DATE: March 26, 2018
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
THRU: Jill R. Ingram, City Manager
FROM: Steve Myrter, Director of Public Works
SUBJECT: Update on Gum Grove Nature Park
At the March 12, 2018 City Council meeting, Mayor Varipapa requested an
update on Gum Grove Nature Park.
In the early 1970's the City of Seal Beach entered into a lease agreement with
the land owners of the 10 acres of land located at Crestview and Avalon Avenue
in Seal Beach. In 1989 the City was deeded Gum Grove Park by the Mola
Development Corporation.
The area was heavily wooded with Eucalyptus trees, often referred to as "gum"
trees. The grove consists of two major types of Eucalyptus, Red Gum
"Eucalyptus camaldulensis" and Blue Gum "Eucalyptus globulus ". The grove is
thought to have been planted in the late 1800's. Gum Grove Park is adjacent to
Los Cerritos Wetlands; a vast marsh that at one time covered approximately 800
acres. The grove serves as a home and a refuge for many rare and endangered
birds, reptiles, insects, and other small animals. The park has Horned Owls
along with sightings of Bald Eagles, Belding's Sparrows, and Wandering Skipper
Butterflies. The age of the grove, forest pathogens, and recent drought conditions
have caused a considerable decline in the health of the grove. The preservation
and restoration of the park is crucial for the survival of some of the mentioned
endangered species.
On January 17, 2018, the City invited a highly respected Master Arborist who
was recommended by the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA)
and many other professionals in the arboriculture community. The Master
Arborist was asked to walk Gum Grove Nature Park and give a current verbal
assessment and analysis of the park. His opinion along with CJPIA's
recommendation was to first establish a management policy that includes the
Agenda Item B
• Clearly define a path of travel with signage
• Preserve and protect the safety of Gum Grove Nature Park users and
adjacent residential properties
• Improve and enhance the current health and stability of the ecosystem
• Enhance the visual design and aesthetics experience in the park
• Maintain and ensure public access to the park
The purpose of a policy is to provide a management framework for preserving,
enhancing, and restoring trees and vegetation in the park. The policy would
address the potential threats in the park; the number of dead, decomposing,
structurally unsound trees within the park, which pose a potential safety threat
(i.e., fallen trees and fire hazards). Also the composition of the forest poses a
threat to the health of the grove, as well as the corresponding aesthetic and
recreational experience for people that use the park.
Staff proposes to implement a management policy for Gum Grove Nature Park.
The policy would include implementation of vegetation management activities to
improve the conditions in the grove, including removing dead, unhealthy,
structurally unsound trees and non - native understory vegetation. The policy
would act as a guiding document in how the City will maintain and manage the
nature park in the future.
Once a policy is adopted by the City Council, staff can begin taking actions to
accomplish the goals set forth in the policy. Some of the actions staff is prepared
to take include:
• Installing signage; defining the path of travel and nature park rules
• Planting new trees that are appropriate for the sustainability of the grove
• Native plant restoration
• Managing defensible space by the removal of hazardous trees and limbs
• Maintaining defined trails and public access areas
Funds recovered from recent litigation regarding the illegal cutting of trees in
Gum Grove Park have been set aside in a tree replacement fund until the
proposed policy is complete and adopted by the City Council.
There is no environmental impact related to this item.
No legal analysis is required for this item.
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There is no financial impact for this item.
That the City Council receive and file an update on Gum Grove Nature Park.
Steve ✓YttWde4
Steve Myrter, Director of Public
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Jill R. Ingram, City Manager
Prepared by: Tim Kelsey, Recreation Manager
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