HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Res 3769 1988-03-07 the Eagle is the highest rank a 1011 'COllt can achieve; anll the Eagle alDara is achievell by earning l!1Dentll-ane merit hdBes, each Ilenating a specific skill anll series of proficiency levels far skills in citilenship, persanal 6evelapment anll phllsical fUness; anll ,eal leach resillent Rabel'!! J. KlI.rltjian, Ilrange taunl!y troop 10. 64~, l1IIller the SPDDSDtsblp of the toucetl1ell ti~il2ns of tallege 'ark Eas~, anll the leallership of ar. BarTl O. 'nllller, 'coutmaster. has CdmPletell all of his Eagle 'anlt requirueJlK aJlil 11I111 appear heflrre the taul'!! of il0lioI' to receive his EaBle Ballge; mil . IDIIEREAJ, . I18bert heBan his 11111 'toUt activities in 1984 as a member of troop 10.,642 anll has since ea1'1lell thil'!!lI-one merit ballges having sel'\lell in the capadl!y of Assistant 'atrol tealler. 'atrol 'ealler, ~rtermaster, 'enior 'atrol 'ealler, 11th KelD Zealanll Jamboree, U.'. Contingent ~rtermaster, 1988 Ilrange 1ront!ier District Campnree Chairman, Ilrller of the ArTlJ1D traininB anll tub 'toUt Dall tamp, anll has eamell seve~l spedal StoUting nulls; anll IDKElEAJ, IlHERfAl, IlHEREAJ , IDKEREAJ, IDJIEREAS , lIEJ'!lUIlI UBER ~ A IlEJIl,utX1l11l1 OlE Utg ttlllKCIt 111 OlE CItY fJ1 'EAt lEAtH, tAtUllll1UA, alllUIIG AID CIl1\lIIlEIIDIIIG RfJIERt J. IOIRKJIAII 11lR AtJlIEOIIIG OlE lIlY ,tIlUO 111 AlDERItA EAG'E MAIlD I Rabel'!!'s Eagle 'el'\lice 'roject IDas perfofllld bll pntlllDl!ing 'roject 'ME ,tAtE ,tn encol1rage llaung people in fleell tn seek sheUer anll assistance at CAlI. gauth Jhelter. there thell are offerell a place to stall, clothes, fooll, anll a lIIarm caring environment. c:mmselors lIork lDUh t!helll anll their parenl!(s) t!o salve the problelll(lf) thd causell the crisis., 'roject! 'ME ,tAtE IDas canlluct!ell in ~o phases, ~he first! part of the projec~ IDas acheivell by hanlling aut information about Casa youth 'heUer anll ,An ,tAtE in the vicinUII of ~he 'eal leach anll Jll1IIl!ingt!on leach piers, the secanll phase ar the project! IDas to have local merchants Ilispla\l 'ME "AtE signs, IDhich lias acComplish ell ~hrauRh ~he jain~ effol'!! of StoU~S anll ~he \ID11th Development 'roBram Club from 'as Alamitns High ,chool. At least ten \I011IIg people have sought! help from 'ME "AtE as a resuU of .information provUell bhraugh this project; anll Rabel'!! Ilevotell nearly 100 hours ~o ~his sel'\lice pmjec~ IDith an allllitianal 240 hours cantrihutell by his fellOlD stoUts anll ather persons assisting in this effol'!!. I la>>, tIlEREJ'fJRE, BE It RUfJt:OED ~hat the City tauncil of ~he City of 'eal leach, California. anes herebll cammenll anll honor Rill E R t J. K U R K J I A II far achieving the rank of EaBle 'caut in troop 110. 642, Ilrange 1rontier District!, Ilranne taunt!y Council, Bay 'toUts of America. 'AI'ED, Al'PRCOED AIID ADfl'tED by the CUll Coundl of the CUll of ,eal leach, c:alifornia, at a meeting t!hereof he III an the 7th Ilall of march, lIineteen Hunilrell anll !iBhtll-Eighl!. -~:-~..)~~ maliaI' Ellna milsan ~J;k- ~#~ I),'t::....:..;.....:.:.':. It. . ,~' '-. ~'.'- , . ~~~~ ~d mer Joe Hunt! I oyce RlSner .' '.". . -. '.- -:"'$.,:.. . .........