessary or desirable to evidence the due authorization, execution and
dclivery of documents pertaining to this transaction and the legal, valid and binding nature
thereof or as may be required by the Crcdit Agreement, as well as compliance of all parties with
the tenllS and conditions thereof.
Section 8. Events Permitting the Authority to Terminate. The Authority
may tenninate its obligation to purchase the Note at any time before the Closing if any of the
following occurs:
(a) Any legislative, executive or regulatory action (including the introduction
of Icgislation) or any court decision which, in thc judgment of the Authority, casts sufficient
doubt on the legality of obligations such as the Note, and the tax-excmpt status of interest on
obligations such as the Bonds, so as to impair materially the marketability or to reduce materially
thc markct price of such obligations;
(b) Any action by the Securities and Exchange Commission or a court which
would require registration of the Note, the Bonds or any instrument securing the Note or Bonds
under thc Sccuritics Act of 1933, as amended, in connection with the public offering thercof, or
qualification of the Resolution or the Indcnturc under the Trust Indenturc Act of 1939, as
(c) Any restriction on trading in securities, or any banking moratorium, or the
inccption or escalation of any war or major military hostilities which, in the judgment of the
Authority, substantially impairs the ability of the Underwriter to markct the Bonds; or
(d) The Underwriter tenllinates its obligation to purchase thc Series of Bonds
to which the Note is assigncd pursuant to its agreement with the Authority for the purchase of
such Series of Bonds.
Neither the Underwriter nor the Authority shall be responsible for the payment of
any fees, costs or expenses ofthc issuance, offering and sale of the Local Agency's Note except the
Underwriter shall be responsible for California Debt and Invcstment Advisory Commission fces
and for its own intcmal costs. The fees, costs and expenses that are catcgorizcd in the "Costs of
Issuance" definition in the Indenture shall be paid from the Costs of Issuance Fund. The Local
Agency shall pay any additional costs allributable to it as set forth in the Rcsolution other than the
fces, costs and expenscs so payable from the applicable Costs of Issuance Fund.
Resolution Number~l'~
Section 9. Indemnification. To the extent pennitted by law, the Local
Agency agrees to indcmnify and hold harnlless the Authority and the Undcrwriter and each
person, if any, who controls (within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended. or of Section 20 of the Securities Act of 1934, as amended) the Authority or the
Underwriter, and the officers, directors, agents and employees of the Authority and the
Underwriter against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expenses arising out of
any statcment or infonnation in the Preliminary Official Statement or in the Official Statement
(other than statemcnts or infornlation regarding an Issuer othcr than the Local Agency) that is
untrue or incorrect in any material respect or the omission or alleged omission therefrom of any
statemcnt or information (othcr than statements or infornlation regarding an Issuer other than the I
Local Agcncy) that should be stated therein or that is necessary to make the statements and
infomlationthcrcinnot misleading in any material respect.
Section 10. Credit Agreement. The Local Agency shall comply with all
lawful ami proper rcquests of the Authority in order to enablc the Authority to comply with all of
the terms, conditions and covcnants binding upon it under the Credit Agreement.
Section 11. Notices. Any notices to be given to the Underwriter under the
Purchase Agrccmcnt shall be given in writing to Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, Attcntion:
555 Califol1ua Strect, Suite 2200, San Francisco, CA 94104. Any notices to bc given to the
Authority undcr the Purchase Agreement shall be given in writing to the Authority,
1100 "K" Street, Suite 101, Sacramento, CA 95814, Attcntion: Secretary. Any notices to be
givcn to thc Local Agency shall be givcn in writing to the address specified in Exhibit A.
Section 12. No Assignment. The Purchase Agreement has been made by the
Local Agency and the Authority, and no person other than thc Local Agency and the Authority
or their succcssors or assigns and the Underv.:riter shall acquire or have any right under or by
virtue of the Purchase Agrecment. All of the representations, warranties and agreements
contained in the Purchase Agrecment shall survive the delivcry of and payment by the Authority
for the Notc and any ternlination of the Purchase Agreement.
Section 13. AI)plicablc Law. The Purchase Agreement shall be intcrpreted,
governcd and cnforccd in accordance with the laws of the State of California.
Section 14. Effectiveness. The Purchase Agrecmcnt shall become effcctive
upon the execution hereof by thc Authority and exccution of the Pricing Confinnation by the
Local Agcncy, and thc Purchase Agrecment, including the Pricing Confinnation, shall bc valid,
binding and cnforceable from and after the time of such effectiveness.
Section IS. Severability. In the evcnt any provision of the Purchase
. Agreemcnt shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such
holding shall not invalidate or render uncnforceablc any other provision hereof.
Section 16. Headings. Any hcadings preceding thc text of scveral sections
hereof shall be solely for conveniencc of rcfercnce and shall not constitute a part of this
Agreement. nor shall they affcct its meaning, construction or effect.
Section 17. Execution in Counterparts. This Purchase Agreement may be
executed and cntered into in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and
all of which shall constitute but onc and the same instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Purchase Agreement
to be executcd by their duly authorized representatives as of the Purchase Date set forth in Exhibit
A attached hereto and incorporatcd herein.
Member of the Commission
of the Authority
Resolution Number~;1t?~
Pricing Confinnation Supplement
Pricil/g II/forma/iol/
Pnnclpal Amount of Note:
Interest Rate on Note:
( )
( )
Re-Offcnng Yield:
Purchase Price
Default Rate:
Purchase Pnce:
Less: Cost of Issuance: _%
Credit Enhancement: _'Yo
DeposJl to Note Proceeds Account:
Impm'/al// Dates
Resolution Date of Local Agency:
Purchase Date:
Closing Date:
Matunty Date:
Interest Payment Datc(s):
Note Payment Deposit Date:
First Pledge Month Ending:
Pledge Amount:
Pledge Percentage:
Second Pledge Month Endlllg:
Pledge AmOllnt:
Pledge Percentage:
/1I1'e!it",ellt Agreelllellt /"/0"'''01;011
OIC ProvIder
Long Term Ratings (S&P/Moody's)
Short Tenn Credit Ratings (S&P/Moody's)
Interest Rate on OIC
. By initialing the box at the end of this paragraph, the undersigned Local Agency
certifies that, in connection with the issuance of the Note under the Resolution and after reasonable
inquiry, it is the reasonable expectation of the Local Agency that the aggregate' amollnt of all
tax-exempt obligations (excluding private activity bonds) issued or to be issued by the Local
Agency during the 1999 calendar year, including the Note, all other notes and bonds, and all
tax-exempt leascs, executed or delivered during the 1999 calendar year will not exceed $5,000,000
(See Seclion3.8 oflhe Celiificale oflhe Local Agency iflhe Local Agcncy is unable to make this
certification). 0
Investment Alternative - Initial the appropriate box relating to the investment of
proceeds rcccived from the issuance and delivery oflhe Local Agency's Note:
Resolution Number~70&'
One Box
Yes, thc undersigncd directs the Trustce to invest the
proceeds received from the issuance and delivery of the
Local Agency's Note in the Guaranteed Investment
Contract described on page A-I. (Do not wire the
proceeds as previously directed in Section 4.7 of the
Certificate of the Local Agency.)
No, do not invest the proceeds received from the issuance
and dclivery ofthe Local Agency's Note in the
Guaranteed Investment contract, wire the proceeds as
directed in Section 4.7 ofthc Ccrtificate of the Local No
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc Purchase Agreement, including this Pricing
Confinnation, is agreed and accepted to on the Purchase Date set forth above.
Authorized Representative
. Please initial the box !2!J..!.)! if applicable to the Local Agency.