HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3942 1990-05-29 WQlCllUElN NIIIRBER .39~ol A RE$~ClltIQlN Qlf tHE CItY CQlllNCIC Elf tHE CIty Qlf SEAC BEACH, CAUfQlRNIA, JlQlNQlRING AND CmENDING AliDllEID .:JASQlN EISER fQlR ACHI~ING tllE ooy SCQ)llU /Df AmERICA EAGCE AlilARD. WHEREAS, the Eagle is the highest rank a Bay Scout can achieve; ana the Eagle l\1Dara is achievea by earning tulenty-one merit baages, each aenating a special skill ana a series of proficiency levels in citi3enship, personal aevelapm.ent, ana physical fitness; ana Seal Beach resiaent, Anarew Jason Eiser, troop Number 658, unaer the leaaership of .:Jon Cang ana sponsorship of Cas Alamitos Qlptimist, has campletea all of his Eagle Scaut requirements ana will appear before the cnurt of Jlanar an June 7, 1990 to receive his Eagle Scaut baage; ana Anarew began his Bay Scout activities in June, 1983 after spenaing three years in Cub Scaut Pack 657 of Cas Alamillas ana earning the Arrtl1D of Cight, Cub ScauHng's highest awara. Anarew servea as Assistant Senior Patrol Ceaaer of troop 658, as well as a Patrol Ceaaer ana Scribe. Jle servea an the District Camporee Staff in 1988 ana passea the rigorous test far the Bay Scauts of America mile Swim Awara at summer camp that year. Anarew became an Qlraeal member of the Qlraer of the ArrntD in 1988, a select argani3atian within Scauting that is aeaicatea to the promotion of camping ana cheerful service, ana servea as the Phone Committee Chairman of it's Santee Chapter. IMrew's Eagle project invalvd service to the Secana Jlarvest faaa Bank, lacatd in cnng Beach. Jle assistea the "Salvage QlperaHon" at the faaa bank facility, which entailea unlnaaing baxea faaa annatea by grocery chains, sorting the usable faaa fram that to be aiscaraea, ana repackage a the faaa items far aistributian at various charitable argani3atinns throughout the Cong Beach area. At the suggestion of his troop ana aistrict aavisars, he preparea a viaea of the activities which will give his project a lasting impact on the community; ana Anarew's service project, cansistea of 28 hours planning, preparing, argani3ing, ana aaministrating, while members of his family ana Scout troop aevatea a total of 170 1/2 hours to the "Salvage Qlperatinn" that Sunaay. the success of the project is eviaent in the fact that approximately 15 taus of cannea faan was sartea while accomplishing in one aay what it waula normally take faaa hank personnel one month to camplete. NQlIll, tHEREfQlJlE, BE It RE$Ql~ED that the CUy Council of the CUy of Seal Beach, California, mes hereby cammena ana honor IDJIEREl\,9, IlilJIEREl\,9, IilJlEREAS , .IllHEBEl\,9 , I IilJIEREA$, ANDREIIl Jl\,9QlN EISER far achieving the rank of Eagle Scaut in troop Number 658 Qlrange frontier District, Bay Scn~ts af America. Pl\,9SED, APPROQED AND ADQlPtED by the City Council of the City of Seal Beach, california, at a meeting thereof hela an the twenty-Nineth aay of may, Nineteen Jlunarea ana Ninety. I ~,./ rt: .5'~",,-,,-, ) mayor Eana ID lson Cauncilm.ember frank Cas3la Cauncilmember Joe Jlunt " Caundlm.ember Gwen farsythe -:'<