HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 4527 1997-05-12 ~so(ution ~m&er ~ A ~sorution of thlZ City CouncU of thlZ City of Sear '.BlZach, CaHfomia, <Honol'inB and CommlZndinB EJohn EJlZfJl'lZY Chl'ist fol' AchilZ'VinB thlZ '.Boy Scouts of AmlZl'ica CEafJrlZ Awal'd (WWE~CEAS CWHCE~CEAS, tfl" CEalJl" ","ward" is tfl" flilJfI"st ranI\; a 'Boy Scout can acfll"",,; And' tfl" ","ward" is Acf1i"Wd" &y lZAmlnlJ tWlZnty-on" ",lZrlt &ad"lJlZS, "Ach d"lZnotinlJ a sp"c1AI sftill And" A s"l'l"s of pl'oflCI"ncy l"wls In citil!:"nship, p"rsonal d"nlZlop",,,nt And" physiCAl .fitn"ss; And" I CWHCE~EAS, EJohn EJ"ffl'''y Cftl'ist &"cAm" A 'Boy Scout In Apl'il, 1992 Aft"r compldlnlJ th" Cu& Scout 9.'l'olJl'am, wh"I''' hi "AI'IIl!d" th" ","I'I'OW oJ S{!uht, 'B"AI', <WolJ, 'BO&CAt, and" <W,,&los ","WAI'd"S, And" Iftr"" Gold" And' .fi"" Silwl' ","I'I'OW 9.'olnts; And" CWHCE~CEAS EJohn Cftl'ist, Cfl'oop 222, AlAmltos q)istl'ict, SlgnIJ 'B"Ach Council, has compld"d" All of his CEAIJI" Scout 1''''1ull'lZ",,,nts und'lZr 1ft" IlZAd""rslilp oJ !Xr. ~nd'y EJonlZs And" sponsorslilp of th" Chul'Ch oJ EJ"sus Cftl'ist oJ ~tt,,1' q)AY Saints. S"AI 'B"Ach <WAI'd"; And" CWHCE~CEAS. AS A 'Boy" Scout, EJohn 1'lZclZI""d" th" <World" Cons"I"VAtion ","WAI'd", EJunlol' %acr,,1' CYI'AlnlnlJ, 'Homdown C(l.S.A,. q)uty to God", And' 9.'Aul 'BunYAn ","WAI'd"S, was 'Honol' CAmp"l' 1992, And" hAS &""n SlZnlol' 9.'Atl'ol %Ad""I', ","ssistant SlZnlol' 9.'Atl'ol %Ad""I', A~d" ~Al't"rmAstlZl'; And" CWHCE~CEAS, EJohn's (EAIJI" 9.'roj"ct consist"d" of plAnnlnlJ, pr"pAl'lnlJ &lu"pl'lnts. And' constructlnlJ a hAnd"icap ACC"SS wall\;wAY to th" plAY ar"A In CEd"ison 9.'A'*. as wdl as two- six &1 snen foot picnic taW" PAd"S, two- tflr"" &y s"wn &mch PAd"s, And" on" &Icycl" I'acl\; pAd"; h" o&tAln"d" d"onAt"d" mat"l'tAls fl'om lOCAl &ustn"ss"s 'VAlued" at n"arly I 51.000.00: ol'lJanlud" And" sup"l'"is"d" tw"nty-.fiw ""lunt",,1' assistAnts who l!Xp"nd""d" mol'lZ thAn two hund"red" mAn hours &uildlnlJ fol'ftls. flAnd" ",lxlnlJ And" .finishlnlJ OWl' six tons of concl'd"; And" CWHCE~AS EJohn has "al'n"d" thiI'l1-on" m"1'lt &ad"lJes. And" APP"AI'"d" &"for" his Coul'l of 'Honol' on !XAY 3 I'd", 1997 to 1'lZClZiw his CEAlJle Scout &Ad"lJlZ. ~w, 8f1lZl'lZfOI'IZ, '.BIZ qt ~sor'VlZd that th" City Council of 1ft" City of S"al 'B"Ach, CAlifornia, d"o"s h"I'''&Y hono1' And" comm"nd" 30hn 3effrey Christ for AchininlJ 1ft" AlAmitos q)istl'ict, Cfl'oop ~m&el' 222, 'Boy Scouts of ","m"ricA CEAIJI" ","WArd". 9?asslZd, Appl'o'VlZd and AdoptlZd &y th" City Council of th" City of S"AI 'B"Ach. California, At A ",,,,,tinlJ th"I'''of h"ld" on th" cyw"lfth d"ay of !Xay. C}\{!.n"t""n 'Hund"r"d" And' C}\{!.ndY-S"wn. _~I_-'~ !Xa1or Gw"n (forsyth" # ~~ 'It., ~&"r Georo" 'Brown ~ f~~ Co~m6"r 'HAI'I'Y (fulton I ruc" 'Hastl"!ls I I I Slate Of California Countl Of O,'anae City Of Sear '13eacfl Resolution Number~ ) ISS I g, 30alllle 0'(, -yeo, CIt)' (lel'li. of Sear '13each, CaBfornla, do her &l certlft. tliat trle fOl'efJoin I'esoCution Is tlie ol'iailla[ eopy of <:Reso[utioll ~m&el' ;:[ on lire In tile ofJ1e 0 the CIt-r Oerk, pAssed, approved alld adopted by tlie Il-r ounei[ of tlie CIl-r oj Se eacfl, at A l'eaU[al' meeth'll tfiereof fiercC 011 !fIe ~ If A! of