HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3816 1988-10-03 IE,e'UtXel IUIBEI ~).?/~ I IE,e'UtXel e7 tHE CXtU ceulcx, e7 taE CXtg e7 'El' IEICH, CI'X7eRIXI, aeleRXI' lID ceIIEIDXI' IXCHIE' ,cett teRlel FeR AcaXEOXI' tHE leu ,ceUt' e7 IIEIXCA EA"~ liARD. I.ERE1" the EaBle is the highest rank a Bay 'caut can achieve; and IHEREA' , .he'Eagle A.arb is achieveb by earnins t.enty-ane aerit babges, each benating a special skill anb a series uf pruficiency levels far skills in citilenship, persunal bevelapment anb physical fitness; and IHEREAS, 'eal Beach resibent, lichael 'catt tarna., traap lumber 222, unber the leabership af leib 'etersen, has campleteb all af his Eagle 'caut requirements anb mill appear befare the Caurt af Hanar an ectaber 22, 1988 ta receive his Easle 'caut baAge; anb . I I IHEIEA" lichael began his lay 'caut activities in ectaber, 1980 .here he rapibly aaveb up in rank as .ell as leabership pasitians. At the age af 14 he leab his traap ta a first place finish in the annual 'cauting Campuree. He has been a ,eniar 'atral leaAer since that tiae. lichael has attenAeA three bifferent scaut caaps anA has been a mativating farce in helping ather scauts earn merit baAges anA attain scauting ranks. He is a member of the' prestigious erbr of the AnalD, an assaciatian uf hanarary.campers. IHEREA" lichael 'catt tarna., perfarmeA his Eagle service praject by arganiling a pragram ta callect banatians fram Callege .ark East resibents far the neeAy at 'airvielD 'tate Dev~lapment Center in Casta lesa. the praject cansisteb af ten haurs af planning anb sixty-five huurs bevateb to saliciting anb callecting banateb ite.s, anb transparting the three trucklaabs af items ta the Develapment Center. the prajech mas a great success anA the resibents of 7airvielD .ere very graUful. lei, tHEIE,eIE, IE Xt RE,e'OED that the City Cauncil af the City af 'eal leach, Califarnia, baes hereby cammenA anb hanar IXCHAE' 'Cett teRlel far achieving the rank af Eagle 'caut in traap lumber 222, Alaaitas Districh, 'ang leach Cauncil, lay 'couts of Aaerica. 'A"ED, A"Reo ED AID ADe'tED by the City Cauncil of the City af 'eal Beach, California, at a .eetins thereof helA an the thirb Aay of ectaber, line teen aunbreb anA Eighty-Eight. I J~'- Caunc laem er ran aSI a -" '-- ~t J ~'fiiI..~\", o~ . -- At'" Cauneilmember EAna I Is ~~ ~~a;~;~~~'~ l-o/,".:t-(; ~#;'."o1- 1\-0 ~.{l o 0 ~o. gc( z; - : 0 .: -I '-J,... 00 2 ~"S" "', ",'.ls; ~l1- "~'}t ,," I 0 if t,.~,,~.~t :Z7.\qoo"~1 It. C' -..00000 c.t-~ - . I"\\\~'~~~l'( . ':J