HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3815 1988-10-03
IE,etuIXel IUmBEI ~t7/~
A IE,etUIXel e1 IHE CXIY ceulcXt e1 IKE CXIY
e1 'EAt IEACK, cAtX1ellXA, HelelXI' AID
IHE ley ,ceuI, ., AIEIXCA EA'tE AIAID.
IKEIEA" 'he Eagle is 'he highes' rank a 10V 'c~u' can achieve;
IKEIEA" 'he Eagle A.ara is achi,vea hV earning '.en'v-one
meri' haages, each 6eno'ing a special skill ana a
series of proficiency levels for skills in ci'ilenship,
personal aevelopaen' ana physical fi'ness;,ana
IBEIEA" 'eal 'leach resiaeR' casev lussell lo.en, Iroop lumber
222, un6er 'he Jeaaership of lei6 'etersen, has
comple'ea all of his Eagle ,cout requireaeRts an6 .ill
appear before the Court of Honor an ectaber 22, 1988
'A receive his Eagle baage; ana
IKEIEA" Case V began his lav 'cau~ ac'ivi'ies in 1ebruarv 1981.
As a .ebelos he earnea his Arra. of 'iBh~ an6 'hen
6iverte6 his at~ention 'a earning the Eagle ,cou'
A.ar6. Ke earnea his lorll eanserva'ion A.arl, .as
'he Iroop 'ibrarian for '.0 vears, ani is a aember of
'he 'ealership Corps; aRI
IKEIEA" casev lussell Bomen, perfarael his Eagle ,ervice Project
bV arganiling a program 'A collec', ca~aloBue, ani
aeliver books ~o be aeliver6 ~o ani benefi~ 'he Oe'erans
A6ministration Kospi'al 'ibrarv in tong Beach. (he
three hun6re6 books collecte6 .ere alphabetile6 an6
catalogue6 for the convenience of the rea6ers, then
aelivere6 'a the hospital; an6
IHEIEA" Ihis project consiste6 of a total of sixteen hours, four
hours of planning, cOllec'ion of materials, aR6 telephone
calls. .i'h an a66i'ioRal t.elve hours 6evo'ea to
alphabetiling an6 catalogiRg the books .ith the help
of other scouts aR6 frieR6s.
leI, (KEIE1eIE, BE XI IE,etOED. 'ha' 'he ei'V touRcil of 'he ti~v
of 'eal Beach. CaliforRia 60es hereby commenl aR6 honor
eA,EY IU"Et' lelEI
for achieving the rank of Eagle 'cout iR Iroop lumber 222,
Alamitos Dis'rict. tong Beach council. lov ,couts of America.
PA"ED, APPleOED AID ADep(ED bV 'he City touRcil of the ettv of
,eal Beach, california, at a aeeting thereof he16 on 'he 'hir6 6av
of ectober. liRe teen Hun6re6 aR6 Eightv-Eight.
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taR~~~'rBIS ~der 1r~~Sllo
COURcllmember Eana lilsun
I' ot SEAL 8~
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