HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 4582 1997-11-24 RESOLUTION NUMBER~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH AMENDING THE COMPENSATION PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT AND MID-MANAGMENT EMPLOYEES I WHEREAS, an updated salary range schedule has been developed and attached as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, adjustments for placement of managment and mid-managment positions on the updated salary range schedule are shown in Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach to approve an amendment to the terms and conditions of employment for management and mid-management employees attached as an Exhibit to this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED a meeting thereof held on the 1997 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembe I NOES: ABSENT: Councilmember In STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) I, Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, California, do. ~e~certifY that the foregoing resolution is the original copy of Resolution Number ~s. n file in the office of the City Clerk, passed, approved and adopted by t~ity Council of the City ~j,Ch ~.meeting thereof held on the;;<' - day of ~.L/) , 1997. I Resolution Numbe~l?~ I Executive ManagementlMid-Management Position Classifications City Manager Assistant to City Manager Director of Administrative Services Director of Development Services Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services Director of Public Works/City Engineer Police Chief I Administrative Assistant Lifeguard Captain Police Captain I Resolution ~ t: lD I x w C .. 'ti .. :iE - .. '" ... .. :iE ... o .c .. .J .... o ;/I _ 0 c_ .. E:a &:!:: .. := C.r:. .. u :iE .. 'tl l!! ~ 0 .,1- C . .. 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ESSENTIAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS - Essential responsIbilities and duties may include, but are not limited to, thefollowmg: Essential Functions: . Assume full management responsibility for all City operations including administrative services, community development, public works, law enforcement, recreation and redevelopment agency programs; recommend and administer policies and procedures. . Direct the development and implementation of the City's goals, objectives, policies and priorities. . Establish, within City policy, appropriate service and staffing levels; monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; allocate resources accordingly. . Plan, direct and coordinate, through management staff, the work plan for the City; assign projects and programmatic areas of responsibility; review and evaluate work methods and procedures; meet with management staff to identifY and resolve problems. . Assess and monitor work load, administrative support systems and internal reporting relationships, identifY opportunities for improvement . Select, motivate and evaluate personnel; resolve personnel concerns and issues, maintain the City's labor relations program. . Oversee the development and administration of the City budget; approve the forecast of funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials and supplies; approve expenditures and implement budgetary adjustments as appropriate and necessary . Oversee redevelopment agency operations and activities; devise methods to implement strategies for revitalization within the City. . Explain, justifY and defend City programs, policies and activities; negotiate and resolve sensitive and controversial issues. . Represent the City to all departments and outside agencies; coordinate City activities with those of other cities, counties and outside agencies and organizations. . Provide staff assistance to the City Council; prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence. . Provide staff support to assigned boards and commissions. . Attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay. abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of public. administration and management. . Respond to media inquiries, City Council concerns and issues and community needs. . Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive citizen inquiries and complaints. . Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. Resolution Number~ OUALIFICATJONS: Knowledl!e of: Operations, services and activities of a municipality. Advanced principles and practices of public administration. Principles and practices of program development and administration Principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration. Principles and practices of personnel administration. Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Principles of business Ictter writing and report preparation. Rules and regulations governing public meetings. Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. I Ability to: Plan, organize and direct the work oflower level staff. Select, supervise, train and evaluate staff. Delegate authority and responsibility. Lead and direct the operations, services and activities of a municipality. Identify and respond to community and City Council issues, concerns and needs. Develop and administer, departmental goals, objectives and procedures. Prepare clear and concise administrative and financial reports. Prepare and administer large and complex budgets. Analyze problems, identifY alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement recommendations in support of goals. Research, analyze and evaluate new service delivery methods and techniques. Interpret and apply Federal, State and local policies, laws and regulations. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Ability to: I Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING GUIDELINES Any combmatlOn of experience and trammg that would likely prOVide the required knowledge and abIlitIes IS qualifYmg A typical way to obtam the knowledge, and abllihes would be: Exoerience: Seven years of increasingly responsible experience in municipal government, including five years of administrative and supervisory responsibility Traininl!. Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in public administration, business administration or a related field. A Master's degree in public administration or a closely related field is desirable. I I I I Resolut':bon Numbe#~.z CITY OF SEAL BEACH ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER Class specificallOn. are inlended 10 preselll a descripllve I1sl oflhe range of dulles performed by employees in Ihe class SpecificallOlI.. are 1101 inlellded 10 reflecl all dulies performed wllhin Ihe Joh. DEFINiTION To perform a variety of responsible professional, analytical and administrative work in a variety of City program areas, to provide responsible staff assistance to the City Manager; and to perform a varicty of tasks relative to assigned area of responsibility. SUPERVISiON RECEiVED AND EXERCiSED Receives general direction from the City Manager. May exercise technical supervision over professional, technical and clerical staff. ESSENTIAL FUNCTiON STATEMENTS: EssentIal respunslbl/lties and dUlles may melude, bl/I are nol/ullited 10, the followmg: , · Conduct detailed studies, analyze data and prepare complex reports as required for a wide variety of special projects · Perform lcgislative analysis and research, prepare reports and recommendations. · Oversee City's filming production activities. including marketing, public relations and ensuring compliance with City regulations; bill for services; coordinate City staff involvement as needed. · Oversee cable television franchise agreement; act as cable tv franchise authority, serve as public advocate, responding to public questions and other related matters as necessary. · Represcnts the City to other governmental agencies and outside urganizations; provide information and assistance. · Respond to media inquiries, City Council concerns, and to scnsitive inquiries, requests and complaints from the public. MARGINAL FUNCTIONS: · Perform any related duties and responsibilities as required. · Liaison with Cable TV Foundation Board as needed. OUALlFiCATIONS: Knowlede:e Of: Operations, serviccs and activities of a municipality. Advanced principles and practices of public administration. ]Jrineiples and practiccs of program development and administration. Principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration Principles and practices of cable franchise administration. Rules and regulations governing public mectings. Principles of busincss lctter writing and report prcparation. Abilitv To; Analyze, research and make recommendations for City's cable television franchise. Prepare clear and concise administrative reports. Resolution 'NUmber~l?~ Analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain efTective working relationships with those contacted in the course of WOJ k. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. EXPElUENCE AND Tl{AINING GUIDELINES Any cOlllblllatlOn of experience and training that wuuld I1kely proVide the required knowledge and abllllres IS qllalt'/ylIlg. A typIcal way to ubtalllthe knowledge and abIlities would be: Expel'ience: Five years of increasingly responsible experience in municipal government. Trailiinl! Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in public administration or a closely-related field. I I I I I I Resolution NUmb~6'.2, CITY OF SEAL BEACH DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Class specificatIOns are Intended to present a descriptive li.<t of the range of dutIes performed by employees in the class. SpecIficatIOns are no/intended to reflect all duties performed within the Job DEFINiTION To plan, direct, manage and oversee the activities and operations ofthe Administrative Services Department including accounting, budgeting, purchasing and risk management; to serve as the Treasurer of the City; to coordinate assigned activities with other City departments and outside agencies; and to provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Manager. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general administrative direction from the City Manager. Exercises direct supervision over finance and accounting staff. ESSENTIAL AND MARGINAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS -- Essential and other Important responSIbilities and duties may include. but are not limited to, the following. Essential Functions: . Assume full management responsibility for all Administrative Services Department programs and activities, including budget preparation and monitoring, accounting, financial planning, treasury, payroll and purchasing; recommend and administer policies and procedures. . Oversee and participate in development and administration of City's annual budget including preparation of City's budget instruction manual; approve the forecast offunds needed for staffing, equipment, materials and supplies; approve expenditures and implement budgetary adjustments as appropriate and necessary. . Develop and update the City's long-term financial plan including forecasts, trend analyses, reserve analyses and financial analyses for the City. . Manage the development and implementation of goals, objectives, policies and priorities for assigned service area. . Establish, within City policy, appropriate service and staffing levels; monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; allocate resources accordingly. . Perform special projects on behalf of the City Manager involving coordination of the City's executive team. . Assess and monitor work load, administrative and support systems and internal reporting relationships; identify opportunities for improvement, direct and implement changes. . Select, train, motivate and evaluate personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline and termination procedures. . Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive citizen inquiries and complaints; assists the public and City staff by providing information and research assistance. . Attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the finance and accounting field. Resolution Number~ · Represent" the Administrative Services Department to other City departments, ejected officials and outside agencies, coordinate activities with those of other departments and outside agencies and organizations. · Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. OUALIFICATIONS Knowledl!e of: Operations, services and activities of a comprehensive administrative services program including the disciplines of finance and accounting. Principles and procedures of financial recordkeeping and reporting. Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration. Modern office procedures, methods and computer equipment. Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations I Ability to: Manage, direct and coordinate the work of assigned staff Select, supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. Delegate authority and responsibility Lead and direct the operations, services and activities of the Administrative Services Department. IdentifY and respond to community and City Council issues, concerns and needs Develop and administer departmental goals, objectives and procedures. Abilitv to: Prepare and administer the City budget. I Recommend and implement goals and objectives for providing effective, efficient services. Analyze problems, identifY alternative solutions, projcct consequences of proposed actions and implement recommendations in support of both goals. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work including City and other government officials, community groups, the general public and media representatives. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING GUIDELINES Any combination of experience and traimng that would likely provide the reqUIred knowledge and abllllles is qualifjl/ng A typical way to obtam the knowledge. and abilities would be. EXDerience: Six years of increasingly responsible experience in municipal public administration, accounting or finance including three years of administrative and supervisory experience. Education: Equivalent to a BAlBS degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in accounting, business a~ministration or a related field. License or Certificate: Possession of a valid driver's license. I I I I Resolution Number~~~ CITY OF SEAL BEACH DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Class .vpecificatlOns are Intended to present a deSCriptive list of the range of duties performed by employees in the class. Specifications are not Intended to reJlect all duties performed within the job. DEFINITION To plan, direct, manage and oversee the activities and operations of the Development Services Department including planning, code enforcement, building inspection and safety activities; to coordInate assigned activities with other City departments and outside agencies; and to provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Manager. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general administrative direction from City Manager Exercises direct supervision over professional, technical, clerical and contract staff. ESSENTIAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS: Essential responsibilities and dutieS may Include, but are not limited 10, the follOWing: Essential Functions: . Assume full management responsibility for all program services and activities including planning, code enforcement, building inspection and safety activities, recommend and administer policies and procedures. . Manage the development and implementation of department goals, objectives, policies and priorities for each assigned service area. · Recommend, within City policy, appropriate service and staffing levels; monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; allocate resources accordingly. . Plan, direct and coordinate, through subordinate level staff, the Development Services Department's work plan; assign projects and programmatic areas of responsibility; review and evaluate work methods and procedures; meet with management staff to identifY and resolve problems. . Assess and monitor work load, administrative and support systems and internal reporting relationships; identifY opportunities for improvement; direct and implement changes. · Select, train, motivate and evaluate department personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline and termination procedures . Oversee and participate in the development and administration of the Development Services Department budget; manage cost recovery and time accounting efforts; approve the forecast of funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials and supplies; approve expenditures and implement budgetary adjustments as appropriate and necessary. · Represent the Development Services Department to elected officials and outside agencies; coordinate activities with those of other departments and outside agencies and organizations. · Provide staff assistance to City Manager; participate on a variety of boards, commissions and committees, prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence and provide staff support to assigned boards and commissions. . Respond to media inquiries, City Council concerns and issues, inquiries, requests and complaints from the public Resolution Number~~~ . Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. OUALIFlCA TIONS Knowledl!e Of: Operations, services and activities of a comprehensive municipal planning, building safety and code enforcement program. Principles and practices of conducting building and safety inspection. Methods and techniques of building code enforcement. Principles and practices of program development and administration. Principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration Principles of business letter writing and report preparation Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Modern office procedures, methods and equipment. Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations, including CEQA. I Ability To: Develop and administer departmental goals objectives and procedures. Lead and direct the operations, services and activities of the Development Services Department. Plan, organize, direct and coordinate the work oflower level staff. Prepare clear and concise administrative reports. and financial reports Analyze problems, identifY alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement recommendations in support of goals. Prepare and administer municipal budget. Research, analyze and evaluate new service delivery methods and techniques. Interpret and apply Federal, State and local policies, laws and regulations governing general plans, zoning, code enforcement and building inspections. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Respond tactfully, clearly, concisely and appropriately to inquiries from the public, press or other I agencies on sensitive issues in area of responsibility. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING GUIDELINES Any combmatlOn ofexpenence and training that would likely provide the required knowledge and abi/1I1es is qualifying. A typical way 10 oblam the knowledge and abil1lies would be: Exoerience: Six years of increasingly responsible experience in community planning, development or code enforcement, including three years of administrative and supervisory responsibility. Traininl!' Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in urban planning, public administration or related ficld I I I I Resolution Numbe~-?- . . CITY OF SEAL BEACH DIRECTOR OF PARKS. RECREA nON & COMMUNITY SERVICES Class .vpecificatlOns are IIItended 10 present a de.vcriptive list of the range of dulies performed by employees In Ihe class. Specifications are nol Intended to reJlecl all dutIes performed within the Job. DEFINITION To plan, direct, manage and oversee the activities and operations of the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department; to coordinate assigned activities with other City departments and outside agencies; and to provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Manager. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general administrative direction from the City Manager. Exercises direct supervision over management, supervisory, professional, technical and clerical staff. ESSENTIAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS - Essenlial and other imporlanl responslbililies and duties may include, bill are not limited to the followmg: Essential Functions: . Assume full management responsibility for all departmental services and activities including parks and public grounds maintenance and operations; recommend and administer policies and procedures. . Manage the development and implementation of Parks, Recreation & Community Services Departmental goals, objectives, policies and priorities for each assigned service area. · Establish, within City policy, appropriate service and staffing levels, monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures, allocate resources accordingly. . Plan, direct and coordinate, through subordinate level managers, the Parks, Recreation and Community Service Department's work plan; assign projects and program areas of responsibility; review and evaluate work methods and procedures; meet with management staff to identify and resolve problems. · Assess and monitor work load, administrative and support systems and internal reporting relati~nships; identifY opportunities for improvement; direct and implement changes · Select, train, motivate and evaluate assigned personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies, implement discipline and termination procedures. Essential Functions: · Oversee and participate in the development and administration of the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department budget; approve the forecast of funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies, approve expenditures and implement budgetary adjustments as appropriate and necessary. · Plan, organize and direct the City's parks, greenbelts, right-of-ways and urban forest maintenance programs; administer maintenance contracts through subordinate staff. · Assure acceptable levels of maintenance including mowing, trimming, pest control, fertilization and other maintenance factors; assure the on-going maintenance and repair of playground and other public use equipment, sidewalks, bike trails and other public access rights-of-way. Resolution NUrober~~ . Explain, justify and defend Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department programs, policies and activities; negotiate and resolve sensitive and controversial issues. . Represent the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department to other City departments, elected officials and outside agencies; coordinate Parks, Recreation & Community Services activities with those of other departments and outside agencies and organizations. . Provide staff assistance to the City Manager; participate on a variety of boards, commissions and committees; prepare staff reports and other necessary correspondence. . Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive citizen inquiries and complaints. . Attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of recreation and parks administration. . Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. OUALlFlCA TIONS Knowledl!e Of: Operations, services and activities of a comprehensive parks and recreation program. Recreation program planning methods and techniques. Principles of park improvement and recreational facilities maintenance. Landscape and park maintenance, principles and practices. Principles and practices of program development and administration. Principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration. Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. Abilitv to: Plan, organize, direct and coordinate the work of lower level staff. Select, supervise, train and evaluate staff Delegate authority and responsibility. Lead and direct the operations, services and activities of the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department. Identify and respond to community and City Council issues, concerns and needs. Develop and administer departmental goals, objectives and procedures. Prepare clear and concise administrative and financial reports. Prepare and administer large and complex budgets. Analyze problems, identifY alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement recommendations in support of goals. Research, analyze and evaluate new service methods and techniques. Interpret and apply Federal, state and local policies, laws and regulations. Communicate clearly and concisely both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. I I EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING GUIDELINES Any combinatIOn of experience and training Ihal would likely provide the reqlllred know/edge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to oblain Ihe knowledge and abilities would be: Exnerience: Six years of increasingly responsible experience in parks maintenance and I recreation program development and implementation, including three years of administrative and supervisory responsibility. TrainiJ12: Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in recreation administration, physical education, park/urban forest management or a related field A Master's Degree in Public Administration is desirable. I I I Resolution Number~~ , . CITY OF SEAL BEACH POLICE CHIEF Class specification., are inlended /0 present a descriptIVe lis/'of/he ronge of dulles peiformed by employees in the class. Specifications are nol inlended 10 reflecl all duties performed within the Job. DEFINITION To plan, direct, manage and oversee the activities and operations of the Police Department including the City's law enforcement and crime prevention divisions; to coordinate assigned activities with other City departments and outside agencies; and to provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Manager. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general administrative direction from the City Manager. Exercises direct supervision over management, supervisory, professional, technical and clerical staff. ESSENTIAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS -- Essenllal duties and responsibill/les may Include, bill are nollimlled to. the following: Essential Functions: . Assumes full management responsibility for all Police Department services and activities including law enforcement, crime prevention, patrol, arrest and detention oflaw violators and regulation of traffic; recommend and administer policies and procedures. . Manage the development and implementation of Police Department goals, objectives, policies and priorities for each assigned service area · Establish, within City policy, appropriate service and staffing levels; monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; allocate resources accordingly. . Plan, direct and coordinate, through subordinate level managers, the Police Department's work plan; assign projects and programmatic areas of responsibility; review and evaluate work methods and procedures; meet with management staff to identifY and resolve problems. . Assess and monitor work load, administrative and support systems and internal reporting relationships; identifY opportunities for improvement; direct and implement changes. Essential Functions: · Select, train, motivate and evaluate Police Department personnel, provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline and termination procedures. . Oversee and participate in the development and administration of the Police Department budget, approve the forecast of funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials and supplies; approve expenditures and implement budgetary adjustments as appropriate and necessary. · Represent the Police Department to other City departments, elected officials and outside agencies; coordinate Police Department programs, policies and activities; negotiate and resolve sensitive and controversial issues. . Provide staff assistance to the City Manager and City Council; participate on a variety of boards, commissions and committees; prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence. Resolution Number~~~ · Participate as a member of Oversight Committe for Westcom (tri-city joint dispatching operation). · Attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field oflaw enforcement. · Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive citizen inquiries and complaints. · Review and analyze reports, legislation, court cases and related matters; prepare the initial responses for legal actions I · Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. OUALlFICA nONS: Knowledl!e of: Operations, services and activities of a comprehensive municipal law enforcement program. Law enforcement theory, principles and practices and their application to a variety of services. Technical and administrative methods of crime prevention and law enforcement. Use of firearms and other modern police equipment Recent court decisions and how they affect department and division operations. Principlcs and practices of program devclopment and administration. Principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration. Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. Ability to: Manage, direct and coordinate the work oflaw enforcement staff. I Select, supervise, train and evaluate law enforcement staff Lead and direct operations, services and activities of the Police Department. IdentifY and respond to COlTImUnity and City Council issues, concerns and needs. Develop and administer department goals, objectives and procedures. Interpret and apply Federal, State and local policics, laws and regulations. Act quickly and calmly in emergencies. Research, analyze and evaluate new service delivery methods and teclmiques. Analyze problems, identifY alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement recOlmnendations in support of goals. Prepare and administer large and complex budgets Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work including City and other government officials, community groups, the general public and mcdia representatives. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING GUIDELINES Any combinalion of experience and training Ihat would likely provide Ihe reqllired knowledge and abilities is qualifYing. A typical way to oblain Ihe knowledge. and abilllies wvuld be: Exoerience: Six years of increasingly responsible law enforcement experience including three years of administrative and supervisory responsibility Education: Equivalent to a BAlBS degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in administration of justice, business administration, criminal justice, public administration or a related field. I License or Certificate: Possession of, or ability to obtain within two years, a P.O.S.T. Executive certificate. Possession of a valid driver's license. Resolution Numbe~58 Z CITY OF SEAL BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER Class ..pec,flcations are ,ntended to present a deSCriptive Ii.,! of the range of duties performed by employees III the class. SpecificallOns are nol inlended 10 reflecl all dulies performed lVithllllhe Job. I DEFINITION: To pl~n, direct, manage and oversee the activities and operations of the Public Works Department including engineering services and inspections, building, street and sewer maintenance activities and contract administration; to coordinate assigned activities with other departments and outside agencies; and to provide highly responsible and complex administrative support to the City Manager. I I SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED: Receives general administrative direction from the'City Manager Exercises direct supervision over supervisory, professional, technical and clerical staff. ESSENTIAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS - essential responsib1lil1es and duties may Include, bill are not limited to, Ihe following: Essential Functions: . Assume full management responsibility for all department services and activities including engineering services and inspections, building, street and sewer maintenance activities and contract administration; recommend and administer policies and procedures. . Manage the development and implementation of departmental goals, objectives, policies and priorities for each assigned service. . Establish, within City policy, appropriate service and staffing levels, monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and .procedures; allocate resources accordingly . Plan, direct and coordinate, through subordinate level staff, the Public Works Department's work plan; assign projects and programmatic areas of responsibility, review and evaluate work methods and procedures; meet with key staff to identifY and resolve problems. . Effectively articulate city visions, mission and goals with team members, co-workers and customers; support a clear, customer-focused vision. . Prepare a variety of engineering reports, legal descriptions, contracts and correspondence. Essential Functions: . Assess and monitor work load, administrative and support systems, and internal reporting relationships, identifY opportunities for improvement; direct and implement changes. . Develop and coordinate the formulation oflong-range planning including financial and Capital Improvement Plans. . Administer and coordinate engineering design, contract administration surveying, inspection, property management and construction of public and private projects. . Supervise, administer and coordinate departmental contracted services. . Oversee various City maintenance activities including those for City parks, streets, buildings, beach & pier, traffic signals, vehicle fleet program, storm drains, sewers and wastewater collection systems. . Select, train, motivate and evaluate assigned personnel; provide or coordinate staff training, work with employees to correct deficiencies, implement discipline and termination procedures. . Oversee and participate in the development and administration of the department budget; approve the forecast offunds needed for staffing, equipment, materials and supplies; approve expenditures and implement budgetary adjustments as appropriate and necessary. . Explain, justifY and defend department programs, policies and activities; negotiate and resolve sensitive and controversial issues. Resolution Numbe~;2. . Represent the Public Works Department to other departments, elected officials and outside agencies, coordinate assigned activities with those of other departments and outside agencies and organizations. . Provide staff assistance to the City Manager; participate on a variety of boards, commissions and committees; prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence . Attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of engineering and public works administration. . Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive citizen inquiries and complaints. . Perform related duties and responsible as required. OUALlFICATIONS I Knowledl!e of: Operations, services and activities of a comprehensive public works and engineering program. Principles and practices of civil engineering. Operations and services of a public works maintenance program. Methods, techniques, materials and equipment utilized in public works construction projects Principles and practices of program development and administration. Principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration. Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. Ability to: Manage and direct a comprehensive public works and engineering program Develop and administer departmental goals, objectives and procedures. Analyze and assess programs, policies and operational needs and make appropriate adjustments. IdentifY and respond to sensitive community and organizational issues, concerns and needs. Plan, organize, direct and coordinate the work of lower level staff Delegate authority and responsibility. Select, supervise, train and evaluate staff. I Analyze problems, identifY alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement recommendations in support of goals. Research, analyze and evaluate new service delivery methods and techniques. Administer and coordinate engineering design, surveying and inspection. Supervise, administer and coordinate departmental contracted services. Prepare clear and concise administrative and financial reports. Prepare and administer large and complex budgets. Interpret and apply applicable Federal, State and local policies, laws and regulations. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING GUIDELINES: Any combination of experience and training thai would likely provide the reqUired knowledge and abilities IS qltalifjllng A typu;al way to obtain the knowledge and abi/mes would be: Exoerience: Six years of increasingly responsible civil engineering or public works administration experience including three years of management and administrative responsibility. Traininl!: Equivalent to a BacheJor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in civil engineering or a related field. I License or Certificate: Possession of registration as a professional civil engineer in the State of California. Possession of a valid driver's license. Resol::p.tion Number#~.:?4 CITY OF SEAL BEACH ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Cla.,s specificatIOns are intended 10 presenl a descriptive list oflhe range of duties performed by employees In the cia.'''. SpecIficatiOns are not illlended to reflect all dutIes performed within the job. I DEFINITION To perform a variety of duties in support of the City's human resource functions including classification, employee recruitment and labor negotiations; to provide a variety of administrative support to the City Manager; to provide information and assistance to the general public and City employees; and to perform a variety of administrative tasks relative to assigned area of responsibility. I I SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCiSED Receives direction from the City Manager. May exercise functional and technical supervision over lower level clerical staff. E~SENTJAL AND MARGINAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS--Essential and olher lmporlanl responsibilities and duties may Include, but are not limited 10, the follOWing. Essential Functions: . Perform a variety of duties in support of the City's human resource functions including classification, employee recruitment and labor negotiations. . Administer the City's employee benefits programs including group life, health and disability insurance and deferred compensation programs; respond to inquiries from employees regarding benefit programs and eligibility. . Maintain confidential personnel files and records including documentation of transfers, salary and other related information. . Coordinate, prepare and distribute the City Council and Redevelopment Agency agendas and supporting documents. . Serve as a City representative on negotiation teams for various employee associations; provide staff assistance during meet and confer processes; prepare reports. . Conduct classification surveys; compile survey data and results, recommend modifications to policies and procedures as appropriate. . Participate in coordinating recruitment efforts; prepare and coordinate advertising materials and develop and implement testing procedures. . Attend a variety of meetings, prepare presentation materials for meetings, take, transcribe and maintain official minutes for meetings; disseminate information to City staff . Provide responsible, complex and confidential secretarial support to the City Manager; type and proofread a wide variety of complex and confidential reports, letters, memoranda and statistical charts; independently prepare correspondence, type from rough draft or verbal instruction, take and transcribe dictation; maintain confidential records. . Serve as the liaison between the City and outside organizations; provide information and assistance . Screen office and telephone callers; respond to complaints and requests for information on regulations, procedures, systems and precedents relating to assigned responsibilities, resolve citizen inquiries and complaints. Marl!inal Functions: . Assist with the preparation of the annual budget; compile and input budget data, submit budget recommendations for office supplies and equipment. . Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. Resolution NUmbe~ 2, OUALIFICATIONS Knowledl!e of: Principles and practices of human resources management including recruitment, classification and labor negotiations. Principles and procedures of employee benefit administration Modern office procedures, methods and equipment including a computer. Business letter writing and report preparation I Principles and procedures of filing and record keeping. English usage, spelling, grammar and punctuation Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and ordinances. Ability to: Provide human resources management services including recruitment and labor negotiations IdentifY and respond to employee inquiries, complaints, concerns and needs. Maintain accurate and confidential employee files. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Interpret and apply City policies, procedures, laws and regulations relating to assigned activities. Understand the organization and operation of the City and of outside agencies as necessary to assume assigned responsibilities. Perform responsible and difficult secretarial work involving the use of independent judgment and personal initiative. Independently perform the most difficult administrative support services Independently prepare correspondence and memoranda. Operate and use modern office equipment including a computer. Type at a speed necessary for successful job performance. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. I EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING GUIDELINES Any combmation of experience and Iraining thai would likely prOVide the reqUIred knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way 10 oblam Ihe knowledge and abililles would be: Exnerience: Three years of increasingly responsible secretarial experience including some experience in human resource administration. Traininl!: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade supplemented by specialized secretarial training and college level course work in business administration, human resources or a related field. WORKING CONDITIONS Environmental Conditions: Office environment; exposure to computer screens, contact with City employees. Physical Conditions: Essential and marginal functions require maintaining physical condition necessary for walking, standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time; operating office equipment including a I computer. Resolution , Numbe~8.z CITY OF SEAL BEACH LIFEGUARD CAPTAIN Class specifications are Intended to present a descriplive list of the range of dulles perfomled by employees in the class. Specifications are not Intended to reflect all duties performed within Ihe Job. I DEFINITION To supervise, plan and coordinate marine safety activities and operations, including daily lifeguard operations and education programs; to coordinate assigned activities with other divisions, outside agencies and the general public; and to provide higWy responsible and complex staff assistance to the Director of Public Works. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general direction from Director of Public Works Exercises direct supervision over lower level marine safety staff ESSENTIAL AND MARGINAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS - EssentIal and other important responsibilities and duties may mclude, but are not limited 10 the following: Essential Functions: ' . Direct the organization, staffing and operational activities related to beach operations, daily lifeguard activities and education programs I . Participate in the development and implementation of goals, objectives, policies and priorities; identifY resource needs; recommend and implement policies and procedures. . Recommend, train, motivate and evaluate assigned personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; review ocean and lifeguarding techniques. . Coordinate assigned activities with those of other divisions and outside agencies and organizations; provide staff assistance to assigned management staff; prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence. . Oversee the operations of the Junior Lifeguard Program; monitor and evaluate program activities and expenditures. . Coordinate rescue, medical aid and law enforcement efforts with other departments and outside agencies . Oversee the operations of the beach parking lots; monitor and evaluate program activities and expenditures. . Perform routine patrols of the beach; respond to and resolve complaints and inquiries. Marl!inal Functions: I · Perform any related duties and responsibilities as required. OUALlFICA TIONS Knowlede:e Of: Operational characteristics, services and activities of a comprehensive marine safety program. Lifesaving and first aid techniques. Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. Resolution NUmber~ Methods and equipment used in marine rescue and medical aid operations. Methods, tools, equipment and materials used to maintain lifeguard headquarters and anciIlary equipment. Recent developments, current literature and sources of information related to beach operations and services. Modern office procedures, methods and computer equipment Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation Abilitv to: I Manage, direct and coordinate the work of marine safety staff. Select, supervise, train and evaluate staff. Respond to emergency situations in a calm and effective manner. Oversee and direct the operations, services and activities of the Lifeguard Division. Develop and administer division goals, objectives and procedures. Interpret and explain City and departmental policies and procedures. Analyze problems, identifY alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement recommendations in support of goals. Meet and communicate with the public tactfully and effectively. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING GUIDELINES Any combination of expenence and traming Ihal would likely provide the reqmred knowledge and abilities is qualifymg. A tYPical way 10 oblam the knowledge and abilities would be: Exoerience: Five years of increasingly responsible marine safety experience including three years of supervisory and administrative responsibility. I . Traininl!. Equivalent to a Associate of Art's degree from an accredited college or university wjth major course work in recreation administration, marine biology, public administration or a related field License or Certificate Possession of a valid driver's license. Possession of Red Cross First Aid and CPR Instructor Certificate Possession of a SCUBA diving certificate. Possession of an EMT Certificate WORKING CONDITIONS' Environmental Conditions: Beach and ocean environment; exposure to the sun; work near or in water. Physical Conditions: I Essential and marginal functions require maintaining physical condition necessary for swimming, running, walking, crouching or crawling during emergency operations, walking, standing or sitting for extended periods of time and operating assigned motorized equipment and vehicles. I I I Resol~tion Number~~~ CITY OF SEAL BEACH POLICE CAPTAIN Class speCificatIOns are inlended to present a descripllve list of the range of duties performed by employees III the class. Specificalions are not intended to reflect all duties performed withm Ihe job. DEFINITION To plan, direct, manage and oversee the activities and operations of a Division within the Police Department, to assist the Police Chief with planning and research, budget preparation, internal affairs and other personnel issues, and to coordinate assigned activities with other City departments and outside agencies. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives direction from the Police Chief. Exercises direct supervision over professional, technical and clerical staff. ESSENTIAL AND MARGINAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS -- Essenlial and olher imporlant responsibilities and dillies may mclude, bill are not limlled 10, the following: Essential Functions: . Assist in the management of all services and activities of the Police Department, including planning and research, budget preparation, personnel issues; and internal affair investigations. . Participate in the development and implementation of Police Department goals, objectives, policies and priorities for each assigned service area. . Monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures; allocate resources accordingly. · Plan, direct and coordinate, the work plan for the Division needs, assign projects and programmatic areas of responsibility; review and evaluate work methods and procedures, meet with management staff to identifY and resolve problems. . Select, train, motivate and evaluate assigned Police Department personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline and termination procedures . Participate in the development and administration of the Police Department budget; approve the forecast of funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials and supplies; approve expenditures and implement budgetary adjustments as appropriate and necessary. . Represent the Police Department to other City departments, elected officials and outside agencies; coordinate Police Department programs, policies and activities; negotiate and resolve sensitive and controversial issues. . Provide staff assistance to the Police Chief; participate on a variety of boards, commissions and committees; prepare and present staff reports and other necessary correspondence. · Attend and participate in professional group meetings, stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field oflaw enforcement. . Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive citizen inquiries and complaints. · Review and analyze reports, legislation, court cases and related matters, prepare the initial responses for legal actions. Resolution NumberJ/58.2. . Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. OUALIFICATIONS: Knowledl!e of: Operations, services and activities of a comprehensive municipaIlaw enforcement program. Law enforcement theory, principles and practices and their application to variety of services. . Use offjrearms and other modern police equipment. Recent court decisions and how they affect department and division operations. Principles and practices of program development and administration. Principles and practices of municipal budget preparation and administration Principles of supervision, training and performance evaluation. Pertinent Federal, State and local laws, codes and regulations. I Ability to: Manage, direct and coordinate the work of assigned staff. Select, supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. Lead and direct operations, services and activities of the Police Department. Develop and administer department goals, objectives and procedures. Interpret and apply Federal, State and local policies, laws and regulations. Act quickly and calmly in emergencies. Research, analyze and evaluate new service delivery methods and techniques. Analyze problems, identifY alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions and implement recommendations in support of goals Prepare and administer large and complex budgets Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of I work including City and other governnlent officials, community groups, the general public and media representatives. Experience and Trainina Guidelines Any combination of experience and training that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge, and abilities would be: Exoerience: Six years of increasingly responsible law enforcement experience including three years of administrative and supervisory responsibility. Education: Equivalent to a BAlBS degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in administration of justice, business administration, criminal justice, public administration or a related fjeld. License or Certifica te: Po~session of, or ability to obtain within two years, P.O S.T. Executive certificate. Possession of valid driver's license. Workinl! Conditions: Environmental Conditions: Office environment; exposure to computer screens. I Physical Conditions: Essential and marginal functions require maintaining physical condition necessary for sitting for prolonged periods of time. City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA 2.5DI. Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Resolution NUmber~~~ I Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Tille PerIod Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 ~tep5 - lA Hourly 789 8.28 8.70 913 959 B.-monthly 684.00 71800 754.00 791.50 831.00 Monthly 1,368 1,436 1,508 1,583 1,682 Annual 16,416 17,232 18,096 18,996 19,944 lB Hourly 793 832 874 918 9.64 B~monthly 68700 721.50 757 50 795 50 83516 Monthly 1,374 1,443 1,515 1,591 1,670 Annual 16,488 17,316 18,180 19,092 20,044 lC Hourly 7.97 837 8.79 9.22 9.68 B,-monthly 690 50 725 00 761.50 799 50 83933 - Monthly 1,381 1,450 1,523 1,599 1,679 Annual 16,572 17,400 18,276 19,188 20,144 10 Hourly 8.01 8.41 883 927 973 Bi-monthly 694.00 728.50 765.00 803 50 843 53 Monthly 1,388 1,457 1,530 1,607 1,687 Annual 16,656 17,484 18,360 19,284 20.245 lE Hourly 805 8.45 8.87 9.32 9.78 B,-monthly 69750 732 50 769 00 80750 847.75 Monthly 1,395 1,465 1,538 1,615 1,695 Annual 16,740 17,580 18,456 19,380 20,346 2A Hourly 809 8.49 892 936 9.83 Bi-monlhly 701.00 736 00 773.00 811.50 852 00 Monthly 1,402 1,472 1,546 1,623 1,704 Annual 16,824 17,684 18,552 19,476. 20,448 2B Hourly 813 853 896 9.41 988 B~monthly 704.50 739.50 77650 81550 856 26 Monthly 1,409 1,479 1,553 1,631 1,713 Annual 16.908 17,748 18.636 19,572 20,550 2C Hourly 817 858 901 946 9.93 B'-monthly 708 00 743 50 780.50 819.50 880 54 Monthly 1,416 1,487 1,561 1,639 1.721 Annual 16,992 17.844 18,732 19,668 20,653 20 Hourly 8.21 862 905 950 9.98 Bi-monthly 71150 74700 784.50 823 50 864.84 Monthly 1,423 1,494 1,569 1,647 1,730 Annual 17,076 17,928 18,828 19,764 20,756 2E Hourly 825 867 910 955 1003 B,-monthly 715.00 75100 788.50 828.00 86917 Monthly 1,430 1,502 1.577 1,656 1,738 Annual 17,180 18,024 18.924 19,872 20,860 3A Hourly 830 871 914 960 1008 Bi-monthly 71900 755.00 792.50 832.00 873.50 Monthly 1,438 1.510 1,585 1,684 1,747 Annual 17,256 18,120 19,020 19,988 20,964 3B Hourly 833 875 918 9.65 1013 B.-monthly 7Z2 00 758 00 796 00 836 00 877 87 Monthly 1,444 1,516 1,592 1,672 1,756 Annual 17,328 18,192 19,104 20,064 21,069 3C Hourly 837 879 9.23 9.69 10.18 Bi-monthly 725 50 762 00 800 00 840.00 882.26 Monthly 1,451 1,524 1,600 1,680 1,765 Annual 17.412 18,288 19.200 20,160 21,174 3D Hourly 842 8.84 928 974 10.23 B~monthly 729 50 766 00 804.50 844.50 886.67 Monthly 1.459 1,532 1.609 1,689 1,773 Annual 17,508 18,384 19,308 20,268 21,280 3E Hourly 846 888 932 979 10.28 Bi-monthly 73300 769.50 80800 848.50 89110 Monthly 1,466 1,539 1,616 1,697 1,782 Annual 17,592 18,468 19,392 20,364 21.386 4A Hourly 850 893 937 984 1033 Bi-monthly 737 00 774.00 81250 85300 895.50 Monthly 1.474 1.548 1,625 1,706 1.791 Annual 17,688 18,576 19,500 20,472 21 ,492 I City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table - Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 4B Hourly 854 8.97 9.42 989 10.38 8i-monthly 74000 m.oo 81600 857.00 899 98 Monthly 1,480 1,554 1,632 1,714 1,BOO Annual 17,760 18,648 19,584 20,568 21,599 4C Hourly 859 902 947 9.94 10.44 B~monthly 744.50 781.50 820.50 86150 904 48 Monthly 1,489 1,563 1,641 1,723 1,809 Annual 17,868 18,756 19,692 20,676 21,707 40 Hourly 8.62 906 9.51 999 1049 8~monthly 747.50 785.00 824.50 865 50 909 00 Monthly 1,495 1,570 1,649 1,731 1,818 Annual 17,940 18,840 19,788 20,772 21,816 4E Hourly 867 9.10 956 1004 1054 Bi-monthly 751.50 789 00 828.50 870 00 913.54 Monthly 1,503 1,578 1,657 1,740 1,827 Annual 18,036 18,936 19,884 20,880 21,925 SA Hourly 8.72 916 961 1009 1059 Bi-monthly 755 50 793.50 833 00' 87450 91800 Monthly 1,511 1,567 1,666 1,749 1,836 Annual 18,132 19,044 19,992 20,988 22,032 5B Hourly 875 9.19 9.65 1014 10.86 Bi-monthly 758.50 796.50 836.50 878 50 922 59 Monthly 1.517 1,593 1.673 1,757 1,845 Annual 18,204 19,116 20,076 21,084 22,142 5C Hourly 880 9.24 970 10.19 1070 Bi-monthly 763 00 801.00 84100 883.00 92:120 Monthly 1,526 1,602 1,682 1,766 1,854 Annual 18,312 19,224 20,184 21,192 22,253 50 Hourly 884 929 975 10.24 1075 B~monthly 766.50 805 00 84500 887.50 931.84 Monthly 1,533 1,610 1,690 1,775 1,864 Annual 18,396 19,320 20,280 21,300 22,364 5E Hourly 889 933 980 1029 10.81 Bi-monthly 770.50 809 00 84950 89200 936 50 Monthly 1,541 1,618 1,699 1,784 1,873 Annual 18,492 19,416 20,388 21,408 22,476 SA Hourly 8.94 9.38 985 1034 1086 B~monthly 77450 81300 853.50 896.00 94100 Monthly 1,549 1,626 1,707 1,792 1,882 Annual 18,588 19,512 20,484 21,504 22,584 6B Hourly 8.97 9.42 989 10.39 1091 BI-monthly m.5O 81650 857 50 900 50 94571 Monthly 1,555 1,633 1,715 1,801 1,691 Annual 18,660 19,596 20,580 21,612 22,697 6C Houri)' 9.02 947 995 1044 1097 BI-monthly 782 00 82100 862 00 90S 00 950 43 Monthly 1,564 1,642 1,724 1,810 1,901 Annual 18,768 19,704 20,688 21,720 22,810 60 Hourly 906 952 9.99 10.49 1102 Bi-monthly 785.50 825 00 86600 909 50 95519 Monthly 1,571 1,650 1,732 1,819 1,910 Annual 18,852 19,800 20.784 21,828 22,924 6E Hourly 911 957 10.04 10.55 1108 B~monthly 789.50 829.00 870 50 91400 95996 Monthly 1.579 1,658 1,741 1,828 1,920 Annual 18,948 19,896 20,892 21,936 23,039 7A Hourly 916 9.62 10.10 1060 11.13 Bi-monthly 794 00 833.50 875 00 91850 964 50 Monthly 1,588 1,667 1,750 1,837 1,929 Annual 19,056 20.004 21,000 22,044 23,148 7B Hourly 920 966 1014 10.65 1118 B~monthly 797 00 837 00 879 00 923.00 969.32 Monthly 1,594 1.674 1,758 1,846 1,939 Annual 19,128 20,088 21,096 22,152 23,264 I I I City of Seal Beach Resolution Number~~~ Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA 2.S'/e Between Ranges; S% Between Steps Range Pay MinImum Maximum Number Recommended Tille PerIod Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 7C Hourly 9.25 9.72 10.20 1071 1124 BI-Illonthly 802.00 842 00 884.00 928 00 97417 Monthly 1.604 1,684 1,768 1,866 1,948 Annual 19,248 20,208 21,216 22,272 23,380 70 Hourly 9.29 976 1025 10.76 11.30 Bi-monthly 805.00 845 50 888.00 932.50 979 04 I Monthly 1,610 1,691 1,776 1,865 1,958 Annual 19,320 20,292 21,312 22,380 23,497 7E Hourly 9.34 981 10.30 1081 1135 B~monthly 809 50 850 00 892.50 93700 983 94 Monthly 1,619 1,700 1,785 1,874 1.968 Annual 19,428 20,400 21,420 22,488 23,614 SA Hourly 939 985 1034 1086 11.41 BI-monthly 813.50 854 00 89650 94150 988 50 Monthly 1,627 1,708 1,793 1,883 1,977 Annual 19,524 20,496 21,516 22,596 23,n4 88 Hourly 9.43 990 10.40 1092 1148 B.-monthly 817.00 858 00 901.00 946 00 993 44 Monthly 1,634 1,716 1,802 1,892 1,987 Annual 19,608 20,592 21,624 22,704 23,843 8C Hourly 9.48 995 10.45 1097 1152 Bi-monthly 82150 862 50 905 50 951.00 99841 Monthly 1,843 l,n5 1,811 1,902 1,997 Annual 19,716 20,700 21,732 22.824 23,962 80 Hourly 9.52 1000 10.50 1102 1158 Bi-monthly 825.00 866 50 910.00 955.50 1003.40 Monthly 1.650 1,733 1,820 1,911 2,007 Annual 19,BOO 20,796 21,840 22,932 24,082 8E Hourly 958 1006 1056 11.08 11.64 Bi-monthly 830 00 871.50 91500 960 50 1008 42 Monthly 1,660 1,743 1,830 1,921 2,017 Annual 19.920 20,916 21,960 23,052 24,202 9A Hourly 962 10.10 1060 11.13 1169 Bi-monthly 833.50 875 00 919.00 965 00 101300 Monthly 1,667 1,750 1,838 1,930 2,026 Annual 20,004 21,000 22,056 23,160 24,312 9B Hourly 9.66 1015 1066 1119 11.75 BI-monthly 837.50 879 50 923.50 969 50 1018.07 Monthly 1,675 1,759 1,847 1,939 2,036 Annual 20,100 21,108 22,164 23.268 24.434 9C Hourly 9.n 10.20 1071 1124 11.81 B~monthly 84200 884.00 92800 97450 1023.16 Monthly 1,684 1,768 1,866 1,949 2,046 Annual 20,208 21,216 22,272 23,388 24,556 90 Hourly 976 1025 1077 11.30 1186 Bi-monthly 84600 888 50 933.00 979 50 1028 27 Monthly 1,692 1,777 ' 1,866 1,959 2,057 Annual 20,304 21,324 22,392 23.508 24,679 9E Hourly 9.81 1030 10.81 1135 1192 BI-monthly 850 00 892.50 93700 984 00 1033.41 Monthly 1,700 1,785 1,874 1,968 2,067 Annual 20.400 21,420 22.488 23,616 24,802 lOA Hourly 986 10.35 1087 1141 1198 BI-monthly 854.50 897 00 942 00 98900 103850 Monthly 1,709 1,794 1,884 1,978 2,077 Annual 20,508 21,528 22,608 23,736 24,924 lOB Hourly 9.91 1040 1092 1147 1204 BI-monthly 858.50 90150 946.50 994.00 1043 69 Monthly 1,717 1,803 1,893 1,988 2,087 Annual 20,604 21,636 22,716 23,856 25,049 10C Hourly 9.96 1045 10.98 1153 12.10 Bi-monthly 86300 906.00 95150 999.00 104891 Monthly 1,726 1,812 1,903 1,998 2,098 Annual 20,712 21,744 22,836 23,976 25,174 City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 100 Hourly 10.00 1051 1103 1158 1216 Bi-monthly 867 00 91050 95600 1004 00 105416 Monthly 1,734 1,821 1,912 2,008 2,108 Annual 20,808 21,852 22,944 24,096 25,300 10E Hourly 10.06 10.56 11.09 11.64 12.22 BI-monthly 87150 915.00 96100 100900 . 1059.43 Monthly 1,743 1,830 1,922 2,018 2,119 Annual 20,916 21,960 23,064 24,216 25.426 llA Hou~y 1010 10.61 1114 11.70 1228 B~monthly 875 50 91950 965.50 101400 1064 50 Monthly 1,751 1,839 1,931 2,028 2,129 Annual 21,012 22,068 23,172 24,336 25,548 liB Hou~y 1016 10.67 1120 1176 1234 81-monthly 880 50 924 50 970 50 101900 1069 82 Monthly 1,761 1,849 1,941 2,038 2,140 Annual 21,132 22,188 23,292 24.456 25,676 l1C Hourly 10.21 1071 1125 11.82 12.41 8,-monthly 884.50 928 50 975.00 1024.00 1075.17 Monthly 1,769 1,657 1,950 2,048 2.150 Annual 21,228 22,284 23,400 24,576 25,804 110 Hou~y 10.26 1077 1131 1187 1247 BI-monthly 889.00 933 50 980 00 1029.00 1080.55 Monthly 1,778 1,867 1,960 2,058 2.161 Annual 21,336 22,404 23,520 24,696 25,933 lIE Hou~y 10.31 10.82 11.37 1193 12.53 Bi-monthly 893.50 938 00 985 00 1034.00 1085 95 Monthly 1,787 1,878 1.970 2,068 2,172 Annual 21.444 22,512 23,640 24,816 26,063 12A Hourly 10.36 10.87 11.42 11.99 1259 Bi-monthly 897.50 842 50 98950 1039.00 109100 Monthly 1,795 1,885 1,979 2,078 2,182 Annual 21,540 22,620 23,748 24,936 26.184 12B Hou~y 10.41 1093 11.47 1205 1265 5i-monthly 902 00 947 00 994 50 1044 00 1096 46 Monthly 1,804 1,894 1,989 2,088 2,193 Annual 21,648 22,728 23,868 25,056 26,315 12C Hou~y 10.46 1098 1153 1211 1271 Bi-monthly 906 50 95200 999 50 104950 110184 Monthly 1,813 1,904 1,999 2,099 2,204 Annua) 21,756 22,848 23,988 25,188 26,446 120 Hourly 1051 1104 1159 1217 12.78 Bi-monthly 91100 956 50 1004.50 1054 50 110745 Monthly 1,822 1,913 2,009 2,109 2,215 Annual 21,884 22,956 24,108 25,308 26,579 12E Hou~y 1056 1109 11.65 1223 1284 BI-monthly 915.50 96150 1009 50 1060 00 111298 Monthly 1.831 1,923 2.019 2,120 2,226 Annual 21,972 23,076 24,228 25,440 26,712 13A Hou~y 1062 11.15 1171 1229 1291 Bi-monthly 920 00 96600 101450 1065 00 111850 Monthly 1.840 1.932 2,029 2,130 2,237 Annual 22,080 23,184 24,348 25,560 26,844 135 Hourly 1067 1120 11.76 12.35 1297 Bi-monthly 925.00 97100 101950 1070.50 112409 Monthly 1,850 1,942 2,039 2,141 2,248 Annual 22,200 23,304 24,468 25,692 26,978 13C Hourly 10.72 11.26 1183 1242 1304 Bi-monthly 929 50 976.00 1025 00 1076.00 112971 Monthly 1,859 1,952 2,050 2,152 2,259 Annual 22,308 23,424 24,600 25,B24 27,113 130 Hou~y 1078 11.32 11.88 1248 13.10 Bi-monthly 934 50 98100 1030 00 108150 113536 Monthly 1,869 1,962 2,060 2,163 2,271 Annual 22,428 23,544 24,720 25,956 27,249 I I I City of Seal Beach Number. Range Placement Table - Includes 2% COLA Resolution 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 13E Hourly 1083 1137 11.94 1254 13.17 Bi-monthly 938 50 985 50 1035.00 1086 50 1141 04 Monthly 1,877 1,971 2,070 2,173 2,282 Annual 22,524 23.652 24,840 26,076 27,385 14A Hourly 1089 1143 1200 1260 13.23 B~monthly 943 50 990 50 1040 00 1092.00 1146.50 Monthly 1,887 1,981 2,080 2,184 2,293 Annual 22,644 23,772 24,960 26,208 27,516 14B Hourly 1093 11.48 12.06 12.66 1329 B,-monthly 947.50 1!95.00 1045 00 1097.50 1152.23 Monthly 1,895 1,990 2,090 2,195 2,304 Annual 22,740 23,880 25,080 26,340 27,654 14C Hourly 1100 1154 12.12 1273 13.36 B~monthly 953 00 1000 50 1050 50 1103.00 1157 99 Monthly 1,906 2,001 2,101 2,206 2,316 Annual 22,872 24,012 25,212 26,472 27,792 140 Hourly 11.04 1160 1218 12.79 1343 Bi-monthly 957.00 1005.00 1055.50 11 08 50 1163.78 Monthly 1,914 2,010 2,111 2,217 2,328 Annual 22,968 24,120 25,332 26,604 27,931 14E Hourly 11.11 1166 12.24 1285 1350 B~monthly 962 50 101050 106100 1114.00 1169 60 Monthly 1,925 2.021 2,122 2,228 2,339 Annual 23,100 24,252 25,464 26,736 28,070 15A Hourly 1115 1171 1229 12.91 1358 B~monthly 968.50 1015.00 1065 50 1119.00 117500 Monthly 1,933 2,030 2.131 2,238 2,350 Annual 23,196 24,360 25,572 26,856 28,200 15B Hourly 11.21 1177 12.36 12.97 1363 B.-monthly 97150 1020.00 107100 1124.50 118088 Monthly 1,943 2,040 2,142 2,249 2,362 Annual 23,316 24,480 25,704 28,988 28,341 15C Hourly 1126 11.83 1242 1304 13.69 B,-monthly 976 00 1025 00 1076.50 113050 118678 Monthly 1,952 2,050 2,153 2,261 2,374 Annual 23,424 24,600 25,836 27,132 28,483 150 Hourly 1132 11.89 1248 1311 13.76 B~monthly 981.50 1030 50 1082.00 113600 1192.71 Monthly 1,963 2,061 2,164 2,272 2,385 Annual 23,556 24,732 25,968 27.264 28,625 15E Hourly 1137 1194 1254 1317 1383 Bi-monthly 985 50 1035.00 1087.00 114150 119888 Monthly 1,971 2,070 2,174 2,283 2,397 Annual 23,652 24,840 26,088 27,396 28,768 16A Hourly 1143 1201 12.61 1323 1390 BI-monthly 99100 1040 50 1092.50 114700 1204 50 Monthly 1,982 2,081 2,185 2,294 2,409 Annual 23,784 24,972 26,220 27,528 28,908 16B Hourly 11.49 1206 1267 13.30 13.97 BI-monthly 995.50 1045 50 1098.00 1153.00 121052 Monthly 1,991 2,091 2,196 2,306 2,421 Annual 23,892 25,092 26,352 27,672 29,053 16C Hourly 11.55 1213 12.73 1337 1404 Bi-monthly 100100 105100 110350 115850 121656 Monthly 2,002 2,102 2,207 2,317 2,433 Annual 24,024 25,224 26,484 27,804 29,198 160 Hourly 11.60 1218 12.80 1344 14.11 Bi-monthly 1005 50 1056.00 110900 1164.50 1222 66 Monthly 2,011 2,112 2,218 2,329 2,445 Annual 24,132 25,344 26,816 27,948 29,344 16E Hourly 1167 1225 12.87 13.51 1418 Bi-monthly 1011.50 1062 00 111500 1170.50 1228 77 Monthly 2,023 2,124 2,230 2,341 2,458 Annual 24,276 25,488 26.780 28,092 29,491 City or Seal Beach Range Placement Table - Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 17A Hourly 1171 1230 12.92 1356 1424 BI-monthly 101500 1066 00 111950 117550 1234.50 Monthly 2,030 2,132 2,239 2,351 2,469 Annual 24,360 25.584 26,868 28,212 29,628 17B Hourly 1177 12.36 1298 13.63 1432 B.-monthly 1020.50 107150 112500 1181.50 1240.67 Monthly 2,041 2,143 2,250 2.363 2,481 Annual 24,492 25,716 27,000 28,356 29,776 17C Hourly 1183 1243 1305 1370 14.39 Bi-monthly 1025.50 1077.00 113100 1187.50 124688 Monthly 2,051 2,154 2,262 2,375 2,494 Annual 24,612 25,848 27,144 28,500 29,925 170 Hourly 11.90 12.49 1311 1377 14.46 B~monthly 103100 1082.50 113650 119350 1253.11 Monthly 2,062 2,165 2,273 2,387 2,506 Annual 24,744 25,980 27,276 28,644 30,075 17E Hourly 1195 1255 1318 13.84 1453 Bi-monthly 1036.00 1088.00 114250 1199.50 1259 38 Monthly 2.072 2,176 2,285 2,399 2,519 Annual 24,864 26,112 27,420 28,788 30.225 18A Hourly 12.01 1261 1324 13.90 14.60 Bi-monthly 104100 1093 00 1147.50 1205 00 1265 50 Monthly 2,082 2,186 2,295 2,410 2.531 Annual 24,984 26,232 27,540 28,920 30,372 18B Hourly 1207 1268 13.32 1398 14.67 BI-monthly 1046 50 1099.00 115400 121150 1271.83 Monthly 2,093 2,198 2,308 2,423 2,544 Annual 25,116 28,376 27,696 29,076 30,524 18C Hourly 1214 1274 13.38 1405 1475 Bi-monthly 1052 00 1104.50 115950 1217 50 1278.19 Monthly 2,104 2,209 2,319 2,435 2,556 Annual 25,248 26,508 27,828 29,220 30,676 180 Hourly 1219 1260 1344 14.12 1482 B,-monthly 1056 50 1109.50 116500 1223 50 1284 58 Monthly 2,113 2,219 2,330 2,447 2,569 Annual 25,356 28,628 27,960 29,364 30,830 18E Hourly 12.25 12.87 1351 1419 1490 Bi-monthly 1062.00 1115.00 117100 1229.50 129100 Monthly 2,124 2,230 2,342 2,459 2,582 Annual . 25,488 26,760 28,104 29,508 30,984 19A Hourly 12.31 1292 13.57 14.25 1497 BI-monthly 1066 50 112000 1176.00 1235 00 1297 00 Monthly 2,133 2,240 2,352 2,470 2,594 Annual 25,596 26,860 28,224 29.640 31,128 198 Hourly 1237 1299 1364 1432 1504 Bi-monthly 1072.50 112600 118250 1241.50 1303.49 Monthly 2,145 2,252 2,365 2,483 2,607 Annual 25,740 27,024 28,360 29,796 31,264 19C Hourly 12.43 1306 1371 14.39 1512 Bi-monthly 1077 50 113150 118800 1247.50 1310.00 Monthly 2,155 2,263 2,376 2,495 2,620 Annual 25,860 27,156 28,512 29,940 31,440 190 Hourly 1250 1312 13.78 1447 1519 BI-monthly 1083 50 113750 119450 1254.00 1316.55 Monthly 2.167 2,275 2,389 2,508 2,633 Annual 26.004 27,300 28.668 30.096 31,597 19E Hourly 1256 13.19 13.85 14.54 1527 Bi-monthly 1088 50 1143.00 1200.00 1260 00 132314 Monthly 2,177 2,286 2,400 2,520 2,646 Annual 26,124 27,432 28,800 30,240 31.755 lOA Hourly 1262 1325 1391 1461 1534 Bi-monthly 1093 50 1148.00 1205 50 1266.00 1329 50 Monthly 2.187 2,296 2,411 2,532 2,659 Annual 26,244 27,552 28,932 30,384 31,908 I I I City of Seal Beach Resolution Number~~ Range Placemenl Table -Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended TIUe Period Step 1 Slep2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 20B Hourly 12.69 1332 13.98 14.68 1542 Bi-monthly 1099.50 1154.50 121200 1272 50 133615 Monthly 2,199 2,309 2,424 2.545 2,872 Annual 26,388 27,708 29,088 30,540 32,088 20C Hourly 1275 . 13.38 1405 1476 15.49 Bi-monthly 110500 1160.00 121800 1279 00 134283 Monthly 2.210 2,320 2,436 2,558 2,686 Annual 26,520 27,840 29,232 30,696 32,228 200 Hourly 12.61 1345 14.13 14.83 1557 Bi-monthly 1110.50 1166.00 122450 1285.50 1349 54 Monthly 2,221 2,332 2,449 2,571 2,699 Annual 26,652 27,984 29,388 30,852 32,389 20E Hourly 12.87 13.52 14.19 14.90 15.65 BI-monthly 1115.50 1171.50 1230 00 129150 1356.29 Monthly 2,231 2,343 2,460 2,583 2,713 Annual 26,772 28,116 29,520 30,996 32,551 21A Hourly 12.93 1357 1426 14.97 1572 B'-monthly 1120.50 117650 1235 50 1297.50 136250 Monthly 2,241 2,353 2,471 2,595 2,725 Annual 26,892 28,236 29,652 31,140 32,700 21B Hourly 13:00 13.65 14.33 15.05 15.80 Bi-monthly 1126.50 1183.00 124200 1304.00 136931 Monthly 2,253 2,366 2,484 2,608 2,739 Annual 27,036 28,392 29,808 31,296 32,864 21C Hourly 1306 1371 1440 1512 15.88 BI-monthly 113200 118850 124800 131050 1376.16 Monthly 2,264 2,377 2,496 2,621 2,752 Annual 27,168 28,524 29,952 31,452 33,028 210 Hourly 13.13 13.79 14.47 15.20 1596 Bt-monthly 113800 119500 1254.50 131700 1383 04 Monthly 2,276 2,390 2,509 2,634 2,766 Annual 27,312 28,680 30,108 31,608 33,193 21E Hourly 13.20 1386 1455 1528 16.04 BI-monthly 114400 120100 126100 1324.00 1389 96 Monthly 2,288 2,402 2,522 2,648 2,780 Annual 27,456 28,824 30,264 31,776 33,359 22A Hourly 13.25 1392 1461 1535 16.11 Bi-monthly 1148.50 1206 00 1266 50 1330.00 1396.50 Monthly 2,297 2,412 2,533 2,660 2,793 Annual 27,564 28,944 30.396 31,920 33,516 22B Hourly 1333 1399 14.69 15.42 1619 Bt-monthly 115500 121250 1273.00 1336.50 1403 48 Monthly 2,310 2.425 2,546 2,673 2,807 Annual 27,720 29,100 30,552 32,076 33,684 22C Hourly 1339 1406 14.76 1550 1627 BI-monthly 1180.50 121850 1279 50 1343.50 1410.50 Monthly 2,321 2,437 2,559 2,687 2,821 Annual 27,852 29,244 30,708 32,244 33,852 220 Hourly 1345 1413 1483 15.56 1636 B.-monthly 116600 122450 1285 50 1350.00 1417 55 Monthly 2.332 2,449 2.571 2,700 2,835 Annual 27,984 29,388 30,852 32,400 34,021 22E Hourly 1353 1420 1491 1566 16.44 Bi-monthly 117250 1231.00 '292 50 1357 00 1424 64 Monthly 2,345 2,462 2,585 2,714 2,849 Annual 28,140 29,544 31,020 32,568 34,191 23A Hourly 1359 14.27 1498 1573 16.52 B.-monthly 117750 1236 50 129B 50 1363 50 1431.50 Monthly 2,355 2,473 2,597 2,727 2,863 Annual 28,260 29,676 31,164 32,n4 34,356 23B Hourly 13.66 14.34 1506 1581 16.60 Bt-monthly 118400 1243.00 1305 00 1370 00 1438.66 Monthly 2,368 2.486 2.610 2.740 2,877 Annual 28,418 29,832 31,320 32,880 34,528 City of Seal Beach . Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommende<l Title PerIo1l Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 step 4 Step 5 23C Hourly 1372 1441 1513 1589 16.68 BI-monthly 118950 124900 1311.50 1377.00 1445 85 Monthly 2,379 2,498 2,623 2,754 2,892 Annual 28,548 29,976 31,476 33,048 34,700 230 Hourly 13.79 14.48 1521 1597 16.77 B~monthly 119500 1255 00 131800 1384 00 1453 08 Monlhly 2,390 2,510 2,636 2,768 2,906 Annual 28.680 30,120 31,632 33,216 34,874 23E Hourly 13.87 14.56 1529 16.05 .1685 Bl-lnonlhly 1202 00 1262.00 1325.00 139100 1460.35 - Monthly 2,404 2,524 2,650 2,782 2,921 Annual 28,848 30,288 31,800 33,384 35,048 24A Hourly 1393 1462 1536 16.12 1693 BI-monthly 1207.00 1267.50 1331.00 1397.50 1467.50 Monlhly 2.414 2,535 2,662 2,795 2,935 Annual 28,968 30,420 31,944 33,540 35,220 24B Hourly 1400 1470 1543 16.21 1702 BI-monthly 121350 1274.00 1337.50 1404 50 1474.84 Monthly 2,427 2.548 2,675 2,809 2,950 Annual 29,124 30,576 32,100 33,708 35,396 24C Hourly 1407 1477 15.51 1629 17.10 BI-monthly 121950 1280 50 1344 50 1411.50 148221 Monthly 2,439 2,561 2,689 2,823 2,964 Annual 29,268 30.732 32.268 33,876 35,573 240 Hourly 14.13 1484 1559 16.37 1719 B~monthly 1225.00 1286.50 1351.00 141850 1489.62 Monthly 2,450 2,573 2,702 2,837 2,979 Annual 29,400 30,876 32,424 34,044 35,751 24E Hourly 1422 1492 1567 16.45 1727 B.-monthly 1232 00 1293 50 1358.00 1426.00 1497.07 Monthly 2,464 2,587 2,716 2,852 2,994 Annual 29,568 31,044 32,592 34,224 35,930 25A Hourly 1428 1499 1574 1653 1735 Bi-monthly 1237.50 1299.50 1384 50 143250 1504.00 Monthly 2,475 2,599 2,729 2,865 3,008 Annual 29,700 31,188 32,748 34,380 36,096 25B Hourly 1435 1506 15.82 1661 1744 Bi-monthly 124350 1305 50 137100 1439.50 151152 Monlhly 2,487 2,611 2,742 2,879 3,023 Annual 29,844 31,332 32,904 34,548 36,278 25C Hourly 1442 1514 1589 1669 17.53 BI-monthly 124950 131200 137750 1446 50 151908 Monthly 2,499 2,624 2,755 2,893 3,038 Annual 29.988 31,488 33,060 34,716 36,458 250 Hourly 14.49 15.22 1598 16.78 17 82 B~monthly 1256 00 131900 1385 00 1454 00 1526 67 Monthly 2,512 2,638 2,770 2,908 3.053 Annual 30,144 31.656 33,240 34,896 36,640 25E Hourly 14.56 15.29 1606 1688 1770 Bi-monthly 1262 00 1325 00 139150 148100 1534.31 Monthly 2,524 2,650 2,783 2,922 3,089 Annual 30,288 31,800 33,396 35,064 36.823 26A Hourly 14.63 1536 1613 16.94 17.79 Bi-monthly 126800 133150 1398.00 1488.00 154150 Monthly 2,536 2,683 2,796 2,936 3,083 Annual 30,432 31,956 33,552 35,232 36,998 26B Hourly 1471 1544 1621 17.02 17.88 Bi-monthly 1274.50 1338.00 1405 00 147550 1549.21 Monthly 2,549 2,676 2,810 2,951 3.098 Annual 30,588 32,112 33,720 35,412 37,181 26C Hourly 1478 15.52 1630 17.11 1796 BI-monthly 128100 1345 00 141250 1483.00 1556 95 Monthly 2,562 2,690 2,825 2,966 3,114 Annual 30,744 32,280 33,900 35,592 37,387 I I I City of Seal Beach Resolution Numbe~t7~ Range Placement Table . Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Tille Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 . 260 Hourly 1485 15.59 16.37 171g 1805 BI-monthly 128700 135150 1419.00 1490 00 1564 74 Monthly 2,574 2,703 2,838 2,980 3,129 Annual 30,888 32,436 34,056 35,760 37,554 26E HOUrly 14.92 15.67 16.45 17.28 18.14 Bi-monthly 1293.50 1358.00 1426.00 1497 50 1572 56 Monthly 2,587 2,716 2,852 2,995 3,145 Annual 31,044 32,592 34,224 35,940 37,741 27A Hourly 15.00 1575 1654 17.37 1823 BI-monthly 1300.00 1365 00 1433 50 1505.00 1580 00 Monthly 2,600 2,730 2,867 3,010 3,160 Annual 31,200 32,760 34,404 38,120 37,920 27B Hourly 1507 1583 1662 1745 1832 Bi-monthly 1306 50 1372.00 1440 50 1512.50 158790 Monthly 2,613 2,744 2,881 3,025 3,176 Annual 31,356 32,928 34,572 36,300 38,110 , 27C Hourly 1515 1591 16.70 1754 18.41 Bi-monthly 131300 1378 50 1447.50 1520 00 1595.84 Monthly 2,626 2,757 2,895 3,040 3,192 Annual 31,512 33,084 34,740 36,480 38.300 270 Hourly 15.22 1599 16.79 1762 1851 Bi-monthly 131950 1385 50 1455.00 1527 50 1603.82 Monthly 2,639 2,771 2.910 3,055 3,208 Annual 31,668 33.252 34,920 36,660 38,492 27E Hourly 15.30 1607 16.87 17.71 18.60 BI-monthly 1326 00 1392 50 1462 00 1535 00 161184 Monthly 2,652 2,785 2,924 3,070 3,224 Annual 31,824 33,420 35,088 38,840 38,684 28A Hourly 1537 1614 16.95 1780 18.69 B~monthly 133250 1399.00 1469.00 154250 161950 Monthly 2,665 2,798 2,938 3,085 3,239 Annual 31,980 33,576 35,256 37,020 38,868 28B Hourly 1544 16.22 17.03 1788 1878 B~monthly 1338 50 1405.50 1476 00 1550.00 162760 Monthly 2,677 2,811 2,952 3,100 3,255 Annual 32,124 33,732 35,424 37,200 39,062 28C Hourly 15.53 1631 1712 1798 1887 Bi-monthly 1346 00 141350 1484 00 1558.00 1635 74 Monthly 2,692 2,827 2,968 3,116 3,271 Annual 32,304 33,924 35,616 37,392 39,256 280 Hourly 15.61 16.38 1720 1806 1897 BI-monthly 1352.50 1420.00 149100 1565 50 164391 Monthly 2,705 2,840 2,982 3,131 3.288 Annual 32,460 34,080 35,784 37,572 39,454 28E Hourly 15.68 1647 17 29 1816 19.06 Bi-monthly 1359.00 1427 00 1498.50 1573.50 165213 Monthly 2,718 2,654 2,997 3,147 3,304 Annual 32,616 34,248 35,984 37,784 39,651 29A Hourly 15.76 16.55 17.37 18.24 1915 B,-monthly 1365 50 1434.00 1505.50 1581.00 1660 00 Monthly 2,731 2,868 3,011 3,162 3,320 Annual 32,m 34,416 36,132 37,944 39,840 29B Hourly 1584 16.63 1746 1833 19.25 Bi-monthly 1373 00 144150 1513.50 1589 00 1668 30 Monthly 2,746 2,883 3,027 3,178 3,337 Annual 32,952 34,596 36,324 38,138 40,039 29C Hourly 1592 t671 17.55 1843 19.35 BI-monthly 137950 1448 50 152100 1597 00 167664 Monthly 2,759 2,897 3,042 3,194 3,353 Annual 33,108 34,764 36,504 38,328 40,239 290 Hourly 1599 1679 1784 1852 19.44 Bi-monthly 1388 00 1455 50 1528 50 1605.00 1685.02 Monthly 2,772 2,911 3.057 3,210 3,370 Annual 33,264 34,932 38,684 38,520 40,441 City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table - Includes 2'10 COLA 2,5'10 Between Ranges; 5'10 Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 29E Hou~y 1608 1688 17.72 1861 19.54 Bi-monthly 1393 50 1463 00 1536 00 161300 1693.45 Monthly 2,787 2,926 3,072 3,226 3,387 Annual 33,444 35,112 36,884 38,712 40,643 30A Hourly 16.15 1696 17.81 18.70 1963 BI-monthly 1400.00 147000 1543.50 1620 50 170150 Monthly 2,800 2,940 3,087 3,241 3,403 Annual 33,600 35,280 37,044 38,892 40,836 30B Hou~y 16.23 1704 1790 18.79 19.73 Bi-monthly 1406.50 147700 155100 1626.50 171001 Monthly 2,813 2,954 3,102 3,257 3,420 Annual 33,756 35,448 37,224 39,084 41,040 30C Hourly 16.32 17.13 1798 18.88 19.83 BI-monthly 1414.00 1484.50 1558.50 1636 50 171856 Monthly 2,828 2,969 3,117 3,273 3,437 Annual 33,936 35,628 37.404 39,276 41,245 300 Hourly 16.40 17.22 18.07 1898 19.93 B,-monthly 142100 1492.00 1566.50 1645 00 1727.15 Monthly 2,842 2,984 3,133 3,290 3.454 Annual 34,104 35,808 37,596 39,480 41,452 30E Hourly 16.48 1730 18.17 19.07 2003 B.-monthly 1428.00 1499 50 157450 1653.00 1735.79 Monthly 2,856 2,999 3,149 3,306 3,472 Annual 34,272 35.988 37,788 39,672 41,659 31A Hourly 16.56 17.38 18.25 1917 20.12 BI-monthly 1435.00 1506.50 158200 166100 1744.00 Monthly 2,870 3,013 3,164 3,322 3,488 Annual 34.440 36,156 37,968 39,864 41,856 31B Hourly 1664 17.47 18.35 1926 2022 B~monthly 144250 151450 1590 00 1669 50 1752 72 Monthly 2,885 3,029 3.180 3.339 3,505 Annual 34,620 36,348 38,180 40,068 42,065 31C Hourly 1672 1756 1843 1936 2032 Bi-monthly 144900 152150 1597.50 1677 50 1761 48 Monthly 2,898 3.043 3,195 3.355 3,523 Annual 34,776 38,516 38,340 40,280 42,276 310 Hourly 1680 1764 18.52 1945 2043 Bi-monthly 1456 00 1529.00 1605.50 1686.00 1770 29 Monthly 2,912 3,058 3,211 3,372 3,541 Annual 34,944 36,696 38,532 40,464 42.487 31E Hourly 1689 17.73 1862 19.55 2053 Bi-monthly 1464 00 1537 00 161400 1694.50 177914 Monthly 2,928 3,074 3,228 3,389 3,558 Annual 35,136 36,888 . 38,736 40,668 42,699 . 32A Hou~y 1697 1782 18.71 19.64 2062 Bi-monthly 1471.00 1544 50 162150 . 1702 50 178750 Monthly 2,942 3,089 3,243 3,405 3,575 Annual 35,304 37,068 38,916 40,880 42,900 32B Hourly 1705 1791 18.80 1974 20.73 Bi-monthly 1478 00 155200 1629.50 171100 1796 44 Monthly 2,956 3,104 3,259 3,422 3,593 Annual 35,472 37,248 39,108 41.064 43,115 32C Hourly 1713 1799 1889 19.84 2083 B~monthly 1485 00 1559 50 1637.50 171950 1805 42 Monthly 2,970 3,119 3,275 3,439 3,611 Annual 35,640 37,428 39,300 41,268 43,330 320 Hou~y 1722 1808 18.99 19.94 2094 Bi-monthly 1492 50 1567.00 1645 50 1728 00 1814.45 Monthly 2,985 3,134 3,291 3,456 3,629 Annual 35,820 37,608 39,492 41.472 43.547 32E Hourly 17.31 18.17 1908 2004 2104 Bi-monthly 1500.00 1575 00 1654.00 1736 50 1823 52 Monthly 3.000 3,150 3,308 3,473 3,647 Annual 36,000 37,800 39,696 41,676 43,764 I I I City of Seal Beach Resolution Numbe~~~ Range Placement Table - Includes 2% COLA 2.5"1. Between Ranges; sot. Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 33A Hourly 17.39 18.27 1918 20.13 21.14 Bi-monthly 1507 50 1583.00 166200 1745.00 1832 00 Monthly 3,015 3,166 3,324 3,490 3,664 Annual 36,180 37,992 39,886 41,880 43,966 33B Hourly 17 48 1835 1927 2023 2124 Bi-monthly 1515.00 1590 50 1670 00 1753 50 184116 Monthly 3,030 3,181 3,340 3,507 3,682 Annual 36,360 38,172 40,080 42,084 44,188 33C Hourly 17.57 1844 19.37 20.34 21.35 Bi-monthly 1522 50 1598 50 1678 50 1762 50 1850.37 Monthly 3,045 3,197 3,357 3,525 3,701 Annual 36,540 38,364 40,284 42,300 44,409 330 Hourly 17.65 1853 1946 20.43 21.46 Bi-monthly 1529.50 1606 00 1686 50 1771.00 1859.62 Monthly 3,059 3,212 3,373 3,542 3,719 Annual 36,708 38,544 40,476 42,504 44,831 33E' Hourly 17.74 1863 1956 2054 2156 Bi-monthly 1537.50 1614.50 1695.00 1780 00 166892 Monthly 3,075 3,229 3,390 3,560 3.738 Annual 36,900 38,748 40,680 42,720 44,854 34A Hourly 17.83 18.72 1966 20.64 21.67 BI-monthly 1545 00 1622.50 1703 50 1788 50 1878 00 Monthly 3,090 3,245 3,407 3,m 3,756 Annual 37,080 38,940 40,884 42,924 45,On 34B Hourly 1792 18.81 19.75 20.74 21.78 BI-monthly 1553 00 1630 50 1712.00 1797 50 1887.39 Monthly 3,106 3,261 3,424 3,595 3,775 Annual 37,272 39,132 41,088 43,140 45.297 34C Hourly 1801 18.91 19.85 20.84 2189 B~monthly 1560 50 1638 50 1720 50 1806.50 1896 83 Monthly 3,121 3,277 3,441 3,613 3,794 Annual 37,452 39,324 41,292 43,356 45,524 340 Hourly 1809 1900 1995 2095 22.00 B~monthly 156800 1646 50 1729 00 1815.50 1906.31 Monthly 3,136 3,293 3,456 3,831 3,813 Annual 37.632 39,516 41,496 43,5n 45,751 34E Hourly 1818 19.10 2005 21.05 22.11 Bi-monthly 1576 00 1655 00 1737 50 1824.50 1915.84 Monthly 3,152 3,310 3,475 3,649 3,832 Annual 37,824 39,nO 41,700 43,788 45,980 35A Hourly 18.28 1919 2015 2116 2221 BI-monthly 1564.00 1683 00 1748 00 1833 50 1925.00 Monthly 3.168 3,326 3,492 3,667 3,850 Annual 38.016 39,912 41,904 44,004 46,200 35B Hourly 1837 1929 2025 2126 22.32 B~monthly 1592 00 167150 1755 00 1842.50 1934 63 Monthly 3,184 3,343 3,510 3,685 3,869 Annual 38,208 40,116 42,120 44,220 46,431 35C Hourly 1846 1938 2035 21.36 22.43 llI-monthly 1599 50 1679.50 1763 50 185150 1944 30 Monthly 3,199 3,359 3,527 3,703 3,889 Annual 38,388 40.308 42,324 44,436 46.663 350 Hourly 1855 1948 20.45 21.47 22.55 Bi-monthly 1607.50 1688 00 1772.50 1861.00 1954 02 Monthly 3,215 3,376 3,545 3.722 3,908 Annual 38,560 40,512 42,540 44,664 46,896 35E Hourly 1864 1957 20.56 2156 2266 B~monthly 161550 1696 50 1781.50 1870.50 1963 79 Monthly 3,231 3,393 3,563 3,741 3.928 Annual 38,772 40,716 42,756 44,892 47,131 36A Hourly 18.73 1967 20.65 21.68 2277 BI-monthly 1623.50 1704 50 1789 50 1879.00 1973 00 Monthly 3.247 3,409 3,579 3,758 3.946 Annual 38,964 40,908 42,948 45,096 47,352 City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table -Includes 1% COLA 1,5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 step 1 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 36B Hourly 1882 19.77 2075 2179 2288 B.-monthly 1631.50 171300 1798 50 1888.50 1982.87 Monthly 3,263 3,426 3,597 3,777 3.988 Annual 39.156 41,112 43,164 45.324 47,589 36C Hourly 1892 1986 2086 2190 2299 Bi-monthly 1639 50 172150 180750 1898 00 1992 78 Monthly 3,279 3,443 3,615 3,796 3,988 Annual 39,348 41,316 43,380 45,552 47,827 360 Hourly 1901 1996 20.96 2201 2311 B~monthly 1647.50 1730 00 1816.50 190750 2002 74 Monthly 3,295 3,460 3,633 3,815 4,005 Annual 39,540 41,520 43,596 45,780 48,066 36E Hourly 19.10 20.06 21.06 2212 2322 B,-monthly 1655 50 1738 50 1825 50 191700 201276 Monthly 3,311 3,477 3,651 3,834 4,026 Annual 39,732 41,724 43,812 46,008 46,308 37A Hourly 1920 2016 21.17 2222 23.34 B.-monthly 166400 1747.00 1834 50 1926 00 2022.50 Monthly 3,328 3,494 3,669 3,852 4,045 Annual 39,936 41,928 44,028 46,224 46,540 37B Hourly 19.30 2026 2128 2234 2345 B,-monthly 1672 50 1756 00 1844 00 1936 00 2032.61 Monthly 3,345 3,512 3.888 3,872 4.065 Annual 40,140 42.144 44,256 46,484 48,783 37C Hourly 1940 2037 21.38 22.45 2357 B,-monthly 168100 1785 00 1853.00 1945 50 2042 78 Monthly 3,362 3,530 3.706 3,891 4,086 Annual 40,344 42,360 44,472 48,692 49,027 370 Hourly 19.49 2046 2148 22.56 2389 Bi-monthly 1889 00 1773 50 1862.00 1955 00 2052 99 Monthly 3,378 3,547 3.724 3,910 4,106 Annual 40,536 42,564 44,688 46,920 49,272 37E Hourly 1959 2057 2159 2267 2381 B.-monthly 1697 50 1782 50 1871.50 1965 00 2063 25 Monthly 3,395 3,565 3,743 3,930 4,127 Annual 40.740 42,780 44,916 47,160 49,518 38A Hourly 1968 2067 2170 2278 2392 Bi-monthly 1705 50 1791.00 1880 50 197450 2073 00 Monthly 3,411 3,582 3,761 3,949 4,146 Annual 40,932 42.984 45,132 47,388 49,752 38B Hourly 1978 2076 21.80 2289 24.04 B,-monthly 1714.00 1799 50 1889.50 1984 00 2083.37 Monthly 3,428 3,599 3,779 3,968 4,167 Annual 41,136 43,188 45,348 47,616 50,001 38C Hourly 19.87 2087 2191 2301 2416 Bi-monthly 1722.50 1808 50 1899 00 1994.00 2093 78 Monthly 3,445 3,617 3,798 3,988 4,188 Annual 41,340 43,404 45,576 47,858 50.251 380 Hourly 1997 20.97 22.02 2312 24.28 B,-monthly 1731.00 181750 190850 2004 00 210425 Monthly 3,462 3,635 3,817 4,008 4,209 Annual 41,544 43,620 45,804 48.096 50,502 38E Hourly 2007 2107 2213 2324 2440 B,-monthly 1739.50 1826 50 191800 2014 00 2114.77 Monthly 3,479 3,653 3,836 4,028 4,230 Annual 41,746 43,836 46,032 48,336 50,755 39A Hourly 20.17 2118 22.24 2335 2452 B,-monthly 174800 1835.50 1927 50 2024.00 2125 00 Monthly 3,496 3,671 3,855 4,048 4,250 Annual 41.952 44,052 46,260 48,578 51,000 39B Hourly 2027 21.29 22.35 2347 2464 B~monthly 1757 00 1845.00 1937 00 2034 00 2135 83 Monthly 3,514 3,690 3,874 4.068 4,271 Annual 42,168 44,280 46,488 48,816 51.255 1- I I City of Seal Beach NUmbe~..z. Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA Resolution 2,5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended mle Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 39C Hourly 2037 21.39 22.46 2358 2476 Bi-monthly 1765.50 1854.00 1946 50 2044.00 2146.30 Monthly 3,531 3,708 3,893 4,088 4,293 Annual 42,372 44,496 46,716 49,056 51,511 39D Hourly 2048 21.50 22.57 2371 24.89 Bi-monthly 1775.00 1863.50 1956.50 2054.50 2157.03 Monthly 3,550 3,m 3,913 4,109 4,314 Annual 42,600 44,724 48,956 49,308 51,769 39E Hourly 2058 21.81 22.68 23.82 25.01 Bi-monthly 1783 50 1872.50 1966.00 2064 50 216782 Monthly 3,567 3,745 3,932 4,129 4,336 Annual 42,804 44,940 47,184 49.548 52,028 40A Hourly 20.68 21.71 22.79 23.94 25.13 Bi-monthly 1792.00 188150 1975.50 2074.50 217800 Monthly 3,584 3,763 3.951 4.149 4,356 Annual 43,008 45,156 47,412 49,788 52,272 40B Hourly 2077 2181 22.90 24.05 2528 BI-monthly 1800.50 1890.50 1985.00 2084.50 2188.89 Monthly 3,601 3,781 3,970 4,169 4,378 Annual 43,212 45,372 47,840 50,028 52,533 40C Hourly 20.88 21.92 23.02 24.17 25.38 B,-monthly 1809.50 1900 00 1995 00 2095 00 2199.83 Monthly 3,619 3,800 3,990 4,190 4,400 Annual 43,428 45,800 47,880 50,280 52,796 400 Hourly 20.98 22.03 23.13 24.29 25.51 BI-monthly 1818.50 1909 50 2005 00 2105 50 2210.83 Monthly 3,637 3,819 4,010 4,211 4,422 Annual 43,644 45,828 48,120 50,532 53,060 40E Hourly 2109 22.14 23.25 24.42 2564 8i-monthly 1827.50 1919.00 2015.00 2116.00 2221.89 Monthly 3,655 3,838 4,030 4,232 4,444 Annual 43,860 46,056 48,380 50,784 53,325 41A Hourly 21.19 2225 2337 24.53 2576 B~monthly 1838 50 1928.50 2025.00 2126 00 2232.50 Monthly 3,673 3,857 4,050 4,252 4,465 Annual 44,076 46,284 46,800 51,024 53,580 41B Hourly 21.29 2236 2346 24.66 2589 Bi-monthly 1845.50 1938.00 2035.00 2137.00 2243.66 Monthly 3,691 3,876 4,070 4,274 4,487 Annual 44,292 46,512 48,840 51,288 53,848 41C Hourly 21.40 2247 23.80 2478 28.02 B,-monthly 1655.00 1947.50 2045.00 214750 2254.88 Monthly 3,710 3,895 4,090 4,295 4,510 Annual 44,520 46,740 49,080 51,540 54,117 410 Hourly 2151 2258 23.71 2490 2615 Bi-monthly 1864.00 1957.00 2055.00 215800 2286.16 Monthly 3,728 3,914 4,110 4,316 4,532 Annual 44,736 46,968 49,320 51,792 54,388 41E Hourly 21.82 22.70 2383 25.03 26.28 BI-monthly 1873.50 1967 00 2065.50 216900 2277.49 Monthly 3,747 3,934 4,131 4,338 4,555 Annual 44.964 47,208 49,572 52,056 54,660 42A Hourly 21.72 22.81 23.95 25.15 2841 Bi-monthly 1882.50 1976.50 2075.50 2179 50 2288.50 Monthly 3,765 3,953 4,151 4,359 4,577 Annual 45,180 47,436 49,812 52,308 54,924 42B Hourly 21.83 2292 24.07 25.27 2654 BI-monthly 1 B92.00 1986.50 2086.00 2190.50 2299.94 Monthly 3,784 3,973 4,172 4,381 4,600 Annual 45,408 47,676 50,064 52,572 55,199 42C Hourly 21.94 23.04 24.19 25.40 28.67 Bi-monthly 190150 1996.50 2096.50 2201 50 2311.44 Monthly 3.803 3,993 4,193 4,403 4,623 Annual 45,638 47.916 50,316 52,836 55,475 City ot Seal Beach Range Placement Table. Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum NumIM, Recommended TIUe Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Steps 420 Hou~y 2205 23.15 24.31 25.53 2680 BI-monthly 1911.00 2006 50 2107.00 221250 2323.00 Monthly 3,822 4,013 4,214 4,425 4.646 Annual 45,864 48,156 50,568 53,100 55,752 42E Hou~y 2216 2327 24.43 25.66 2694 BI-monthly 1920.50 2016.50 2117 50 2223.50 2334.61 Monthly 3,841 4,033 4,235 4.447 4,669 Annual 46,092 48,396 50,820 53,364 56,031 43A Hourly 2226 2338 24.55 25.78 27.06 Bi-monthly 1929.50 2026 00 212750 2234.00 2345.50 Monthly 3,859 4,052 4,255 4,468 4,691 Annual 46,308 48,624 51,060 53,616 56,292 43B Hou~y 2237 2349 24.67 2590 2720 BI-monthly 1939 00 2036.00 213800 2245.00 2357 23 Monthly 3,878 4,072 4,276 4,490 4,714 Annual 46,536 48,864 51,312 53,880 56,573 43C Hourly 2248 2361 24.79 26.03 2733 BI-monthly 1948.50 2046.00 2148.50 2256.00 2369.01 Monthly 3,897 4,092 4,297 4,512 4,738 Annual 46,764 49,104 51,564 54,144 56,856 430 Hou~y 22.60 2373 24.92 26.16 2747 Bi-monthly 1958 50 2056 50 215950 2267 50 2380.86 Monthly 3,917 4,113 4,319 4,535 4,762 Annual 47,004 49,356 51,828 54,420 57,141 43E Hourly 2271 2385 25.04 26.30 27.61 Bi-monthly 1968.50 2067.00 2170.50 2279 00 2392 76 Monthly 3,937 4,134 4,341 4,558 4,786 Annual 47,244 49,B08 52,092 54,696 57,426 44A Hourly 2282 23.96 25.16 2642 2774 Bi-monthly 1977 50 2076 50 2180.50 2289.50 2404.00 Monthly 3,955 4,153 4,381 4,579 4,808 Annual 47,460 49,838 52,332 54,948 57,696 44B Hou~y 2293 24.08 25.29 26.55 27.86 Bi-monthly 1987 50 2067 00 219150 2301.00 2416.02 Monthly 3,975 4,174 4,383 4,602 4,832 Annual 47,700 50,088 52,596 55,224 57,984 44C Hourly 2305 24.20 25.41 2668 2802 BI-monthly 1997.50 2097 50 2202 50 231250 2429 10 Monthly 3,995 4,195 4,405 4,625 4,856 Annual 47,940 50,340 52,860 55,500 58,274 440 Hourly 23.16 24.32 2554 2682 28.16 BI-monthly 2007.50 2108 00 221350 2324.00 2440.24 Monthly 4,015 4,216 4,427 4,648 4,880 Annual 48,180 50,592 53,124 55,776 58,566 44E Hourly 2328 2444 2567 26.95 2830 BI-monthly 2017.50 2118.50 2224.50 2335.50 2452 44 Monthly 4,035 4,237 4,449 4,671 4,905 Annual 48,420 50,844 53,388 56,052 58,859 45A Hou~y 23.39 2456 25.79 2707 26.43 Bi-monthly 2027.00 2128 50 2235.00 2346 50 2464.00 Monthly 4,054 4,257 4,470 4,693 4,926 Annual 48,648 51,084 53,640 56,316 59,136 45B Hourly 23.50 24.68 25.92 27.21 2857 Bi-monthly 2037 00 213900 2246.00 2358.50 2476.32 Monthly 4,074 4,278 4,492 4,717 4,953 Annual 48,868 51,336 53,904 56,604 59,432 45C Hou~y 23.62 2480 26.04 2735 28.72 Bi-monthly 2047.00 2149.50 2257 00 2370.00 2488.70 Monthly 4,094 4,299 4.514 4,740 4.977 Annual 49,128 51,588 54,188 56,880 59,729 450 Hou~y 2374 24.93 26.17 27.48 26.86 Bi-monthly 2057.50 2160.50 2268 50 2382.00 2501.15 Monthly 4,115 4,321 4,537 4,764 5.002 Annual 49,380 51,852 54,444 57,168 60,027 I I I City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table - Include. 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Resolution NUmbe~$..z. I Range Pay Minimum Maximum NlllTlber Recommended TIUe Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 45E Hourly 23.86 2506 2631 V62 29.00 B,-monthly 2068 00 217150 2280.00 2394 00 251365 Monthly 4,136 4,343 4,560 4,788 5,027 Annual 49,632 52,116 54,720 57,456 60,328 46A Hourly 2397 2517 26.43 27.75 2914 Bi-monthly 2077.50 218150 2290 50 2405.00 2525.50 Monthly 4,155 4,363 4,581 4,810 5,051 Annual 49,860 52,356 54,972 '51,720 60,612 46B Hourly 2410 2530 26.57 V.as 2929 B,-monthly 2068 50 2193 00 2302.50 2417.50 2538 13 Monthly 4,177 4,386 4,605. 4,835 5,076 Annual 50,124 52,632 55,260 58,020 60,915 46C Hourly 2422 25.43 26.70 2803 2943 Bi-monthly 2099.00 2204 00 231400 2429 50 2550.82 Monthly 4,198 4,408 4,628 4,859 5,102 Annual 50,376 52,896 55,538 58,308 61,220 460 Hourly 24.33 25.55 2683 28.17 29.58 B'-monthly 2109.00 2214.50 2325 00 2441.50 2563 57 Monthly 4,218 4,429 4,650 4,883 5,1V Annual 50,616 53,148 55,800 58,596 61,526 46E Hourly 24.45 25.67 2696 28.31 2973 B,-monthly 2119.00 2225 00 2336.50 2453 50 2576.39 Monthly 4,238 4,450 4,673 4,907 5,153 Annual 50,856 53,400 56,076 58,884 61,833 47A Hourly 24 '51 2579 2709 2844 29.87 B,-monthly 2129 00 2235.50 2347.50 2465 00 258B 50 Monthly 4,258 4,471 4,695 4,930 5,177' Annual 51,096 53.652 56,340 59,160 62,124 47B Hourly 2469 2593 2722 2859 3002 BJ-monthly 2140.00 2247.00 2359.50 2477 50 2601.44 Monthly 4,280 4,494 4,719 4,955 5,203 Annual 51,360 53,928 56,628 59,460 62,435 47C Hourly 24.82 26.06 27.36 2873 3017 B,-monthly 215100 2258 50 2371 50 2490 00 261445 Monthly 4,302 4,517 4,743 4,980 5,229 Annual 51,624 54,204 56,916 59,780 62,747 470 Hourly 2495 26.19 2750 28.87 30.32 B,-monthly 2162.00 2270 00 2383 50 2502 50 2627.52 Monthly 4,324 4,540 4,767 5,005 5,255 Annual 51,888 54,480 57,204 60,060 63,061 47E Hourly 25.07 2632 2763 2902 3047 Bi-monthly 2172 50 2281 00 2395 00 2515.00 2640 66 Monthly 4,345 4,562 4,790 5,030 5,281 Annual 52,140 54,744 57,480 60,360 63,376 48A Hourly 2518 26.44 V.76 2915 3061 B~monthly 218250 2291.50 2406 00 2526 50 2653.00 Monthly 4,365 4,583 4,812 5.053 5,306 Annual 52,380 54.996 57,744 60,636 63,672 488 Hourly 2532 2658 2791 29.30 30.76 Bi-monthly 2194 00 2303.50 241850 2539 50 2666 27 Monthly 4,388 4,607 4,837 5,079 5,333 Annual 52,656 55,284 58,044 60,948 63,990 48C Hourly 2544 2671 28.04 29.45 3092 Bi-monthly 2205.00 231500 2430 50 2552.00 2679 60 Monthly 4,410 4,630 4,861 5,104 5,359 Annual 52,920 55,560 58,332 61,248 64,310 480 Hourly 25.56 2684 2819 2960 31.07 Bi-monthly 2215.50 2326 50 2443 00 2585 00 2692.99 Monthly 4,431 4,653 4,886 5,130 5,386 Annual 53,172 55.836 58,632 61,560 64,632 48E Hourly 2569 2698 28.33 29.74 3123 B,-monthly 2226.50 2338 00 2455.00 2577 50 V06 46 Monthly 4,453 4,676 4,910 5,155 5,413 Annual 53,436 56,112 58,920 6t,860 64,955 I I City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table -Includes 2'10 COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5'10 Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Tille Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 49A Hourly 2581 2710 2846 2988 31.38 BI-Jnonthly 2237.00 2349.00 2468.50 2590 00 271950 Monthly 4,474 4,698 4.933 5,180 5,439 Annual 53,688 56,376 59,196 62,160 65,268 49B Houriy 2594 2724 2860 3003 3154 BI-monthly 2248.50 2361.00 2479 00 2603 00 2733 10 Monthly 4,497 4,722 4,958 5.208 5,466 Annual 53,964 56,664 59,496 62,472 65,594 49C Houriy 2608 27.38 2875 3018 3189 BI-monthly 2260 00 2373.00 2491 50 2816.00 2748.76 - Monthly 4,520 4,748 4,983 5,232 5,494 Annual 54,240 56,952 59,796 82,784 65,922 490 Hourly 2621 27.52 28.89 30.33 3185 BI-monthly 2271 50 2385 00 2504 00 2629 00 2760 50 Monthly 4,543 4,770 5,008 5,258 5,521 Annual 54,516 57,240 60,096 83,096 66,252 49E Hourly 2633 2785 29.03 3048 32.01 Bi-monthly 2282.00 2398.00 251800 2642 00 2774 30 Monthly 4,584 4,792 5,032 5,284 5,549 Annual 54,768 57,504 60,384 63,408 66,583 50A Houriy 26.48 27.78 2917 3063 3216 Bi-monthly 2293 50 2408.00 2528.50 2655 00 2787 50 Monthly 4,587 4,816 5,057 5,310 5,575 Annual 55,044 57,792 60,684 83,720 66.900 50B Houriy 2660 2792 29.32 3078 32.32 Bi-monthly 2305 00 2420.00 2541 00 2668 00 2801 44 Monthly 4,610 4,840 5,082 5,336 5,603 Annual 55,320 58,080 60,984 64,032 67,235 50C Houriy 2673 28.07 2947 3094 3249 B~monthly 231650 2432 50 2554.00 2681 50 2815.44 Monthly 4,633 4,865 5,108 5,363 5,831 Annual 55,596 . 58,380 61,296 64,356 67,571 500. Hourly 2686 2821 2961 31 10 32.85 Bi-monthly 2328 00 2444.50 2566.50 2695 00 2829 52 Monthly 4,656 4,889 5,133 5,390 5,659 Annual 55,872 58,668 61,596 64,680 67,909 50E Houriy 2699 2834 2976 3125 3281 Bi-monthlY 2339.50 2456 50 2579.50 2708 50 2843 67 Monthly 4,679 4,913 5,159 5,417 5,687 Annual 56,148 58,956 61,908 65,004 68,248 51A Hourly 27.12 2848 29.90 31.40 32.97 BI-monthly 2350 50 2468 00 2591.50 2721 00 2857 00 Monthly 4,701 4,938 5,183 5,442 5,714 Annual 56,412 59,232 62,196 85,304 68,568 51B Hourly 2726 2862 3005 3155 3313 B~monthly 2362.50 2480 50 2604 50 2734 50 2871 29 Monthly 4,725 4,961 5,209 5,469 5,743 Annual 56,700 59,532 62,508 85.628 68,911 51C Hourly 27.39 2876 3020 3171 33.30 BI-monthly 2374 00 2492 50 261700 2748 00 2885 64 Monthly 4,748 4,985 5,234 5,496 5,771 Annual 56,976 59,820 62,808 85,952 69.255 510 Hourly 2752 28.90 3035 31.87 33.46 Bi-monthly 2385 50 2505.00 2630 50 2762.00 290007 Monthly 4,771 5,010 5,261 5,524 5,800 Annual 57,252 60,120 63,132 66,288 89,602 51E Hourly 2767 2905 30.51 3203 3363 BI-monthly 2398 00 251800 2644.00 2778 00 291457 Monthly 4,796 5,036 5,288 5,552 5.829 Annual 57,552 60,432 83,456 66,624 69,950 52A Houriy 27.80 2919 30.85 32.18 3379 Bi-monthly 2409.00 2529 50 2656.00 2789 00 2928 50 Monthly 4,818 5,059 5,312 5,578 5,857 Annual 57,816 60,708 63,744 68,936 70,284 I I I City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table - Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Resolution Numbe~e?~ I Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 52B Hourly 2794 2934 30.80 32.34 33.96 Bi-monthly 2421 50 2542.50 2669 50 2803 00 2943 14 Monthly 4,843 5,085 5,339 5,606 5,896 Annual 58,116 61,020 64,068 67,272 70,635 52C Hourly 28.08 29.48 3096 3250 3413 Bi-monthly 2433 50 2555 00 2683 00 281700 2957 86 Monthly 4,867 5,110 5,366 5,634 5,916 Annual 58,404 61,320 64,392 67,608 70,989 520 Hourly 2821 2962 31.11 3267 3430 Bi-monthly 2445 00 2567.50 2696.00 2831 00 2972.65 Monthly 4,890 5,135 5,392 5,662 5,945 Annual 58,680 61,620 64,704 67,944 71,344 52E Hourly 2836 2977 3126 3283 3447 Bi-monthly 2457.50 2580 50 2709.50 2845.00 2987.51 Monthly 4,915 5,161 5,419 5,690 5,975 Annual 58,980 61,932 65,028 68,280 71,700 53A Hourly 2849 2992 31.41 32.98 3483 B~moirthly 2469.50 2593 00 2722.50 2858 50 3001.50 Monthly 4,939 5,186 5,445 5,717 6,003 Annual 59,268 62,232 65,340 68,604 72,036 53B Hourly 2863 3006 31.57 3315 3481 BI-monthly 2481 50 2605 50 2736 00 2873 00 3016.51 Monthly 4,963 5,211 5,472 5,746 6,033 Annual 59,556 62,532 65,664 68,952 72.396 53C Hourly 2878 3021 3172 3331 34.98 Bi-monthly 2494 00 261850 2749.50 2687 00 3031 59 . Monthly 4,988 5,237 5,499 5,774 6,063 Annual 59,856 62,844 65,968 69,268 72,758 530 Hourly 28.92 30.37 31.89 33.48 35.15 B~monthly 2506 50 2832 00 2763.50 2901 50 3048.75 Monthly 5,013 5,284 5,527 5,803 6,093 Annual 60,156 63,168 66,324 69,636 73,122 53E Hourly 29.07 30.52 32.04 33.65 3533 B,-monthly 2519.00 2645 00 2m 00 291600 3061.98 Monthly 5,038 5,290 5,554 5,832 6,124 Annual 60,456 63,460 66,648 69,984 73,488 54A Hourly 2920 3066 3220 33.81 35.50 81-monthly 2531.00 2657.50 2790 50 2930 00 3076.50 Monthly 5.062 5,315 5,581 5,860 6,153 Annual 60,744 63,780 66,972 70,320 73,836 54B Hourly 29.35 30.82 3236 33.97 35.68 BI-monthly 2544.00 2671.00 2804.50 2944.50 3091.88 Monthly 5,088 5,342 5,609 5,889 8,184 Annual 61,056 64,104 67,308 70.668 74,205 54C Hourly 29.50 30.97 3252 34.15 3585 B~monthly 2556.50 2684.50 281850 2959 50 3107.34 Monthly 5,113 5,369 5,637 5,919 6,215 Annual 61,356 64,428 67.644 71,028 74.576 540 Hourly 2964 3112 32.68 3432 3603 B,-monthly 2569.00 2697 50 2832 50 2974 00 3122 88 Monthly 5,136 5,395 5,665 5,948 6,246 Annual 61,656 64,740 67,980 71,376 74,949 54E Hourly 2979 3128 3284 3449 36.21 Bi-monthly 2582 00 2711.00 2848 50 29B9 00 3138 49 Monthly 5,164 5,422 5,693 5,978 6,277 Annual 61,968 65.064 68,316 71,736 75,324 55A Hourly 2994 31.44 3301 3466 36.39 Bi-monthly 2595.00 2724 50 2860 50 3003.50 3153 50 Monthly 5,190 5,449 5,721 6,007 6,307 Annual 62,280 65,388 68,652 72,084 75.684 55B Hourly 3009 3159 3317 3483 3657 BHT1Ol\thly 2607 50 2738.00 2875 \Xl 301850 3169.27 Monthly 5,215 5.476 5,750 6,037 6,339 Annual 62,580 65,712 69,000 72,444 76,062 I I City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COlA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period step' Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 55C Hourly 30.24 3175 3333 3500 36.75 B,-monthly 2620 50 2751.50 2889 00 3033 50 318511 Monthly 5,241 5,503 5,778 8,067 6,370 Annual 62,892 66,038 69,336 72,804 76,443 550 Hourly 30.39 3190 3350 35.17 3693 8~monthly 2633 50 2765 00 2903 50 3048 50 3201 04 Monthly 5,267 5,530 5,807 6,097 6,402 Annual 63,204 66,380 69,684 73,164 76,825 55E Hourly 30.54 32.07 33.67 35.35 37.12 Bi-monthly 2646 50 2779.00 291800 3064 00 3217.04 - Monthly 5,293 5,558 5,836 6,128 6.434 Annual 63,516 66,696 70,032 73,536 77,'209 56A Hourly 30.69 3222 3383 35.52 3730 BI-monthly 2659.50 2792.50 2932.00 3078.50 3232 50 Monthly 5,319 5,585 5,864 6,157 6,465 Annual 63,828 67,020 70,368 73,884 77,580 568 Hourly 30.84 3238 3400 35.70 3748 B,-monthly 26n 50 2806.00 2946 50 3094 00 3248.66 Monthly 5.345 5,612 5,893 6,188 6.497 Annual 64,140 67,344 70,716 74,256 77,968 56C Hourly 3099 3254 34.17 3588 3767 BI-monthly 2686.00 2820 50 2961 50 310950 3264.91 Monthly 5,3n 5,641 5,923 6,219 6,530 Annual 64.464 67,692 71,076 74,628 78,358 560 Hourly 3115 3271 3434 3606 37.86 Bi-monthly 2689 50 2834 50 2976 00 312500 3281 23 Monthly 5,399 5,669 5,952 6,200 6,562 Annual 64,788 88,028 71,424 75,000 78,750 56E Hourly 3130 3287 3451 3624 3805 BI-monthly 2713.00 2848.50 2991.00 314050 3297 64 Monthly 5,426 5,697 5,982 6,281 6,595 Annual 65,112 68,364 71,784 75,3n 79,143 57A Hourly 3145 33.02 34.67 3641 3623 Bi-monthly 2725.50 2862 00 3005 00 315550 331350 Monthly 5,451 5,724 6,010 6,311 6,627 Annual 65,412 68,686 n,12O 75,732 79,524 57B Hourly 31.61 3319 3485 3659 3842 Bi-monthly 2739.50 2876 50 3020.50 3171.50 3330.07 Monthly 5,479 5,753 6.041 6,343 6,660 Annual 65,748 69,036 n.492 76,116 79,922 57C Hourly 3177 33.36 3502 3678 38.62 B~monthly 2753 50 2891.00 3035 50 3187.50 3346 72 Monthly 5,507 5,782 6,071 6,375 6,693 Annual 66,064 69,384 72,852 76,500 80,321 57D Hourly 3193 33.52 3520 3696 3881 Bi-monthly 2767.00 2905 50 3051 00 3203 50 3363 45 Monthly 5,534 5,811 6,102 6,407 6,n7 Annual 66,408 69,732 73,224 76,884 80,723 57E Hourly 3209 3369 35.38 37.15 3900 BI-monthly 2781.00 2920 00 3066.00 3219.50 3380 27 Monthly 5,562 5,840 6,132 6,439 6,761 Annual 66,744 70.080 73,584 77,268 81,126 56A Hourly 3225 33.86 3555 37.33 39.19 Bi-monthly 2795 00 2934 50 3081 00 3235 00 3396.50 Monthly 5,590 5.869 6.162 6,470 6,793 Annual 67,060 70,428 73,944 77,640 81,516 58B Hourly 32.40 3402 35n 3751 3939 BI-monthly 2808 00 2946 50 3096.00 325' 00 3413.48 Monthly 5,616 5,697 6,192 6,502 6,827 Annual 67,392 70,764 74,304 78,024 81,924 58C Hourly 3257 34.19 3590 3770 3958 Bi-monthly 2822.50 2963.50 311150 3267 00 3430.55 Monthly 5,645 5,927 6,223 6,534 6,861 Annual 67,740 71.124 74,676 78,408 82,333 I I I City or Seal Beach Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA 2,5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Resolution Number~~ I Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Tille Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 58D Hourly 3272 3436 3608 37.89 39.78 B,-monlhly 2836.00 2978.00 3127 00 3283 50 3447.70 Monthly 5.672 5,956 6,254 8,567 6,895 Annual 68,064 71,472 75,048 78,804 82.745 58E Hou~y 3290 34.54 3627 3808 39.98 Bi-monthly 2851 00 2993 50 3143 00 3300.00 3464 94 Monthly 5,702 5,987 6.286 6,600 6,930 Annual 68,424 71,844 75,432 79,200 83,159 59A Hourly 33.05 34.70 3643 3826 40.17 Bi-monlhly 2864.00 3007.00 315750 331550 3481 50 Monlhly 5,728 6,014 6,315 6,631 6,963 Annual 68,736 72,168 75,780 79,572 83,556 59B Hou~y 33.22 34.88 3662 38.45 4037 Bi-monlhly 2879.00 3023 00 3t74 00 3332 50 3498 91 Monthly 5,758 6.046 6,348 6,665 6.998 Annual 69,096 72,552 78,176 79,980 83,974 59C Hourly 3338 35 OS 36.80 3864 40.57 Bi-monthly 2893.00 3037.50 3189.50 3349 00 351640 Monthly 5,786 6,075 6,379 6,698 7,033 Annual 69,432 72,900 76,548 80,376 84,394 59D Hourly 3354 3522 36.98 38.83 4078 Bi-monthly 2907.00 3052.50 3205 00 3365.50 3533 98 Monthly 5,814 6,IOS 6,410 6,731 7,068 Annual 69.768 73,280 76,920 80,772 84,816 59E Hourly 3372 35.40 37.17 39.03 4098 Bi-monthly 2922 00 3068 00 3221 50 3382.50 3551.65 Monthly . 5,844 6,138 6,443 6,765 7,103 Annual 70,128 73,632 77,316 81,180 85,240 BOA Hourly 33.87 3557 37.34 39.21 4117 Bi-monthly 2935.50 3082 50 3236 50 3398 50 3568 50 Monthly 5,871 6.165 6,473 6,797 7,137 Annual 70,452 73,980 77,676 81,564 85,644 80B Hourly 34.04 3575 37.53 3941 41.38 B~monthly 2950 50 3098 00 3253 00 3415.50 3586 34 Monthly 5,901 6,196 6,506 6,831 7,173 Annual 70,812 74,352 78,072 81,972 86,072 60C Hourly 34.21 3592 37.72 3961 4159 B~monthly 2965.00 311350 3269 00 3432 50 3804 27 Monthly 5,930 6,227 6.538 6,865 7,209 Annuar 71,160 74,724 78,456 82,380 86,503 BOD Hou~y 3438 36.10 3791 39.81 4180 Bi-monlhly 2980.00 3129 00 3285 50 3450.00 3622.30 Monlhly 5,960 6,258 6.571 6,900 7,245 Annual 71,520 75,096 78,852 82,800 86,935 80E Hou~y 3456 36.29 38.10 40.00 4200 Bi-monthly 2995.00 3145.00 3302.00 3457 00 3640 41 Monthly 5,990 6,290 6,604 6,934 7,281 , Annual 71,880 75,480 79,248 83,208 87,370 61A Hourly 34.72 3648 3828 40.19 42.20 Bi-monthly 3009 00 3159.50 3317.50 3483.50 3657 50 Monthly 6,018 6,319 6,635 6,967 7,315 Annual 72,216 75,828 79,620 83,604 87,780 81B Hourly 3490 3664 3847 4040 4241 BI-monthly 3024 50 3175 50 3334 50 3501.00 3675.79 Monthly 6,049 6,351 6,689 7,002 7,352 Annual 72,588 76,212 80,028 84,024 88,219 61C Hourly 35.07 3682 38.67 4060 42.62 BI-monthly 3039.50 319150 3351 00 351850 3694.17 Monthly 6,079 6.383 6,702 7,037 7,388 Annual 72,948 76,596 80,424 84,444 88,660 61D Hourly 3524 3700 3886 4080 4284 Bi-monthly 3054 50 3207.00 3367.50 3536 00 371264 Monthly 6,109 6,414 6,735 7,072 7,425 Annual 73,308 76,968 80,820 84,864 89,103 - I I City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended TIUe Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 61E Hourly 3542 3719 3905 4100 4305 B~monthly 3070.00 3223 50 3384.50 3553 50 3731.20 Monthly 6,140 6,447 6,769 7,107 7,462 Annual 73,680 77,364 81,228 85,284 89,549 62A Hourly 35.59 37.37 3924 41.20 43.26 B>-monthly 3084.50 3238 50 3400 50 3570 50 3749 00 Monthly 6,169 6,477 6,801 7,141 7,498 Annual 74,028 77,724 81,612 85,692 89,976 62B Hourly 35.77 37.56 3943 4141 43.47 B~monthly 3100 00 3255.00 341750 3588 50 3767.75 - Monthly 6,200 6,510 6,835 7,177 7,535 Annual 74,400 78,120 82,020 86,124 90,426 62C Hourly 3595 37.75 39.63 41.61 43.69 B~monthly 311550 3271 50 3435 00 3606.50 3786 58 Monthly 6,231 6,543 6,B70 7,213 7,573 Annual 74,772 78,516 82,440 86,556 90,878 620 Hourly 36.13 3793 3983 4182 4391 Bi-monthly 313100 3287.50 3452.00 3624.50 3805.52 Monthly 6,262 6.575 6,904 7,249 7,611 Annual 75,144 78,900 82,848 86,988 91,332 62E Hourly 36.31 38.12 40.03 4203 44.13 B,-monthly 314650 3304.00 3469.00 3642 50 3824 54 Monthly 6,293 6,608 6,938 7,285 7,649 Annual 75,516 79,296 83,256 87,420 91,789 63A Hourly 3647 3830 4021 4222 4434 BI-monthly 316100 3319.00 3485.00 3659 50 3842.50 Monthly 6,322 6,638 6,970 7,319 7,685 Annual 75,864 79,656 83,640 87,828 92,220 63B HOUrly 36.66 3849 40.42 4244 4456 B~monthly 3177 00 3336 00 3503 00 3678 00 386171 Monthly 6,354 6.672 7,006 7,356 7,723 Annual 76,248 80,064 84,072 88,272 92,681 63C Hourly 3684 3868 40.62 4265 4478 Bi-monthly 3193.00 3352 50 3520 00 3696 00 3881 02 Monthly 6,386 6,705 7,040 7,392 7,762 Annual 76.632 80,460 84,480 88,704 93,145 630 Hourly 3702 3887 4082 4286 4500 Bi-monthly 3208 50 3369 00 3537 50 3714.50 3900 43 Monthly 6,417 6,738 7,075 7,429 7,801 Annual 77,004 80,856 84,900 89,148 93,610 63E Hourly 37.21 39.07 4102 43.08 4523 B,-monthly 3225 00 3386 00 3555 50 3733 50 3919 93 Monthly 6,450 6,772 7,111 7,467 7,840 Annual 77,400 81,264 85,332 89,604 94,078 64A Hourly 3739 3926 41.22 4328 4544 Bi-monthly 3240.50 3402 50 3572 50 3751 00 3938 50 Monthly 6.481 6,805 7,145 7,502 7,877 Annual 77,772 81,660 85,740 90,024 94,524 64B Hourly 37.57 39.45 4142 4349 4567 Bi-monthly 3256 00 341900 3590 00 3769 50 3956.19 Monthly 6,512 6,838 7,180 7,539 7,916 Annual 78,144 82,056 86,160 90,468 94,997 84C Hourly 3776 3965 4163 43.71 4590 B~monthly 3272.50 3436.00 3608 00 3788 50 3977 98 Monthly 6,545 6,872 7,216 7.577 7,956 Annual 78,540 82,464 86,592 90,924 9,5,472 640 Hourly 3795 39.85 41.84 4393 4613 Bi-monthly 3289 00 3453 50 3626 00 3807.50 3997 87 Monthly 6,578 6,907 7,252 7,615 7,996 Annual 78,936 82,864 87,024 91,380 95,949 64E Hourly 3814 4005 4205 4415 46.36 Bi-monthly 3305 50 3471 00 3644.50 3826.50 401786 Monthly 6,611 6,942 7,289 7,653 8,036 Annual 79,332 83,304 87,488 91,836 96,429 I I I City of Seal Beach NUmber~a..;z Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA Resolution 2,5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended TIUe Pertod Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 65A Hourly 3832 4024 4225 4437 4656 BI-monthly 3321 50 3487 50 3662 00 3845.00 4037 00 Monthly 6,643 6,975 7,324 7,690 8,074 Annual 79,716 63,700 67,668 92,260 96,688 65B Hourly 38.52 40.44 4246 4458 4681 Bi-monthly 3338.00 3505 00 3880.00 3664 00 4057.19 Monthly 6,676 7.010 7,380 7,728 6,114 Annual 80,112 84,120 68,320 92,738 97,372 65C Hourly 38.71 4064 4267 44.81 47.05 Bi-monthly 3355.00 3522.50 3898.50 3883.50 4077 47 Monthly 6,710 7,045 7,397 7,767 8,155 Annual 80,520 84,540 88,764 93,204 97,859 650 Hourly 3890 4084 42.68 45.03 47.26 Bi-monthly 3371.00 3539.50 3716.50 3902.50 4097.86 Monthly 6,742 7,079 7,433 7,805 8,196 Annual 80,904 84,948 89,196 93,680 98,349 65E Hourly 39.09 41.04 4310 45.25 4752 Bi-monthly 3387 50 3557.00 3735 00 3922 00 411835 Monthly 6.775 7,114 7,470 7,844 8,237 Annual 81,300 85,368 89,640 94,128 98.840 66A Hourly 39.29 4125 4331 4547 4775 BI-monthly 3405.00 3575.00 3753 50 3941.00 4138 00 Monthly 6,810 7,150 7,507 7,8B2 8,276 Annual 81,720 85,800 90.084 94,584 99,312 66B Hourly 3948 41.45 4352 4570 47.98 BI-monthly 3421.50 3592.50 3772 00 3960 50 4158.69 Monthly 6,843 7,185 7,544 7,921 8,317 Annual 82,116 86,220 90,528 95,052 99,809 66C Hourly 39.67 41.66 43.74 4593 4822 B.-monthly 3438.50 361050 3791 00 3980 50 417948 Monthly 6,877 7,221 7,582 7,961 8,359. Annual 82,524 86,652 90,984 95,532 100,308 660 Hourly 3987 4187 4396 46.16 4847 Bi-monJhly 3455 50 3628 50 3810.00 4000 50 4200 38 Monthly 6,911 7,257 7,620 8,001 8,401 Annual 82,932 87,084 91,440 96,012 100,809 66E Hourly 40.07 4207 4418 46.39 48.71 BI-monthly 347300 3646 50 3829 00 4020 50 4221 38 Monthly 6,948 7,293 7,658 8,041 8.443 Annual 83,352 87,516 91,896 96,492 101,313 67A Hourly 4026 4228 44.39 46.61 4894 Bi-monthly 3489 50 3664 00 3847.00 4039.50 4241.50 Monthly 6,979 7,328 7,694 8,079 8,483 Annual 83,748 87,936 92,328 96,948 101,796 67B Hourly 40.46 4246 4461 46.84 49.18 Bi-monthly 3506.50 3682 00 3866.00 4059.50 4262 71 Monthly 7,013 7,364 7,732 8,119 8.525 Annual 84,156 68,366 92,784 97,428 102,305 67C Hourly 4067 4270 4483 4708 4943 Bi-monthly 3524.50 3700.50 3885 50 4080 00 4284 02 Monthly 7,049 7,401 7,771 8,160 8,568 Annual 84,588 88,812 93,252 97.920 102,817 670 Hourly 4087 42.91 45.06 47.31 49.68 BI-monthly 3542.00 371900 3905 00 4100.50 4305.44 Monthly 7,084 7,438 7,810 8,201 8,611 Annual 85,008 89,256 93,720 98,412 103,331 67E Hourly 4108 43.13 4529 47.55 4993 Bi-monthly 3560.00 3738 00 3925 00 4121.00 4326 97 Monthly 7,120 7,476 7,850 8,242 8,654 Annual 85,440 69,712 94,200 98,904 103,847 68A Hourly 41.27 4333 4550 4777 5016 BI-monthly 3576 50 3755 50 3943.50 4140 50 4347 50 Monthly 7,153 7,511 7,887 8,281 8,695 Annual 85,838 90,132 94,644 99,372 104,340 City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 68B Hourly 4148 4355 4573 4801 5041 8,-monthly 3595.00 3774 50 3963 00 416100 4369.24 Monthly 7,190 7,549 7,926 8,322 8,738 Annual 86.280 90,588 95,112 99,864 104,862 68C Hourly 4169 43.n 4596 4825 5067 B,-monthly 361300 3793 50 3983 00 418200 4391.08 Monthly 7,226 7,587 7,966 8,364 8,782 Annual 86,712 91,044 95,592 100,368 105,386 680 Hourly 41.90 4399 4619 48.50 5092 Bi-monthly 3631.00 3812.50 4003 00 4203.00 441304 Monthly 7.262 7,625 8,006 8,406 8,826 Annual 87,144 91,500 96,072 100,872 105,913 68E Hourly 4210 44.21 46.42 48.74 5117 B~monthly 3649 00 3831 50 4023 00 4224 00 4435 10 Monthly 7,298 7,663 8,046 8,448 8.870 Annual 87,576 91,956 96,552 101,378 106,443 69A Hourly 4230 4442 4664 48.97 5142 B~monthly 3666 00 3849 50 4042.00 4244.00 4456 00 Monthly 7,332 7,699 8.084 8,488 8,912 Annual 87,984 92,388 97,006 101.856 106,944 69B Hourly 4251 44.64 4687 49.21 5167 Bi-monthly 3684 50 3868.50 4062 00 4265 00 4478.28 Monthly 7,369 7,737 8.124 8,530 8,957 Annual 88,428 92,844 97,488 102,360 107,479 69C Hourly 42.73 4486 47.11 4946 51.93 Bi-monthly 3703 00 3888 00 4082 50 4286 50 4500 67 Monthly 7,406 7,776 8,165 8,573 9,001 Annual 88,8n 93,312 97,980 102,876 108,016 690 Hourly 4294 4509 4734 49.71 5219 Bi-monthly 3721.50 3907.50 410300 4308.00 4523 17 Monthly 7,443 7,815 8,206 8,616 9,046 Annual 89.316 93,780 98,472 103,392 108,556 69E Hourly 43.15 4531 47.58 49.96 5245 Bi-monthly 3740 00 3927.00 4123 50 4329.50 4545.79 Monthly 7,480 7,854 8,247 8,659 9,092 Annual 89,760 94,248 98,984 103,908 109,099 70A Hourly 4336 4552 47.80 SO 19 52.70 B,-monthly 3757 50 3945 50 4143.00 4350 00 4567.50 Monthly 7,515 7,891 8,286 8,700 9,135 Annual 90,180 94,692 99,432 104,400 109,620 70B Hourly 4357 4576 4805 50.45 5297 Bi-monthly 3n650 3965 SO 4164 00 4372.00 4590 34 Monthly 7,553 7,931 8,328 8,744 9,181 Annual 90,636 95,172 99,936 104.928 110,168 70C Hourly 4379 4598 4828 SO 69 5323 B,-monthly 3795 00 3985 00 4184 50 4393 50 461329 Monthly 7,590 7,970 8,369 8,787 9,227 Annual 91,080 95,640 100,428 105,444 110,719 700 Hourly 4401 46.21 48.52 SO.95 53.SO B,-monthly 3814.SO 4005.00 4205 00 4415.50 4636.36 Monthly 7,629 8,010 8,410 8,831 9,273 Annual 91.548 96,120 100,920 105,972 111,273 70E Hourly 4423 4644 4876 51.20 5376 B,-monthly 3833.50 4025 00 4226 00 4437.50 4659 54 Monthly 7,6ff7 8,050 8,452 8,875 9,319 Annual 92,004 96,600 101,424 106,500 111,829 71A Hourly 44.44 46.66 48.99 51.44 54.02 B,-monthly 3851 SO 4044.00 4246 00 4458 50 4681 SO Monthly 7,703 8,088 8,492 8,917 9,363 Annual 92,436 97,056 101,904 107,004 112,356 71B Hourly 4467 46.90 49.24 5170 54.29 BI-monthly 3871 00 4064.50 4267 SO 448100 4704.91 Monthly 7,742 8,129 8.535 8,962 9,410 Annual 92,904 97,548 102,420 107.544 112,918 I I I City of Seal Beach Resolution Numbe~~ Ringe Placement Table ~ Includes 2% COLA 2.5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 71C Hou~y 44.89 4713 4949 5196 54.56 B~monthly 3890.50 4085.00 4289 00 4503 50 4728.43 Monthly 7,781 8,170 8,578 9,007 9,457 Annual 93,372 98,040 102,936 108,084 113,482 710 Hourly 45.11 4737 49.74 52.22 54.83 B,-monthly 3909.50 410500 431050 4526 00 4752.07 Monthly 7,819 8,210 8,621 9,052 9,504 Annual 93.828 98,520 103,452 108,624 114,050 71E Hou~y 45.33 4760 4998 5248 55.11 Bi-monthly 3929.00 4125.50 4332 00 4548.50 4775 83 Monthly 7,858 8,251 8,664 9,097 9,552 Annual 94,296 99,012 103,968 109,164 114,620 72A Hourly 45.55 47.83 5022 5273 55.37 Bi-monthly 3947 50 4145.00 4352.50 4570 00 4798 50 Monthly 7,895 8,290 8,705 9,140 9,597 Annual 94,740 99,480 104,460 109,680 115,164 72B Hourly 45.78 4807 50.47 5300 5564 B~monthly 3967.50 4166 00 4374 50 4593 00 4822.49 Monthly 7,935 8,332 8,749 9,186 9,645 Annual 95,220 99,984 104,988 110,232 115,740 72C Hou~y 46.00 48.31 50.72 5326 5592 B~month'y 3987.00 418650 4396 00 4616.00 4846.60 Monthly 7,974 8,373 8,792 9,232 9,893 Annual 95,688 100,476 105,504 110,784 116,319 720 Hou~y 46.23 48.55 50.98 53.53 5620 B,-monthly 4007 00 4207.50 4418.00 4639.00 4870 84 Monthly 8,014 8,415 8,836 9,278 9,742 Annual 96,168 100,980 106.032 111,336 116,900 72E Hou~y 4647 4879 51.23 53.79 5648 B~monthly 4027 00 4228 50 4440 00 4662.00 4895 19 Monthly 8,054 8,457 8,880 9,324 9,790 Annual 96,848 101,484 106,560 111,888 117.485 73A Hourly 4669 49.03 5148 5405 56.75 Bi-monthly 4046.50 4249 00 4461 50 4684 50 4918.50 Monthly 8,093 8,498 8,923 9,369 9,937 Annual 97,116 101,976 107,076 112,428 118,044 73B Hourly 4692 49.27 5173 5432 57.04 Bi-monthly 4066.50 4270.00 4483 50 4707 50 4943.09 Monthly 8,133 8,540 8,967 9,415 9,686 Annual 97,598 102,480 107,604 112,980 118,634 73C Hou~y 4715 49.51 5199 5459 5732 B~monthly 4086 50 4291 00 4505.50 4731 00 4967 81 Monthly 8,173 8,582 9,011 9,462 9,936 Annual 98,076 102,984 108,132 113,544 119,227 730 Hourly 47.39 49n 5225 54.87 5761 Bi-monthly 4107.50 4313.00 4528 50 4755 00 4992 65 Monthly 8,215 8,626 9,057 9,510 9,985 Annual 98,580 103,512 108,684 114,120 119,824 73E Hourly 4763 5001 5251 5514 57.90 B~monthly 4128 00 4334 50 4551 00 4778.50 5017.61 Monthly 8.256 8,669 9,102 9.557 10,035 Annual 99,072 104,028 109,224 114,684 120,423 74A Hourly 47.86 5025 5277 55.40 5817 B,-monthly 4147.50 4355.00 4573 00 4801 50 5041 50 Monthly 8,295 8,710 9,146 9,603 10,083 Annual 99,540 104.520 109,752 115,236 120,996 74B Hou~y 48.09 50.50 5302 5568 58.46 Bi-monthly 416800 4378.50 4595 50 4825 50 5066.71 Monthly 8,336 8,753 9,191 9,651 10,133 Annual 100,032 105,036 110,292 115,812 121,601 74C Hou~y 48.33 5075 53.29 55.96 5875 B,-monthly 4189.00 4398 50 4618.50 4849.50 509204 Monthly 8,378 8,797 9,237 9,699 10,184 Annual 100,536 105,564 110,844 118,388 122,209 City of Seal Beach Range Placement Table -Includes 2% COLA 2,5% Between Ranges; 5% Between Steps Range Pay Minimum Maximum Number Recommended Title Period Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 StepS 740 Hourly 4858 5101 5356 56.24 5905 B~monthly 4210.50 4421.00 4642.00 4874.00 511750 Monthly 8.421 8,842 9,284 9,748 10,235 Annual 101,052 106,104 111,408 116,976 122,820 74E Hourly 4882 51.27 53.83 5652 5934 BI-monthly 4231 50 4443 00 4665 00 4898 00 5143.09 Monthly 8,463 8,886 9,330 9,796 10,286 Annual 101,556 106,632 111,960 117,552 123,434 75A Hourly 4906 51.51 5408 5679 5962 BI-monthly 4251 50 4464.00 4687.00 4921.50 5167 50 Monthly 8,503 8,928 9,374 9,843 10,335 Annual 102,036 107,136 112,488 118,116 124,020 75B Hourly 49.30 5176 54.35 5707 5992 Bi-monthly 42n 50 4486 00 471050 4946 00 5193.34 Monthly 8,545 8,9n 9,421 9,892 10,387 Annual 102,540 107,664 113,052 118,704 124,640 75C Hourly 4955 5203 5463 5736 6022 Bi-monthly 4294.50 4509.00 4734.50 4971 00 521930 Monthly 8,589 9,018 9,469 9,942 10,439 Annual 103,068 108,216 113,628 119,304 125,263 750 Hourly 4979 52.28 54.89 5764 6052 Bi-monthly 4315.00 4531 00 4757.50 4995 50 5245 40 Monthly 8,630 9,062 9,515 9,991 10,491 Annual 103,560 108,744 114,180 119,892 125,890 75E Hourly 50.04 5255 55.17 5793 6083 Bi-monlhly 4337 00 4554 00 4781.50 5020 50 5271 63 Monthly 8,674 9,108 9.563 10,041 10,543 Annual 104,088 109,296 114,756 120.492 126.519 I I I