HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3989 1990-11-13 5989 RE,~,utI~N NumBER A RE,~'utI~N ~r tHE CIty ~r 'EA' BEACH, CA'Ir~RNIA, REC~GNIZING tHE Acc~mp'I'HmENt' ~r tHE c~mmlttEE r~R tHE CIty" 75tH ANNI~ER'ARY CE'EBRAtI~N tHE CIty C~UNCIC ~r tHE CIty ~r 'EA' BEACH D~E$ HEREBY RE'~'~E: IDHEREAS, I IDHEREA$ , IDHEREAS! , IDHEREU, .IDHEREAS, the Ci~y of 'eal Beach was incorpora~e~ in ~c~ober of 1915; an~ I~ was recogniie~ in early 1990 ~ha~ a celebra~ion of ~he Ci~yrs 75~h Anniversary was in ar~er; an~ His~arically, members af ~he cammuni~y have never been ones ~a le~ ~he oppor~uni~y for a social ga~hering pass ~hem by; an~ for more ~han seven mon~h$, a ~irele$$ ye~ aeaica~ea commi~~ee laboriously ~oilea, overcoming neverenaing obs~acles ana ailemmas wi~h ~e~ermina~ion, perseverance an~ for~i~u~e; an~ . the 75~h Anniversary Celehra~ion, hel~ ~he weeken~ of ~ctoher 26~h, 1990, inclu~e~ a masquera~e Ball, Para~e, S~ree~ rair, an~ Fireworks .Ilhaw, ann was ane af ~he mas~ well argani.en, energe~ic, ann successful fes~ivi~ies ~he Ci~y af .Ileal Beach has seen in recen~ years. N~ID, tHEREr~RE, BE It RES~C~ED ~ha~ ~he Ci~y Council of ~he Ci~y of 'eal Beach ~oes hereby recogniie an~ exten~ apprecia Hon ~o I Doro~hy IDhy~e Emily Allebaugh rraiier Elise coury Nancy Grgas Barbara IDrigh~ $coH New~on Barbara Raun~ree Ace yeam George Brown AlberU Ca rlson Pa~ Dopp Jo~y lDeir Del Smith as being a mos~ crea~ive, en~husias~ic, an~ selfless group af commi~~ee members an~ hereby commen~ ~heir un~iring effor~s an~ accamplishments to present a celebration af the City'S 75th Anniversary an~ It IS HEREBY YURtHER RE.Il~tQED ~ha~ ~he people of $eal Beach are incre~ibly fartunate ~a have ~hem as friends an~ neighhors. PA'$ED, APPR~~ED AND AD~PtED by the Ci~y Council of ~he Ci~y af 'eal Beach, California, a~ a mee~ing ~hereof hel~ on ~he thir~een~h ~ay of Navember, Nine~een Hundre~ Nine~y. I --c~ !S :1./f.-/~~tII.) E~na milson, mayor Frank Casilo marilyn Bruce Has~ings Joe Hun~ AUE't: Gwen rorsy~h f SEAL II. $'~;;~~~'of. ~~ 'i' ~"';{-s. 1\o0~\~z gog g~~ Z"'\ o':<:~ '11' 00C"0 ~...': ~I ~, 1-",000 "F- ,q" 0.. ~o ~ ",,'":;" 00 ... ,,- ~ ""' "" ".0'" ,.'\; #' 1"\~~UNt1.s....., i!Q\IlI"-