HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem IAGENDA REPORT DATE: February 11, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council THRU: John B. Bahorski, City Manager FROM: Lee Whittenberg, Director of Development Services SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF "SAN GABRIEL AND LOWER LOS ANGELES RIVERS PARKWAY AND OPEN SPACE PLAN" SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Adopt Resolution No. , A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Seal Beach Approving "Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea - San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan ". Receive and File Staff Report. BACKGROUND: Through the California Resources Agency, the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC), in conjunction with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (SMCC), jointly developed this Watershed and Open Space Plan for the San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers. The RMC is required by legislation, Public Resources Code, Division 22.8, to prepare the parkway and open space plan addressing the San Gabriel River watershed, the lower Los Angeles River watershed, and the San Gabriel Mountains, portions of which are in the upper Los Angeles River watershed. The Secretary of Resources directed the RMC and the SMCC to jointly develop a coordinated plan for the entire San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers watersheds. The State Conservancies will encourage incorporation of the concepts embodied in the guiding principles set forth in this plan into future open space, water resource, and habitat projects, to advance restoration of the watershed. This plan aims to extend the discussion of restoring balance between human and natural systems from beyond the rivers to the entire watershed. Agenda Item T CAMy Docummn %Sun Gabriel R ve RMC Opm Space Plan Appmval.CC SmNRe A.do6LVAOM4 -02 Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Parkway and Open Space Plan" City Council Staff Repon February 11, 7002 The RMC was created in 1999 to preserve urban open space and habitat for the enjoyment of, and appreciation by, present and future generations. To fulfill that mission, the RMC will undertake projects that provide low- impact recreation, education, wildlife and habitat restoration, and watershed improvements, prioritizing river - related recreation, greening, aesthetic improvements, and wildlife habitat. A number of public agencies, by virtue of their missions, are currently partners with the State Conservancies, and will partner with the Conservancies throughout the life of the plan. Those agencies are: ❑ U. S. Forest Service ❑ U. S. Army Corps of Engineers ❑ U. S. National Park Service ❑ California Department of Parks and Recreation ❑ California Coastal Conservancy ❑ California Department of Fish and Game ❑ California Department of Transportation ❑ Los Angeles and Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Boards ❑ Los Angeles County Department of Public Works ❑ Orange County Planning and Development Services Purpose of the Plan: The purpose of the plan is to: ❑ Articulate a vision for the future of the San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watersheds; El Provide a framework for future watershed and open space planning. I ision and Guidinz Principles: The vision for the future can be summarized simply as "Restore balance between natural and human systems in the watersheds ". To achieve that vision, the central element of the plan is a set of Guiding Principles, which provide over - arching goals that can be used to guide open space planning in the watersheds. A summary of the Guiding Principles, Strategies, Opportunities, and Next Steps can be found on pages 2 through 7 of the Executive Summary, with greater detail and discussion on each of these topics presented within Chapter 3, pages 47 to 77. Potential Impacts ofPhm Adoption: The subject plan will provide an additional level of regional support to specific projects the City may wish to propose for funding from various state, regional, county funding sources. Potential projects that focus on the following types of activities would be consistent with the .subject plan, enhancing funding opportunities: ❑ Public education programs ❑ Public outreach programs RMC Open Space Flan APpwvLCC Staff Report 2 Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Parkway and Open Space Plan" City Coancil Staff Repon February 11, 2002 • Interpretative opportunities • Multi jurist ictional, joint use projects ❑ Recreation, open space, land connectivity projects ❑ Wetland restoration projects ❑ Trails and bike paths • Improve and expand existing public park facilities adjacent to the river • Flood protection programs ❑ Water quality improvement programs Councilman Yost (a board member of the RMC), the City Manager and the Director of Development Services have had opportunities to review drafts of the subject plan and provide thoughts and comments into the plan that reflect the issues and concerns of the City of Seal Beach. Included as Appendix E of the OSP is an opinion from the office of the California Attorney General responding to two questions regarding potential environmental and local concern issues. The first question was whether the preparation and adoption of the plan requires a CEQA review. It is the determination of the Attorney General that the plan itself is not a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is therefore not subject to further environmental review. Secondly, it is the determination of the Attorney General that adoption of the plan will not require the member cities to amend their general plans to conform to the plan, or give the RMC regulatory or governing authority over its member cities or any ordinance, general or specific plan enacted by any local jurisdiction within the territory of the RMC plan. The full opinion of the office of the Califorda Attorney General can be found at pages 95 -102 of the subject plan. Environmental Oualin, Control Board Recommendation: The Environmental Quality Control Board (EQCB) considered this matter on January 30, 2002, and adopted Resolution No. 2002 -1, A Resolution of the Environmental Quality Control Board of the City of Seal Beach Recommending to the City Council the Approval of "Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea - San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan ". The action of the EQCB was on a 4- 0-1 vote, with Boardmember Hurley being absent. A copy of EQCB Resolution 2002 -1 is provided as Attachment 2. FISCAL IMPACT: No direct fiscal impact upon the City. It is the opinion of City staff that approval of the subject plan by the City of Seal Beach will provide many benefits to the community, including potential funding sources for projects adjacent to the San Gabriel River. RMC Open Space Plan Approval CC Star Report Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Las Angeles Rivers Parkway and Open Space Plan" City Council Staff Repart February 11, 1001 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. ' A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Seal Beach Approving "Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea - San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan ". Receive and File Staff Report. NOTED AND APPROVED: M e Whi enberg John B. o ski Director of Development Servi City M get Attachments: (3) Attachment 1: Resolution No. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Seal Beach Approving "Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea - San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan' Attachment 2: Resolution No. 2002 -1, A Resolution of the Environmental Quality Control Board of the City of Seal Beach Recommending to the City Council the Approval of "Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea - San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan" Attachment 3: "Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea - San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan', prepared by the California Resources Agency, the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy, in conjunction with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, dated October 2001 Note: Document previously provided to City Council for early review. Please bring copy provided earlier. WC Open Space Plan AM. LCC Steff Re n February 12, 2002 Mary A. Angle, Executive Officer Rivers and Mountains Conservancy 900 South Fremont Avenue Annex, Second Floor Alhambra, CA 91802 Dear Mary SUBJECT: CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVAL - SAN GABRIEL AND LOS ANGELES RIVERS WATERSHED AND OPEN SPACE PLAN On January 30, 2002, the City of Seal Beach Environmental Quality Control Board (EQCB) considered the above referenced watershed and open space plan and determined to recommend approval of the plan to the City Council. On February 11, 2002, the City Council of the City of Seal Beach considered the recommendation of the EQCB regarding the watershed and open space plan. It was the unanimous decision of the City Council to adopt Resolution Number 4981, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Seal Beach Approving "Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea - San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan ". A copy of the adopted City Council resolution is provided for your information and files. The City of Seal Beach wishes to express our sincere appreciation for the comprehensive overview of issues affecting all jurisdictions along the San Gabriel River; the development of Guiding Principles, Strategies, Opportunities, and Next Steps that can be utilized by all impacted jurisdictions; and the particular attention that was devoted to responding to the concerns of our community. Please contact my office at your earliest convenience if you require additional information or have questions regarding the City Council action. I can be reached at (562) 431 -2527, extension 313, or by e-mail at Iwhittenberg@ci .seal- beach.ca.us. CA My Gac.m \San Gabriel RiverVtMC Plan Approval I .r.d.cV W2 -12 42 Transmittal Letter to Rivers and Mountains Conservancy re: Approval by City of Seal Beach of "San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan" February 12,1002 Sincerely, �enberg Director of Development Service Enclosures: (1) Enclosure 1: Resolution Number 4981, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Seal Beach Approving "Common Ground: From the Mountains to the Sea - San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan' Distribution: City Council Environmental Quality Control Board City Clerk City Manager AMC Plan Appmval Lana Transmittal Letter to Rivers and Mountains Conservancy re: Approval by City of Seal Beach of "San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan" February 12, 2002 ENCLOSURE 1 RESOLUTION NUMBER 4981, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING "COMMON GROUND: FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE SEA - SAN GABRIEL AND LOS ANGELES RIVERS WATERSHED AND OPEN SPACE PLAN" n CPl Approval Uttu RESOLUTION NUMBER A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH APPROVING "COMMON GROUND: FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE SEA - SAN GABRIEL AND LOS ANGELES RIVERS WATERSHED AND OPEN SPACE PLAN" WHEREAS, the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy Act (the "Act'), Public Resources Code, Division 22.8, commencing at § 32600 (Stats. 1998, Ch. 788 (AB 135)), created the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (the "RMC ") for the purpose of acquiring and managing public lands within the Lower Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds, and to provide open - space, low impact recreational and educational uses, water conservation, watershed improvement, wildlife and habitat restoration and protection, and water quality within the territory; and WHEREAS, the territory of the RMC extends across the city boundaries of over sixty cities, as set forth in section 32603(c)(2)(A), as well as the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County and Orange County adjacent to the San Gabriel River and its tributaries, the lower Los Angeles River and its tributaries, the San Gabriel Mountains, the Foothill Mountains, the Puente Hills, and the San Jose Hills area including but not limited to, East Los Angeles, and WHEREAS, the RMC was created, in part, in response to the interest of the Gateway Cities Council of Governments (COG) and the San Gabriel Valley COG, and other local public entities, in creating a multi jurisdictional agency that would be authorized to acquire land, and conduct watershed management, flood control, and recreational projects within the Lower Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds; and WHEREAS, the RMC board is composed of voting members who represent the County of Los Angeles, the Gateway Cities Council of Governments and the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, Orange County Division of the League of California Cities, San Gabriel Valley Water Association, Central Basin Water Association, as well as state agencies including the Resources Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Finance; and C:Wy DocnnanNV SO \PMCOpm Space Plan Appmval.CC R AOCTW2 -11 -02 City Council Resolution Number Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan" February 11, 2002 WHEREAS, it was the intent of the State legislature in creating the RMC, that the RMC and member cities would be equal partners in the planning, development and management of mountain and watershed areas within the RMC's territory, and to that end, the Legislature provides in the ACT that member cities shall retain control over their own land use regulations, ordinances, and general and regional plans; and WHEREAS, under the ACT, the RMC shall be subject to all laws, regulations, and general and specific plans of the legislative body of any city in which the RMC proposes to take action; and WHEREAS, nothing in the ACT shall be interpreted to grant the RMC any regulatory or governmental authority over any ordinance or regulatory measure adopted by a city, county or special district that pertains to land use, water rights, or environmental quality; and WHEREAS, section 32604(d) of the Public Resources Code directs the RMC to prepare a San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Parkway and Open Space Plan (the "OSP ") to be approved by a majority of the cities representing a majority of the population, the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, and by the Central Basin Water Association and the San Gabriel Water Watermaster, and WHEREAS, the RMC, in consultation with representatives of the Gateway COG, the San Gabriel Valley COG, the County of Los Angeles, the County of Orange, the San Gabriel Water Association and Central Basin Water Association, has prepared a draft OSP; and WHEREAS, the RMC has conducted public meetings for public review and receipt of public comments on the draft OSP; and WHEREAS, the RMC Board, at the conclusion of its public meetings and review of all the documentary and oral evidence related to the OSP, adopted the draft OSP and made the following findings: (1) that the OSP complies with all applicable requirements of law; (2) that the OSP is consistent with the purposes of the RMC as Set forth in section 32602 of the Public Resources Code; (3) that the OSP contains all the required elements set forth in section 32604(d)(1 -4) of the Public Resources Code; (4) that the OSP is not a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") (e.g., CEQA Guidelines, § 15378(b)(2); (5) that, alternatively, the OSP, as an activity involving only feasibility or planning studies for future actions, is exempt from the environmental impact report requirements of CEQA review; and (6) that the OSP is a long range planning guide or interim policy document and does not commit the RMC to follow a definite course of action with respect to any particular aspect RMC Open Space Plan Appmv I,CC Reno City Council Resolution Number Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan" February 11, 2002 of the OSP, nor is it intended to have a legally binding effect on later activities; and WHEREAS, following adoption of the OSP by the RMC Board, the OSP was refereed to the member cities for their review and approval pursuant to section 32604(d) of the Public Resources Code; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Quality Control Board of the City of Seal Beach has conducted a public meeting for public review and receipt of public comments relating to the OSP; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Quality Control Board of the City of Seal Beach has recommended approval of the OSP to the City Council on January 30, 2002 by the adoption of Resolution No. 2002 -1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: 1. That the OSP complies with the requirements of Section 32604(d) of the Public Resources Code and includes all the mandatory elements set forth in section 32604(d)(1 -4) of the Public Resources Code. 2. That the OSP is not a "project " within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") (e.g., CEQA Guidelines, § 15378(b)(2)). 3. That approval of the OSP by the City of Seal Beach will not require the City to modify, amend, or revise in any way its general or any specific plans, ordinances or regulations, or effect in any way the City's regulatory or governing authority over land use or water rights and management issues within its jurisdiction. 4. That approval by the City of Seal Beach of the OSP does not constitute agreement with the policies, principles and statements set forth in the OSP. 5. That approval by the City of Seal Beach of the OSP does not constitute a waiver of the City's regulations or governing authority over land use, water rights or environmental issues within its jurisdiction or territory. 6. That approval by the City of Seal Beach of the OSP does not constitute adoption or incorporation of the OSP as part of the General Plan, any specific plan, or any ordinance, law or regulation of the City of Seal Beach. 7. That the OSP is an interim policy document or long range planning guide, that it does not commit the RMC or the City of Seal Beach to follow a definite course of action with respect to any aspect of the OSP, and that it is not intended to have a legally binding effect on later activities of the RMC or the City of Seal Beach. RMC ripen Space PI.. Appmvel.CC Reno 3 City Council Resolution Number Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan" February 11, 2002 8. That the OSP is, in principle, consistent with the General Plan and specific plans and with the ordinances, laws and regulations that pertain to land use, water rights, or envim=mtat quality of the City of Seal Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH HEREBY APPROVES THE SAN GABRIEL AND LOWER LOS ANGELES PARKWAY AND OPEN SPACE PLAN (OSP), DATED OCTOBER 2001, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 32604(D) OF THE PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOP� f D by the Ci ouncil of the City of Seal Beach at a meeting thereof held on the day of 002 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 1i . , ATTEST: o me M. Yee, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF SEAL BEACH ) RMC Open Space Plan Appmval.CC Reno City Council Resolution Number _ Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan" February 11, 2001 I, Joanne M. Yeo, City Clerk of the City of Seal Beach, California, do hereby certify that, the foregoing resolution is an original copy of Resolution Number 0-& on file in the Office of the City Clerk, passed, approved and adopted by the City�ouncil of the City Se Beach at a meeting thereof held on the day of 2002. Jo a M. Yeo, City Clerk ty of Seal Beach RMC Op. Space Plan Appmval.CC Rao Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Parkway and Open Space Plan" City Council StafReport February 11, 2002 ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2002 -1, A RESOLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF "COMMON GROUND: FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE SEA - SAN GABRIEL AND LOS ANGELES RIVERS WATERSHED AND OPEN SPACE PLAN" n C OPm SPaee Piaa Apmval. CC SWT Rep 11 Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Parkway and Open Space Plan" City Council S1aJfReporl February 11, 7001 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF "COMMON GROUND: FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE SEA - SAN GABRIEL AND LOS ANGELES RIVERS WATERSHED AND OPEN SPACE PLAN" WHEREAS, the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy Act (the "Ace'), Public Resources Code, Division 22.8, commencing at § 32600 (Slats. 1998, Ch. 788 (AB 135)), created the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (the "RMC ") for the purpose of acquiring and managing public lands within the Lower Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds, and to provide open - space, low impact recreational and educational uses, water conservation, watershed improvement, wildlife and habitat restoration and protection, and water quality within the territory; and WHEREAS, the territory of the RMC extends across the city boundaries of over sixty cities, as set forth in section 32603(c)(2)(A), as well as the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County and Orange County adjacent to the San Gabriel River and its tributaries, the lower Los Angeles River and its tributaries, the San Gabriel Mountains, the Foothill Mountains, the Puente Hills, and the San Jose Hills area including but not limited to, East Los Angeles, and WHEREAS, the RMC was created, in part, in response to the interest of the Gateway Cities Council of Governments (COG) and the San Gabriel Valley COG, and other local public entities, in creating a multi jurisdictional agency that would be authorized to acquire land, and conduct watershed management, flood control, and recreational projects within the Lower Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds; and WHEREAS, the RMC board is composed of voting members who represent the County of Los Angeles, the Gateway Cities Council of Governments and the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, Orange County Division of the League of California Cities, San Gabriel Valley Water Association, Central Basin Water Association, as well as state agencies including the Resources Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Finance; and RMC Op Space Ran Appmval.CC Staff Repoa 12 Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Las Angeles Rivers Parkway and Open Space Plan" City Council Staff Report February 11, 1002 WHEREAS, it was the intent of the State legislature in creating the RMC, that the RMC and member cities would be equal partners in the planning, development and management of mountain and watershed areas within the RMC's territory, and to that end, the Legislature provides in the ACT that member cities shall retain control over their own land use regulations, ordinances, and general and regional plans; and WHEREAS, under the ACT, the RMC shall be subject to all laws, regulations, and general and specific plans of the legislative body of any city in which the RMC proposes to take action; and WHEREAS, nothing in the ACT shall be interpreted to grant the RMC any regulatory or governmental authority over any ordinance or regulatory measure adopted by a city, county or special district that pertains to land use, water rights, or environmental quality; and WHEREAS, section 32604(d) of the Public Resources Code directs the RMC to prepare a San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Parkway and Open Space Plan (the "OSP ") to be approved by a majority of the cities representing a majority of the population, the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, and by the Central Basin Water Association and the San Gabriel Water Watermaster; and WHEREAS, the RMC, in consultation with representatives of the Gateway COG, the San Gabriel Valley COG, the County of Los Angeles, the County of Orange, the San Gabriel Water Association and Central Basin Water Association, has prepared a draft OSP; and WHEREAS, the RMC has conducted public meetings for public review and receipt of public comments on the draft OSP; and WHEREAS, the RMC Board, at the conclusion of its public meetings and review of all the documentary and oral evidence related to the OSP, adopted the draft OSP and made the following findings: (l) that the OSP complies with all applicable requirements of law; (2) that the OSP is consistent with the purposes of the RMC as Set forth in section 32602 of the Public Resources Code; (3) that the OSP contains all the required elements set forth in section 32604(d)(1 -4) of the Public Resources Code; (4) that the OSP is not a `project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA') (e.g., CEQA Guidelines, § 15378(b)(2); (5) that, alternatively, the OSP, as an activity involving only feasibility or planning studies for future actions, is exempt from the environmental impact report requirements of CEQA review; and (6) that the OSP is a long range planning guide or interim policy document and does not commit the RMC to follow a definite course of action with respect to any particular aspect of the OSP, nor is it intended to have a legally binding effect on later activities; and aMC Open Space Plan APPmval CC SuffRepon 13 Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Parkway and Open Space Plan" City Council Staff Report February 11, 2002 WHEREAS, following adoption of the OSP by the RMC Board, the OSP was refereed to the member cities for their review and approval pursuant to, section 32604(d) of the Public Resources Code; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Quality Control Board of the City of Seal Beach has conducted public meetings for public review and receipt of public comments relating to the OSP; and WHEREAS, City Staff has reviewed the OSP, public comments as well as documentary evidence relating to the OSP. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH HEREBY RECOMMNDS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAKE THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: 9. That the OSP complies with the requirements of Section 32604(d) of the Public Resources Code and includes all the mandatory elements set forth in section 32604(d)(14) of the Public Resources Code. 10. That the OSP is not a "project " within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") (e.g., CEQA Guidelines, § 15378(b)(2)). 11. That approval of the OSP by the City of Seal Beach will not require the City to modify, amend, or revise in any way its general or any specific plans, ordinances or regulations, or effect in any way the City's regulatory or governing authority over land use or water rights and management issues within its jurisdiction. 12. That approval by the City of Seal Beach of the OSP does not constitute agreement with the policies, principles and statements set forth in the OSP. 13. That approval by the City of Seal Beach of the OSP does not constitute a waiver of the City's regulations or governing authority over land use, water rights or environmental issues within its jurisdiction or territory. 14. That approval by the City of Seal Beach of the OSP does not constitute adoption or incorporation of the OSP as part of the General Plan, any specific plan, or any ordinance, law or regulation of the City of Seal Beach. 15. That the OSP is an interim policy document or long range planning guide, that it does not commit the RMC or the City of Seal Beach to follow a definite course of action with respect to any aspect of the OSP, and that it is not intended to have a legally binding effect on later activities of the RMC or the City of Seal Beach. RMC Opm Space Plan Apps, aLCC Staff Report 14 Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Parkway and Open Space Plan" City Council StaJfRepon February 11, 2002 16. That the OSP is, in principle, consistent with the General Plan and specific plans and with the ordinances, laws and regulations that pertain to land use, water rights, or environmental quality of the City of Seal Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL BOARD OF THE CITY OF SEAL BEACH HEREBY RECOMMENDS: That the City Council of the City of Seal Beach approve the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Parkway and Open Space Plan (OS) in accordance with section 32604(d) of the Public Resources Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Environmental Quality Control Board of the City of Seal Beach at a meeting thereof held on the 30" of January 2002 by the following vote: AYES: Board Members Jones, Porter, Unrath, Voce NOES: Board Members ABSENT: Board Members ABSTAIN: Board Members Joseph E. Porter, III, Chairperson, Environmental Quality Control Board Mac Cummins, Secretary Environmental Quality Control Board RMC Open Space Plan App ].CC Staff Repon 15 Approval of "San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers Parkway and Open Space Plan" City Council StafReporl February 11, 2007 ATTACHMENT 3 "COMMON GROUND: FROM THE MOUNTAINS TO THE SEA - SAN GABRIEL AND LOS ANGELES RIVERS WATERSHED AND OPEN SPACE PLAN", PREPARED BY THE CALIFORNIA RESOURCES AGENCY, THE SAN GABRIEL AND LOWER LOS ANGELES RIVERS AND MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY, DATED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: DOCUMENT PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED TO CITY COUNCIL FOR EARLY REVIEW. PLEASE BRING COPY PROVIDED EARLIER RMC Open Space Plan Appmral.CC Staff R<pon 16